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/lit/ - Literature

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17374665 No.17374665 [Reply] [Original]

>was raised by 5 women
>no fraternity whatsoever
>uses philosophy as a desperate attempt to escape from the emasculating irrationality of women
>is psyoped to the point that he conflates "truth" with feminine chaos
>tries to supplant truth with "meaning" (contradiction)
>goes insane

he's not really a philosopher, more of a tortured artist. had he just hit the gym with some bros and got his testosterone up, none of this would have happened

>> No.17374684

Reminder that all philosophy is dopaminelet, serotoninlet and testosteronelet cope. Chad has never felt the need for philosophy, because he finds enough fulfillment in fucking Stacy, drinking with his bros and going to the gym. The role of high IQlets and autistlets is to move the human race forward yet never reap the benefits of humanity itself. Nature only wants the attractive and healthy to reproduce.

>> No.17374695

He practiced hiking, doesn't that count?

>> No.17374721

Bipolar manic episodes are not just feeling "good" or "high," they are moods that are beyond reason and cause major distress and life impairment. Some of the symptoms of a manic episode include:

Extreme, grandiose self-esteem; a perceived connection with god; belief in god-like powers
Extreme elation or irritability
Spending or gambling sprees, drug use, dramatic increase in sexual behavior
A rapid stream of ideas thought to be brilliant
Either behavior with extreme focus on goals or complete distractibility
Not sleeping, or sleeping very little

>> No.17374727

go back, retard

>> No.17374763

Based and probably true, but let’s not discount that the feminine have access to greater truths than man by virtue of being the sexual selectors.

>> No.17374770

This but unironically. No philosopher since antiquity has had more than like, one kid, and almost all have been complete losers by modern and probably their contemporary standards. Absolute weirdos.

>> No.17374775

>>goes insane
will-to-power = manic delusions
bipolar disorder can slowly destroy your brain

>> No.17374794

>muh natural selection
False. For example, see how white women have been brainwashed by jewish media to fuck black men, making ugly babies and lowering the overall IQ. If natural selection was real, racemixing wouldn't exist.

>> No.17374866

Huge cums are a more powerful selection bias than IQ

>> No.17374878

white women are simply not having kids. The vast majority of white women who do have kids still have white kids

>> No.17374900
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All the Ancient Greek philosophers were Chads who trained both body and mind, Plato even meant "broad shouldered" and he was a great wrestler.
Now they're all emaciated German/French incels or British autists.
What went so fucking wrong, bros?

>> No.17374904

jewish mind control presupposes a lack of strong fathers, you could argue about what is "natural" but you can't deny that miscegenation is the thing that gets you higher on the social ladder in the current climate, and that the people who participate in this game all have weak parents. natural selection is still doing its job just fine

>> No.17374916 [DELETED] 

Terrifyingly based

>> No.17374933

The chads get it right as a matter of course
The artists critique it
The autists dwell on it

>> No.17374935
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Terrifyingly based

>> No.17375009

what about joe rogan?

>> No.17375026

>what about joke (hgh gut) rogan?

What about him? Loser.

>> No.17375048

White women are literally built for bbc

>> No.17375055

He practiced cruising, so your argument fails.

>> No.17375203

Joe rogan is mentally retarded but also cannot be a Chad because he’s only 3 feet tall

>> No.17375228
File: 47 KB, 545x558, 032BECA0-DD4A-4B5B-A5FF-13850E2DBB13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more retards who want to discuss philosophers they’ve obviously never read
>unironic “dude intellectuality is a cope lol” no-wits who are themselves coping with their stupidity and laziness with the pride of a severe autist smearing shit
>BBC-obsessed cuckolds taking every opportunity to bring up their fetish
/lit/ is lost, lockdown really did kill it, I wish there was somewhere to actually freely discuss literature

>> No.17375278

Neetzchefags are the death of intellectuality.

>> No.17375414

N. isn't exactly the father figure you want to follow in life. In one of his last works he called himself the anti Christ. He wasn't together upstairs during his last days due to his medical condition.

>> No.17375478

but he was the anti Christ, you wouldn't expect him to have all his rational faculties would you?

>> No.17375582

>No philosopher since antiquity has had more than like, one kid
I never thought about this. For part of history it's kind of understandable since the only way an actually intelligent person could realize their potential was as celibate clergy (Augustine had a kid from his pagan days but that's it), but even in modern centuries most philosophers have been autismos with no family.

>> No.17375592

Chads would have been extinct by now if it wasn't thanks to philosophers attempting to concoct new moral and political structures to protect them from seething incels.

>> No.17375604

>no refutation just bemoaning people being less read than you

>> No.17375752

What is aristocracy

>> No.17375782

Zizek has two boys

>> No.17375786

>was raised by 5 women
>no fraternity whatsoever
how do you think fraternities start, from necessity.

>> No.17375792

A query for this thread:
Why are anti-Nietzscheposters so thoroughly cringe and copeful?

>> No.17375805

>Reminder that all philosophy is dopaminelet, serotoninlet and testosteronelet cope.

>> No.17375853

Read Plato. A focus on lifting weights makes you gay.

>> No.17376164

are you imposing your master cringe morality onto me?

>> No.17376182

How can anyone refute Anon's unending craving for black cocks?

>> No.17376186

Dude you just described me. Im not bipolar doe

>> No.17376281
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>In this moment I am euphoric....

>> No.17376362
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You know he was right when christfags/platonists/analyticfags have to make 5 threads a day about him with precisely 0 argument whatsoever just to be able to keep their delusions and sleep at night.

>> No.17376384

he doesn't make any arguments though, it's literally just a lack of self-knowledge and gaslighting. if he were alive today, he would 100% be trans

>> No.17376402

This. Shitlit is 100% neetcheen

>> No.17376586

Zizek is a literal clown, in the sense of a performer employed to make others laugh with buffonery, and not a philosopher.

>> No.17376594

arguments are a spook

>> No.17376600

you realize black men are the least attractive group of all gendered race groups? white men still rule

>> No.17376671

>is psyoped to the point that he conflates "truth" with feminine chaos
KEK. Nietzsche eternally btfo.

>> No.17376691

lmao imagine getting filtered by fucking Zizek
how embarrassing

>> No.17376699


>> No.17376879
File: 2 KB, 53x250, anon gets tricked twice (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all retarded

>> No.17376926

>that size

>> No.17376959

try reading him, then try not getting filtered, then call me

>> No.17376977
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the onedopinelet here isyou that takes euro"""sciences""" and """"(((evolution)))"""" seriously lol.
they lied to you about the elections and about the climate and about the wars you think they wouldn't lie to you about the origin of our species? we have ooparts from hundreds of millions of years ago clearly built by humans kek.

>> No.17377363

it's never enough reading with this guy, I have beyond good and evil, and listened to hours of lectures, what more do you fags want from me? all his stuff is literally just a mock bible. he doesn't believe in epistemic truth, denies nature yet thinks he has the "keys" for someone else's lock (doesn't this conflict with slave morality?).
he is someone to self-reflect on, nothing more. and I'm half confident that he was pushed into the zeitgeist as a demorilazation psyop

>> No.17377429

He was the original feels over reals tard. Today when some leftists berate rationality and science for being done by virgin white guys and that we should listen to POC emotions instead, that's the successor to nietzshe.

>> No.17377442

Nietzsche was anti intellectual. Saying facts don't matter muh emotion is king isn't intellectual just because you reference the greeks.

>> No.17377460

>Nietzsche should’ve just got gains bro
Nietzsche definitely could’ve been helped by socialising and friendships had he not been a turbo-autist but it doesn’t devalue his analysis of nihilism, something that other writers had eluded to before him (Melville) but Nietzsche most greatly addressed.
>dude philosophy is a cope for gymlets
The greatest and most influential philosopher in history was a heavy-infantry soldier and a veteran. The name we know him by isn’t even his actual name, it’s his nickname referring to how broad-shouldered and muscular he was. You’re coping if you aren’t both in great shape and philosophically learned.
>dude black cocks are big lmao
The average sizes aren’t that different and variation in race is a enough that it must be on a case by case basis. White women aren’t having loads of kids with black men, they just aren’t having kids at all mostly, and most of the kids they have are white. People who post about black cocks “ironically” are also cucks.
t. White guy with a bigger cock than many black guys.

>> No.17377484
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probably the values of the enlightenment/renaissance eras turned men into a bunch of cosmopolitan fops who spent their time reading and working and likely got psy-oped into thinking being /fit/ was something barbaric.
Its not surprise that most of these fops and idealists are promoted by our society because it breeds weak infantile men who are focused entirely on intelect and not hollistic intelligence.

I mean imagine if you could sit at your desk all day trading stocks or manipulating people and using your electronic fake fiat currency to buy drugs and hookers and treat both of them as disposable and then getting high off the fact your an ugly skinny fat misfit who is adept at manipulating people/systems to your own benefit.

Now you realize what the problem with the world is that our society is so artificial and based on lies that it gives power to effeminate psychopathic men who are good at propagating the control system and become cogs in the machine themselves and dont give a fuck. I would say western society for the past few hundred years has been focused on efforts to improve consumption and seek out ways to make perversion of the human form/mind the totality of experience.
Pretty soon we are going to get to a point where we can just plug our selves into a system and give ourselves the appearance of being muscular by hitting sliders on a control panel like videogame creation.
Theres a reason why Terminator 2 is called judgement day.


>> No.17377513

this. Arguing with pomo types is exactly like arguing with women, wish I'd realized this much sooner. And following Nietzsche one should analyze the impact his own philosophy has on society, which has undoubtedly been horrendous: homo fascism, pomo relativism, etc. Started reading Lukács recently and it's amazing how much more masculine his prose is compared to someone so effeminate and self-indulgent like Nietzsche

>> No.17377574

Anyone who uses the word Chad and "-let/-mer" as to make a point should be castrated and turned into a sissy twink public cumdubster

>> No.17377914

What would he think of rape? I am a bird of prey. Women complaining about rape is just ressentiment. It's their fault they were born the weaker sex and they are here to serve me whether they like it or not.

>> No.17378085

Healthy minds live in healthy bodies

>> No.17379158

I believe Euler had something like 13 children. Not a philosopher, but he was smarter and achieve more than any philosopher you care to name. Similar deal with Bach. The man smashed.