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17390163 No.17390163 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books that will help me understand investing and finance.
no books for laymen please.

>> No.17390242

The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism

>> No.17390245


>> No.17390252

>is a layman
>"no books for layman please"

>> No.17390261

>tfw made over 100k in a week

The world really is for the lucky huh

>> No.17390281


>> No.17390305

GME nigga are u sleeping under a rock
Go invest now

>> No.17390314


>> No.17390315


>> No.17390320

you know that selling $100k of gains doesn't mean you made $100k in a week, right?

>> No.17390326

Bitch you know what I meant

>> No.17390328

don't blow it all on funkopops cuz biden's gonna want a big cut of that come tax time

>> No.17390331

What the fuck is wrong with /biz/? This is a literature board, anon. Why people keep coming here asking for such things?

>> No.17390345
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>For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul?

>> No.17390347

Fortunately Im not a burger

>> No.17390353

no, I don't. If you make $100k / week that's over $5 mil a year. You don't make that. If you meant to say, "in one extremely lucky week, I gained $100k (btw. let's ignore the other adjacent weeks....)" then sure

>> No.17390365

Nigga go fuck some bitches

>> No.17390375

uh, how?

>> No.17390644


>> No.17390665


>> No.17390688
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>> No.17390714


>> No.17390728

>I'm a layman who thinks I'm smart
>entertain my delusions please

>> No.17390735

Imagine being a reddit NPC who tanks the economy when his programming tells him to.

>> No.17390746

Imagine using buzzwords and thinking you're smarter than you are

>> No.17390949

The Four Pillars of Investing
if you are smart enough it explains basically everything you need

>> No.17390999

go to biz, were they will give you a better idea of what books to get

>> No.17391113

Learn about the finance markets, how to read company reports and how to evaluate companies and stocks. Listen to some lectures on Youtube, read articles on websites like Seeking Alpha, follow the news and start by investing a small amount. Probably get some good finance study book but I don't know one in english right now.
And I wouldn't buy GME right now. When they crash (which I guess will happen eventually) it will demoralize you a lot.

>> No.17391196

Imagining caring about an economy that can be tanked by redditors buy gamestop stock. I think I'm going to buy a copy of Das Kapital or something because you guys are fags.

>> No.17391231

how did gamestop absolutely crush expectations like that? it looked like another shitty retail chain getting smoked by the internet. sure, at this point a lot of it is hype, but there had to be something real there at the beginning, what was it?

>> No.17391234
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>> No.17391238

Buy stock in something and then email Elon Musk; asking him to tweet about the company you just invested in.

>> No.17391260

It's a destructive and accelerationist gesture. This is as close as the People will get to gasing kike street, but at what cost?

>> No.17391274

oh i see, some finance guys used an army reddit plebs to force a short squeeze on some hedge fund chuds, neat but you don't want to be the guy stuck holding the bag lmao

>> No.17391287

As far as I understand it Gamestop was sold short for a long time now, meaning people borrowed stocks from others for a fee to then sell them again, thinking that they'll be able to buy them back for a lower price at a later point in time. Then news came out that there might be some deals in the direction of ecommerce. Smaller investors jumped on it and pushed the price upwards. The price rising now causes the short sellers to panic and to rebuy the stocks they sold at a higher price, causing a short squeeze.

>> No.17391319

>implying God hates the retail traders putting usurers out of business.

>> No.17391323
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>> No.17391848

I have no idea whats going
Guide me to a place I can learn please

>> No.17392286

If you say you made $5 mil a year that means you make $500 mil a century, so no, you didn't make $5 mil a year, you made $5 mil in a extremely lucky 525600 minute long period of time out of 100 years.

>> No.17392296

It’s a different, but more malignant, variant of /biz/ pump and dumps on shit coins that they’ve been doing for a decade.

>> No.17392366

Trading for a Living by Alexander Elder

>> No.17392403

You need the foundation of understanding the free market economics (whether you like the idea or not, this is the basis of all prices - you may account for government price interventions when appropriate *after* establishing this basis). If you skip economics you would be just learning a bunch of cheap tricks which *will* stop working with changing economics conditions (like investing in housing was historically very profitable - because the population was rising dramatically so there was a simple need for more houses - not so much anymore).
Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State is the best in-depth treaty of real-world economics there is, and their Austrian theory of business cycles also directly applies to long term price fluctuations.
Learning economics will not make you an investor, you'll need more specialized materials for that, but it is a necessary prerequisite - people who say otherwise just want to relieve a novice investor from his money; be warned that it's dog eat dog over here.

>> No.17392766


>> No.17392769

Holy cope

>> No.17393597

I didn't know Rothbard wrote a more general economics book. Thank you, Based Lib.

>> No.17393614


>> No.17393627

I dont think there is even a book about options or derivatives or any of that.
They dont want you to make it.
In fact they might make it all illegal to retail investors thanks to reddit.

>> No.17393629

Holy shit you’re a fag lmao

>> No.17393638

he never said 100k/week (per week), he said IN a week, retard

>> No.17393894

I know. That's the part that makes it stupid lol. It doesn't matter how much you make in a single week, it matters how much you make over time -- anyone can sell X months/years worth of earnings in an instant and "make" 100k in a week. "Make" doesn't really mean much in the stock market until you realize the gains, and realization always is a single moment. I think you're the one who's possibly, dare I say, retarded.

>> No.17393942

Idk about making it illegal to retail investors. I do think that there’s gonna be a round of arrests though once they trace back who is behind all this.

>> No.17393996 [DELETED] 

oh yes, democrats are definitely going to use it as an excuse to stop poor and middle class people from directly investing. you will have to go through a credentialed "advisor" in the future who will of course skim a percentage.

>> No.17393999

invest in my cock and balls please

>> No.17394014 [DELETED] 

they might put cash requirements like they do for algorithmic trading, on ameritrade u need 250k account to trade programmatically

>> No.17394521
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>> No.17394528
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Sure. I'm betting on a "short"

>> No.17395405

This shit shows how painfully bourgeois pol is

>> No.17395413

Go back to the gulag commie, respect your capital overlords

>> No.17395415

using the word bourgeois is peak trust fund faggot

>> No.17395424

>leftypol tries to call out pol

>> No.17395428
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Its a growth stock I swear

>> No.17395429

>books that will help me understand
>not for laymen please
shiggy diggy

>> No.17395447

this exposes the volatility and fragility of the american economic system. the stock market doesnt reflect reality and is built on a bunch of jew yorkers gambling. pure speculation, easily manipulated by even fucking reddit. no basis in material or labor

>> No.17395475
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>> No.17395520

Taleb's books, but his strategy boils down to
>buy bunch of call options
>use any options that moon

>> No.17395548

>lurk /biz/
>they say gme is going to go to the moon
>get in at 9
>have bills to pay
>cash out at 20
>100% increase
>think it’s pretty good
>wake up three weeks later
>Reddit memed the stock to 363$
Should I just rope myself now?

>> No.17395557

you aren't at a loss at least

>> No.17395598

idk anything about this because i don't have money and haven't been following the story, all i know is my lib friends are freaking out about gamergate nazis wrecking the economy

>> No.17395601

the jews got jew'd

>> No.17395673

Cringe no

>> No.17395704

hindsight is irrelevant. ask yourself whether you could have known better at the time, and if the answer is "no" you did everything correctly. you're not supposed to cling to your stocks against your better judgement, that's the way you ruin yourself.

>> No.17395744

>old men running investment firms make safe bet that GameStop is going to go bankrupt during a pandemic and the rise of Amazon
>dude who thinks he can make GameStop compete with Amazon invests with new plan for company
>new consoles drop
>GameStop stock is healthy
>the gamble the old men took starts timing out (e.g. stock will be at x price by y date and you make the difference between the current price and the bet price)
>old men are forced to buy GameStop stock by contract at current price and start losing money
>Reddit has a sub about making wild yolo bets called r/wallstreetbets
>wallstreetbets loves their memes
>masses start pumping money into GameStop at the same time that old men are forced to buy the stock
>price skyrockets from 20 bucks to 363 a share
>old men are losing money stockpiled by investment firms
>investment firm money is actually boomer 401ks
>if things keep going this route those companies are the ones that are going to go bankrupt
>possible new start of economic collapse
>actual masses taking money from the rich to pay off medical debt
It’s pretty neat stuff. Still pissed I sold at 20.

>> No.17395766

its called day trading, and your the retard

>> No.17395827

Yeah. I suppose I was prudent about it.

>> No.17396013

I guarantee they didn't make $100k in a week day trading without also losing comparable amounts in other weeks and not mentioning it

>> No.17396101

Look up the intro to finance syllabus at some elite university, and get the textbook they use.

>> No.17396133

wrong, selling too early is a classic fuck up, even buffet bitches about doing it himself. it's a form of loss aversion. "oo i can't believe that went up so fast, better sell it before it goes back down!". ironically people are more likely to hold losing stocks hoping they go back up to avoid a loss than to hold winning stocks that are actually going up.

>> No.17396152


>> No.17396158

They don't seem to produce competent people.

>> No.17396263

>middle class people’s 401ks are the rich
>Wall Street banking clans still making money hand over fist and are now buying the funds portfolios for pennies on the dollar
‘Grats, you were a useful idiot and fucked up other working class people while allowing the top .1% to further consolidate their stranglehold on money and assets. You sure showed those piggies! Oink oink oink

>> No.17396292

if you put your 401k money in some lame ass fund that takes short positions beyond the amount of shares available, i really don't know what to tell you dude. people who put their shit in some vanguard index are completely unaffected by this shit.

>> No.17396321

>“I really think at this point it calls upon the regulators, in this case, the New York Stock Exchange, to consider simply suspending it for a month and stop trading it,” William Galvin, the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, told Barron’s. “These small and unsophisticated investors are probably going to get hurt by this.”

Right. I'm sure he's really worried about the "small and unsophisticated investor", and not the hedge fund fucktards who got their ass handed to them.

>> No.17396331

You are going to be crying when you have to pay taxes out the ass when they bail them out you dumb commie

>> No.17396336

Invest in memes and reject book learning

>> No.17396351

>middle class
you mean petit-bourgeois scum. who cares about them.

>> No.17396353

>he doesn't invest by way of animal spirits


>> No.17396361

>hey man if you didn’t protect yourself from an illegal pump and dump scheme idk what to tell you
Full disclosure I do not play the stonks I follow it for fun but if you don’t see the problem with the above you’re just as corrupt as the people you THINK you’re owning.

Also, if you pay attention to the part at the end where I said firms are being forced to fire sale their portfolios then you would understand how this COULD actually cause a general stock market crash INCLUDING vanguards. It’s all connected anon, there is no neat and clean little segment of the economy whose gross manipulation won’t have massive ripple effects.

>> No.17396367

you're middle class fucking retard lol

>> No.17396369

Ok tankie

>> No.17396417

you'll get better advice in finance discords or befriending financebros desu, these books are largely useless, Antifragile was kinda helpful, use tradingview and options profit calculator and learn how to script in python and pine
t. made 60k yesterday and another 10 this morning

>> No.17396421 [DELETED] 

if firms are forced to fire sale their portfolios then i will be picking up a lot of bargains. if you have no skin the game, why don't you just shut your consumption hole.

>> No.17396435
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>> No.17396443

nice goalpost movement

>> No.17396447
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middle class is an informal and flexible categorization of people, they can be proletarians or salaried professionals or academics or petit-bourgeois or sports players or etc.. Petit-bourgeois however is a specific material categorization based on a person’s relationship to the productive forces of a society, a petit-bourgeois person is a small capitalist (small business-owner). You are a poor marxist

>> No.17396456

>nooo! if billionaire traders don't win every time it will be bad for the little guy!
imagine feeling sorry for the losses of some short selling hedge fund fuckups and then concern trolling about people's diversified retirement portfolios. you are truly a useful idiot.

>> No.17396644

I'm not moving the goalposts, I'm explaining that hitting the existing goalposts doesn't mean anything. It's quite easy to do.

>> No.17396663

Terrible advice

>> No.17396686

No i'm a rebel

>> No.17396701

You don’t know what a hedge fund or a 401k portfolio is do you? It’s often a collection of smaller investors pooling assets also there is probably a lot of private investors who shorted GameStop too, it was a prudent move not accounting for the blatant fraud. The billionaires are the guys at the go between financial markets front running all the bets with HFTs and buying off the portfolios of these other small to medium sized investors for pennies on the dollar. Oh and by the way Dow is down 600+ points so this is now into the territory of fucking up people with even very conservative retirement funds from all walks of life.

You fell for scammer propaganda you did not bust predatory trusts. There’s also nothing inherently immoral about a short position in the first place, I don’t know where this sentiment came from, but it’s just absurd.

>> No.17396711

A Random Walk Down Wall Street

>> No.17396756

>You don’t know what a hedge fund or a 401k portfolio is do you?

do you? most hedge funds have minimum investments in the millions. a 401k just lets you avoid paying taxes until you retire, the investment strategy you use for the funds in your 401k is your choice. did you get your opinions about this from the tv or something? your faux concern that just happens to align with the interests of the elite reeks of cnn.

>> No.17396780

>Dow is down 600+ points
the dow is down because boeing shit the bed on earning and biden signed a bunch of environmental executive orders today. gamestop's market cap even at the current inflated price is only 25 billion. to put that in perspective amazon and apple are trillion dollar companies. oh shit, apple just smashed earnings as i type this not surprising considering how killer those new m1 chips are

>> No.17396812
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The important investigation here is not what immediate material impact this phenomenon will have on the economy (little) but instead what this phenomenon represents in a broader dialectical context. Both the dialectical materialist and the hegelian alike should be keen to investigate why such a phenomenon occurred precisely at the time where memes have peaked unlike ever before in social stock and influence as well as during a global pandemic——and notice, too, the fundamentally uncanny resemblance between the meme, the virus, and information in general. More than even 2016 or the Arab Spring, it's a testament to the fact that we are operating within the information regime, whose logics are as of yet not fully deciphered, but are in a fundamental way have even surpassed what Baudrillard and De Bord described.

Accelerationists rejoice! Hitherto, the utilization of abstract capital against itself has remained purely rhetorical and theoretical. For the first time we have an image of what accelerationist praxis might look like, fully detached from Old Left material gains, fully detached from real life organizing. Seeing everyone react online positively to this insane piece of history proves further Fisher's claim that "we are all already accelerationists."

But, as my ML friend pointed out, "for who" is this action organized? This money will remain in the market, capital will simply shift hands into RobinHood to be reinvested. But for the smart accelerationist this is not the point of this exercise, but rather to legitimize the notion that one could utilize capital in its current form to disrupt its own functioning. Beware those who will see this event and attempt to simply reinvest this money into "ethical" corporations or movements: these are the people who truly are achieving nothing.

This phenomenon will be attempted to be replicated by trolls, accelerationist groups, and actual brokers alike. A small group of even half competent programmers will attempt to set up a system that sniffs out shorts and meme it into another craze. Going forward it will be of extreme interest to see how successful these attempts are, how the public continues to react to total deteritorialization, and how memes will merge with capital.

>> No.17396825

If you want to understand why people are willing to work shit jobs for 40 hours a week. Its not so related to retail investing.

>> No.17396833

>clueless retard watching the world pass by dribbles some german jargon

didn't read lol

>> No.17396854

people with a work ethic don't do the minimum amount of work to scrape by in life aka "40 hours"

>> No.17396855

People should be more mindful where they are putting their 401k and savings. Thats what happens when you dont manage your own money.

What makes it illegal exactly? Is it any less illegal than Boomer Joe on Boomer Joe Investment Help show on Fox telling boomers to buy a specific oil company?

>> No.17396866

Have you read the book anon?

>> No.17396870

>Is it any less illegal than Boomer Joe on Boomer Joe Investment Help show on Fox telling boomers to buy a specific oil company?
Right. If Cramer or whoever tells everyone to buy Shopify and then momentum guys all pile on how is that different than some guy on Reddit telling you to buy Gamestop?

>> No.17396871

glad these jew scumbags got fucked in the ass instead of them fucking us in the ass. hope the melvin capital ceo has to suck dick in a cardboard box

>> No.17396883

They're about to go bankrupt. Can't say I'm shedding any tears for Mr. (((Plotkin)))

>> No.17396886

yes, have you?

>> No.17396891

that billionaire who bought the mets is going to bail him out apparently lol

>> No.17396897

that or the US government will bail them out.

>> No.17396906 [DELETED] 

no it won't, they didn't bail out the people who got ripped off by madoff. they banking system collapsing is a lot different from a few rich guys getting smoked via hubris.

>> No.17396915

the government had mandated giving bad housing loans to people and the whole banking system was going to collapse, that's significantly different than a few rich guys losing lame bets even if they are big bets

>> No.17396920
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Books won't help you understand this. Economists have spent the past 4 decades being BTFO by behavioural psychologists of all people (Daniel Kahneman for instance - Thinking fast and slow, pretty good if you can spot the dodgy bits), and now retail traders. Previously economics often assumed rational actors, nothing that happened with GME could be predicted through "rational" indicators. Economics books probably won't explain algorithmic trading that bases it's data heavily on sentiment analysis, but that's what's up and coming for the market.

In the future we'll see even more of this cynical ideology that Zizek talks about within the realm of retail traders - knowing exactly what and why you're doing something, but nonetheless embracing that negative cause. In this case, retail traders suggest that their actions are a rebellion against a financial services industry that seeks to fuck them over. And so knowing this, they do not change their behaviour, but embrace it more strongly, engaging in the same desperate hunt for money as the hedgies. The future will see retail investors becoming more ingrained in the system - opening their own hedge funds, WSB mutual funds, activist investors, etc. Grim times, dunning-kruger wagies that don't know what a stop loss is are trying to short GME, them and the bulls will have both gotten fucked within 3 days

>> No.17396971


Non-laymen books in economics are actually stupid. They would never predict this because even standard statistical physics that any undergrad learns in between their fapping sessions can top their ludicrous premises about the rational agency of market players. What is happening with GME stocks is a collective phenomenon and the economic currents who actually do mathematical models regarding this kind of event are still considered to be fringe and only appear in some of the more recent peer reviewed papers.

>> No.17396987

every finance book ever covers the so called "short squeeze" it' just it rarely happens which is why it's news now

>> No.17397001

I know this has been memed to death, but is there actually anything of value in this book?

>> No.17397015

40 hours isnt a 'minimum required to scrape by'. Its an average for people with a good career.

>> No.17397017

just torrent that that yale class on negotiations that was on coursera or w/e if u want know how deals are done

>> No.17397040

40 hours is the legal maximum before overtime kicks in for waged labor is what it is, salaried positions are under no obligation or expectation to average 40 hours, and it goes without saying entrepreneurs have no limit on what they can work other than their biology

>> No.17397071

The difference is those guys can’t be holding any bags on what they are pushing. Same goes with guys who give legal sports gambling advice. A sports radio host just got pinched for manipulating the betting markets on his own personal bets recently

Look it’s spelled out by the SEC https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-bulletins/ia_rumors.html

>> No.17397073

How the fuck can something like Gamestop ever be valued that high when the business itself clearly isn't that successful?

>> No.17397088

because there were more people shorting it than there were shares available

>> No.17397094

because the short sellers needed to buy 260% of the stock back

>> No.17397095

it's a pump and dump

>> No.17397096

You better not learn what a meme the stock market is, it will turn you into a very cynical person.

>> No.17397109

>The difference is those guys can’t be holding any bags on what they are pushing.
ok fair enough, and i wouldn't be surprised if some of the pseudonymous ppl in wallstreetbets turn out to be finance pros even tho they pretend to be babe in the woods yokels

>> No.17397120

not exactly, it's actually a "short squeeze" which is considered legit

>> No.17397170

Yeah technically those guys shilling shit coins and stonks are breaking the law if they are hodling. But, I imagine most of the time they didn’t get pinched because it was too small of a scam overall and too tedious to track them down. This time is different. There will probably be prosecutions when all is said and done. Mostly because it’s a threat to the overall stability to the market and faith in financial institutions.

>> No.17397173

power to the players indeed

>> No.17397183

>american pensions are tied to a volatile system that is able to be manipulated by redditors

god damn mutts must live in fucking hell

>> No.17397188

You're living in our Hell too, Pierre. If the American economy crashes so does the world's.

>> No.17397199

if it frees us from your grip in the long run, i'll accept the sacrifice

>> No.17397202

People who suggest this to beginners have their own circle in hell.

>> No.17397205

this isn't the first short squeeze in history dude it's just the first one that became a meme, nothing is going to happen

>> No.17397211

You could work all your life or earn that much in a milisecond. This society is fucked...

>> No.17397217

>value investing classic with contemporary commentary to aid new investors
uh, and what would you suggest instead?

>> No.17397227

Roca Barea absolutely BTFO'd this pamphlet

>> No.17397230
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I know fuck all about economics/finance. But why are all these journous and rich people in panic?

Didn't they make a bet against GameStop? Why are people so surprised now that they got fucked? Shouldn't have betted in the first place. From what I understand, these companies produce absolutely nothing of real value.

It seems to me that they're losing. Can they really crash the market?

>> No.17397235

>Roca Barea
>She works as secondary school teacher

>> No.17397241

Graham doesn't explain how to read the sheets/tables at all, for starters. I don't know what's a good book for a beginner is but certainly not the IS, that one should be tackle once you learned the basics. Not to mention it's outdated and old, even with "contemporary commentary" that is 10 (?) years old.

>> No.17397246

marx all of a sudden makes sense

>physical laborer breaks his back for minimum wage
>redditor sitting on his ass becomes millionaire overnight because dumb luck and memes


>> No.17397250

Way more honest than being a Uni teacher

>> No.17397257

>But why are all these journous and rich people in panic?
>Didn't they make a bet against GameStop? Why are people so surprised now that they got fucked?
because the bet has an theoretical infinite downside that is never realized, but it is now.

>> No.17397258

This is why brains always prevail over brawn.

>> No.17397269

What are the regular bet margins for these companies anyway? If they win the bet I mean. They have to be way under 1%, no?

What happens now then? Will this really go forward to court? Will redditors unironically get fucked?

>> No.17397270

working for a guaranteed instantly paid wage is very low risk. very low risks have very low rewards. it's not rocket science.

>> No.17397296

>thousands of redditors coordinate on wallstreetbets
>identify stocks that are being heavily shorted
>redditors collectively buy up a bunch of shares in those stocks, so as to orchestrate a short squeeze.

>> No.17397310

Value of stock =/= value of company

>> No.17397314

One or two hedge funds going bankrupt isn’t an economic collapse, retard. 30 guys in Manhattan gotta find a job somewhere else, oh well

>> No.17397317

its going to correct itself eventually. unless they manage to sell within this window that stock's not going to remain nearly as valuable

>> No.17397325

Well yeah, the hedge funds is REQUIRED to buy.

>> No.17397335

sucks to be them, i guess they should have thought about that first, but hey when you're always the smartest guys in the room why think

>> No.17397337

This whole shit is so fucking disgusting.
I have a degree in an incredibly complex STEM field and I understand jack shit about all of this.

>> No.17397349

jim simons greatest algorithmic trading quant of all time has a math phd

>> No.17397367

there is nothing to understand
>guy A borrows stocks from guy B and sells them, knowing they'll be cheaper when he needs to return them
>guy C finds out, buys all the stock he can, knowing that guy A has to buy them to pay back guy B

>> No.17397379

An autist predicted this
>The mark of the financial crisis is of this same law of laws. Here even currency exhausts itself, instantly debased and then reevaluated to a law without grounding. The currency which loses all value must be replaced by many currencies. The economy, what little is left of it, effectively escapes and is replaced by what is nothing more than a phantasiespiel of financial representation - the speculative value of speculative value, and the aestheticization of theory. The end of values is the death of even the symbolic.

>This is where cryptocurrency appears and also essentially what it is, the law of non-laws, a non-currency that must use the image of gold to even be considered as potential currency. In reality it has no use other than a final exhaustion of technical systems, it is the lowest of all possible value elevated into a value - which accounts for it being the most wasteful practise in history. An incredible sacrifice of quickly depleting resources must be exhausted simply to maintain the belief in currency. It is the final burst of economic theory before a great shift of eras and founding of new laws. It is effectively the decaying dust of the Twin Towers. The betrayal of law is written into the very name: a currency which holds an unknown loyalty to other laws. Total wealth of dead value.

>> No.17397398

Does nobody know about stop-loss and buy-loss or something??!

>> No.17397420

>crypto ramblings by some pseudy douche
not sure how that's relevant

>> No.17397432


>> No.17397528


>> No.17397562

Will this crash the market?

>> No.17397582

>/pol/ elects the President and creates new right wing political movement
>reddit games the stock market and bankrupts a hedge fund

I'm impressed. Don't mess with neckbeards.

>> No.17397586

Someone typed this out
Someone thought this thought, typed it, revised it for grammar, and said, yeah, this sounds good, this is an intelligent contribootion to the stream of collective consciousness

>> No.17397591

/pol/ alone didnt elect trump, they just influenced the internet narratives and created the qanon conspiracies. the reasons for electing trump were already there though. /biz/ played a role in this op too btw

>> No.17397627

How big of a happening is this?

>> No.17397636

lmao the capitalists are so fucking scared right now they shut down wall street bets

>> No.17397637

Probably the biggest thing in the financial market since the 2008 crash.

Get ready because 4chan is about to be royally fucked.

>> No.17397644

Explain how this has anything to do with 4chan.

>> No.17397648

I remember that. Great thread.

>> No.17397651

Holy shit they got banned for "hate speech" LMAO

>> No.17397655

Well, they already shut down the subreddit (with over 2 million people) where this took place.

Regulation and censorship will soon follow. 4chan is no exception. They cannot allow this to happen again.

>> No.17397657


>> No.17397658

/biz/ participated in it

>> No.17397667

they shut down wsb. the elites already hate this place because of /pol/ and the "alt right" so they'll try hard to get rid of it

>> No.17397669

None of that matters. These websites have now become a "de facto" threat for most Hedge funds engaging in these transactions.

They will never allow it.

>> No.17397678

"laymen" books are fine as long as you read a shitton of them and get a feel for what's bullshit and what's not. most important thing is constantly keeping up with the market, news, reading articles and gaining general experience

>> No.17397686

Nothing of consequence will happen.

>> No.17397690

I don't think you know what de facto means.

>> No.17397696

gg no re

>> No.17397710
File: 163 KB, 500x557, all-you-commies-can-suck-on-10-57281295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The damage you people are going to cause is immeasurable. I'm talking average joe's all over the country logging into their bank accounts only to find out all of their funds are gone because the banks gambled them away. This is what you want? These hedge funds lost billions of OTHER peoples money, they never get personally effected by this sort of ordeal. Think about who you're really fucking over, let that sink in. Hedge funds represent REAL people. It's not all just made up numbers on a screen.

HR just sent the entire company a very somber email. Our pensions were all managed by Melvin Capital. We've lost everything and it looks like nothing is recoverable. I just lost 10 years of retirement savings. Hedge funds hurt the people that use them like normal employee pension plans. The government needs to stop in and bail them out. SEC must investigate and prevent collusion like this. Halt the stock and refund the last week's worth of trades. Do it tomorrow Biden

>> No.17397726

maybe hedge funds shouldnt gamble with peoples retirement funds

wtf is wrong with your shit country

>> No.17397733

Why the fuck are hedge funds shortselling?
Should be taken to court.

>> No.17397741

I know that this is pasta. But imagine living in a country where retirement pensions are managed by private companies.

>> No.17397757

Rumors of GME going to the moon because of shorts has been circulating on /biz/ for months now while WSB was jerking it over Tesla. They’re the reason it mooned, but the original DD was done on 4chan.

>> No.17397765

So youre telling me of I listened to biz Id be rich rn...

>> No.17397766

>desperately trying to make 4chan look relevant


>> No.17397791
File: 15 KB, 190x266, moniepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get how the stock market works for the most part but I still don't understand how money can just poof out of thin air like that. It always struck me how amazing and a little insulting it is for someone with a lot of money to just press a button to buy stocks, and then have those stocks jump massively, sell them off and have x times as much money. If it's that easy, it really feels as though there really is a peasant underclass who toils and sweats and worries about making rent for purely arbitrary reasons.

I know real investing takes real work and lots of planning and strategy goes into making big plays. Still the effort invested is completely disproportionate to the reward.

The whole original idea of a stock is to own a portion of a corporation. In theory it's supposed to reflect the company's earning potential, based on all kinds of discredited mumbo-jumbo about the Invisible Hand of the market magically computing the company's approximate value through spontaneous order as per Hayek . And perhaps this is true in a sane market system where the real economy is put first and financialization second. It is increasingly clear that nobody cares about the earnings potential of the company. Speculation used to be this thing that was looked down upon but now it is seen as the thing that badasses do to make obscene amounts of money overnight. It just underscores how disconnected from reality the stock market has become.

>> No.17397795

It's a pasta

>> No.17397799

The thing is: the gains you consider immense and enough to last you a lifetime are just a droplet in the big market, something that is exchanged every minute.

>> No.17397801

since you seem like a moron here's an example you can relate to: you buy some old nintendo game on ebay for $5, then some retard goes on a podcast and tells zoomers the game is a classic and everyone should get a copy, you go back on ebay and sell the same game for $50, did you just "create" $45 out of thin air? god people on /lit/ really are not very smart

>> No.17397805

>how money can just poof out of thin air like that

It's not out of thin air. It's from dumb investors (the people who buy the stock from the manipulators).

>> No.17397823

>the people who buy the stock from the manipulators
in this case the short sellers had no choice but to buy it haha that's why they tell people to be careful with shorts since you could have infinite losses. at least the most an equity can do is go to zero, but a short could go to infinite

>> No.17397828

Your whole premisse is wrong. Money has no intrinsic value.

>> No.17397830

If you're engaging in short selling, you're running a risk and you know you're running a risk.

>> No.17397835

some kind of "Money and Banking" textbook
if you don't see math in it, it's probably a bad book

>> No.17397838

>you know you're running a risk
Unless you are a retarded hedge fund

>> No.17397840
File: 1.27 MB, 1437x1851, 1611778361253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read investopedia articles and toss money at it. make some spreadsheets to see how different inputs affect outputs with different financial instruments.
also: buy GME and sell at 1488
buy LINK and never sell
genuine advice

>> No.17397846

>you're running a risk and you know you're running a risk.
yes and that's why i cry no tears for "melvin capital" or whoever

>> No.17397852

Alright folks. I’ll explain what really happened in non-trolling terms. Discord is going to be in a lot of trouble now for bribery charges.

I have spoken to a Discord employee (will not post screenshots or the username though to protect the confidentiality of the person) and they said r/wallstreetbets was banned because of a fraud investigation going on. As such, they were also paid a certain and a significant amount by a certain company (or companies) to stay silent and ban wsb from Discord. They were not banned for hate speech and other random reasons. That is just a pretense and a lie they’re selling to cater to the liberals, obviously. It’s a scary lie too.

This happened around 6:40 EST, while at the same time GME also dropped significantly. The correlation cannot be more obvious than before, as Discord was paid a huge amount for this to happen.

What’s next? I suppose this post is going to be removed for “spreading misinformation”. For the mods or some Discord employee to remove my post, ask yourself this. Are you going to keep working/supporting a company that just committed fraud and bribery to ban a server that was just having fun, attacking these disgusting rich hedge fund managers destroying many different companies?

This is the only time I’ll ever post seriously but there you have it+

>> No.17397856

how is this shit not gambling

>> No.17397859

It is. All securities are. What's your point?

>> No.17397872


>> No.17397873

>owning businesses is gambling
well when you put it like that, having job is basically gambling because you might get a raise or you might get laid off without your last check

>> No.17397882

Why do you mash your stupid ogre fingers on the keyboard? Stop trying to communicate with normal people holy fuck

>> No.17397885

This is why leftists shouldn't invest

>> No.17397889
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Unironically this book about how bees communicate via dancing when they want to move their hives. The bees go off in all directions, and if they find a good spot, they come back and dance the directions. Competing bees all dance different directions and as bees "vote," finally enough are dancing one way and they all go that way. That's what's happening now. People are coordinating to buy stocks via essentially a bee dance and if you watch how they are dancing, follow where the group is going and aren't the last to cash out, you will make bank.

>> No.17397899

Glad to see some scumbag trust fund billionaire who never worked an honest day in his life get crushed by some autists who made big money in the process.

>> No.17397913

kek that was my first thought too, but I'm assuming he means something that would elevate him from a layman in a serious way
eg, a pop science book vs. an introductory textbook

>> No.17397929

Maybe. You're looking at 1000% profit if you bought in over a month ago. Even yesterday, it would have "only" been a 3-400% profit

>> No.17397951

Why are you equating a physical object like game cartridge to an entirely speculative non-physical thing like a stock. A stock is closer to a dollar bill than it is to a game cartridge

>> No.17397968

He's clearly trying to explain where the money came from.

>> No.17397969


>> No.17397977

Get a life chud

>> No.17397980

The amount of misinformation in this thread is astonishing, but shouldn't be surprised to see it in 2021.

If you think a fucking subreddit is somehow driving the price of a stock you might just be insane. Absolutely not what is happening.

>> No.17397989

Enlighten us then

>> No.17397991

You are literally retarded, do you honestly think Gamestop stock represents the fucking economy? There's about $20 billion dollars to be drained from this fiasco, go get you a piece or shut the fuck up

>> No.17398004

What is there to enlighten? A few firms got caught sleeping with their massive short positions and some other firms saw an opportunity to eat them alive which is pretty much what is happening.

If you think some reddit NEETs with their 5k positions is driving the price in any way you are insane. It's not exactly retail buying blocks of 5k or 10k at $300+

>> No.17398008

WSB has time and again driven the price of stocks for a variety of reasons. Many times the shut off was tripped. This is an extreme example of the retards over there memeing reality into existence. You must have fertile soil to let plants grow, the things you are implying were there beyond what the sub can do, but they took full advantage of it.

>> No.17398012

I see no distinction between what you posted and the aggregate of this thread. Don't @

>> No.17398021

Buying a $350 meme stock? How much higher do you honestly think it can go up

>> No.17398036

You can maybe drive up the price of a few small stocks with low volume, though GME has a fairly low volume it still isn't enough to drive it.

Look at the biggest owners of stock in GME, Blackrock, Fido, Scion et al. They all sit on 2million plus shares and have been for a while. If you think fucking WSB retards going in with 5k is driving the price you are insane. Although they are inadvertently being a part of the price going up because all their orders are being front run. It's pretty crazy how it has been made up to be some poor neets on reddit vs billionaire hedge funds when in reality it's just hedge funds vs hedge funds. Blackrock probably made 2,5 billion on their stock that they own alone. Who knows how much a firm like Citadel is making, but it's higher than whatever Blackrock is making that's for sure.

Kill yourself retard.

>> No.17398050

All the puts haven't even expired yet. The sky is the limit after friday.
That's true, but those big bois aren't doing shit. Sure it's all big money behind it, but the catalyst, the active participant in causing the madness was a bunch of 4chan /biz/ shitposters convincing idiots in wsb to yolo. Which is fucking hilarious.

>> No.17398053
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>> No.17398058

Not sure why you keep insisting wsb is full of literal basement dwellers when redd*t is the most normie website outside facebook and pornhub

>> No.17398075

Nah you don't get it, meme magic is real.

>> No.17398077

>All the puts haven't even expired yet. The sky is the limit after friday.
This is not true because they are not naked puts. And you can bet your ass most if not all have already covered by now which means they just expire by Friday.

You do realize that every single order is being front run, right? And since they front run they also place side bets. They basically profit from selling to you at a higher price while also market making on calls that you pay premiums on as well, all the while they own the stock to cover.

>> No.17398084

Normies that are completely clueless to finance, the perfect food.

No, it really isn't.

>> No.17398085
File: 312 KB, 1011x748, 1611793300867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's really happening is a disinfo campaign spiraling out of control. They interwove their lies with truth. For example, there were more shorts than there were outstanding stocks, but there isn't any evidence that these shorts have to pay out friday, except for two large hedge funds: melvin capital and chitron. The damage being dealt to these hedge funds is real, but they don't even own a majority of the shorts. This is just the first major pump and dump taking advantage of the reddit and 4chan. The best play here is to just keep scalping the volatility.
If you hold till friday, you'll find yourself jewed

>> No.17398087

This week I learned I am a weak man. I was full of jealousy, grief, and greed. I regret selling at 20. If I was ever given the life of opulence I would be my own self ruin. My virtue is based in my poverty and my acts of kindness to others is based out of this too.

>> No.17398090


>> No.17398107

How much did you make?

>> No.17398110

humans didn't evolve to deal with the sort of power that complex societies give to their elite, our morality is not calibrated for it

>> No.17398116

I don't know is who to trust anymore. Is it all a meme?

>> No.17398120

Trust the great Masters of literature, who inhabited a world relatively free of our tech-addled delusions

>> No.17398122

It's not 150% of outstanding stocks because every share that is sold short creates another long share in the float which can then be lent again. What you have is a 150% interest in shorting

Now, one can argue that maybe you shouldn't be allowed to resell shorts but that's another discussion

>> No.17398171

>There’s also nothing inherently immoral about a short position in the first place,
Naked shorts are both illegal and unethical, yet those Hedge Fund guys did it anyways.

>> No.17398259

Naked shorting isn't illegal, you just have to cover them intraday, or per the post 08 regulation roll them over 3 days. Also they didn't even naked short in the first place, they merely had large short positions

>> No.17398284


Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Discourses of Epictetus
Enchiridion of Epictetus

>> No.17398325 [DELETED] 

the wsj has been writing about wsb regularly for like the last year, people are definitely paying attention to what happens there

>> No.17398347 [DELETED] 


>> No.17398375

The Enchiridion is just excerpts of his Discourses.

>> No.17398397

Yes of course, it's the perfect scapegoat. Put focus on a fucking subreddit while the big institutions literally rake in billions in fees alone.

>> No.17398410

>Has never had a job.
Maybe finish high school first kiddo.

>> No.17398469

>he thinks anyone but chuds works 40 hours a week

not everyone punches a clock down at the local factory dude

>> No.17398958

The stock was 140% shorted at some point. It is impossible for the stock to not have been naked shorted.

>> No.17399952


>> No.17400548

I think was a bit more than that. Merlin Capital was forced by the government to disclose their shorts and a redditor got hold of that. He saw the hedge fund was getting greedy by trying to short the stock to $0 but realized there were more shorts than shares available and then yes, that coupled with the optimistic news of a new GameStop's CEO who has good plans for the company would cause a short squeeze thus increasing the price. The redditor turned $50k into $30 million as of now.
I'm pretty sure it was not reddit alone though, it was possibly a few big whales as well who figured out the same as the redditor.

>> No.17400858
File: 10 KB, 185x273, gaddis jr nyrb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about halfway through pic related and it's basically lmao stonks: the novel

>> No.17400915

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

>> No.17400952

>made transition from NEET at 16 - 20 to comfortably lower middle class
>not very clever
>never had a side hustle
>always earned below average salary
>always did bare minimum at work
>lived fairly frugally, but not too frugal, I just enjoy things that don't require lots of money

Watching this from the sidelines, all I can think is how insane all of this is. The lust for more money literally drives men insane. It's almost like a modern-day replacement for the bloodlust men must have felt pillaging in the dark ages.

>> No.17401213

Can some one explain to me what’s stopping companies from doing this to one another? The thing that Reddit has done?

>> No.17401223

Nothing. Cal Icahn tried to do this to Bill Ackman over the Herbalife short in the early 2010s.

>> No.17401235

I found it hard to believe that companies aren’t actively trying to fuck each other like this when the info on shootings is clearly not a secret.

>> No.17401242

>It's almost like a modern-day replacement for the bloodlust men must have felt pillaging in the dark ages.
good theory. any books on this?

>> No.17401254

Why don’t these companies just wait until the stock price goes down again so that they can get rid of it?

That’s the only part I don’t understand.

>> No.17401255


Forget about the conventional theories about investing and finance.

In the future there will only be:


>> No.17401256

Holy shit, discord banned wsb, the sub went private, and Robinhood halted trades on gme.

>> No.17401269

This isn't the 80s anymore. Work-life balance is no longer a thing, and everyone with a white collar job does some form of overtime.

>> No.17401274

Not really he failed most of the business he ran

>> No.17401276 [DELETED] 
File: 471 KB, 1080x2310, Screenshot_20210128_202638_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I literally just downloaded these

>> No.17401286
File: 62 KB, 644x541, POO IN LOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice face, monkey boy

>> No.17401295

Meh but Thanks

>> No.17401304

4 and you get cancer in 2021

>> No.17401305

>penny stocks
To be brutally honest with you anon, ngmi. If you must read a book about trading, it should be on risk management. To skip from total layman to futures trading is absurd, trading behaviour changes completely once you've got skin in the game - no matter how much you've read

>> No.17401307

Can some one answer this? Why are shorts forced to exit their positions and by whom exactly? GameStop has no future so why don’t they just wait until the company eventually Dies and buy their borrowed stock back when that happens ?

>> No.17401317

Surprised jannies haven't nuked this thread. These "books for x" threads inevitably devolve into a stealth discussion of the x topic without any book reccs whatsoever.

>> No.17401324

Because shorts are a contractual obligation that can make a shitload of money if they play out.

>> No.17401331

Shorts are always leveraged positions. That means that the shorts are essentially bought with loaned money from the brokerage in order to increase the hedgefunds purchasing power. That means if the short goes tits up, the brokerage will quickly liquidate the hedge's short in order to recover the borrowed money, leaving the hedge with nothing and possibly debt if they had poor risk management

>> No.17401335
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>> No.17401340

People who type like niggers need to kill themselves

>> No.17401342

Jewish hedgie losing his mind in here.
Try not to off yourself next week, buddy.

>> No.17401345

It was 138% shorted. As long as people bought and held, the funds shorting it would be compelled to buy regardless of how high the price went.

>> No.17401355

I have no interest in getting into the business, just suddenly curious about what's what when I realised I have no clue about what the fuck everyone all over the internet's casually talking about.

>> No.17401362


I am not following this thread. But I assume it has been mentioned already that shorts use borrowed stocks. Well, the agencies responsible for borrowing the stocks have a limit on how long they are willing to allow this to go, and said agencies might be holding the stocks themselves by using money from places as varied as pension funds of your average boomer, to begin with!

This limit is purely artificial and self-imposed by the one borrowing stocks, but the reason they have it is that stocks do not actually have a growth limit. Whereas Gamestop can fail and reach zero, it can also keep growing indefinitely because of investors holding onto the stocks for long periods in spite of continuous buying rallies. It can also happen that the company moves its portfolio around and ends up in a more favorable position (e.g while you say Gamestop has no future, it suddenly moves to digital assets and start competing seriously with Amazon, hence catching shorts unprepared with their pants down). This will force shorts to either buy even more to cover their potential losses with higher potential gains (if this sounds retarded, that is because it simply is), or give back to borrowers a large sum.

Because wall street is a long circle of dicks getting into asses, everyone has each other's back up to a certain point. So do not expect whoever borrows to hedge funds to demand their sum anytime soon. This is a problem to them, however - because eventually they will end up in a corner and have no choice but to demand it, at which point not even the broker banks for the hedge funds (yep, there are banks whose specialty is covering for the dumbasses running short seller operations). The end result is a crash larger than 2008 if the short squeeze is strong enough.

>> No.17401376

I just see it as our society successfully simulating luck, which doesn't mean it's fucked. It's rather complex and kind of interesting.

>> No.17401394

>jew scumbags got fucked in the ass
But they’re not. You’re a retard if you do not understand how much money many more likes are making from this than are losing.

>> No.17401401

Thanks for the detailed explanation.

Just one more question then.

Why aren’t companies warring against one another in this type of situation? I’ve never heard of this and I see no reason why Other companies wouldn’t have done the same thing that Reddit did to other companies.

>> No.17401405

Because the stock market is a Jewish scam completely disconnected from reality.

>> No.17401420

See >>17401223
They do this to each other all the time, retail investors don't affect markets at all. Reddit didn't do much other than bringing attention, it was possibly a few other institutions cucking Mervin Capital too

>> No.17401430

It’s not. We just live in an age now where everything is treated like something shocking and groundbreaking. No one will remember this in a year.

>> No.17401437

Just read investopedia then, no need to read all those books to understand something that will be forgotten by next month

>> No.17401438

>money can just poof out of thin air like that
Because it’s not real

>> No.17401445

I fucking loath communism, but this is so disgusting. Is there no way to live with capitalism without all of this bullshit?

>> No.17401447

>It is impossible for the stock to not have been naked shorted.
No it's not. 140% short interest merely means that shares have been loaned out multiple times, it just takes longer to close the short positions, is all.

>> No.17401450

I wrote that. Attempting a less schizo explanation here

>> No.17401456

A guy turned $50k into $30 millions, something like this will be remembered for as long as the stock market exists. It was possibly the trade of the century.

>> No.17401461

I don't have a dog in the fight, but it's incredibly naive and honestly outright stupid to believe this is some reddit vs elites.

Citadel owns Melvin Capital, one of the hedgefunds standing to lose billions on their shorts. Citadel also owns Robinhood (among others) orderflow, which means everytime you buy GME, or any other stock really, Citadel is there frontrunning you and they are most likely making side bets as well, selling you calls and cashing in on the premium as well.

Citadel already made back whatever they lose on the Melvin bets, at the very least. Most likely earned money on it all due to the sheer volumes being traded.

>> No.17401463

You’re correct but the brain rot on this board can’t understand.

>> No.17401465

Blackrock turned 23 mil into 2.5bil, even more now that it's risen more.

>> No.17401479

the whole thing was astroturfed by citadel, blackrock, and a lot of faceless, nameless jews.

>> No.17401495


They do this to each other all the time indeed. It never raises any ruckus however because like mentioned, they have to maintain a certain illusion of smoothness over the entire thing. After all, if you short squeeze someone today you might be the victim tomorrow, it's a whole honor among thieves trope going on at Wall Street. What they are really worried about this time as per >>17401420 is that they will all be trapped into eating each other through the intense exposition of their schemes to the general population (a good portion of this population also being the undersigned to the only actually existing money in this whole operation, namely their pension funds and other assets the broker banks administrate as services).

But why would they be forced to eat each other? Well, this is not mentioned very often in the news, but Wall Street is practically 100% automated by now. You're witnessing literal algorithmic battles, with the people having little control over specific operations, and actually, things have developed so much over there that even the parameters they do have control over are cloudy and it's hard to measure whether it will change the AI in any meaningful manner. One reason NASDAQ's owner suggested halting trade was precisely so those ( human ) hedge fund owners could "adapt", i.e, overwork their poor pajeet coders to find new solutions to the algorithmically driven mess of automatic borrowing they find themselves in at the moment. Could they switch to manual? Well, yes and no, since doing so would automatically put any hedge fund eons behind their competitors in the speed of operations, while also signaling to the same competitors that your algorithm was really not up to snuff.

>> No.17401510

People make lucky bets all the time. He’s far the the biggest winner in this.

>> No.17401528

I’m hardly some ancap, but when they claim that the government causes this they have a point, in this case. This entire fake Rube Goldberg shit is institutional, a part of the system to a large extent. Also, anon, the world is a binary choice between capitalism and communism, as much as the wester worlds obsession with them and liberal humanist bullshit may suggest otherwise.

>> No.17401532

This is the way of digital culture. Flare ups of "happenings" which threaten to turn the world on its head quickly dissipating through of ADHD propelled entropy.
The flurry of excitement from retards who saw what happened on Capitol Hill as the start of some glorious revolution/ civil war to fully enshrine Trump (remember him?) as God Emperor has now faded into nothingness. That shit's old, what new shit is happening? And on it goes.

>> No.17401536

is *not a binary choice

>> No.17401538

There is a high tax on capital gains on stock that aren't held long-term.

>> No.17401574

Watch Alpha Investments on YT

>> No.17401583


>> No.17401594

They do but the usual suspects are motivated not only by greed but first and foremost by self preservation. They'll push something as far as the system can take it and no further. Sometimes they'll fuck up and let the greed get ahead of them as it gas done countless times resulting in collapse but they'd never crash it consciously since most have something to lose if it does. The redditors aren't motivated by greed but by spite and are more than willing, against all rational action, to plunge full force over the edge to satisfy that motivation, with a mind of taking their enemies with them.

>> No.17401606

The major rise in GNE was also driven by the HFT bots getting in on the action, just like you detail. They were front running from PFOF data.

>> No.17401631

>The redditors aren't motivated by greed but by spite and are more than willing, against all rational action, to plunge full force over the edge to satisfy that motivation, with a mind of taking their enemies with them.
cringe and cope. stop trying to imagine this is some soiwars rebel alliance. they just say a money making opportunity and latched on, which is perfectly fair. you’re all far to confortable and apathetic to ever actually go after the people fucking you, in this case it’s just a pleasant effect of greed. materialism is brainrot.

>> No.17401651

wsj reporting that martin shkreli was a mod in wsb until he got sent to prison lmao

>> No.17401654

>which is perfectly fair. you’re all far to confortable and apathetic to ever actually go after the people fucking you, in this case it’s just a pleasant effect of greed. materialism is brainrot.
See you in the future threads that are rejoicing at the upcoming crash.

>> No.17401660

What will the US government do?

>> No.17401674

you think gamestop is going to crash the economy? god i hate dumbasses

>> No.17401675

Ban forums discussing stocks.
Ban apps that allow for retail trading.
Bail out hedge funds under the guise of "saving" 401ks.
Arrest a few of the big trade users.

This is the worst time line, so I'm going to assume the worst.

>> No.17401682

Not talking about the economy, you dork. Learn to read.

>> No.17401687

Very few of the redditors are making bank off of this. It was sold as a massive dogpile to fuck over the evil hedge fund who were being mean to nostalgic gamer hut and that's the spirit that most of them are approaching this. Whether it will end up with them getting outmaneuvered remains to be seen. If it was just greed they would have jumped ship ages ago.

>> No.17401697


>> No.17401712

none of these are going to happen pessimistanon, the worst one would obviously be the banning of apps that allow retail trading but there's plenty of huge investment firms that have their own apps nowadays and they won't allow that to happen.

>> No.17401722

if they ban anything it would be naked shorts, but they didn't if they didn't ban that in 2008 when the masses where all mad about it they certainly won't now that liberals suddenly love short sellers, god the masses are useless

>> No.17401741

naked shorts are already illegal, it's just very low on the totempole of illegal shit that fundies do so the SEC is willing to look past it.

>> No.17401753

oh they did make them illegal after 2008 after all lol

>> No.17401760

the masses in 2008 when short sellers got rich:
>wtf i hate short sellers, ban them!
the masses in 2021 when short sellers got poor:
>wtf i love short sellers, bail them out!

taking the opinions of the hoi polloi seriously is like a self-lobotomy

>> No.17401762

Who the fuck supports bailouts? Nobody likes short sellers, people just took the opportunity to fuck some hedge funds while they could.

>> No.17401770

>Nobody likes short sellers
Short sellers is a vital part of the market retard.

>> No.17401810

I hate to tell you this, but that’s just the retarded shitlib masses freaking out in opposition to any outside stimuli. The short selling bankers here are going to range from either just fine to making heavy bags of profit when this is all done.

>> No.17401816


>> No.17401821

the masses just identify with losers and hate success unless it's some kind of illiterate athlete

>> No.17401832

>owner of the mets turns out to be a big loser

>> No.17402616


>> No.17402732

Literally Bataille's The Accursed Share

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