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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1022 KB, 788x563, emmie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17362114 No.17362114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can she be our new queen


>> No.17362130

Why does she support BLM. She loves ancient Greece. Why isn't she a based radical traditionalist?

>> No.17362138

That one Kyoani anime with the protagonist that has a thing for girls with glasses was onto something, these booktuber girls are cute

>> No.17362143

she looks like she fucks _______.

>> No.17362146
File: 11 KB, 130x186, 556z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please, stop this. I'm beginning you to stop with this business. It will bring you nothing.

>> No.17362151

Because she is not, as the children seem to say with jovial dispositions, cringe.

>> No.17362153

we have no queenwe are an anarchosindacalist commune

>> No.17362159

>Why does she support a movement against the wanton murder of black people by state minions?
I presume it’s because she’s against the wanton murder of black people by the state.

>> No.17362166

We are a post-consciousness virgin sex cult clique

>> No.17362182
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>> No.17362191

There is reddit and anti-reddit, but both are reddit nonetheless, if you do not transcend the existence of reddit itself you are reddit.

>> No.17362198
File: 64 KB, 812x1024, 8140CE36-046D-4106-8535-C467DBF56A3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is reddit and anti-reddit, but both are reddit nonetheless, if you do not transcend the existence of reddit itself you are reddit.

>> No.17362199
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>> No.17362201

That's too bad...

>> No.17362212
File: 24 KB, 483x314, emmielinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... she got a discord server


>> No.17362213

Okay reddit

>> No.17362219

someone tell her to livestream herself reading and reaction to the Inner Chapters of Zhuangzi

>> No.17362222


>> No.17362229

fuck me why did I have to share her on the other thread. don't be degenerates!

>> No.17362230
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>> No.17362236

>even she is memeing on Dosto
How will Dostofags ever recover?

>> No.17362242
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>> No.17362245

Black people are not killed by the police that often. It just seems that way because every single time it happens, it's international news. Why? Because it supports the mass media's narrative. BLM is just a tool for capitalists to redirect public anger away from the rich and toward whiteness. Nationalism and tradition stand in the way of endless capitalist exploitation and consumption. BLM might call themselves Marxists but everybody knows their revolution is never coming so they're not a serious threat.

>> No.17362252

By not being women.

>> No.17362260

But there are many on here that meme on Dosto as well, and no women post here.

>> No.17362265

I was the one you replied to who asked if there are any good booktubers. Her political views are misguided imo but she seems like a nice person and I'm opposed to harassing her.

>> No.17362267


>> No.17362276

black people are killed by pigs at disproportionately high rates.

>> No.17362281
File: 371 KB, 1536x2048, 1592909848265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that our queen got married

>> No.17362312

>Selected Writings
Featuring writings such as "i can't breave", "My Twisted OD on Fentanyl", "Can You Taste the Dindu Muffins?", and "They Put Me Down as a COVID Death"

>> No.17362318

Make sure to introduce yourselves in #introductions

>> No.17362332

I don't mean to harrass her. Also, I already knew her channel

>> No.17362337

Who's that girl (boy) near the lobster-lord?

>> No.17362338

I'd say about 15% of posters here are women. You can tell that sometimes.

>> No.17362347

i am crying knowing i can never feasibly attract a girl remotely similar to this

i am so fucking alone it cAnt get better fuck fuck fuck

>> No.17362349

It would be nice to have the real statistics. It's obvious that there is a few females here but I don't understand why, it's barely a "good" board for male readers.

>> No.17362351


>> No.17362353

>Why does she support BLM.
Because she's based
>Why isn't she a cringe radical traditionalist?
You guys are complete and utter cancer

>> No.17362357

Why can't you get better, anon? Unless you have something really, really wrong with you, you can always improve in some ways.

>> No.17362365
File: 104 KB, 1142x488, emmiediscord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's obvious that there is a few females here but I don't understand why
You don't? Really? Every aspect of this place just yells masculinity. Take a look at how women discuss in her Discord server. Do you think they would feel "at home" here?

>> No.17362374

The way she talks seems really affected

>> No.17362379

That's exactly what I am saying: I don't understand how there is even a few females here because there is no way they would feel welcomed or at home here.

>> No.17362385

not when taking into account the amount of violent crime they commit.

>> No.17362386

Same reason there are Jews or Muslims anywhere on 4chan, being an autistic loser takes you here regardless of who you are.

>> No.17362387

You'll never be a woman

>> No.17362389

grow up

>> No.17362395

You'll never be a man

>> No.17362396

Ooh, sorry for misunderstanding. Yeah, girls here are probably "social rejects" - ugly or autistic or higher IQ than average female

>> No.17362404

As long as you don't mention being female it doesn't really matter. I just want to talk about books.

>> No.17362405

These are clearly guys shitposting. Either that or I spend so much time here that I can't fathom the possibility that people are unironically like this.

>> No.17362407

>I just want to talk about books
Takes forever to get to talk about books on here, people care more about how based or cringe you are.

>> No.17362413

Yeah, people are like this.

>> No.17362417

This: >>17362386
Few girls are drawn to this place.

>> No.17362418

All lives matter, the blacks aren't the only ones killed by police, you victimist faggot

>> No.17362423

What's the appeal? She's not even showing much skin

>> No.17362426

Trust me if there was a better place I'd go there. I've gotten great recommendations though.

>> No.17362427

Yes, because we are more interested in the two forces guiding human action, based and cringe, which books are mere vehicles for. Sorry we want to strip away all of the bullshit and get the true essence of life?

>> No.17362441

Why do women love magical realism so much? I'm not saying it's bad or anything but it seems to really attract women for some reason and I don't understand why.

>> No.17362442

I agree. But we only periodically really talk about books here and once someone "spots" that you are a woman (it doesn't matter if you really are one or not) you get lapidated. I don't understand what attracts them here in the first place or how some of them, like butters, endure it and stays here. And I don't really agree with >>17362365, we are not masculine. Most posters here are like women and only live for the (you)s and rumors about authors, ecelebs and tripfags.

>> No.17362461

they're fairly tales with sex scenes, obvious fembait

>> No.17362487

I've literally never been spotted for being a woman unless I've been shitposting hard or admitted it myself. It has never derailed a good discussion I've had here. I think you're severely overestimating how much gender matters when posting here.

>> No.17362498

Guuurl, hmu @ buckNayKid69

>> No.17362514

Please, if you are truly a woman, answer me: what brought you here? Do you like it here? Why are here and not on reddit or somewhere else? Would you be ashamed if other women knew you were here?

>> No.17362528

Are you bothered at all by the way many anons talk about women? I feel like it would be offputting. Even for me as a man, I don't ike it (except for when it's funny) because it seems really disrespectful and coombrained. Since I'm not a woman, I feel like it's easier for me to overlook it and continue my shitposting about how much I like Jünger or Strasser or whoever.

>> No.17362529

Also, to answer this
>I think you're severely overestimating how much gender matters when posting here.
I don't think it matters in itself, but the board majoritarily don't like women.

>> No.17362561

It's not like we dislike women, it's just that it feels good to talk to other men about stuff you're interested in. When talking in a group with women, men tend to try to "impress" females (as well as fellow males, but it's usually more visible when there's women around), so the conversation is usually inauthentic and just made to boost someone's ego. In 4chan, since everybody is anonymous, except for tripfags, this social system you have to parttake in when engaging in normal discussions doesn't disrupt the conversation, and you don't need to try to impress women.

>> No.17362574

I support BLM but this image got even me laughing
God fucking dammit..

>> No.17362584

Disliking an entire gender is extremely stupid. Men who hate women are like women who hate children. They anti-family and they are holding back the white race. Improve yourself, fall in love, get married, and have 4+ children. The current state of women is not great but men aren't exactly fantastic right now either. Plus, you can't really blame women as a whole for what has become of them because they are extremely sensetive to social pressure and it is up to men to guide them. If men had not let women degenerate, they would not have degenerated.

>> No.17362589





>> No.17362600

>Disliking an entire gender is extremely stupid.
>holding back the white race
Cringe. You sound like you're 16.

>> No.17362609
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>> No.17362614

Does her server have rules against liking p r o b l e m a t i c authors? If I go in there and start talking about my love for Carl Schmitt, Georges Sorel, and Alain de Benoist or ranting about how Plato was a proto-fascist and that's a good thing (shoutout to Franco Freda) will I be banned?

>> No.17362616

Girls are so cute!
Girls! I salute
you with my toot.
Come in my arms
I'll turn your harms
away, come girls.
Put your little curls
on my shoulder.
'Tis a colder
world without you.
Beautiful brew
we make together
in this heather.
Girls are so cute!
Come, I'm no brute,
Come jolly Emmie !
I shall put gently
my thumb inside
your ass, I'll ride
you in winter
till comes summer,
and from June
to the clear Moon.
You'll suck my cock
shinning as rock
under the sun
of your sole one:
your beautiful clit
covered with spit.
To lick your cunt!
To make you grunt!
To kiss your crone!
To hear you moan!
I love your sex
hairy, complex,
greasy, stinky,
tasty, dinky,
pink, dry or wet,
but always het
for me my love.
Your breasts above
are my seasons,
crushing reasons
they breath with you
your joy anew.
Your whole body
knows nobody
but my warm hands
it understands.
Girls are so cute!
And I'm en route
To fuck you Emmie!
Beautiful Emmie
You'll soon know me.

>> No.17362617

Cringe but true

>> No.17362620

bro u gotta be racist

>> No.17362621

Came here as a kid and was never able to leave. I think I like the anonymity most of all, I like being able to spew whatever I feel like at the moment, and I like that others can too. Other women know I post here, they don't care.

I don't really take much on 4chan seriously. A good portion of posts shitting on women is probably me desu, it's funny. It is annoying when it gets in the way of actual discussion though. Same thing with racism.

>> No.17362632

Do you actually read? Genuine question.

>> No.17362636

I'm pretty confident that there is just one, maybe two leftist anons who have set up camp in this thread and are making all of these "CRINGE" replies to all of the fashy anons here.

>> No.17362637

What do you think of the poem I posted above? Does it makes you horny? Writing it sure made me horny.

>> No.17362641

anti-whites get the rope

>> No.17362643

It's probably for the best that you don't take it too seriously.

>> No.17362644

I'm not even a leftist. I was a fascist when I was 16 but I grew up and I honestly think it's cringe.

>> No.17362648

you can ask the same question to any man
/lit/ is probably about 20% women, at the very least

>> No.17362650
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>> No.17362654
File: 315 KB, 728x546, 1557103200892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be cop
>Encounter criminal of a disproportionately violent ethnic group
>He's either high on drugs, resisting arrest, or both
>Use force to subdue him
>Things get out of hand
what happened with George Floyd and 99% of similar cases.

>> No.17362656

Yes of course, why the hell would I come here otherwise?

Didn't read it

>> No.17362660

>why the hell would I come here otherwise?
I believe that a lot of people here are not readers.

>> No.17362662
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1601046514360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work anon.

>> No.17362674

I want to be clear that this person is not me, the person that you were responding to who was complaining about sexism holding back the white race. While I do support the death penalty, I don't like talk of "the rope" because it reminds me of the Turner Diaries, which I strongly dislike. The survival of our people is the most important thing there is but the genocidal fantasies of Pierce are both disturbing and unnecessary for our survival or flourishing. I don't think someone should be killed just for calling me cringe.

>> No.17362677
File: 145 KB, 786x892, 1585829087396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderful piece, Anon.

>> No.17362680

blacks make up something like 45% of all interactions between police and civilians, yet are only 25% of the people killed by cops. that's a disproportionally low rate

>> No.17362685

Yeah, I don't understand what they're doing here either.

>> No.17362688

What are you now?

>> No.17362704

I don't adhere to ideologies, I only believe in virtue and I try to live accordling to a platonist philosophy. However, I vote center-right if that's your question.

>> No.17362722

fuck Jordan is so hot

>> No.17362725

grow up

>> No.17362745

shes p cute tfw no lit gf

>> No.17362750

Thanks friends
Why don't you? I want to make you horny, when you read it imagine a deep voice and a French accent please.

>> No.17362756
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>> No.17362760

Do you have any argument against fascism aside from this? I'm curious about why you abandoned it and if you were ever a serious supporter or just an edgy shitposter. If someone only likes an extreme ideology because it's funny and offensive, they do need to grow up. I don't even like /pol/ though and never have so I don't really think this applies to me. Also, what do you think of Plato's Republic and Laws?

>> No.17362768

That's pretty cute ngl

>> No.17362785

He's not >>17362644.

>> No.17362788

I thought I was the only one, but I also suspect it more as a board wide presence. I genuinely feel like there are one or two leftists who enter threads on go on tirades on this board. It's at the very least obvious in some threads by the similarities of the replies.

>> No.17362813

I'm fine with having a leftist presence here and I often value their input when it's good but in this thread all they're doing is saying cringe and grow up. It feels like one person and it's annoying. I did like the "and you will never be a man" reply though. That was pretty good.

>> No.17362832

I wasn't telling you to grow up because of fascism, although that is cringe too. I was telling you to grow up because it seems retarded to go shit up this girl's server like an sperg.

>> No.17362836

Go back to the JREG subreddit fgt

>> No.17362884

So do you have an argument against fascism or not?

>> No.17362909

I do. And no, I'm not going to debate you here, don't even reply to this.

>> No.17362957

ok, you got me with the
>"They Put Me Down as a COVID Death"

>> No.17362962

Aspergers is the next step in human evolution, dumbass.

>> No.17362980


>> No.17362982

she is anglo. is 100% degenerate bitch, even she likes the greek trad history. It doesn't matter what the appareance, all anglo girls are the same anon.

>> No.17362992

She doesn't look very Anglo. Also, plenty of girls drop that shit once they meet a guy with different ideas, Anglos included.

>> No.17362994

Don't have kids please. The world will be better without "people" like you.

>> No.17363026

I don't think you have to worry too much about antifascists having kids.

>> No.17363031

I am one.

>> No.17363046

There are so many actually.

>> No.17363051

The slender wrists are the appeal

>> No.17363076


>> No.17363154
File: 25 KB, 1317x136, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one of you spergs?

>> No.17363202
File: 33 KB, 1300x282, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are having a girl over.

>> No.17363251


>> No.17363256

Hey, new friends! I highly recommend reading Industrial Society and Its Future by Ted Kaczynski, especially if you're like me and LOVE anything dark academia!

>> No.17363260

Greeks aren’t white anon

>> No.17363272

emmie if youre here pls post your feet and what your thoughts on revolt against the modern world are thank you

>> No.17363274

Why does Peterson never smile on photos. Seriously, there exist almost none photos were he even smiles a little bit. Is it because of wrinkles?

>> No.17363287

>le spengler mutt
>foot simp
What a surprise

>> No.17363292

because of benzos

>> No.17363294

We have to stop doing this to innocent young girls you guys

>> No.17363295

Agreed! If you are more into chaotic academia I suggest Manifesto of the French New Right by Alain de Benoist.

>> No.17363297

Leave this cesspool while you still can, and go back to the warm comfort of the wholesome discord server.

>> No.17363319

t. swarthy greek with brown/black hair who stinks like gyros

>> No.17363323
File: 3 KB, 110x86, 1609027716581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shill finally ratted
bros, will she send him feet pics?

>> No.17363330

post more screencaps of 4channelers acting like complete autists on that discord please

>> No.17363333

you guys are really weird and maybe youre joking but you seem pretty racist too...

>> No.17363336

Greeks didn’t even remotely look like brad pitt you mutt

>> No.17363337
File: 28 KB, 480x360, katielovesbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True... Never forget Katie, too pure for this world.

>> No.17363343

Wow. Its really inappropriate to think we are joking about a serious topic like racism. We really are racists.

>> No.17363346

Nice digits and nice bait. A regular person wouldn't know how to post on 4chan.

>> No.17363348

OOOOOOO she does nudes now :)))))

>> No.17363352

>We are having a girl over.
The thought is strangely arousing ..

>> No.17363354

you're really racist? hmmm on a forum about books but must not read much then, huh?

>> No.17363364

Should we say it? The word? Should we say the word?

>> No.17363367

Oh no.... I haven't seen anything so unscathed by cynicism in this board.

>> No.17363371

it's really not that hard to figure out. dont flatter yourself. if you scroll around, you can see what lights up when the cursor hovers over it. it only took me like 4 minutes.

>> No.17363377
File: 12 KB, 320x272, 1587405281837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice digits

>> No.17363393

you faggots have to ruin everything

>> No.17363396

>she does nudes now
she does?

>> No.17363398

This is why you're not supposed to respond to those threads asking for booktubers.

>> No.17363406
File: 256 KB, 432x228, 1600145220175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is really disturbing ...

>> No.17363408

Hey this is Steve from discord here. I just want to let you know that if you think you can mess with Emmie you have another thing coming, I have Internet Admin access and will ban your accounts if you make any threats or indecent proposals. So ship shape or ship out!

>> No.17363414

someone post that Frankfurter Allgemeine article BTFO'ing these booktubers

>> No.17363424

I don't know what you're talking about. I don't see anything wrong with her forehead/hairline.

This is either bait or someone from the discord trying really hard to fit in.

>> No.17363426

Monarchy doesn't work like that, OP.

>> No.17363429

I'm really into Gothic Academia also known by some as Darkest Academia but I'll give anything a chance! My favorite authors are Bram Stroker and Eudora Welty.


>> No.17363431

holy fucking shit

>> No.17363432
File: 189 KB, 1024x1821, 1590611587280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows her tits and cunt on social media
lmao you guys are first rate simps

>> No.17363437

Wow... you weren't kidding this is DARK lol

>> No.17363452

she's got the look of someone who went crazy after being meme'd on by a bunch of autists on 4chan

>> No.17363459

I know this is bait, but PSA: the idiom is "another think coming"

>> No.17363462

Only an idiot would take 4chan seriously. This is an anonymous website where you don't need to care about building a reputation or being respected, so people have no filters here. As you can read by the latest conversations in your server, we are not chimps.

>> No.17363471

This is /lit/'s fault.

>> No.17363476

Are you a tier-three Pokimane subscriber as well by any chance?

>> No.17363480

Post screenshots of the conversations. Did that Strasserite guy join and go on a rant about Plato and fascism like he said?

>> No.17363487

>I'm posing here!

>> No.17363489

Tell me more about these booktubers .. why do they drink the tea?

>> No.17363491

So the female equivalent of the male litizen gets sponsors and tens of thousands of views to listen to her ramble on her trite observations about books? The future really is female.

>> No.17363492

Jus people talking about Dosto and Proust and their latest reads

>> No.17363499

>reads and talks about books
>equivalent of litizen

>> No.17363516

>male litizen
Here's your male /lit/izen YouTuber, anon


>> No.17363517

I don't know whether to be disappointed or proud.

>> No.17363518

I don't like booktubers. This is like watching someone read a bunch of twitter posts. Does that make me a boomer?

>> No.17363526

Unironically my favourite youtuber

>> No.17363540

Is there any hope?

>> No.17363544
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, 1581441230047.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from london

shall I pay her a visit?

>> No.17363567

Good point. In theory though, would the average litizen have been a cute little book e-slut if born female? I know I'd try it. All that attention. Everybody telling you how smart you are. God it would be great.

>> No.17363582

>All that attention. Everybody telling you how smart you are. God it would be great.
This would be true regardless of what you did. Why bother reading at that point?

>> No.17363596

Well you have to cultivate some kind of aesthetic. Even if only for marketing purposes.

>> No.17363599

Not really, I hate compliments. And I would be sick and tired of it in no time.

>> No.17363600

Not for us, brother.


>> No.17363602


>> No.17363613

He makes music as well. And it's half-decent.

>> No.17363633

>black people are killed by *nigs* at disproportionately high rates


>> No.17363642

ill clean the bathroom boys, someone take out all the trash, fuck we need new sheets too

>> No.17363666

Did any of them visit /lit/ and seem to like us?

>> No.17363668

wait, hahaha is that the girl from the screencap of lits darkest moment? do you know the one im thinking of? no fuicking way hahaha

>> No.17363686

They mostly called us racist and left when they realised we were a bunch of internet nobodies. Sadge

>> No.17363697

Huh? Why did they call us racist?

>> No.17363708

Am I missing something?

>> No.17363711
File: 761 KB, 1080x779, 1598921311199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is her, and /lit/ had nothing to do with her whoredom. all women are whores by nature, even the cute introverted bookworm girl who sits in the back of class, the one you have a crush on, is nothing but a cum dumpster whore who gets spit on and inseminated by chads every weekend. /lit/ is possibly responsible for her deleting her blog and her youtube account, but her whoredom is thanks to her genetics.

>> No.17363714

People tend to lump other groups into a mass and categorize them. Nothing new. And anons also do this. It is specially harder to not do this here, considering that there are no avatars and that it is hard to not notice some weird anons who are into fascist or nazi shit.

>> No.17363728

I'm >>17363714
>>17363711 Thanks for providing an example. Just compare my post and >>17363711. Which one is easier to ignore?

>> No.17363739

There was a guy earlier in the thread talking about how the white race needs more children

>> No.17363741

I think they kicked out new members because if this wasn't the case there would have been screenshots from discord chart post-alert >>17363202

>> No.17363753

yes, the retardation

>> No.17363754

I hope you get over this incel mindset. The society we live in is a perverse one, I do agree, but there is no more sense in blaming women and their "nature" than there is in blaming the jews.

>> No.17363756

I don't really see any reason to believe all women are like that.

There's nothing racist about that.

>> No.17363760

The white race does need more children--a LOT more children. Zionist occupiers have been browning white nations for decades now and it's high time someone calls them out. White countries belong to white people. If you want some cutting edge fiction that explores these taboo ideas, such as the preservation of the white race, check out my novel Call of the Crocodile. The book is part of a whole series in fact. (they can be read in any order though so don't worry)

>> No.17363765

it's way too obvious

>> No.17363767

I posted that screenshot and I've not been kicked out yet.

>> No.17363768

Did Styhexxenhammer transition again/

>> No.17363782

that's true though

>> No.17363791

Wow, F Gardner, I am speechless. Will buy it right now.

>> No.17363796

That's the most racist adjacent post I could find

>> No.17363799

That was me and I'm not racist. I don't hate other races, even blacks or Jews. I just love white people and want what's best for us. The real enemy isn't other ethnic groups. It's the 1% fatcats destroying our civilization in pursuit of profit.

>> No.17363832

I agree with you; I was responding to a question regarding what it was that the normies from the discord server found racist, and I think it's true that 99% of the population would have red flags rise in their mind when they read a post like that.

>> No.17363840

Get educated, retard

>> No.17363867
File: 297 KB, 633x758, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my heckin' booktuberinooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
I loved her, I coooomed to her, she was my secret pleasure and now you /lit/ niggers are going to ruin her, fuck you, FUCK YOU.
Honestly FUCK 4chan
You killed my katie, you spoiled my threemilk, and now you'll get her too, WHY?
DON'T TOUCH MY * E M M I E * !!!!!!!!1!!!!!!
STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you

>> No.17363893

Is Emmie active in the discord? Was it only her fans that saw this thread or did she look at it too?

>> No.17363897

do you know anything about BLM and the people who support it?


>> No.17363910

is quillette like intelligent design for racists?

>> No.17363911

stop being desperate faggot

>> No.17363913

I'm not sure. I've been talking with a few other /lit/izens about books and their home countries, but I haven't seen Emmie. Honestly, we seem to be more active on the server than the actual users.

>> No.17363922

I'm kinda close

>> No.17363927

no, just read the fucking article

>> No.17363977
File: 622 KB, 300x300, 1600890182015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DON'T SAY HER NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17364027
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>What have I become?
>My sweetest friend
>Everyone I know goes away
>In the end
No matter what happens she will always be my Jewish waifu.
If only I could have saved her...

>> No.17364059

Fuck caucasians

>> No.17364061

Greeks are honorary blacks.

>> No.17364062
File: 534 KB, 947x684, agg2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know she has a new secret yt right?

>> No.17364068

No, real men don’t smile.

>> No.17364102

I had forgotten about her. That was one of 4chan's lowest points.

>> No.17364132
File: 35 KB, 669x703, aggyendme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying faggot, don't get my hopes up. My pain is great enough now.
Fuck me, I'm a worthless simp for this fucked up autistic lesbian jew.
It was never meant to be, I might as well kill myself.

>> No.17364134

I don't know about this one. What happened?

>> No.17364314


>> No.17364320

what is wrong with some anons?

>> No.17364340

If I send an empty envelope to that address, will she be able send it back to me with her used tampon inside? Is this how the plain old mail works?

>> No.17364344
File: 42 KB, 819x168, Screen Shot 2021-01-23 at 4.59.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one of us but made me smile.

>> No.17364382

>Anti-social freak
I don't know but somehow trip and namefags are worse.

>> No.17364405

Stop worshipping random woman

>> No.17364419

>as a new adult

>> No.17364435

This is the Kaczynski stan in the discord. I enjoyed talking to you guys but it appears that I have been banned. I don't really see what I or any of us did wrong except for the poet. Were you guys banned too?

>> No.17364436

>For me, paperbackdreams...
>not one of us

>> No.17364444
File: 469 KB, 436x421, emmie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently I was banned for no reason. For the anons that want to keep talking about literature in discord (I was Belchior, btw), I recommend this server that I'm in. I'm not very active in it but it's a nice server: discord gg/ ZtnmCrjKyp

>> No.17364445

>except for the poet
what happened?

>> No.17364449

I'm >>17364444

>> No.17364461

He posted this: >>17362616

>> No.17364469

The poem that was posted here was also shared in the discord. It's not a very polite poem. The rest of us didn't do anything wrong though. We were just talking about Dostoyevsky, F Gardner, Latin American lit, and the problems that accompany technological advancement. There was no reason for us to be banned. Nobody else in the server was even that active. I only saw maybe two users who weren't from here talk while I was there.

>> No.17364475

what chat are we posting in

>> No.17364493

We are gone now and if you try to get in they will probably ban you immediately.

>> No.17364508

It was nice to chitchat with you, my fellow comrades. Thankfully, I was again reminded that I am a huge turbo-autist and simp and I simply long for some affection from cute anglo lit nerdy girl. But who doesn't, right?

>> No.17364516

it's the damn kikes fault anon dont blame yourself

>> No.17364532


>> No.17364586
File: 589 KB, 722x768, AggyInterdasting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic Jewish girl named Agatha starts ASMR channel, threemilk. She does mukbang, plays ukulele, sings, draws, etc.
Naturally she cultivates a (young) female audience. Naturally, she also attracts autistic simps (like me desu).
The faggots of the latter category go and post her on 4chan. /pol/ and /r9k/ niggers flood her YouTube channel and streams.
They basically spam her comment sections and chats saying shit like "I thought Anne Frank was dead", "gas the kikes", "oy vey!", etc.
Almost completely alienates her original fanbase. No problem, just filter posts and get jannies to clean up your streams.
The o b s e s s e d autistic faggots somehow find her family pictures and older images. Harassment getting worse and weirder.
Probably not what set her off in a downward spiral though. I think her friend died, might have suicided, can't remember.
Everything must have got to her head at this point and she dropped everything and left social media.
Don't know what she's doing now but she really let herself go unfortunately. Some say she became a tranny, I pray these are lies (I mean she was already a lesbo so who knows?)

>> No.17364594

I think 4chan isn't nearly as hostile as most people make it out to be. Noone is actual mad if anon calls him cringe, faggot, nigger or tranny. In a weird way it's more authentic and friendly than most parts on the internet. If you want a true shithole you need to look to YT or reddit comments where people in arguments genuinely hate each other and value their opinion on things way too much. You can't disarm the argument there by just getting into an absurd basedjak spamming (You)battle.

>> No.17364605


>> No.17364626

that’s actually really fucked up. some people on here have no sense of boundaries or shame

>> No.17364635
File: 7 KB, 472x66, anglowhore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha are you guys serious

>> No.17364656

The simp thinks with his parasocial dick. The /lit/ simp is no different.
These truly are sad times we are living in anon.

>> No.17364657

if a young girl isnt into some social justice crusade or is very religious something is deeply wrong with her

>> No.17364659



>> No.17364663

omfg COME ON YOU RETARDS!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17364683


>> No.17364684 [SPOILER] 
File: 313 KB, 1161x1553, 1611441866787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17364687

kek what a roastie

>> No.17364696

Why do booktube girls all look the exact fucking same? Who tries that hard to look uNiQuE when you end up looking like every other surface reading retard in the world?

>> No.17364709

Thank you. Goddamn anglo whore wiling our /lit/simp boys so easily

>> No.17364712

that's the same girl wtffff?! Jesus this place really is insidious my god.

>> No.17364733

big retard think

>> No.17364742
File: 11 KB, 454x520, 1563801160646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big retard think

>> No.17364823

All of us in the discord were very civil. We also seemed to agree on a lot so that might be why but nobody seemed the type to flip out.

>> No.17364864

4chan should not have done that to her but this isn't just 4chan's fault. A healthy society would have had norms in place to guide her in a positive direction.

>> No.17364870

Can you fuck your self and die?

I’m sorry but the fucking coon worship here makes you all come off as fucking virgins with one-itus.

>> No.17364891

>I didn't even know people were still using 4chan. I kinda just thought it was like an ancient source of memes.
based oldfag. That aside I want her as a daughter.

>> No.17364923

>If you want a true shithole you need to look to YT or reddit comments where people in arguments genuinely hate each other and value their opinion on things way too much.
srsly YT and plebbit comment are way more caustic and personal. The seethe is actually real there.

>> No.17364933

Wait, isn't coon a slur for black people? Is it used for women too?

>> No.17364934


>> No.17365060

...in some sort of time machine

>> No.17366334

Productive thread.

>> No.17366338

Anons have a distorted view of monarchy.

>> No.17366402

typo for "poon"

>> No.17366444

you forgot to SNEED

>> No.17366451

or hotties who want some cock? ayy hmu bitches

>> No.17366473

Jesus Christ.

>> No.17366476

She probably gets fucked every night

>> No.17366485

I would know.

>> No.17366492
File: 161 KB, 398x362, 1609790873669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw age 26
>all the cute arty girls my age are starting to smash into the wall hard

>> No.17366504

Wait till everyone who will bother to look at you has a kid already.

>> No.17366508

More like at least 2.

>> No.17366520

the link seems to be broken

>> No.17366528

You just posted cringe though fag

>> No.17366612
File: 246 KB, 550x535, 9ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ASMR-style audio
>You can hear every single lip and tongue click
Abso-fucking-lutely disgusting.

>> No.17366926

Because all white women are biologically programmed to support social justice movements.

>> No.17367142


>> No.17367156

>>Why does she support BLM.
>Because she's based
Explain to me why it is morally acceptable to allow blacks to roam the streets, knowing they are the most violent and vindictive group alive today.

>> No.17367178

I mean she has mishima in her collection and delillo

>> No.17367272

her take on the symposium is terrible, absolutely filtered
about 9:00 in the video btw

>> No.17367524
File: 47 KB, 400x483, KENNY LXXX B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17367569

there's a difference: booktubers like her are cute and tripfags like you are weird pedophiles

>> No.17367574

i would pay a lot of money to watch u get curbstomped

>> No.17367588

So, you're just going to ignore the fact that you post nothing but garbage?

>> No.17367611



>> No.17367679

I just signed up for her Only fans... I mean Patreon. Full nude posing videos, for my art. My medium is jizz on cotton (t-shirts).

>> No.17367694
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>> No.17367724

Reveres? I wouldn't call it that.

>> No.17367742
File: 261 KB, 1242x1506, 0B32C0FB-121F-4EE9-8A07-A070E48934B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17368367

Okay her video about Rilke is actually quite endearing. I take back the perverted stuff I've said in this thread and I beseech other anons to do as well.

>> No.17368388

the whore even has the tatoo for the full pack. nice