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17377336 No.17377336 [Reply] [Original]

Do you agree with G.K. Chesterton?

>> No.17377350

>Do you agree with G.K. Chesterton?
Without even looking at the image, I agree with G.K. Chesterton.

>> No.17377367

Based Wrath Of Gnon poster.

>> No.17377393
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>> No.17377394

why are men like this? maybe there are other things to consider in society rather than just an all or nothing determination as to whether you can possess a woman?

>> No.17377404

No not particularly. I do agree with him on the most extraordinary thing being an ordinary family though. Modernity has stolen the ability to create that sort of environment for a lot of people, I'll give Chesterton that.

>> No.17377405

it's are primary purpose as humans. we cant exist without this.

>> No.17377425

yes I understand that it's important, but to make ridiculous claims like "yeah bro slavery is alright as long as you can have a waifu" are retarded. it's the same vein as the "have sex" posters saying that is the key to solving all problems. I guess if there were a UBI and state appointed housing, all the issues with the world today would disappear as well?

>> No.17377466

You have some more learning to do about men and women if you think the family as Chesterton described it is honestly reducible to "possessing a woman."

>> No.17377495

The elites' calculated destruction of the family was the capstone on the tomb of western civilization.

>> No.17377672

as far as i can tell, that quote doesn't imply any system which allows a man to raise a family is therefore just. to me it seems to say that it should be one of the bare minimum offerings of a system, otherwise the system is tyrannical. obviously a system can be tyrannical in many other ways, but any one that crosses that line is automatically tyrannical because it infringes upon people's basic functions.

>> No.17377703

Chesterton of all people will not dismiss the other cravings of a restricted number of men to become monks or even celibate mathematicians. What he describes in OP is still the basis of "society". This path should be left open and unobstructed even to those that genuinely don't aspire for family.

>> No.17377709

Didn't read it either, he was right about the cheeseburgers, and he's been right about everything else since then.

>> No.17377782

Ultimately yes, married procreation is the fulfillment of life. But I disagree that any political system has the capacity to do any more than harm. Primitive social organizations succeed by being unable to exert power over household formation and reproduction. It has only been in the 20th and 21st centuries where the government has the actual ability to do something as ruinous as a one-child policy, or something less ruinous but still invasive such as punish truancy, or punish anti-vaxxer parents.

>> No.17377867
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yea its a good measure to see to what degree a comfortable, stable if possibly boring life can be sustained for everyone. It becomes limiting the second that 'normal life' becomes the only measure of success, considering the placidity of what 'normal life' even means, although i assume Chesterton was fully aware of this. In my opinion the cramped and destructive nature of american suburbia is a good example of where this insistence on 'normal life' has miserably failed.

>> No.17377922
