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/lit/ - Literature

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17382878 No.17382878 [Reply] [Original]

Why are most readers women? Are we soibois in denial?

>> No.17382881

>that nose

>> No.17382888

i want to boop it and kiss it

>> No.17382901

imagine getting a gf who reads with you and she just slips her toes in your mouth casually while you share a couch

>> No.17382908

Men read high-iq stuff like philo,poetry,history.
Women read cringe.

>> No.17382919

calm down gogol

>> No.17382920

I have a gf who reads with me and she just slips her toes in my mouth casually while we share a couch. I have a gf who reads with me and she just slips her toes in my mouth casually while we share a couch. I have a gf who reads with me and she just slips her toes in my mouth casually while we share a couch.

>> No.17382929

I pay hookers to smother me with their feet while I write and jack off.

>> No.17383007

what do you write about

>> No.17383027
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Otherworldly horrors. The city of Chicago. The preservation of the white race and a future for white children.

>> No.17383095

Women are status-driven. Reading is high-status.

>> No.17383193


>> No.17383197

i guarantee you most readers are not women, women who read are just more likely to talk about it constantly

>> No.17383303

pretty based
how do you know? it feels like everyone on good reads has a vagina or is larping

>> No.17383379

Literature and language classes are mostly women though. They seem to have more interest in these subjects.

>> No.17383451

Men have worst impulse control and imagination on average and are more likely to be occupied in physical labors where literacy is less impactful to their success.

There are more women readers than men readers. Most dedicated readers are middle aged wamen, not 20 year old dudes like you.

More women are in academia than men, more undergrads, more grad students. Women read more than men nowadays, get over it.

Yes, it's the emotional aspect. Men are disconnected from it, women are still connected to that portion of the human condition

>> No.17383486

>emotional aspect
so we're just faggots?

>> No.17383550

>implying i read

>> No.17383566

i too am here for the loli porn

>> No.17383709
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would it be fair to say most the books girls read tend to either be fiction or neo-liberal autobiographies like pic related or similar

>> No.17383772

Because women buy Y.A shit excessively.

>> No.17383827

Cope. These books are for young teenage girls. Teenage guys don’t read, which is why theres no cringe books dedicated for them.

>> No.17383931

I haven't seen a single woman with a bookshelf like mine.
Female and Numale booktubers read the same shit. genre/ya fiction, literary classics, (mostly contemporary) biographies, bestsellers and bookshop staff picks.
It took me ages to find a booktuber with an even slightly respectable shelf.

>> No.17383934

>only reads absolute trash tier YA and airport impulse buy stuff.
Why does she keep doing this?

>> No.17383938

I'd knock her out.

>> No.17383983

I'd like a gf who reads a lot. She sits in a big comfy armchair with the book held out in front of her. Then she rests the book in her lap as her arms get tired. It's a long chapter and her posture isn't great, she keeps leaning back more, letting herself slip down the chair. She has her feet up on a stool in front of her, I think. As she slides down, inch by inch, her top gets a bit stuck to the chairs cushion, and starts to ride up. The chapter is so long, maybe a bit boring, and now she looks a bit sleepy, and is almost horizontal. And her top has ridden up just enough to expose her cute little innie bellybutton. She catches me staring and smiles and pulls her top down. That's ok. Tonight's the full moon and she's horny enough to give me something close to sex at last. Maybe if I beg her, I'll touch that little button tonight before she sends me to sleep on the couch.

>> No.17383989

You've never heard of Bukowski, Thompson, Wolfe, Hemingway, Palaniuhk, etc?

>> No.17383996

You ARE soibois in denial, but it has nothing to do with reading.

>> No.17384024


Because they’ll swallow any old retarded jizz.

>> No.17384027


Drop the gay shit at the top of the list and you’re good to go, based whore-wanker.

>> No.17384038


Gas yourself, (((subhuman))). Kekkle.

>> No.17384052

cope for what? it was a genuine question tranny, its pretty much all i see women read, also quite a lot of young men read jordan peterson type books you braindead retard.

>> No.17384068


>> No.17384549

be nice to hemingway....

>> No.17384583

there's definitely a lot more women reading fiction than men.

>> No.17384585

Hemmmmmingway. There are 5 M's.

>> No.17384591

Just don't read for the plot and you are good to go

>> No.17384631


>> No.17384724

women are the kind of readers that jack off to reading a lot of books. the same as some retards here on lit who talk about reading speed and book piles and shit. men read one book, orientate their entire life around it and then maybe write their own.
manliness has very little to do with literaray knowledge as knowledge about literature doesn't get you anywhere, and if you're smart enough you can always bullshit your way through life--women wouldn't try that.

>> No.17384763

>reading YA
get back to me when they read non trash

>> No.17384880

>go on goodreads
>some bitch gave Lolita 2 stars
> check her profile
>2000 read books
>450 of them child picture books
Most books are shit and a waste of paper and almost only women consume them

>> No.17384885

Why do you people make me desire things that will never happen

>> No.17385086

Which booktuber did you end up finding?

>> No.17385109

Historically, reading fiction has always been considered an effeminate activity. The homo's on /lit/ will never admit this of course.

>> No.17385164

Most people who read are women, but men are better readers (we see more depth into the story) and writers.

>> No.17385182

I think men are less likely to talk about literature because their mates would think it's gay and pretentious

>> No.17385275
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>> No.17385309


>> No.17385317

Because they love collecting useless stuff and overdoing shit and having something to talk about all the time. Also : pretending intellect.

>> No.17385397
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>> No.17385492 [DELETED] 

Most teenagers do not read these books for leisure, and ones that do are incredibly sheltered. I'm not going to say that absolutely no teenager reads highbrow literature but don't act like this is mainstream.

>> No.17385559

Eh, I guess. I don't think it's nearly as popular among guys though.

>> No.17385563

>The way you use books is just another capitalist method of material consumption for clout, no different than make-up and shopping channels
Ouch. How can she ever recover?

>> No.17385574

Modern men only wanna coom and drink. I blame coom addiction for men’s lack of intellectual curiosity.

>> No.17385614

Rainy Day Books. a channel with less than 100 subs that was started last year by a guy with rhotacism, that I stumbled upon while looking for nonfiction booktubers. most of the nonfiction he reads is still pretty basic, but his critiques of them are alright and I'm gonna see how receptive he is to book recs.

>> No.17385835

A friend of mine worked at a library and yes, the large majority of customers where women. However, sales where mostly composed by self help books.
I once bought The Bhagavad Gita from a girl on Facebook and when she gave it to me she told me “namaste”, lmao.

>> No.17385847
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Honestly I have to stop reading these. I’ve dropped shit like this on women that approached me

>> No.17385858
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>I’ve dropped shit like this on women that approached me

>> No.17385915

>shitting on short women
Do incel lanklets really?

>> No.17385922

You are overdosing on redpills anon. You gotta be more careful.

>> No.17385931

Not an incel but yes. I've got to stand up for my short bros who keep getting told if they're under 6' they're too short to ride. If a girl is below 5'8 she belongs in the trash.

>> No.17385937

Women may read a lot but they don’t read anything of substance.

>> No.17386047

Weird flex, at least talk down about her tits size.

>> No.17386090 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17386108

please tell me this is real

>> No.17386127

The number one factor you should concern yourself with women is "if I were to father a son with her, would my son be a little bitch boy?"
I assess the attractiveness of women by looking at them and seeing through the soft features and subcutaneous fat and determining what they would have looked like had their dad given them a Y instead of an X. A shocking number of women overestimate how attractive they are simply because soft features and neoteny obscure what would be genetically expressed as secondary sex characteristics in males.

>> No.17386130

>I once bought The Bhagavad Gita from a girl on Facebook and when she gave it to me she told me “namaste”, lmao.
atheism is peak vagina

>> No.17386131

Have sex...

>> No.17386134
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>> No.17386146


>> No.17386151

Imagine making pussy the ultimate arbiter of your self worth. I'll have sex when a woman proves she deserves to have sex with me.

>> No.17386157

It's not, or so everyone says when this is posted.

>> No.17386160

haha ok bro... lol...

>> No.17386172

Are you a woman or a beta male? Enlighten me. You're one of the two.

>> No.17386179

Is this what YesFap looks like?

>> No.17386180

I currently consider myself a woman though lately I've been leaning into enbie.

>> No.17386185

Do you have a dick or a pussy?

>> No.17386189

I would enjoy that even on a platonic level

>> No.17386198

Do you even proof-read your posts before writing them out? God, you're like a freaking primate. "do u hab peepee or vag d'oh", as if that's at all relevant to one's gender... thank God you're never gonna reproduce.

>> No.17386203

Hey fuck off this is my conversation.

You haven't the slightest conception of masculinity, don't try to appropriate it unless you can own being at the bottom of the pecking order. You are in no position to "have sex" anyone else. I guarantee any woman who sleeps with you has mental issues.

>> No.17386206

That's sextaseptima, she took her vids with the bf down and has posted some solo stuff as Evie Davis

>> No.17386209

>men read one book, orientate their entire life around it and then maybe write their own.
>manliness has very little to do with literaray knowledge
Sounds like cope

>> No.17386214

>don't try to appropriate it unless you can own being at the bottom of the pecking order
Oh god he's a lobsterboy... How does it feel like to worship the half-baked ideas of a drug addicted pseud?

>> No.17386219

What's wrong? Why are you so triggered?
You need mental health help senpai

>> No.17386230

Sorry, I might have gone a bit overboard, but the dosage I've been on and the transphobic comments in this thread have me more than a little upset.

>> No.17386254

>as if that's at all relevant to one's gender
No matter how much Hank Green tells you otherwise, biological sex is foundational to gender roles. This is evident in dimorphism of secondary sex characteristics which developed in response to these gender roles, and anyone with half a brain can understand why. The reproductive investment of men pales in comparison to that of women. In reproductive terms, women are born with vastly more intrinsic worth than men, which is precisely why men have been selected for secondary sex characteristics that help them take on more dangerous and physical tasks. A prehistoric community that loses a single woman to dangerous work, loses significant reproductive capacity. The same community losing a single man, or even multiple men, loses practically nothing.
>thank God you're never gonna reproduce
I pray you don't either.

tf is a lobsterboy?

>> No.17386259

Why do you want to be a woman? How old are you? Did you seek help besides psychiatry?

Doubts about our own sexuality and issues with self-image are pretty common during adolescence.

>> No.17386279

Stop talking in the same sassy passive-aggressive tone as the weaklings, stop feigning concern for their wellbeing, you are in no position to criticise anyone else when you too behave like a rat.

>> No.17386922

That's what happens when the people with the big noses do everything they can to degrade and weaken the boys of races that can remove them.Flood the culture and society with estrogen hormone literally and metaphorically and then sit and wonder.I don't even after women,it's just that you see the cause and effect and the truth is so blatant

>> No.17387047
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>Hey Anon! Back from class so soon?
>I was just catching up on this cool new Y/A I'm reading.
>Yes! Yes, okay! I'll read Tolstoy with you later~~~
>I'm so happy that we met, anon.
>It's so crazy to think how just last year you were talking about me on /lit/ and now we're engaged!
>Not to mention that "other" surprise ;)
>I don't know when we'll tell my parents...
>Maybe we should pick a name soon?
>Oh... oh Anon, you know what my hormones are doing to me right now, y-you...
>*claps* We DO love a BIG penis, girl *claps*
>You know! I do be that hoe! *claps* *claps*

>> No.17387090

faggot god damn you. that is a man, not a woman.

>> No.17387098

Unironically if there were a tranny who looked like Cat I would just be gay.

>> No.17387138

Unbelievablly based

>> No.17387150

I'll be changing this shortly. Hang on, boys.

>> No.17387162

Um, excuse me sexists, it's HERway.

>> No.17387177

Calling women readers is like comparing me to Usain Bolt because I walk briskly, sometimes.

>> No.17387178
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>I’ve dropped shit like this on women that approached me

>> No.17387203

Based, redpilled, and absolutely /thread

>> No.17387207


>> No.17387220
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>epic youtube monologue
>feigned concern over booktuber
>”just stop... please”
>”capitalist method of materialist consumption”
I long for the day a midwit comes after me like this

>> No.17387229

Imagine anon's smelle

>> No.17387270

adam friedland

>> No.17387280

>basedbois in denial

Yes. Chantards are soibois

>> No.17387516

Ah yes, it was totally tHe JeWs who spent decades telling young boys to worry about football, baseball, fishing and cars and that reading was for scrawny nerds. All the estrogen chemtrails are what made multiple generations of males avoid reading and not a hundred and fifty years of culture idolizing outdoorsmen and hard labor.

You are the exact reason why women read more than men.
>hurr durr why aren't boys today real men!?

>> No.17387615

Imagine not thinking the invention of the television is the biggest attack on literature ever made.
Boys didn't stop reading because of culture, they stopped reading because of easy entertainment.