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/lit/ - Literature

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17386926 No.17386926 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17386932

btw what are some good improover books?

>> No.17386946

God damn I fucking love being an improover

>> No.17387147

me too, quite drinking

>> No.17387155

Being "well-rounded" is a myth

>> No.17387161

Literally me.

>> No.17387187

4km in 20 minutes is not that impressive, is it? For my daily routine, I run 4.6km in about ~25 minutes, so if I keep going I should beat that easily in a few weeks.

>> No.17387204

Its definitely above average. Its not "athlete" level but its definitely "fit." 2 miles in 24 minutes was considered like the minimum for healthy in my fitness class.

>> No.17387265

> 2 miles in 24 minutes was considered like the minimum for healthy

>> No.17387337

4km in 12 minutes!
That’s me, my dude

>> No.17387364

i try to be an improover but i dunno it just doesn't work for me
i can't get smarter

>> No.17387450

Try leaving society for 4-5 months and hike alone on one of the nation's National Scenic Trails (PCT, CDT). Not looking at a phone or screen for 4 months and spending my time thinking creatively instead of wage-slaving cured me of my dimwittedness (for a couple years at least).

>> No.17387490

I feel like there's a lot of Catholic guilt behind self improvement boom in the laicized world.

>> No.17387504

i don't have enough control over my life to do that
And I'm not in America

>> No.17387522

fuck off you don't enjoy literature

>> No.17387537

no one enjoys literature
it is simply a means of storing distributing and absorbing information

>> No.17387588

2 miles in 24 minutes is a brisk walk

>> No.17387593


>> No.17387596

Have you never been deeply moved by a story?

>> No.17387599

Bruh needs to improve his spelling

>> No.17387740

The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene gives a great overview for improoving your character/personality and you can dive deeper into the various topics you found interesting. Goes well with the book "Mastery" by the same author.

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris is basically just a Q&A with succesful people in various areas, also a great balanced overview of improovement pills in general, like Greenes book in the sense that it doesn't go too deep into the topics but lets you discover them and gives you an overview of succesful lifes.

>> No.17387807

First you have to learn how to learn. I suggest these books:
>make it stick
>how to read a book
>deep work
>atomic habits
From that point your efficiency at improving at things will be dramatically increased.

You should have three hobbies. One that makes you money. One you find joy and passion in. and one that keeps you physically fit.

One of the hardest things about getting to the point where these three things are on point is finding a book thats detailed and articulate enough to explain the process for whatever it is you want to do. So many books about a field are treated like an introductory text and provide broad and sweeping generalizations and refuse to drill down enough to provide useful, tactile, material information.

What is it that you want to do? How do you want to put food on the table? How do you want to keep fit?

OP doesn't provide enough information beyond
>must read classics to become well rounded?

Which is really funny because of how many inherent value judgements are already couched in such a short sentence. First it shows that he has put classics on a pedistal. Classics are more important than other books, and there is some way that he judges a book to be a classic instead of a non classic. What is that? What definition does he use? OP also presumes that reading these mystic "classics" is going to help him become well rounded, as if becoming hyperfocused in literature through the ages is going to provide anything enough to become "well rounded" which is a term also couched in confusion because it implies the perception of other people upon the individual, but we don't know enough about OP to properly make these judgements and thus all we have is this stupid fucking sentence and picture to judge OP on and I'd just like to point out that he posted a wojack, so my conclusion is that OP is a fag.

>> No.17387987

thanks for this post

>> No.17388076

No problem friend. Let me know if you have more particular questions.

>> No.17388097

The 48 Laws of Power will forever be the only book you need for this.

/lit/ will tell you it's trash, the laws don't work, etc. Don't listen to them. They are autists and probably applied every single one of them incorrectly.

>> No.17388112

Anything better than 5min/km and I would call you a runner granted you can do that for 6 km or more

>> No.17388188

It's not impressive. I'm unfit and can run that.

>> No.17388308
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i dont think i can even run anymore. all i have done after rona is eat food delivered to my door, and drink too much. i have gained 30kg in the last year

>> No.17388906

do some fucking pushups right now you fucking nigger. do as many pushups as the last SINGLE digit of this post. it is your fate. you fucking got this. perfect form. lets fucking gooooo