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1735782 No.1735782 [Reply] [Original]

What happens to consciousness when your body dies?

>> No.1735785

I'm aware of the fact that the brain consists of atoms, and that those atoms will react accordingly.

Anything else?

>> No.1735786

We don't know.


>> No.1735788

It beams to another vessel.

>> No.1735787

What I'm about to post will tear you the fuck apart. I highly recommend that you don't read it, I tried to kill myself twice after I realized it.

Your consciousness is nothing but thousands of atoms and molecules exchanging electrical pulses with each other. Your thoughts don't exist, never have, and never will.

>> No.1735793

Nature abhors a vacuum. Nothing is created or destroyed. Nature simply transforms.

Prepare to be transformed.

>> No.1735794

you're a huge pussy

>> No.1735797

The definition of everything you said is called reductionism.

But don't bother reading about it on wiki. I've already tried to isolate the non-religionistisized matter to no end. The article is lost into an oblivion of irrelevant/insidious bulk-text.

>> No.1735800


Thousands of atoms? More like billions of synapses, who are not just a given structure but are formed while you think.

Also, why would thoughts be any less real if they are the results of chemical reactions? Less real than what?

It's not really about OP's question, but watch this, it's about your brain. http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/sebastian_seung.html

>> No.1735806

Thousands just means n x 10^3

He didn't say how many thousands [insert insult here]. He might have ment millions of thousands.

>> No.1735808

consciousness dies. Hurp a dur.

>> No.1735810

I'm more interested to what happens to the body after the consciousness dies.

I heard they had this dog being dead for 6 hours and they manage to bring him back to life.

>> No.1735817

when you die your blood stops circulating. Then it coagulates, so it cannot begin to recirculate. By then your brain suffocates from lack of oxygenated blood, and if you were somehow revived your brain wouldn't function properly due to the suffocation. This is why people who have been pronounced dead for longer than three minutes but then are revived have a higher chance of being a vegetable.

Then you decay and bugs eat your flesh.

>> No.1735824

Yeah, like an apple in the air. It just oxidates and crumbles.

So how is it on the science side. When will we be immortal bro.

>> No.1735828

singularity is supposed to happen around 2050. So I'm hoping around then.

>> No.1735835

How does the religionistics feel about this? I'm sure they don't encourage it..

>> No.1735836

who gives a shit? If they don't want to live forever then it's their loss.

>> No.1735838

I can imagine no worse punishment for anyone than to live forever.

>> No.1735841

I can.

Absolute nothingness.

>> No.1735843


>> No.1735848


>implying that a usb connection to the brain rules out suicide.

>> No.1735886

If consciousness is purely a function of material reality, then higher thought has no legitimate purpose. Anyone compelled to contemplate questions beyond those on the level of animalistic impulse for the sake of survival are self-torturing masochists.

Looking for beyond-all-doubt scientific evidence suggesting there is absolutely no possibility of consciousness existing similar to matter, but as a different substance. Has research in the topic gotten anywhere since the turn of the century?

>> No.1735918

the idea of separate consciousnesses is an illusion. when you die, so does the illusion.

simply, energy and matter are just on a continuum. everything is one and your illusory individual consciousness is re-absorbed

anything else is poppycock

>> No.1735924

You remember life before birth?

Yeah, it's kinda like that.

>> No.1735926

"Scientific education is based in the main on statistical truths and abstract knowledge and therefore imparts an unrealistic, rational picture of the world, in which the individual, as a merely marginal phenomenon, plays no role. The individual, however, as an irrational datum, is the true and authentic carrier of reality, the CONCRETE man as opposed to the unreal ideal or normal man to whom the scientific statements refer. What is more, most of the natural sciences try to represent the results of their investigations as though these had come into existence without man's intervention, in such a way that the collaboration of the psyche--an indispensable factor--remains invisible."
--C. G. Jung, "The Undiscovered Self"

>> No.1735929


"Quotes don't mean shit"
-The Rock

>> No.1735931

great post dude A+

>> No.1735933


i bet you googled that quote to see if the rock really said it

>> No.1735941

nah dude i took it at face value just like everything else

>> No.1735956


It's an interesting concept. Like, try to blink your third eye or something. A lot of people try to figure it's like closing your eyes, and everything's dark. But everything's just null. Darkness is, at least, something.

>> No.1735960

Well, actually it doesn't get dark if you close your eyes.

You still get hit by radiation on a lower frequency and with light having a lower wavelength.

>> No.1735962

Smart kid. Smart enough to know exactly what I was referring to.

>> No.1735964

""Quotes don't mean shit"

-The Rock"

-Deep&Edgy with tripcode removed

>> No.1735970


Bazinga! HA! You actually get hit with radiation with a LONGER wavelenght. You just fell for one of my practical tricks!

>> No.1736013

Nothing happens.
All is nothing.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.

>> No.1736020

Singularitarianism is basically the religion of technology.

>> No.1736037

That phrase is often used by the heuristically contaminants religionisticals to spread infinidogma into the ear of the poor innocent youth.

I'd actually celebrate in the presence of your corpses of your family in a dance before I devour them like a reptile. I hope you don't mind.

>> No.1736065

We don't die permanently, maybe rest for a bit. I know every humans consciousness may be different, but biologically that doesn't make sense. Think about it, if we were all comprised of the same body parts and internal transmitters and such, why didn't the Human Race just evolve to purely have Instincts or a Hive mentality like the rest of the damn worlds fauna. Or why can't our thoughts me measured against each other, why does someone with the exact same brain composition behave entirely different to another?

I don't what to derail the topic, but its questions like these that make me believe in a spiritual side to things. That and the fact that I don't like thinking that I'll permanently not-exist when I'm dead.

>> No.1736161


>I know every humans consciousness may be different, but biologically that doesn't make sense.
Think about it, if we were all comprised of the same body parts and internal transmitters and such, why didn't the Human Race just evolve to purely have Instincts or a Hive mentality like the rest of the damn worlds fauna.

Because we evolved beyond that animalism. We evolved such a self awareness that we began to think about our thoughts. We may be composed of the same types of parts, we all have faces, but no person has the same eyes or ears or hair and our all brains are different too. Jesus, at least learn a little biology before you spout such ill informed opinions.

>> No.1736163

>Brains can be extremely complex. The cerebral cortex of the human brain contains roughly 15–33 billion neurons, perhaps more, depending on gender and age,[2] linked with up to 10,000 synaptic connections each. Each cubic millimeter of cerebral cortex contains roughly one billion synapses.[3] These neurons communicate with one another by means of long protoplasmic fibers called axons, which carry trains of signal pulses called action potentials to distant parts of the brain or body and target them to specific recipient cells.

There are near infinite different (working) human brains possible, plus genetics, age, growth, substance abuse ... there are so many things that can change a man's cerebrum, it's near impossible to have two exact copies.
Also, mankind's still evolving slowly, improving its neural functions, note how IQ-tests need to be recalibrated every couple of years to keep the average at 100.

And we did have instincts and hive mentality (arguably, we still if do you look at our reflexes in emergencies and our 'collective subconsciousness'), but apparently mankind was generally better off surviving with an individual consciousness, otherwise we wouldn't be talking about this matter right here, right now.

>> No.1736165


We all have a desire to live for ever, and everybody is afraid of death. Some can't cope with this and they get all defensive.

But be a realist do you really want to give people something to exploit you with? Do you want them to use this thumbscrew to screw you over and take your money?

No? Then help destroy the religionistic establishment today.

>> No.1736192

I don't know, but I don't mind what happens. I think that's true faith.

>> No.1736216

The same thing that happens to software when hardware fails.

>> No.1736217

It sure seems like people are separated from each other but our senses and minds are actually tangled up with those of others, and even if you die the greater organism you're tangled up with is still there.

>> No.1736218

You are trying to evade the inevitable with this platitudes. You will DIE and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

You will not live for an eternity!

Just embrace it! And feel free for the first time.

>> No.1736232


Are you like, trying to troll as the ultimate basement dwelling atheist? That's how you're coming across.

Yes. I know I will die. No. I don't know what will happen. Does it bother me? No.

>> No.1736239


Good , now you see your flesh rottening and decomposing. Conjuring with the land. Eventually becoming a gas that emits out of the ground.

How does it feel? You are now halfway out of religionisticalism.

>> No.1736243


You're not very clever, are you?

>> No.1736244

There is nothing in death but a purple light and a soothing hum.

>> No.1736246


I hate purple.

>> No.1736249 [DELETED] 

Dang. Carl Jung was talking about The Measurement Problem in quantum physics without even realizing it. What a brilliant dude.

One key element of The Measuring Problem is how to include humans in the equation, because just as a thermometer is part of an experiment as an observer itself (or an extension of human observation rather) the human itself seems impossible but very necessary to include in the equation.

>> No.1736251

Dang. Carl Jung was talking about The Measurement Problem in quantum physics without even realizing it. What a brilliant dude.

One key element of The Measurement Problem is how to include humans in the equation, because just as a thermometer is part of an experiment as an observer itself (or an extension of human observation rather) the human itself seems impossible but very necessary to include in the equation.

>> No.1736252



>> No.1736253


I hope not. And I certainly hope everybody in here is smarter than me! Then I will have so much to learn from all the superiors.

Although if you're religionistally contaminated be prepared to get blown away. (Jebus style)

>> No.1736255

I'm going to become a butterfly

>> No.1736256

wasn't jung religionistally OD'ing himself into critical mind-numbness?

Does any discovery he has made have a law? If so please state that now and I will analyse it's differential properties. If not then to horsebags with him, nothing personal.

>> No.1736258


You can't keep talking about religious people like that, it's really obnoxious.

>> No.1736259

>What I'm about to post will tear you the fuck apart. I highly recommend that you don't read it, I tried to kill myself twice after I realized it.

Nah, this is the correct answer.

>> No.1736262


What you need to realize, is that there is no actual thing "consciousness". 'Consciousness' is an abstraction, and can be defined as "the quality of being conscious", just as any word with the suffix '-ness' can be defined as "the quality of being _____".

With this in mind you must ask yourself, what then is "the quality of being conscious?" I will jump the gun and reach the conclusion for you: it is the being active in the world. Active beings are conscious beings, and can be said to have consciousness (just look at what is required for a being to be active in the world and how active it is will show how conscious it is).

When you die, you cease to be active, and hence consciousness ceases as well. You must rid yourself of the notion that there is some magical life-force know as "consciousness" that can exist without a body, for this is simply philosophical residue that you have yet to rinse off.

>> No.1736263

Synchronicity, not that you would be able to understand it.

>> No.1736268

The faster we get rid of them, the sooner it will go over.

>> No.1736270


You sound like a nazi. I'm glad I'm not like you anymore. I'd rather be a zionist, a jew or a muslim than return to being a dumb, confrontational atheist that thinks the world needs his advice.

>> No.1736274
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>> No.1736275


He's obviously a troll or an edgy teen ex-Christian. Either way, I wouldn't worry too much about what he says.

>> No.1736278


True. He's so annoying though.

>> No.1736282


Imagine a world without religionisticals. Without fundamentalists and eastern secterians.

Ahh, what a dream. One day the Religionisticalist gene called VMAT2 will get wiped out. Oh Natural selection!