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File: 200 KB, 400x534, Schopenahuer With Pringles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17359912 No.17359912 [Reply] [Original]

What is some Schopenhauerian literature? And don't fucking say Ligotti.

>> No.17359913
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>> No.17359939
File: 167 KB, 608x600, rumi-poet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we've talked about the obvious options in previous threads I propose something less obvious, which is Sufi poetry. You find the same Schopenhauerian ideas repeated despite the grreat temporal and geographical distance between Schopenhauer and the Sufis, which I believe to be a further testament to their truth (although there is a common Platonist influence on both). Much is lost in translation, but their greatness still shines through. Start with Attar and Rumi. Here is a poem from Rumi for example:

What is to be done, O Muslims? for I do not know myself.

I am neither Christian, nor Jew, nor Magian, nor Muslim.
I am not of the East, nor of the West, nor of the land, nor of the sea;
I am not of Nature’s quarry, nor of the heaven circling above.
I am not made of earth, nor of water, nor of wind, nor fire;
nor of the Divine Throne, nor the carpet, nor the cosmos, nor mineral.
I am not from India, nor China, nor Bulgaria, nor Turkestan;
I am not from the kingdom of the two Iraqs, nor from the earth of Khurasan.
Neither of this world, nor the next, I am, nor of Heaven, nor of Hell;
Nor from Adam, nor from Eve, nor from Eden nor Rizwan.
My place is the Placeless, my trace is the Traceless;
‘Tis neither body nor soul, for I myself am the Beloved.
I have cast aside duality, I have seen the two worlds as one;
One I seek, One I know, One I see, One I say.
He is the First, He is the Last, He is the Outward, He is the Inward;
I know no one other than He, none but he who is He
Drunk with Love’s cup, the two worlds have been lost to me;
I have no business save carouse and revelry.
If once in my life I spent a moment without you,
From that time and from that hour I repent of my life.
If once in this retreat I win a moment with you,
I will trample on both worlds, and dance in ecstasy
O Shams of Tabriz, I am so drunk in this world,
That except for drunkenness and revelry, I have no tale to tell.

>> No.17359941

maxwell ligotti. not the ligotti u were talking about

>> No.17359942

Get the fuck out of this thread with your retarded christcuck.

Proust, Beckett, Borges, Houellebecq and Cioran.
You should read Ligotti's fiction. Schopenhauerian mysterious Will is omnipresent in it.

>> No.17359948
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>not pro-Christian

>> No.17359949

This is beautiful, anon, but how is it Schopenhauerian? It sounds more Neoplatonist to me.

>> No.17359955

It is true. Schopenhauer had a lot of time making fun of christcucks.

>> No.17359958
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>> No.17359971

Schopenhauer discussed this "Oneness" of the world though, and through rejecting the duality and recognizing the oneness one is filled with love and compassion. Also:
>At the end of the first volume of The World as Will and Representation (1818), Schopenhauer intimates that the ascetic experiences an inscrutable mystical state of consciousness that looks like nothing at all from the standpoint of ordinary, day-to-day, individuated and objectifying consciousness. [...] He also states in the same section that this mystical consciousness has an ocean-like calmness, tranquillity, confidence and serenity, adding that if one were to seek a positive characterization of the mystical state, we could refer loosely to words and phrases such as “ecstasy,” “rapture,” “illumination” and “union with God.”

>> No.17359975

But he also sure Christianity as a derivative of Buddhism. Or do you just LARP as a Schopenhauerian?

>> No.17359980

>But he also sure Christianity as a derivative of Buddhism.

>> No.17359991

someone saw that video of the Schopenhauerian architect yesterday it seems.

>> No.17359996


>> No.17360031

How could he have seen Christianity derived from Buddhism? That's absurd. He said something in the line of both religions reflected the same "wisdom". He liked Christianity's life-denying ethics and universal love, but he disliked the cosmology/metaphysics. He thought Buddhism had a much better metaphysics.

>> No.17360042

Holy fucking shit, you pseud. Will is pure evil, blind and dumb. How could any so called Schopenhauerian in their right mind can bend the knee in front of brutal nature after reading his ethics?

Who is that pseud?

>> No.17360111

>But he also sure Christianity as a derivative of Buddhism.
I'm seriously having trouble grasping your point? Schopenhauer isn't a Buddhist you absolute imbecile. And just because he saw a correlation between the two religions doesn't mean he viewed Christianity or any form of theism in a more respectable light. You cannot have Schopenhauer's system with the presence of a creator. His epistemology by it's own merit deduces the possibility of a first cause (i.e. a creator). He carefully disproves the ontological argument in the Fourfold Root of the principle of Sufficient reason. Theism requires an initial and first cause, but a first cause is just as inconceivable as a last.

>> No.17360141

Alexander Stoddart, cannot be bothered searching for the lecture again right now, you might be able to find it in the archives though.

>> No.17360151

Did the sculptor say Schopenhauer thinks Christianity is derived from Buddhism? Because that is really a retarded statement.

>> No.17360170

>Alexander Stoddart
Ah, that nasty old prick

>> No.17360171

He didn't believe in its many theological elements, he believed in it insofar as it had those same or similar observations as Buddhism.

>> No.17360195

Okay? but are you not this >>17359948 anon?

>> No.17360215

No. But the anon isn't that wrong in calling Nietzsche pro-Christian, definitely not in all its manifestations in this world, but insofar he saw something "true" in it, he was.

>> No.17360454

>Nietzsche pro-Christian,
I'm assuming you meant Schopenhauer, nevertheless, you're right in saying that he saw some 'truth' in Christianity, of course, he enjoyed some aspects of religion, however he was vehemently opposed to the prospect of a creator-god. Again, he goes out of his way to disprove the facetious nature of the so-called ontological argument. Please read Schopenhauer, he's one of the only philosophers that Nietzsche considered to be a true atheist. To call him pro-Christian is well and beyond ludicrous.

>> No.17360958
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