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17394877 No.17394877 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read Harry Potter? I've never bothered.

>> No.17394882

Yes, magnum opus of Anglo literature, anon.

>> No.17394893

Contrapoints told me no, it's too transphobic.

>> No.17394904

It might be satisfying to you
Though it might depress you to read of childhood wonder in your advanced age

>> No.17394907

kek, I don't watch her and I'm very economically right wing. Is breadtube worth watching at all?

>> No.17394910


>> No.17394971

>1.5 hour youtube on why you shouldn't read a fantasy book because the author said something on twitter
no thanks

>> No.17394980

KEK people unironically going crazy over HP

>> No.17394997


It is very easy to read. If anything, you might want to read it because it's a change of pace from more mature stuff, and doesn't take months to get through.

>> No.17395006

now that the dust settled yeah why not it's not offensive in its badness for a children's book

>> No.17395023

what ‘mature stuff’ takes a month to get through?

>> No.17395045
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>what ‘mature stuff’ takes a month to get through?

>> No.17395048

she didn't say not to read the books at all

although you shouldn't read them because they're shit kids books

>> No.17395055


>> No.17395141

what is 'she' saying though? give me the quick rundown cuz im not watching all that meandering lame humor shit, i've been tricked before

>> No.17395157

Unironically bothering about a HP yt review?

>> No.17395180

>Should I read Harry Potter?
No, but you could give it to your children, and maybe read along or ahead if you want to monitor what your children are reading.

>> No.17395362

sure if you are into kiddie books and want to impress girls. Kino movie btw.

>> No.17395396

It’s a quote unquote fun read if you don’t take it seriously and recognize it for what it is (ya fiction) also love me some wong kar wai is that from fallen angels?

>> No.17395469

people say it invokes demonic witchcraft but on the contrary never do they get powers from diabolical forces. It seems all magic they produce is from within their own nature

>> No.17395770

No, do not read harry Potter. It's useless to read and it's stupid.

>> No.17395779

Don't hurt your children like this.

>> No.17395801

But it's good children's literature. Though there is endless stuff they could read before.

>> No.17396165

god I want to rail hontrapoints so bad

>> No.17396188

its a fucking childrens books. no

>> No.17396200

It's not. It's unsubtle propaganda.

>> No.17396223

Fallen Angels is the most sincere movie Ive ever seen.

>> No.17396384
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Who is this absolute semen demon? Is this the start of my simp career?

>> No.17396385

only the third book maybe

>> No.17396390

Got’em boys

>> No.17396398


>> No.17396406

anon I can push my voice to my head and speak nasally too wheres my simp bucks?

>> No.17396444

So it's a children's book. Does that mean it can rouse my lost sense of childlike wonder, or does it simply mean it'd be too childish to be interesting?

>> No.17396493

Probably the latter but potentially the former. They're not difficult reading and the first books aren't that long so if you're curious you may as well give it a shot

>> No.17396511


Anon, I'm sorry, but we need to have a talk with your parents.

>> No.17396530
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>> No.17396542

I liked the first one, I felt like jk rowling got caught up in making the books more cinematic and then realized she was doing that so tried to find her original approach but it was too far gone by the end to really save the series, in my humble opinion. But again, SS is like reading Christmas on every page.

>> No.17396546
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>> No.17396674
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caught you in 4k

>> No.17396692

They're mediocre childrens stories. Their core fanbase is girls who never read anything else

>> No.17396739

Idiot. I don't even like the books but you're retarded. The "fanbase" consists of boys too.

>> No.17396917

I dont know man but they're a quick read, one should take you 3 hours or so, I've read only the volume

>> No.17396935


>> No.17398495

they're fun kid books

>> No.17398517
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yeah these kinds of boys

>> No.17398551

No, there are innumerable better books you could be reading.

>> No.17398789

I would say read Lord of the Rings instead or just try the Hobbit first. Great books

>> No.17398916

Fellow right winger here. I think she's a crypto conservative. Our at least I project her future leanings to be conservative. I watch too see her cope or watch her try to hold it together. She's p smart, I like her.

>> No.17399256

It's a solid 85% girls. I went out on the night before the 8th movie was in theaters (I didn't watch the movie, I was next door getting ice cream) and there wasn't a single boy in line out of like 100 people.

>> No.17399320

cope tranny

>> No.17399453

It's really kinda boring. Unless you want a break from a more mature genre of books, I wouldn't worry about it.