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/lit/ - Literature

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17360986 No.17360986 [Reply] [Original]

Here are the tools I use to create my top five design:

- Inkscape https://inkscape.org/
- Canva (easy to use) https://www.canva.com/
- Book database - https://openlibrary.org/dev/docs/api/covers
- Movie poster database - https://www.joblo.com/movie-posters or https://theposterdb.com/
- Album song database https://www.discogs.com/


>> No.17361081

What's the album with the roses?

>> No.17361096

Look at the right hand side of the image.

>> No.17361103

go away /mu/

>> No.17361104

i feel like if youve been reading 50-100 books a year for a decade or more, top 5 starts to become somewhat impossible

>> No.17361109

Seems gay. I'll pass

>> No.17361111

God I'm retarded

>> No.17361160

nobody cares

>> No.17361212

> Conrad - Heart of Darkness
> Eliot - Middlemarch
> Orwell - The Lion and the Unicorn
> Woolf - The Waves
> Joyce - Dubliners

> I don't really watch films

Music (I swear I listen to a lot more than just /mu/core but I like it the best desu)
> The Microphones - The Glow Pt. 2
> Avey Tare and Panda Bear - Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
> Slint - Spiderland
> Radiohead - OK Computer
> Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven

>> No.17361222

Can anyone link me to the archive of the previous thread? I missed it.

>> No.17361245

All you had to do was click "archive" and search for top 5, to 3 seconds.

>> No.17361303

What a worthless thread

>> No.17361312

Sorry can't really be bothered to make a chart.

>Italian Journey - Goethe
>Confessions - Saint Augustine
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Austin Osman Spare - Phil Baker

>Scorpio Rising - Anger
>Inland Empire - Lynch
>Cannibal Holocaust
>Space is the Place - Sun Ra
>Stalker - Tarkovsky

>Musick to Play in the Dark Vol. 1 - Coil
>Automatic Writing - Robert Ashley
>Giuseppi Logan Quartet
>Soliloquy for Lilith - Nurse With Wound
>Guitars from Agadez - Group Inerane

>> No.17361423
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>The Seventh Seal
>Nosferatu the Vampyre
>Perfect Blue
>Blues Brothers
>Loving Vincent
>qp by Ichiko Aoba
>Etazhi by Molchat Doma
>Come In by Weatherday
>Intermission by No Vacation
>Black Aria by Glenn Danzig
>The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens
>Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino
>Ficciones by Borges
>The Good Soldier Svejk
>The Canterbury Tales
Might be cheating but The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa is tied with Ficciones for me.

>> No.17361430

The Italian Journey and Austin Osman Spare are good, but To Kill a Mockingbird? Really?

>> No.17361607

t. readlet

>> No.17361614

>Avey Tare and Panda Bear
Based and underrated taste there

>> No.17361670

Everything is worthless in an objective sense. But humans are subjective beings. You find meaning for yourself.

>> No.17361719

I judge a book based on whether we keep reading it or not. I don't want someone I don't know to tell me what is "good" to read.

>> No.17361891

>Italian Journey - Goethe
Quite a surreal experience.

You need to read "The Library of Babel" by Borges too.

>> No.17361956

I know I need to finish everything Borges wrote, especially that piece as it is tonally similar to some of Calvino's work form what I've heard. I'll get to it eventually, there are too many good books out there and there isn't nearly enough time.

>> No.17361961

Damn bro

You need to lighten up a bit

>> No.17362179

I always forget that this board has intro taste in film sprinkled with dogshit

>> No.17362207

I disagree.

>> No.17362329

Woman in the Dunes
Marketa Lazarova
Timeless Bottomless Bad Movie
Mason & Dixon
Good Morning, Midnight
The Castle
The Lime Twig
In Search of Lost Time
The Crowded, Lonesome West - Modest Mouse
Tales of the night forest - Black Hill
ゆめ - Lamp
Chopin’s Nocturnes
Frengers - Mew

>> No.17362348

If English is your first language and you don't have an English language book in your top five, you're a faggot. Just sayin'.

>> No.17362402

Yeah I haven't read enough good books recently to fill a top 5 so I added it because I remember really liking it in highschool. What was the most interesting thing in the AOS for you?

>> No.17362450

Baker doesn't go in too hard on what exactly it was AOS believed and i was worried about that coming in so I liked the angle he came from.

>> No.17362483

holy shit you people have a really surface level taste in music

>> No.17362500

Is that bad though?

>> No.17362506

I don't support ethnocentrism especially when it comes to literacy.

>> No.17362533

>literal /mu/ core
I hate these threads because they remind me that I delude myself into intellectually conversing with 19 year olds. The similarity in tastes here is despicable.

>> No.17362536

yes, it's the equivalent of only reading harry potter

>> No.17362542

Literally the only thing approaching taste in this thread

>> No.17362547

>Tao Te Ching
>In Search of Lost Time
>Anna Karenina
>Montaigne’s complete works
>Borges collected fictions

>The Big Lebowski
>Mad Max Fury Road
>Uncut Gems
>Blade trilogy - Wesley Snipes is a fucking legend in that

>Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John
>Elton John’s greatest hits. It’s not an “album” but fuck you
>Vauxhall and I by Morrissey
>The Queen is Dead by the Smiths
>Viva Hate by Morrissey

>> No.17362560

I would say that's an unfair comparison as these albums aren't bad as much as they are popular. What you're doing is the equivalent of saying Shakespeare is bad because he's popular.

>> No.17362563

I agree with this, although I was left kind of wanting for the raw and radical Spare experience as it's my introduction to him. Baker kinda describes Spare's own books as verbose and impenetrable, is it really like that?

Yeah it's just surface level zoomer (and young millennial) bait, I think it's to be expected though because of the age bracket of this board. The taste in movies is ok but nothing unexpected

>> No.17362568

actually come to think of it, it's even worse, an album takes way less time to listen to than reading a book, there's no excuses

>> No.17362569

I don't use /mu/ so I wouldn't know

>> No.17362579

I have yet to get to reading Spare's work so I cannot say.

>> No.17362594
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>> No.17362630

Mind to share your taste?

>> No.17362710

>Captain Beefheart - Trout Mask Replica
>Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom
>Faust - Faust I
>Velvet Underground & Nico
>Doors - The Doors
>Tim Buckley - Lorca
>Pere Ubu - Modern Dance
>Royal Trux - Twin Infinitives
>John Fahey - Fare Forward Voyagers
>Nico - Desert Shore

>> No.17362714

Any synth recs?

>> No.17362743

Books? I am currently reading all of Canetti. I don't have a top five. The last thing that stuck to my ribs was Soul by Platonov.

Largely a waste of my time. I barely trust the screen I'm using to communicate you you. The last film I argued about was Lynch's Wild at Heart which I still don't have an firm opinion of.

I'm revisting Liszt's piano works after a brief interest in the fall out of Weimar Romanticism.

Scaruffi is good, but the biggest issue I've found with his recs is that they are largely inconsistent. The latter half of TRM is not nearly as interesting as the beginning, vice versa for Rock Bottom, etc. His book recs are oddly paced in a way that makes me think he doesn't spend much time reading fiction anymore, never really did in the first place.

But this is all signaling, and my response is as genuine as your response as is genuine as my criticism ad infinitum.

>> No.17362802

ctrl-f Lost (in translation). No results. Fuck this place

>> No.17362818

This is probably the biggest pseud post on /lit/ currently

>> No.17362827

Thanks, a true honor

>> No.17362970

It’s got some tough competition but it’s a contender

>> No.17362989

Fahey is great, he was on my list until I thought of something even better. Nothing beats the tunes on the Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death imo.

>> No.17363000

Its ok and adorable. Shouldn't be on anyone's top 5 if he has seen more than 5 movies though

>> No.17363019

If you participate in this thread you are literally a woman.

>> No.17363119

typical feminine bitching

>> No.17363235

but thats great?

>> No.17363716


>> No.17365057

If you like Woman in the Dunes, you should check out Brown Bunny. There's something about both of these films that connect with me in a certain way.

>> No.17365237

oh god this board is turning into fucking /mu/


>> No.17365260

Why does this bother you anon

>> No.17365482

Yeah I’ve not yet seen it; I only know of it through the infamous Gallo/Ebert back-and-forth and Chloe’s dick-sucking scene. I really enjoyed Buffalo 66 though

>> No.17366364

(Fiction only)
>Ovid's Metamorphoses
>Lucretius' On The Nature Of Things
>Tolstoy's Anna Karenina
>Homer's Iliad
>Dante's Divine Comedy

(movies, not big on em)
>A Hidden Life
>Evil Dead 2
>Call Me By Your Name
>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>David Sylvian's Gone To Earth
>Scott Walker's Scott 4
>Spooky Rubens' Modes Of Transportation Vol 1
>Rain Tree Crow's Self Titled Album
>Mac Demarco's Here Comes The Cowboy

(bonus top 3 shows)
>The Leftovers
>Twin Peaks
>True Detective

>> No.17366412

Why are /mu/ faggots so obsessed with appearances? No coincidence that it’s the most leftist board.

>> No.17366422

Like I have the time to make a stupid chart so some autist can reply either "cringe" or "based".

>> No.17366673
