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17361457 No.17361457 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17361483
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>> No.17361504

The Spanish Shakespeare

>> No.17361563

why do you call him Shakespeare, I've seen it in Goodreads' comments too

>> No.17361609

Because he is to Spanish what Shakespeare is to English and what Goethe is to German; cultural heroes and the greatest playwrights of their languages. Which is why it’s confusing as to why Life is a Dream is the only one of his works that is easily found in English translation. Admittedly it’s his masterpiece, but it’s not like Hamlet is the only Shakespearean play that gets translated into Spanish.

>> No.17361634

A lot of his other works are sort of unremarkable. Just like Lope de Vega. They both wrote a lot but didn't always get it so right as with La vida es sueño and Fuenteovejuna.

>> No.17361644


this collection any good? i've been eyeing it for a while.

>> No.17361653
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I wouldn’t know because I don’t speak Spanish and besides Don Quixote and Life is a Dream, it’s hard to find literature from the Spanish Golden Age in English translation.

>> No.17361668

Spaniard here, all translations of Calderon de la Barca's works suck. Learn Spanish C1 and read them along Lope de Vega, Luis de Gongora, Francisco de Quevedo and Sor Juana Ines.

>> No.17361681

>Sor Juana Ines
skip this one

>> No.17361694

El divino Narciso is good. Eat some shit.

>> No.17361697

Why are there no good translations of Spanish Golden Age literature in English? I’m already in the process of learning French because I had the same problem with the French moralists besides La Rochefoucauld and Pascal.

>> No.17361709

It’s likely that the Spanish Shakespeare is considerably worse than Shakespeare.

>> No.17361710

>skip this one
Why? Her Sonetos and Primero Sueño are very comfy and funny to read. Also Garcilaso de la Vega if you want some emo shit.

>> No.17361712

Some works are just not cost effective to translate. Most of those who are interested either know or learn the language the text is written in, rendering translate useless.

>> No.17361723

Because the same reason Shakespeare sounds mediocre when he's translated to other language. Plus the grammatical difference between English and Spanish.

>> No.17361732

>water is wet

>> No.17361744

>Garcilaso de la Vega
he's a copy of Petrarch and Ausiàs March but in the 16th century

>> No.17361755

>Because the same reason Shakespeare sounds mediocre when he's translated to other language.
But he still gets regularly translated into other languages

>> No.17361778

The translations are mostly for meaning. it doesn't come close to the original.

>> No.17363082

Feeling a bit insecure maybe anglo scum?

>> No.17363258

he says in english on an english website created by an english speaker (also moot's surname 'Poole' is an Anglo-Saxon name)