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17395683 No.17395683 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it weird that all libraries are run the same way? Why don't we see different systems?

>> No.17395693

What do you mean?

>> No.17395695

I'm poor and I asked my local library if they were taking any job applications and they looked at me like I was some shit covered untouchable caste pajeet.

>> No.17395697

i wish i was a librarian

my grandmother was one

>> No.17395709

why aren't there more homeless in this pic

>> No.17395711


Libraries with different membership criteria, different collection criteria, different floor plans, different ancillary services, different methods of organization, etc. Every library feels the same, unlike say bookstores which admit to some variation.

>> No.17395717

Does a library exist that isn't just overweight moms working there with no one actually going to get books, just homeless people and blacks using Facebook on the computers?

>> No.17395723

Must be a school library and not a public one.
Public libraries exist so homeless people can check social media

>> No.17395731

you are

>> No.17395733

>muh dewey decimal system
i spent many long happy hours in the stacks as a kid. my local neighborhood branch was super cozy and could order books to it from other branches. but yeah the main downtown branch was basically a homeless center.

>> No.17395741

there are literally shit smeared homeless people who spend all day at the library

>> No.17395755

libraries are never hiring dude

>> No.17395767

There are only a finite amount of ways you can stack books, anon. The average library is too underfunded to risk innovation upon basic operations

>> No.17395771

You would have better luck asking your local grave digger whether or not he plans on dying tomorrow and giving you the job.

>> No.17395778

would be a sick job

>> No.17395789

>The average library is too underfunded to risk innovation upon basic operations

Why don't they just offer a paid premium service to help pay for day-to-day operations. Plenty of games are free, but let rich people pay to get little extras, why not libraries?

>> No.17395792

Doesn't mean they gotta be snarky dumb cunts about it. Stupid bitch says "um, you need a degree to work here..." degree in what you stupid fucking whore? degree in being a fucking stupid dumb meatpipe hole?

>> No.17395806

Kek, good luck with the job search Anon, it's Hellish globally at this moment as far as I know.

>> No.17395807

What would you pay for? Extended borrowing times, or early access to new acquisitions?

>> No.17395814

Yeah I guess I gotta go get my degree in stacking books if I want to go anywhere in life.

>> No.17395818

libraries are just homeless shelters, and you should never visit one

>> No.17395820

lol this nigga thinks library science is about stacking books

>> No.17395825

>What would you pay for? Extended borrowing times, or early access to new acquisitions?

Both good ideas. You might also get first crack at book sales, or a free bookmark every month along with a special shiny library card. It could be anything really.

>> No.17395826

>library science

>> No.17395848


Not even to slip love letters into random books in the hopes that one fated day your beloved borrows the book and discovers how you feel about her?

>> No.17395851

go to library school

>> No.17395865


>> No.17395866

you're gonna get raped by a homeless man

>> No.17395867

I just remembered my local one has some kind of paid “Friends of the Library” membership. They also sell books that get donated to them.
So there are some financial incentives in place, but I’m not sure enough people participate to make a difference, sadly

>> No.17395875
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>"um, you need a degree to work here..."
uh bros I just graduated with a history BA- can I work in a library? It's probably gonna be minimum wage, right.

>> No.17395879
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we live in a society

>> No.17395893

I live on Long Island. I have literally never seen a homeless person in a library, and I go to one at least once a week and basically everyday during exams

>> No.17395897

>tfw couldn't do a museum curating course because I didn't have a BA in Art History and only ordinary history.

>> No.17395902


There's not enough drive to try new things. Why have no libraries experimented with home deliveries? It's such an obvious move.

>> No.17395904
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>mfw can't even be a minimum wage museum slave

>> No.17395917

I've had a scheme made up myself, I live beside James Joyces wife's childhood home which was at one point a museum but the owner seems to just open it whenever the fuck they have a whim now so I'm planning on taking that over if I can convince them when this lockdown bollocks is over.

>> No.17395919

7 years of experience minimum, that's how low I can go for you, and frankly I can't even tell you why I'm willing to go so far for nothing.

>> No.17395927

I actually looked into being a grave digger. You work through the state in whatever department deals with parks and grounds.
Pay was only like 14 an hour or something

>> No.17395931

You're too good for them, keep your chin up.

>> No.17395935

just get a really large quantity of something and then we can open a museum in the Midwest anon

>> No.17395941

no i'm going to go forest anon

>> No.17395940

Library science has more to do with archiving and documenting things rather than actually working in a library stacking books. More for research libraries and museums and stuff

>> No.17395957


Also ideological formation. Librarians are the vanguard of a better tomorrow!

>> No.17395971


>> No.17396000

The only way this kind of innovation would be possible would be if the library was privately-owned rather than funded by state/city governments, but public librarians hate privatization and do whatever they can to fight it.

>> No.17396010

ya but you need some plains anon for sheep

>> No.17396011
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why indeed

>> No.17396017

knew that would be the first reply and still lol'd

>> No.17396030

Probably, my sister works in a library and just has a bachelor's in history.

>> No.17396036

>Libraries with different membership criteria
>different collection criteria
>different floor plans
>different ancillary services
>different methods of organization
All of those things exist, try going to more than one library in your life before generalising.

>> No.17396043

I recently stopped being a librarian, partially for this reason. Everyone I worked with looked like that, were all unironically named Karen and were the absolute worst custodians of children's or really anybody's literacy. They were also hilariously tech-illiterate despite wanting to do STEM activities —public libraries' only apparent path to legitimacy, in addition to just becoming a community center that happens to have a couple of books— and I just couldn't take it any longer.

You could get in as a page or assistant or something, but no, they're not often hiring for degree'd librarian positions since they're practically sinecures —there's already someone there. You have to slink in when someone is moving away or (more rarely) simply moving on.

You absolutely should not need an MLS/MLIS degree to work in a public library. It's expensive and isn't a very common course offering, so you often end up doing it online while working unless you're like me and happen to (briefly) attend the rare specific MLS program that was near me. That degree is really only if you're becoming an academic librarian, and at this point they practically want you to have a fucking Ph.D for some of those positions. This is just a case of people wanting to academicize their book selection for preschool storytime. There is nothing you do on a daily basis at a public library that calls even a modicum of that sort of training into action.

There a limited number of old athenaeums/private libraries in the U.S. that offer mail delivery if you're a member of a certain level. Your public library can also just do this for you via ILLiad requests, although in that case the book is shipped from the uni library or wherever to your local, so you'd still have to go there and pick it up.

>> No.17396083

>You could get in
I literally couldn't anon idk if you read my posts but I got fuckin snarled at like a subhuman for not looking like I have a nondescript "degree".

>> No.17396161

You might have just gotten a cunt. I'd look at the website for your county library system and look for "careers" or "employment opportunities" or whatever.

>> No.17396198

mine hardly even have books