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File: 132 KB, 540x522, Locke_module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17383618 No.17383618 [Reply] [Original]

Rothbard on Aquinas

>Finally, and most charmingly and crucially, Aquinas, in his great Summa, raised a question that had been discussed by Cicero. A merchant is carrying grain to a famine-stricken area. He knows that soon other merchants are following him with many more supplies of grain. Is the merchant obliged to tell the starving citizenry of the supplies coming soon and thereby suffer a lower price, or is it all right for him to keep silent and reap the rewards of a high price? To Cicero, the merchant was duty-bound to disclose his information and sell at a lower price. But St. Thomas argued differently. Since the arrival of the later merchants was a future event and therefore uncertain, Aquinas declared justice did not require him to tell his customers about the impending arrival of his competitors. He could sell his own grain at the prevailing market price for that area, even though it was extremely high. Of course, Aquinas went on amiably, if the merchant wished to tell his customers anyway, that would be especially virtuous, but justice did not require him to do so. There is no starker example of Aquinas's opting for the just price as the current price, determined by demand and supply, rather than the cost of production (which of course did not change much from the area of abundance to the famine area).

Aquinas also believed prostitution should be legalized.

A conservative hero?

>> No.17383639

There are no conservative heroes only conservative weasels.

>> No.17383648
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>> No.17383650

>If we lose John Locke, we lose America

>> No.17383651
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>> No.17383683

Go back

>> No.17383691
File: 110 KB, 888x544, irlproblems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...And? Wasnt there that whole pro pedophile thing in the left in the 60s that was kinda drooped later on? Its almost like the gestalt direction of movements shift over time and kinda preen their stance of some niggles. But since we are shapiroposting:

>> No.17383968

Comment on your pic: I just figured out why leftist humor is so bad sometimes from this. To a leftist, who can have some kind of baseline understanding of a sexuality presented in the picture, the picture is funny because it represents a hyperbole of that sexuality. To a non-leftist (normal person) the very premise of that sexuality is so at odds with anything they are familiar with that they fail to see any humor because with the first few words you are even beyond absurdity and into the inconceivable to the point where they lose interest and stop reading. Its not funny to them, it is simply nonsense.

>> No.17383998

I didnt think it was a leftist meme lmao. Id personally say why leftist memes fail is because they almost always have to have a moral bent rather than going towards some odd sense of absurdist authenticity. I mean, this one really didnt have any message to it, just that it transitioned from dear liberals to fucking a dog.

>> No.17384011

Nail on head

>> No.17384156

this. it's not just lack of subtlety, they think it's about making and getting references, reinforcing the group, and proselytising a moral which they seemingly can't help but do. but the pic wasn't funny because it was bland and simple, and hasn't been original in a decade, as pretty much all the absurdist ones are. the only way they could be funny is if they're subtle and catch you off guard.

>> No.17384198

Leftist memes just memes the viewer doesn't like.

>> No.17384220

Nah, there definitely is some correlation though. There is an implicitcy that is somewhat a barrier to lefties. Sometimes if they just go on the attack it can work pointing out actual retardation, but its often a reuse of a format, and it doesnt usually actually express a position that does not feel forced.

>> No.17384300

there is too much text for just one joke. the humour with the first two sentences was more than enough as it was unexpected and catches the reader off guard, the rest of the text isn't one i am going to read when i realise it is just more of 'i want to fuck the dog' joke but further in-depth

>> No.17384416

Nambla was a member of the Internation Lesbian and Gay association until 1994. And there were certainly gay and lesbian intellectuals who supported pedophilia up into the 90s as well, I stumbled across some lesbian author's wiki page in that category the other day.
>In the summer of 1993, the ILGA gained consultative status on the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as a Non-Governmental-Organization, joining 3,000 organisations throughout the world. However, that status was suspended in 1994 after a campaign led by Jesse Helms focussing on NAMBLA's membership of ILGA.

>Following this, by a vote of 214–30, ILGA expelled North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), Vereniging MARTIJN and Project Truth in early 1994 because they were judged to be "groups whose predominant aim is to support or promote pedophilia." In October 1994, the executive committee of ILGA suspended the membership of VSG (Association for Sexual Equality), a gay group in Munich, Germany, due to its vocal solidarity with NAMBLA and its refusal to purge pedophile members. Its membership was suspended until the next Annual Conference of ILGA in June 1995 when the matter could be dealt with in accordance to ILGA's constitution, namely, expulsion. VSG left ILGA in April 1995 and in 1998 dissolved itself.

>> No.17384426

absolutely correct as usual.
Fuck the plebs.

>> No.17384500

I thought it was funny, pseud

>> No.17385406

I appreciate this obscure knowledge.

>> No.17385429

>To a non-leftist (normal person)
>implying that /pol/tards are normal

>> No.17385468

>everyone is either a leftist or reads /pol/
I think its time for mommy and daddy to cut off your internet lol

>> No.17385469

That's an information rent, and is not considered a Pareto-efficient outcome in General Equilibrium. The economic optimum would require that the starving citizens are informed about the other merchants. Given perfect information, the citizens can then maximize their utility function, which includes preferences that are highly risk-averse, thereby defusing Aquinas argument.

>> No.17385476


>> No.17385609
File: 55 KB, 600x800, 1610983180643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price-gouging apologist Christian theologian
>magnanimous Roman polytheist

>> No.17386534

Rothbard was a revisionist, none of his writings should be taken seriously. Go and find what Rothbard is referring to in the actual writings of Aquinas.