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/lit/ - Literature

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17374239 No.17374239 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't we produced any important philosophers? Only a contrarian would say we never had any good novelists, poets, etc., but when it comes to philosophy we seem to be sorely lacking.

>> No.17374245

Have you read "The Art of the Deal"?

Kidding asside, who are Emerson and Throreau?

>> No.17374251

Also, aren't the Federalist Papers philosophy? I haven't read them, but I'm pretty sure they are.

>> No.17374254

>Emerson and Throreau

>> No.17374259

Unironically illiterate or trolling. Just read a fucking History of Philosophy book.

>> No.17374264

Kuhn, Rorty, and Davidson, to name a few

>> No.17374350

Pierce, Wilfrid Sellars, Quine, Putnam, Davidson, Rawls, Nozick, Rorty, Brandom, Dennett

That’s the top ten off the top of my head at least. And I would say Brandom is probably the greatest living philosopher.

>> No.17374370
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>Am I a joke to you?

>> No.17374399

Yes you are a joke.
This, especially the first three, and also William James.

>> No.17374407

what about the chinese room guy does he count as a philosopher

>> No.17374409

america is only good at autism (analytic) philosophy.

>> No.17374415 [DELETED] 

he does but he is a midwit. at least he had a lot of sex as a professor though.

>> No.17374423

he does but he is a midwit. at least he had a lot of sex as a professor though.

>> No.17374438

William James, Charles S Peirce, John Dewey, W.E.B. Du Bois.

>> No.17374455

Benjamin Franklin my nigga

>> No.17374481

TJ Kirk my nigga

>> No.17374515

Because Americans are not intellectuals. The same reason their comedians are not funny, the same reason their authors are garbage. The same reason they'll never produce a band like Pink Floyd. The dregs of England marinated in their own shit for 300 years.

They're a people whose sole purpose is to make as much money as possible at all times. They can't produce philosophers Because all their thinkers are thinking about how to mug off the rest of the American people and make a sheckle out of it. Truly the niggers of the world

>> No.17374517

franklin certified ultimate yank

>> No.17374530

The Velvet Underground was both more talented and more influential then Pink Floyd (and I say that as someone who likes both bands).

>> No.17374531

>They're a people whose sole purpose is to make as much money as possible at all times.
sounds p based ngl

>> No.17374543

Kek garbage fucking banana band

>> No.17374549

ok what about beach boys, personally i think they blow, but pitchfork and all the kids on /mu/ tell me they're important n shit

>> No.17374552


>> No.17374565

Beatles larpers with a fetish for sand

>> No.17374579

So much insecurity and jealousy in this post. Pink Floyd? Are you for fucking real? That's your standard?

>> No.17374602
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>> No.17374625


the only authentic psychedelic bands are from san francisco, except no british substitutes

>> No.17374669

It's accept no substitutes you retard. God I hate Americans

>> No.17374671

Edward Feser

>> No.17374676

>Why haven't we produced any important philosophers?
Jordan B Peter- oh he's Canadian.

>> No.17374815

Poe, Steinbeck, Lovecraft, Washington Irving, Longfellow, Harlan Ellison

>> No.17374843


>> No.17374860

Wilfred Sellars
Charles Sanders Peirce
Debatably can claim Hannah Arendt
William James
Thomas Jefferson

Not the strongest group, but not the worst either. Burger science is better, then you get people like Norbert Wiener

>> No.17374939

>being british
err yikes

>> No.17374951

David Lewis and Saul Kripke

>> No.17374952

oh no, it’s 2021

>> No.17374959

bongs are so fucking cringe

>> No.17374981

He does, Searle is a good philosopher

>> No.17374994
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>Pink Floyd

>> No.17375000

Why haven't we discovered any new continents, animals, or elements? The result of having hundreds of years of literature preserved means that having a new take that is significantly different from their predecessors to be considered a new school of thought is ever more difficult.

>> No.17375004
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>they'll never produce a band like Pink Floyd

>> No.17375029

Terrence McKenna

>> No.17375182

>Why haven't we produced any important philosophers?

>> No.17375249

>Samuel E. Konkin III

>> No.17375456

Terry A. Davis, my guy

>> No.17375464

Theodore J. Kaczynski

>> No.17375596

Based and not niggerlicious

>> No.17375607

Nicholas J Fuentes

>> No.17375609

god the american flag is so aesthetically ugly desu

>> No.17375615


>> No.17375621

American philosophy is good in three areas. Early liberalism, eco-philosophy, and anti-colonialism. Early liberalism is obviously no longer current now, but eco-philosophy and anti-colonialism are still big, relevant, and have many interesting Americans. Bookchin for eco-philosophy would be obvious, also older people like Thoreau & Emerson. Anti-colonialism can be seen in subversive texts by people like Malcolm X, Huey Newton, Angela Davis, and more contemporary names that are less good, there is also an old current of anti-colonialism that coincides with early liberalism.

>> No.17375625

>/lit/ - Music

>> No.17375629

absolute trash. leave /lit/.

>> No.17375643

>Only a contrarian would say we never had any good
Only a truth teller, you mean.

>> No.17376145

Arrested ethnogenesis of the almost-born "american" people preventing the maturation of the american consciousness to the point where it could integrate itself into the world of ideas, beyond the borders of its cultural milieu, and ponder existence.

>> No.17376148


>> No.17376176

Burgers are too dumb and shallow for philosophy. Bongs are just shallow. Anglos in general are trash at philosophy. The mere thought of something done for its own sake and not as a means of production sends the Anglo into a cold sweat of confusion and anxiety.

>> No.17376189

So Americans are only good at boring philosophy then

>> No.17376193

based retard

>> No.17376194

Pragmatism is not cool.
All my boys love the frankfurt school though.

>> No.17376195
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>> No.17376198

all philosophy is boring

>> No.17376201

You all know he is right though.

>> No.17376212

Because philosophy is a european tradition. You had to be there in order to be into it. If you look it up, many prominent philosophers were somehow connected to each other as one was the student of the other.

>> No.17376219

This. Pink Floyd is shit though

>> No.17376243

>anglo mad that the rejects he sent to an empty land are now doing better than him.
A better question would be were the mainlaind europe philosophers have gone. We used to churn them out left and right. Are philosophers just never appreciated in their own time?

>> No.17376292

>doing better than
Haha you can't make this shit up. You faggots are the laughing stock of the world.

>> No.17376306
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not philosophy

these even though they are still not close to europeans or asians

we are a ZOG colony so we probably aren't made to think. we're built for BBC anon

>> No.17376449

A laughing stock maybe, but I'm not a colonial, angloid.

>> No.17376534

Dangerously based.
>all these Mutts SEETHING

>> No.17376770

there is no reason to philosophize, we already won history and humanity

>> No.17377053

Not even a mutt but you're fucking delusional if you think pink floyd is better than most American bands

>> No.17377074

philosophy happened in germany between kant and hegel. it's been completed. move on.

>> No.17377077

A lot of good American philosophers have been mentioned in this thread, but I would also like to add that Whitehead was spiritually American. Because I say so.

>> No.17377079

All garbage. Kripke is the only one worthwhile from USA but thats it

>> No.17377085
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>Pierce, Quine, and Rorty

>> No.17377087

You are right but Pink Floyd is midwit tier

>> No.17377094

Midwits incapable of true thought

>> No.17377106

You say this an yet you almost certainly have barely skimmed their Wikipedia pages, much less read any of their works.

>> No.17377109

Rarely do we see bait this eloquent on /lit/, great performance sire.

>> No.17377114

Agreed except for Pink Floyd.
Fucking English.

>> No.17377157

>comedians are not funny
Norm MacDonald
>their authors are garbage
William Gibson, Malcom Lowry
>never produce a band like Pink Floyd
Rush, Arcade Fire
>can’t produce philosophers
Harold A. Innis

>> No.17377169
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>> No.17377180

Quine hasnt even read anything before 18th century seriously