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17373877 No.17373877 [Reply] [Original]

time for the /lt/ edition

>> No.17373883

Karl Marx

>> No.17373887

>the philosopher: chad
>his/her fans: toxic

>> No.17373898

onions/onions = russel

>> No.17373915

onions philosopher/chad fans

>> No.17373919


>> No.17373918

That's all philosophers and all their fans.

>> No.17373971
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>> No.17373976

chad chad is of course plato

>> No.17373983

I agree, Stirner is a chad but a normie philosopher nevertheless.

>> No.17373986

Onions/Onions Marx

>> No.17373997

Onions fans/Chad Philosopher is Deleuze

>> No.17374002

Chad/Toxic is Hume

>> No.17374009

Maybe that tells you he's not a s.oy

Junger Chad Chad

>> No.17374011

The only chad philosopher is Camus(who is not really a philosopher- this is not a coincidence) and his fans are mostly normies.

>> No.17374012

I can’t think of any “simp” philosophers

>> No.17374013


>> No.17374017

Chad/Normie is Socrates
Toxic/Chad is Nietzsche

>> No.17374021

Marcus Aurelius was a chad. He was a literal emperor waging war and having tons of kids. The only two things real men are supposed to do.

>> No.17374026

tbqh I am discounting the ancients because they lived in such a different culture that our social concepts don't really cross over that well.

>> No.17374037

Seems totally arbitrary, but I agree with Camus under your seemingly nonsensical restriction.

>> No.17374042
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>> No.17374047

i'd agree with this

aurelius is great for normie\chad and onions\chad

>> No.17374048


>> No.17374050

Derrida Onions/Chad

>> No.17374055

Chad/Onions Spinoza

>> No.17374065


>> No.17374067

nietzche/fans - chad/toxic

>> No.17374073
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>> No.17374074

Marx is Chad/Onions

>> No.17374085

camus is onions\(something), idk what though

>> No.17374103

Toxic/Normie Cioran

>> No.17374107
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Behold, the correct answer

>> No.17374108
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>> No.17374114

Your handwriting is diarrhea

>> No.17374118
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>> No.17374119

this nigga using paint

>> No.17374127

>schizo Plato fans
pick one

>> No.17374128

perfect spot for Diogenes but he was sort of a chad really

>> No.17374130
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Yes. I know.

>> No.17374136

Bertrand Russel fans are onions and Russel is onions

>> No.17374145

Onions/Onions Russell

>> No.17374149
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>> No.17374150

I'm curious, where do you guys rank Wittgenstein?

>> No.17374165

>Nietzsche simp/onions
ruined it
make him Chad/onions

>> No.17374171

nietzsche was terrible with women

>> No.17374177

We already discussed it, N. is either Toxic/Chad or Chad/Toxic.

>> No.17374178

Spengler is Chad/chad

>> No.17374179
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>> No.17374180

I was rating his philosophy not his stroke game

>> No.17374183

This, don't ignore my post OP you queer

>> No.17374191
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>> No.17374194

>We already discussed it, N. is either Toxic/Chad or Chad/Toxic.
ill agree with this

>> No.17374200

De Sade Chad/Chad lol

>> No.17374211
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>> No.17374230


>> No.17374233
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>> No.17374243

>evola fans

>> No.17374261


>> No.17374274
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>> No.17374304

keeping marx under normie/so y because of how annoying the marxists were when making the "definitive map of western philosophers"

>> No.17374311

someone add schopenhauer
toxic chad spots are all taken

>> No.17374319


>> No.17374330
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>> No.17374335
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>>17374150 ?

>> No.17374337

actually i take that back, they were either really cool and helpful or toxic. no in-between.

>> No.17374346

damn we need an autism column

>> No.17374365


>> No.17374378

Kant is in separate autist zone

>> No.17374380


>> No.17374381
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>> No.17374384

That's implied for every single spot on the chart

>> No.17374387

Carl Schmitt for Chad/Chad

>> No.17374389


>> No.17374396

I'd agree but will need some more support

>> No.17374408

Pick one
This is why nietzsche fans are faggots

Chad/Chad Kierkegaard
Chad/Toxic Stirner
Normies/Toxic Nietzsche
Normies/Normies Plato
Simp/Simp Mainlander

>> No.17374412
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>> No.17374420



>> No.17374421
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>Descartes arranged to give lessons to Queen Christina after her birthday, three times a week at 5 am, in her cold and draughty castle. It soon became clear they did not like each other; she did not care for his mechanical philosophy, nor did he share her interest in Ancient Greek. By 15 January 1650, Descartes had seen Christina only four or five times. On 1 February he contracted pneumonia and died on 11 February.[64] The cause of death was pneumonia according to Chanut, but peripneumonia according to Christina's physician Johann van Wullen who was not allowed to bleed him.[65] (The winter seems to have been mild,[66] except for the second half of January which was harsh as described by Descartes himself; however, "this remark was probably intended to be as much Descartes' take on the intellectual climate as it was about the weather.")

Simp/Chad Descartes

>> No.17374424

Plato was chad as fuck

>> No.17374436

He got btfo by Diogenes and most of his ideas are outdated. Socrates and Aristotle also mogged Plato.

>> No.17374451

berkely - chad/chad

>> No.17374456


The Wit quotes are fake, btw

>> No.17374460
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You're right. Especially Kierkegaard. He ditched the love of his life so he could focus on the ethical/religious way of life. He wasn't a simp

nice source

>> No.17374469

>He got btfo by Diogenes

Imagine literally not reading anything

>> No.17374473

even if it was wake, witt built a cabin far away from everybody and all of his family was suicidal, pretty autistic if you ask me.

>> No.17374482


It is wholly erroneous to put Marcus Aurelius under the šóý category, and this chart is literally no longer valid.

>> No.17374483

Why Nietzsche in two positions?

>> No.17374488

Aurelius just weeped over the fall of the Roman Empire and embraced a slave's ideology. He's peak onions.

>> No.17374490

He should be in like 6 or 7 positions I agree, 2 is not enough

>> No.17374492

Dude literally said man is a featherless biped
Even without Diogenes he is mogged by his successors and predecessors.

>> No.17374494

His legacy is normie fitness bros taking him out of context.


>> No.17374496

>Dude literally said man is a featherless biped
where is the lie anon

>> No.17374498
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>> No.17374504

>His legacy is normie fitness bros taking him out of context.
Basically all philosophy is perverted by dilettantes. If we are not going to consider philosophers in terms of those who actually understand them, there's not much point.

>> No.17374505
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Simp/CHAD Weininger

>> No.17374507

Not only that Kierkegaard literally made up words we use today. He had spouts of degeneracy, created the founding philosophy of most contemporary philosophers, he had an optimistic outlook despite a shit life, and he died like a chad.

>> No.17374518

schopenhauer should be chad philosopher / simp fans

>> No.17374519

Well I got a big third leg in my pants bucko wanna see?

>> No.17374521

Chads don't kill themselves

>> No.17374526

I agree, he's more of a Simp/Toxic.

>> No.17374533
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Shame about his side profile though

>> No.17374539

Foucault under Normie/toxic

>> No.17374542

What about it? He's got a jaw line behind that collar.

>> No.17374546
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philosophy: TOXIC
fans: NORMIE

>> No.17374548

DECIDE normie/toxic
and normie/onions

Foucault? Nietzsche?

>> No.17374555

fyi killing yourself as a philosopher automatically relegates you to the toxic/onions column

>> No.17374559
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Toxic/Chad Derrida

>> No.17374563

Everyone that participated in this childish, garbage thread needs to go back to rëddit.

>> No.17374567
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>> No.17374573

the /x/ version kek

fuck off faggot, this is the best thread right now

>> No.17374574


speaking of reddit

>> No.17374576

Shapiro fans are condescending faggots

>> No.17374580
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this edition will cause controversy

i like the chad/chad vs. toxic/toxic contraposition

>> No.17374585

you're saying disliking Ben Shapiro and Ayn Rand makes you a redditor?

>> No.17374588

recommending them for a /lit/ chart makes one a redditor

>> No.17374595

Foucault should be toxic/toxic
nietzsche in normie/toxic

>> No.17374603

Onions/Normie Sartre

>> No.17374604

I bet you couldn't even identify half of the real authors on my chart

>> No.17374605

>Autism philosopher + Autism fans slot
It has to be Spinoza
Kant is autism but his fans are normies, the fact that the only philosopher that Nietzsche (who was also very autistic) liked was Spinoza should be the decider

>> No.17374616

oh god it even has sam harris

you need to go back

>> No.17374618

Normies have never heard of Yarvin.

>> No.17374624
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>> No.17374632

you're a retard
He's become much more mainstream in the last few years especially with the kantbot and red scare type people who I could say are normies

>> No.17374638

>the most toxic philosopher died from aids

>> No.17374640

get off my board you fucking loser

>> No.17374641

Switch Sorel and Deleuze and you've cracked the code

>> No.17374647

Hume might be Normie/Onions or Toxic/Normie

>> No.17374649

You're putting yourself as a lefttpolfag when you put Bob Black there, no one that doesn't use that board has heard of him

>> No.17374653

Hume is a chad it's just that none of you have read him.

>> No.17374658
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Minor correction, proceed lads.

>> No.17374662


>> No.17374663

How? his philosophy is pragmatic and Kant refuted him.

>> No.17374664

Switch Marx and Plato and you've got it

>> No.17374672

His stuff on causation is great though

>> No.17374673

I just like interesting thinkers and I thought he sounded interesting
That's not a bad idea

>> No.17374677
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>> No.17374687

yeah, I think that's the key factor behind his philosophy

>> No.17374692


>> No.17374700

Oh and I would add that you should switch Marx and Aurelius

>> No.17374701


>> No.17374706
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>> No.17374709

i've never met a physically strong marxist

i know tons of "bros" or otherwise socially acclimated dudes that lift and love aurelius

>> No.17374713

Simp/Normie Bentham

>> No.17374722

this is good

>> No.17374731

and to add to it, stoicism is ultimately a "slave's ideology" and Aurelius was very "onions" or "passive" about his approach to managing the collapsing Roman Empire at the time

being a slave to historicism is the ultimate onions move

>> No.17374738
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still need:

and/or corrections

>> No.17374744

and literally a slave's ideology. see Epictetus

>> No.17374802

Ayn Rand for toxic/normie

>> No.17374845

what words did he make up? Leap of faith? Aesthetic (as an ethical stage)? Teleological suspension of the ethical?

>> No.17374872

Hume and Popper should be switched and also Schopenhauer and Derrida

>> No.17374908
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>> No.17374945
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>> No.17375025

What’s “fihchto”?

>> No.17375036

More like chad/toxic

>> No.17375076

>Sartre Normie/S.OY
Should be Camus desu

>> No.17375279

Camus was a bigger chad in real life

>> No.17375281

Hello? Based department?

>> No.17375369
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>a literal emperor
>not chad

>> No.17375385

>He's become much more mainstream in the last few years
Becoming more mainstream than literallywho status doesn't mean anyone knows the guy.

>> No.17375412
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replaced sartre with camus. it's more /lit/

>> No.17375423

Perfect change

>> No.17375474


>> No.17375483

Schopenhauer fan here. Are we really as bad as guenonfag and Foucault faggots? Not to mention Rand kek

>> No.17375490

Toxic means good, anon. What are you talking about?

>> No.17375499

Russell isn't onions/onions. What is wrong with anons? That would probably be Leibniz or something.

>> No.17375537

Ah makes sense. I gotta say I feel like Mainlander deserved better though. We should probably put him on toxic/toxic since he told everyone to kill themselves and his followers say the same. I don't know if Foucault was a simp though, probably not as faggot?

>> No.17375690
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>> No.17375756


>> No.17375758


>> No.17376327


>> No.17376361

Hume was not onions, hume was absolute chad.

>> No.17376375

Evola is far more toxic then Rand and Schopenhauer. He does not even fit in with the other onions philosophers. Meanwhile, he shares similar viewpoints with Nietzsche and Plato, who are regarded as Toxic and Chad respectively. Better if he was moved straight to toxic and the rest of the row shifted down one.

>> No.17376578


Spinoza = chad/simp, because I'm in love with Spinoza

>> No.17376608

Why the fuck is ben shapiro even on here lmao

>> No.17376692

should have made it "the philosopher/their philosophy"

>> No.17376730
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Never seen a Striner fan that isn't just a prideful soi.

>> No.17376834

Make one.

>> No.17377006

nah. threads already underway.

>> No.17377071

pick one

>> No.17377231

What kind of retard wouldn't weep over the fall of Rome? Are you retarded? His entire culture and the work of his people came to shambles under their own weight and inability to reconcile their own inconsistencies. It's not a s.oy behavior to grieve the loss of something important to you.

>> No.17377274

Simp/Simp: Sidney
Simp/Söy: Yeats
Simp/Normie: Keats
Simp/Chad: Spenser
Simp/Toxic: Hardy
Söy/Simp: DH Lawrence
Söy/Söy: Auden
Söy/Normie: e. e. cummings
Söy/Chad: Whitman
Söy/Toxic: Swinburne
Normie/Simp: Browning
Normie/Söy: Eliot
Normie/Normie: Heaney
Normie/Chad: Wallace Stevens
Normie/Toxic: Larkin
Chad/Simp: Donne
Chad/Söy: Byron
Chad/Normie: Shakespeare
Chad/Chad: Milton
Chad/Toxic: Pope
Toxic/Simp: Plath
Toxic/Söy: Poe
Toxic/Normie: Hughes
Toxic/Chad: Pound
Toxic/Toxic: Matthew Arnold

>> No.17377279

Kant had literal Asperger's, how is he normie?

>> No.17377285

This whole system is literally retarded and arbitrary. What the fuck is wrong with this board. God damn it I hate the internet, what a cesspit of worthless shit.

>> No.17378098

Aurelius' fans are turbonormies

>> No.17378124

what the fuck are you doing here?

>> No.17378213

>not swapping Hume/Foucault
A testament to the pleb

>> No.17378229

He literally described WHAT IS to an indisputable degree