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17362039 No.17362039 [Reply] [Original]

I can't afford to put my parents into this problem right now, things are going great, neither do I want them to take financial burden of therapy. What books can help me get better?

>> No.17362070

Ask your doctor to prescribe you antidepressants

>> No.17362083

What are you depressed about fren?

>> No.17362090

Don't do this. It's a chemical lobotomy.
Depression is difficult to treat but if you make an effort (hardest part) of going outside daily and doing weekly physical exercise you'll notice that you'll start to feel better.

>> No.17362099

Worst fucking advice ever.

>> No.17362107

read brothers karamazov, gravity and grace, jung
do not listen to >>17362070, and I say this as someone who was diagnosed with clinical depression and was on antidepressants for half a year.
all problems of such kind come from the inside and are related to either state of mind or your environment, and cannot be fixed by medication

>> No.17362120


>> No.17362125

Don't read anything, just make your bed and go for a hike. Then make a meal with lots of vegetables in it, sit in the sun, and practice a consistent sleep schedule. Then, once you've done these things for a few days, get a wage slave job, and save some money to spend on something that interests you.

Voila, depression over.

>> No.17362148

This book has a cringe title, but as someone who actually practiced it, it's a godsend:

Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life - Hayes

ACT therapy is the real deal - do yourself a favor and give it a shot.

>> No.17362202

I had difficulty climaxing when on these, which drove me to watch more and more disturbing porn. The only thing that could get me off was the spark of shock. I feel like I became so much more depraved because of it, even if I now have managed to work my way back somewhat.

Antidepressants helped me to stop being completely miserable all the time. If you're in a state where you can't make yourself eat, or you have someone depending on you (kids or whatever) then they can help you work. Functional apathy vs uncontrollable despair. If you haven't hit that level of depression though, it's better to try to work it out without pills, because then at least you can have moments of joy/excitement among the rest, and you at least feel alive albeit depressed (and have a functional dick).

This was a long time ago but then I got by with listening to Elliott Smith and Godspeed You! Black Emperor. I also read the Berserk manga. I don't have any lit tips though because I didn't read much at the time.

I don't think you can find an intellectual answer, you just have to immerse yourself in your emotions imo. I could feel "good" in the melancholy because I still felt alive. I enjoyed the sadness over the apathy.

>> No.17362375

I don't even know frend

>> No.17362431

accept god, faggot

>> No.17362444

go outside and read anything you feel like you should

>> No.17362470

This, it’s hard I’m sure but just go and walk outside talk to people and family and eat healthy

>> No.17362476

Depending on the severity it might make sense financially to invest into therapy/antidepressants since you could end up becoming a neet at some point

>> No.17362608


>> No.17362702

What are you feeling shame about fren? Depression is often connected to shame.

>> No.17362733

Often we feel shame and do not know how to deal with it, neurosis is a kind of repeating mechanism while the goal of psychoanalytic therapy is making this a memory.

There are often people or cultures that make you internalize this shame (this is actually nonmeming where people talk about internalized racism), maybe you have some attitudes that makes you hate yourself without reason, there's lots of people here who are ashamed about masturbating and feeling pleasure so they are swinning between nofap and cumbrain. Freud's book on depression is recommendable.

>> No.17362742

>>17362733 continues on >>17362702

>> No.17362744

myth of sisyphus is basic but it was pretty good for me at the time

>> No.17362791

those who tell you to don't listen to this anon probably haven't even tried them

>> No.17363237

Thank you for all the replies frend
I will exercise, spend time with my family,eat right, write in a journal from now on. I will try to read religious and philosophy books. Maybe I just have bad habits, thanks for all the replies

>> No.17363340

Go to a psychotherapist it will help you a lot. gl

>> No.17363736

Meant to post this for you, but spammed in the wrong thread:

I will tell you what a decent therapist will tell you:

Judging your thoughts and feelings will compound them. Don't judge yourself for feeling bad, don't pathologize it as a crisis in your soul, learn to do things IN SPITE of how you feel. What would you like to do? Not how would you like to feel?

Your feelings are not good or bad, it's our responses to them that create meaning. So you feel depressed? What does depression feel like? Not what story has your mind concocted to explain the feelings, but what do you actually feel? I bet you'll find it's not so bad without a story.

Accept yourself, your thoughts and feelings, but don't believe they are TRUE. They are real, not true. You can nod at them, but don't invite them to tea.

And finally - I know you probably won't believe this, but IT WILL PASS. You will feel GOOD AGAIN.

>> No.17363772

I had a friend who started taking antidepressants and he actually got worse and became incredibly aggressive and hostile and we literally had to excommunicate him from our friend group

>> No.17363789


>> No.17363800

agree, tried antidepressants for a month and felt like it was deleting the emotional part of all my memories. not good. doc said my complaints meant i needed a higher dose. fuck that.

exercise and something with other people. if possible join a fighting gym and go every day. otherwise walk/run long distances.

>> No.17363838

Antidepressants are overly prescribed, sure. If you have mild depression, you should try other methods and probably don’t need medication. However, persistent and moderate-to-severe symptoms that seriously interfere with your life can respond very well to medication.

>> No.17364055

You probably took SSRIs. They tend to numb down your emotions which is good for some people, maybe bad for others. It's definitely not for everyone. Personally I prefer it over being unmedicated, bad thoughts can become too intrusive for me, especially at nighttime.

>> No.17364094

do NOT do this. They have ruined my life

>> No.17364205

Lmao overly dramatic little bitch

>> No.17364239

do you love your family anon? do they care for you? perhaps you dont have to put a financial burden on them so much as the burden of spending time with you, even if its just playing some board games or cards or something. It might help you see at least a sliver of the beauty life has to offer and give you at least some purpose

>> No.17364250
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These. As far as I’m aware it’s the only book series written by someone from /lit.

>> No.17364265

>I might have depression frens. What should I read?
Not Pessoa.

>> No.17364366

schizo here
if you believe you might take your life go to a doctor and take any meds prescribed, if not go to the doctor and try to get talking therapy, don't take medication but the greatest things for depression isn't books its the following
>limit use of technology
>exercise (weightlifting and cardio ideal)
>going outside in both citys and nature
>a creative and expressive outlet, journaling music that sort of stuff
in terms of books one size doesn't fit all, look up summaries of different philosophies on youtube and if one or two peaks your interest go from their or check through classic reading lists and pick out ones that seem good to you

>> No.17364394

another thing to consider as well is online socialization this is one of my more personal beliefs but I think anyone you socialize with has some influence over you so limit online socialization to people you know or people you're confident have some level or care about your wellbeing also avoid social media that's poorly designed like facebook, twitter, instagram etc the less strangers that have influence over your mind the higher the chance of recovery but this is my personal opinion from having schizophrenia

>> No.17364498
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Depression is normal. It gives joy meaning. Invite it with pleasure and bask in its pain.

>> No.17364521

Just because you are schizophrenic doesn't mean they aren't after you. Be careful, anon

>> No.17364543

This neo-80s aesthetics is so fucking cringe

>> No.17364577

I'm severely depressed right now due to a combination of internal and external factors and because I feared for my life I decided to go to a psychiatrist and start Zoloft. It's been a couple of days and I've been feeling even worse, but apparently that's to be expected in the first few days. I don't really believe in medication all that much, but if it can at least numb down my emotions and make me more practical for some time, until I get my shit together, that'll be enough

>> No.17364582

I didn't suffer with delusional thoughts too strongly anon, the major presentation was hallucinations, plus I'm not sure if you're being sincere or not because it seems obvious suggesting people might be after you to a mentally ill person seems to be a bad idea