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File: 61 KB, 500x313, tumblr_lkhtfrTXBT1qalyq7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1739246 No.1739246 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys I run a christian magazine, we are looking for submissions of young people 14-28 about their most recent experiences in christ! I know this is a popular website for young people and I really hope we can come together and collaborate.

Please submit today!

>> No.1739255

I met Jesus yesterday for my weekly poker match with him and Chuck Norris.
I won the last round with the ace of spades, a Magic the Gathering card and the red 5 from Uno.

>> No.1739254
File: 39 KB, 240x249, nigthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds more like /b/ material.

>> No.1739258
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1734575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw when the other day, listening to a Skeptoid podcast, that Chuck Norris is a creationist retard

>> No.1739259
File: 15 KB, 249x320, Jesus Facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lawddy...

>> No.1739260


>> No.1739267

>not capitalizing Christ
you dun goofed

>> No.1739272


Hi Guys! I'm interested, how much should I write??

>> No.1739273

People actually believe they have "moments" with someone who's been dead for 2000 years?

>deluded people with too much time and imagination

>> No.1739278

ITT: Hegel, spirit

Good day, sirs

>> No.1739280

Thread relevant to my interests.

>> No.1739286

Christ murdered my mother with the weapon of cancer, killed my father in an earthquake and allowed my sister to get raped and murdered.
Also I have leprosy

>> No.1739287

christ is such a chill bro

>> No.1739312

God Tier Religions:
gnosticism, manichaeism, zen buddhism,

high tier:
nietzschean will to power atheism

shit tier:
dawkins/dennett 'science atheism'

>> No.1739367


Couldn't agree more.

>> No.1739375

wtf, you can't segregate beliefs, it's against whole idea of tolerance!

>> No.1739377

Zen Buddhist reporting in. Nothing like hours of arduous meditation practice and week-long wilderness retreats

>> No.1739391

5 star post

>> No.1739394


nice troll brah

>> No.1739404

Christianity -> D&E
Judaism -> Brownbearstein
Islam -> Anonymous

>> No.1739406

i came home from work early on friday, and caught Jesus fucking my girl-friend. on His way out, He turned the water in my aquarium to wine, and my fish died. that wasn't cool, Jesus.

>> No.1739414

>actually commit to an ideal and spend years mastering self-control

>take a quick glance over the Bible, never study shit, throw rocks at people who think differently, hate everyone

Much respect for Buddhists (not the teenager ones who just discovered that their mommy and daddy might not be correct about religion.

>> No.1739417
File: 51 KB, 600x763, atheism-reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy looky here another anti-christian atheist asshole

>> No.1739422

way to generalise bro. i'm not even religious but even i know that vapid arseholes permeate all walks of life. a lot of the Buddhist self-control shit isn't even due to their religion, but instead a by-product of living in collectivistic societies.

>> No.1739429


R.E. Buddhism: This.

>implying it's not overtly the other way around

>> No.1739437


my bad

>> No.1739455

>Buddhist self-control shit isn't even due to their religion, but instead a by-product of living in collectivistic societies

hey guys which came first the collectivisticity or the religion

>> No.1739505

Consider it the dark ages of Athiesm. Christians already had theirs no complaining or get out of the pool, you will not be missed.

>> No.1739513

Is this for real?

>> No.1739536

I was messaging my prostate last night with my boyfriend's cock and all, and what I did was, I came so hard and reached a state of buttpleasure nirvana, that I swear, I swear, I saw jesus in the drool on my pillow.

>> No.1739539



>> No.1739555

I once took a shit that I swear looked the Holy Virgin. Naturally, I plucked it out of the toilet and put it in the freezer. I still have it, anyone want pics?

>> No.1739572

Whoops, *massaging.

How embarrassing. I'm going to go punish myself with another hard dicking in honor of OP.

>> No.1739574

1) is there a website for this magazine 2) do you pay