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File: 103 KB, 1200x600, elliot-rodger-manifesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17354765 No.17354765 [Reply] [Original]

This is just the adult version of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

>> No.17354777

>adult version
that's a stretch

>> No.17354784

Its the edgy YA version of it.

>> No.17354791

Eh, to me it's a cautionary tale regarding the dangers of slipping into a strange fusion of biological determinism and romanticizing relationships.

That said, Elliot Rodger's own personality flaws were what doomed his romantic endeavors. He had the looks to get a girl, his failings were all mental.

>> No.17354829
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>> No.17354873
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>> No.17354887
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>> No.17354901

He very clearly had not read a book at least since the age of ten. Absolute shit writing and laughable thought process probably as a byproduct of browsing too much r9k

>> No.17354916

this reads like satire
>my gucci sunglasses
>pushing a girl off a ledge
>sperging out and insulting people randomly

what a joke of a human being this kid was

>> No.17354935
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>> No.17354946

This lad turned me off from Asian women forever, I can't see their wombs as anything other than psychopath factories now.

>> No.17354951

>He had the looks to get a girl, his failings were all mental.
>hapa deformity

>> No.17354975
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>> No.17355014
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>> No.17355016

Then here


>> No.17355024

I wonder if he was on any level self aware. Like did he know how funny he was in his writing.

>> No.17355026

Probably helps that Asian women, almost all of them, are ugly as fuck.

>> No.17355716

>self aware

>> No.17355760

>my gutsi sunglasses
kinda epic narrative

>> No.17355765

Young Adult, then

>> No.17355798

It's one of the best 21st century works.
Its funny yet sad. You can't put it down. It also highlights the incel phenomenon flawlessly. It a legit good read. It's only growing in significance as time goes on. It was a work truly ahead of its time.

>> No.17355835

I will base my thesis on Elliot's magnum work.

>> No.17355839

Sure thing Timmy

>> No.17355959 [DELETED] 

There are three things you have to know to understand Elliot
>his mental problems were most likely genetic
Some form of mania or something I don't know I ain't a doctor.
>they were exarcebated by his surroundings
Growing up in elite parts of LA surrounded by what are essentilly yuppies is no good for a 5'4 scrawny hapa.
>his parents were shit at parenting
His father cared more about movies and his second wife than his son and his mother was to lax on him to discipline him and raise him properly.

Essentially had he either got medical help or never moved to US and instead stayed in UK or had parents that gave a damn then he might have grown up to be a functioning adult. Unfortunately everything in his life set him up to end up like that.
But then again, can we really believe his writings? Just how much of a reliable narrator is he...

>> No.17355970

Make fun of this guy all you want, he was suffering from severe mental illness.

>> No.17355997

>he was suffering from severe mental illness.
That's why we make fun of him.
Unironically agreed. It's the greatest comedy of the 21st century. Bonus keks if you imagine his reaction to finding out that in the future people would be laughing at his misfortune.

>> No.17356001

Sounds like American Psycho

>> No.17356045

>He had the looks to get a girl, his failings were all mental.
massive cope

>> No.17356117

This is surprisingly interesting. I once thought about buying a copy myself once but I thought that being a hapa myself having a book by Elliot Rodgers on my shelf might not be the smartest idea.

>> No.17356175

The interesting part of the incel movement is that the rationale behind it seems to be a social justice argument instead of a typical right wing style philosophy. The idea is that since the sexual market doesn't provide equal opportunity to everyone (if you are ugly you have a much higher chance of remaining single), the state should intervene and guarantee that all men get a romantic companion. So they justify authoritarianism on the grounds of a demand for equality. How can you not find this fascinating?

>> No.17356337

We know already. 2017 was three years ago you know.

>> No.17356363

Have you not read Diary of a Supreme Gentleman?

>> No.17356366

If it makes you feel better, almost all the psycho hapas (Elliot, EurasianTiger aka this site's resident blacked spammer, and that rich girl who did facial abuse porn the second she turned 18) are the result of a Jewish father and Asian mother. If you're not Jewish your kid may have problems with sexual desirability if he's a boy, but at least he won't be a screeching narcissistic psycho.

>> No.17356384

Unironically it's very similar to DOAWK. I did literacy tutoring a couple years back with elementary schoolers and was introduced to it for the first time reading it with kids. It's written in a way that it's not immediately obvious to kids, who are by and large extremely self centered, but is blatantly obvious with any ounce of maturity that the main character is a selfish asshole who alienates and brings down everyone around him. It's really quite sad in this respect but I think it's meant to teach kids to laugh at him and implicitly to avoid doing things the way he does.

You can't choose not to be born a skinny nerd, but everybody has to overcome something.

>> No.17356395

But it's not usually talked about from this angle

>> No.17356414

So this is how a hapa with a narcissism complex thinks.

>> No.17356446

Its a perspective that has BEEN out there. You find it mostly in anti-social justice circles.

>> No.17356459

this is already a jreg video

>> No.17356474

Yeah but it's not usually talked about in this way. Not on /lit/. These threads are usually standard progs vs incels.

>> No.17356475

No shit. This is why it's fucking retarded when leftists unironically label right wingers as incels (it's fine as an insult, dumb as an actual point of analysis, since it's so far from the truth).

A lot of incels actually ARE sjws. You see this in the number of male feminists who actually end up becoming rapists. Your Elliot Rodger types are just the more radical version. For them, they can't be content just being a loser rapist. No, they must be respected by whatever definition they think respected is.

>> No.17356529

>Absolute shit writing

On the contrary, he writes well and with great clarity. He knows how to tell a story. I'm not saying he's Faulkner, mind you, but his writing is surprisingly polished and engaging.

>> No.17356553

How has nobody posted this?

>> No.17356554

Those goddamn postmodern neomarxist incels!

>> No.17356568
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Let us now praise famous incels.

>> No.17356571

I'm hapa and you're based

I'm hapa and you're jewish

>> No.17356605

>self hating hapa
Have some fucking shame.

>> No.17356634

I always thought the more interesting thing was that incels were used as a distraction from Islamic terrorism, but when you examine Islamic terrorism its basically inceldom. They live in a polygamous society were the rich get all the women and the poor blow themselves up for the promise of 72 virgins in heaven. Literally dying for ghost pussy.

>> No.17356640

>that pic
unfathomably based

>> No.17356697

Based Johanna Schopenhauer

>> No.17356722

Basically yeah. The thing is, everything incels say about women is true. That's the grand comedy of the world. You'd have to be a comedian on par with Bill Burr to say half the shit that incels say, but they're unironically 100% correct about female nature.

>> No.17356739

Too bad he died, maybe he could have read at the inauguration too.

>> No.17356740

you will never be attractive to non-asian women

>> No.17356751

There was one hilarious bit about orange juice.

>> No.17356769

LOL this sounds like Houellebecq

>> No.17356788

>yfw all Elliott Rodger had to do was take the /lit/ pill

He could have been the American Houellebecq

>> No.17356850

Honestly I was really surprised when I read this because I expected the famous "incel manifesto" to be the most unreadable trash ever, but for a person who didn't read much and was only 23, it's surprisingly not bad. There are published books far worse than Elliot's book of seethe. I guess he had some talent for it, which is a shame. If My Twisted World was actually a self aware black comedy written by a not insane person, it probably would have done well—it's just a modern American Psycho

>> No.17356890

he has the exact mid of a mutt and a jew, he is bitter cause he's ugly and there for wants to kill ogood looking people, specially blondes. then he thinks in the commie kike way that what he doesnt have has been taken from him.

>> No.17356998

>If My Twisted World was actually a self aware black comedy written by a not insane person
That is what makes it good. Its fucking real. Which makes it fucking hilarious and tragic. You laugh and cry. You feel for the guy.

>> No.17357044

Yeah, the fact it isn't a satire but his honest to God feelings, and the fact he went off and killed people and himself because of them, really make this an important piece of literature

>> No.17357108

>the fact it isn't a satire but his honest to God feelings
That is what makes it real. The stuff that happened later after the book was finished is inconsequential frankly.

>> No.17357122

have you ever had identity issues, or other ones related to being a hapa? genuinely curious

>> No.17357220

True, which is why the work itself is so interesting. It is as though Elliot is writing a charicature of himself, without realising it. A novelist who attempted to write about an incel in first person would struggle to write something as authentic as this. It reminds me a lot of John Kennedy Toole's 'A Confederacy of Dunces', and an essay titled Ignatius Descending analyses the tragic reality of a novel that most (including myself) read primarily as a comedy. What is interesting is that JK Toole also suffered from mental issues, and claimed that while writing the novel (over the course of years) he began speaking and thinking more and more like Ignatius, as though the fictional character was a means of expressing himself in some way, although his scholarly approach to the work and wide frame of reference means that it can't imo be reduced to a piece of auto-fiction.

For example, in the aforementioned essay (link below) the author writes that:

>"Ignatius’ odd worldview and vocabulary are impeding his understanding of his fellow humans, and vice versa. Although his vocabulary is very well developed, it would fit better in a medieval context than in the USA in the mid 20th century."

This perfectly explains Elliot's own use of language in My Twisted World. It is a way of writing that is distinctly his and also reflects his early references to his aristocratic English ancestors, who he no doubts perceives as evidence of his own aristocratic essence. It would be hilarious if it were fiction. It is like trying to imagine HP Lovecraft, with his tens of thousands of autistic rage-fuelled letters critical of anything he judged to be degenerate, modern, or fun, transplanted into the 21st century, and more specifically into a heavily degenerate "party town" filled with boozing, degenerate, sexually promiscuous young people. A bizarre spectacle, and a true literary gift as tragic as its background is.

Ignatius Descending: https://www.diva portal.org/smash/get/diva2:237723/FULLTEXT01.pdf).

>> No.17357258

>it's surprisingly not bad
The first half is okay. When he becomes an adult it just becomes pathetic. Watching the world crush him is genuinely engrossing but when he just keeps complaining then I began to hate him.

>> No.17357259

This is retarded though, incels are direct result of state intervention in form of providing welfare, schooling, abortion and contraception for women. This allowed for destruction of old social norms because it allows them not to depend on men for living and also to whore around without consequences. If anything reducing state power substentially would reduce incel problem since women are incapable of actually surviving in free market economy

>> No.17357265

Not really. I'm a bit of an insecure person (I think, or at least an anxious one) but it's from other things, mainly things that happened in my adult life, and I was very confident when I was a kid. I wasn't unpopular, I wasn't bullied, I wasn't rejected or humiliated. I don't really know much about hapa stereotypes but I don't buy it, all the hapas I know are just regular normalfags. I think if Eliot were white or black or Mexican, he'd be seething about something. Regarding racial identity, I'd say I just consider both white and asian relevant to me. I dislike how muslims and Indians are considered "asian" in crime statistics, I don't like antiwhite propaganda. I feel more comfortable around white or asian people (not so say I'm immediately uncomfortable with others). Honestly, regarding behavior, statistics, culture and whatnot, whites and asians are probably the closest. I imagine an approach like mine would be harder if you were like black and white for example. Feel free to ask away, I think it's interesting too (and I'd gladly doing anything other than write this essay).

>> No.17357266

based. also a leftist view since he is bitter about those who do get laid.
how do you find funny and cool videos on youtube? it's all teenage shit and corporate globohomo shit whenever i browse it

>> No.17357275

Unfathomably based. One of the biggest issues with women is their knowledge that no matter what they do, the state (or society) will step in for them.

It's no wonder women are such cunts when

1. They can be a cunt and nothing will happen to them
2. The state will always provide for them
3. They get praise no matter what they do
4. They can get knocked up and achieve (2) and (3) easily while pretending to be a victim

>> No.17357280

god point too.

>> No.17357287

Interesting post. I have come across some half-white people and noticed a tendency to obsess over race, which I find quite sad. Do you ever feel uncomfortable in the presence of full-white or full-asian people, and if so which group do you think are more likely to "other" you or whatever?

>> No.17357289

>how do you find funny and cool videos on youtube? it's all teenage shit and corporate globohomo shit whenever i browse it
>he says in response to a reddit tier 300k sub video
You just got to look for them. Funny and cool videos are usually about something, so look for that something you're interested in.

>> No.17357291
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sticky this

>> No.17357293

i've tried to read it a few times but its just so fucking boring. makes me happy he's dead.

>> No.17357307

i know it's reddit tier and i dot give a fcuk about it's popularity. i never see any good videos wenever i look for some political shit or whatever. sorry im starving so im leaving. havent eaten anything cause covid fucked up my semell hability

>> No.17357404

Lol this kid, once losing his virginity or getting into a relationship would be wracked with even more anxiety. He probably would have killed a gf .

>> No.17357451

I've never noticed race obsession, but I'm not American and, maybe this is just a meme, but race stuff seems more important to people over there when it comes to identity. I'm more concerened with my nation than my race
>Do you ever feel uncomfortable in the presence of full-white or full-asian people
No. Like I said I actually feel more comfortable around them than other groups. I have asian family and white family, they've never treated me even remotely differently. Most people aren't that prejudice, and maybe this is just my imagination, but asian racism is probably one of rarer forms.
>if so which group do you think are more likely to "other" you or whatever?
Well it depends how you divide the groups. I live in a western white country so the natives are white westerners. It's no secret that westerns are far more inclusive ect., and as you can assume, you'd have a larger amount of nonwesterners in the asian group. Of course this is all just sociological estimations. Frankly I don't think either would. My asian grandmother is leaving me some land (RIP, she died recently), and my white uncles. Honestly, the only times I dealt with racism was from black people but those were just schoolyard insults that everyone got. Yeah, I don't know what to tell you, but outside of the internet, race isn't really a issue for most people. The thing is though, it isn't because my family is inclusive, my asian grandmother would call black people animals, and my white grandparents complain about "nigger gangs". Both my extended family got on really well. My dad gets along with my mom's bother and sister, my mom get along with my dad's brother and his wife. I only speak English, and I was raised in western environment, so if you were to ask which culture I'm more comfortable with I guess the answer would be the white one, but I don't think that has anything to do with ethnicity itself.

>> No.17357469


>> No.17357487

>I eventually grew to hate him after I heard him having sex with my sister. I arrived at the house one day, my mother being at work, and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister’s vagina through her closed room door, along with my sister’s moans. I stood there and listened to it all.
>I stood there and listened to it all.
Name ONE (1) author that suffered more than he did.

>> No.17357489

Yeah, that paragraph about "plunging into my sister" is quite succinct, funny, and you are right in another persons hands would be considered bitter social commentary.

>> No.17357497

interesting, thanks.

>> No.17357504

>so if you were to ask which culture I'm more comfortable with I guess the answer would be the white one, but I don't think that has anything to do with ethnicity itself.
Lol, of course it does.

>> No.17357512

fucking any of them

>> No.17357514
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I genuinely enjoyed the first half. It was an interesting story and he was good at illustrating his childhood memories. It really fell off in the second half with his fucking repetitive whinging.
>I jack off and play WoW while OTHER men have SEX with BLONDES
>that should be ME having SEX!
>The world just isn't fair.
>The world just isn't fair.
>The world just isn't fair.
>Sex is barbaric (even though I want it)
>I heard Samuel PLUNGING!!!
>I repeatedly pressured mother to marry a rich man so I could be a NEET
>I would escape and hide on my mothers roof like a bird
>I cried at the party because tfw no gf
>Those WHORES were talking to their friedns instead of me... so I tried to push them off a bridge
Also his """efforts""" to get laid were working out for two weeks and going for long walks (without talking to anyone). All I could think about after the midway point was how he should just use his family connections to Morocco (or Malaysia for that matter) to get an arranged marriage. It would have been ezpzpssy. He was almost endearing at first but his kvetching and inability to see even a semblance of reality killed that. To be completely fair he was obviously VERY mentally ill- the obsession with the lottery is a good example of this. On top of it all it was fucking hilarious to read some of the shit he said, especially his tendency to dump drinks on people. I was losing it when he was feeling strong urges to douse someone out of the blue.
Scared me about potentially having hapa kids at least.
yes that doesn't make his writing not hilarious

>> No.17357518

I don't think so. I wouldn't want to live in a country I don't speak language of, that's just common sense.

>> No.17357558

Be honest...if that's the case, why don't you resent being a mischling? You are 100% Anglo culture-wise, and have nothing to do with your asian side.

>> No.17357581

honestly the book was pretty good. I like his writing style - it's incredibly clear and easy to follow.

also it's fucking kino that he sui'd with two handguns to either side of his head

>> No.17357627

I don’t think he actually did. Pretty sure a cop shot him in the hip and he used one gun. At least that seems to be the case based on witnesses hearing one shot.

>> No.17357634

t. cringe compassionlet "person"
take refuge in the buddha, bitch.

>> No.17357636
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>> No.17357650

28 year old incel here. quick reminder that ER was a government psyop intended to impose an unfavorable view of incels on society (unfortunately it was successful) and anyone who's bringing him up in an honest discussion about the merits and shortcomings of the blackpill worldview should be shot

>> No.17357657

Why would I? And besides, I never said that. Like I said, spent time with both families but I was born and raised in a western country. My house eats both asian and European food, it's a European house but there's asian art pieces, and like I said earlier, the cultures aren't that far removed that they're incompatible. I went to western school, I consumed mostly western media, I am a westerner. Not everyone is a seething race obsessed weirdo.

>> No.17357686
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>> No.17357699
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>incel here
>ER was a government psyop to impose an unfavorable view of incels on society
>btw if you disagree you should get shot

>> No.17357722

good post thx for answering
i was curious because i'm white and have basically zero non-white friends. the only two opinions on hapas i've heard are 1) from people in real life that "hapas r soo cute!" almost to the point of fetishization and 2) from 4chan that they are psychos who hate their cancerous wmaf parents. glad to read you aren't the latter.
>i'm not american
that plays a legitimate role, i think. we obsess over race that it becomes ingrained in our culture, take me writing this post for example. where in europe did you grow up? and what type of asian?
>my asian grandmother would call black people animals, and my white grandparents complain about "nigger gangs"

>> No.17357729
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>> No.17357748


>astounding masturbation session


>> No.17357754
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>> No.17357760

>You feel for the guy
I was kind of split on this. On one hand I wanted to give him advice and console him. On the other hand he came to reveal himself as exceptionally unlikable and petulant to the point of making me hate him.

>> No.17357776

He's as HAPA as can be, he's a walking STD.
His mom's a mental oriental
After getting railed by whitey's D.

>> No.17357779
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>> No.17357829
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What books did he read, /lit/?

>> No.17357856
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>> No.17357863

get ready for an influx of hapa shooters in the next 20 or so years

>> No.17357870
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>> No.17357971
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Nah I kind of see incels as the last frontier of social justice, a bit like >>17356175 said. It's going to be a huge new hurdle to force people to care about these guys because, well... they're guys and nobody gives a fuck about men. We're already seeing this kind of uber-compassion coming from some places in Europe (Netherlands iirc) where being perpetually sexless is beginning to be classified as a disability. With the incoming wave of legalizing prostitution in the next few years, access to pussy is going to become much easier, safer, and cheaper. Incels will *almost* vanish once it's possible to rent a 7/10 for half an hour for like USD$60 (pretty sure the standard in Dutch RLDs is ~€50 for a quick fuck with condom). Factor in how certain governments (probably not American) may introduce a kind of incel/disabled stipend and you're potentially looking at incels being able to buy pussy for $20. Now obviosully this won't satisfy ALL incels (lots of them care more about being authentically desirable to women than simply getting sex) but it's a start. God knows what the future holds.

>> No.17358007
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And while it's not available to many (perhaps most) incels, those who are gainfully employed can always travel to any one of the many countries where prostitution is either legal or where laws are completely unenforced (ie Thailand). It's not the ideal solution, but modern problems require modern solutions.

>> No.17358013
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Laugh all you want, but /lit/fags are all incels too

>> No.17358025

volcel is more accurate but yea very few of us are rolling in pussy, as it should be.

>> No.17358089

This is fucking gold lmao. It's on zlibrary.

>> No.17358132

you mean manlets. weird take tho, i dont see that correlation, however im not "lit"

>> No.17358141

wtf turkey

>> No.17358176
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Faggot detected

>> No.17358219
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are those implants supposed to make me excited?

>> No.17358235
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Virgin eyes weigh in again

>> No.17358253
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Just admit you're gay

>> No.17358279

Can we please not do this? I know this isn't exactly a "good" thread but I'd rather not have to scroll past 100 posts of posting ugly and attractive asian girls while screaming about plastic surgery and white roasties

>> No.17358510

post the one where he talks abou thte black guy drinking orange juice

>> No.17358515

>I dislike how muslims and Indians are considered "asian" in crime statistics
If by Muslims you mean Pakistanis and Arabs, then you're retarded. Pakistanis and Indians are literally from Asia. East Asians make me cringe when they try to dominate the entire massive continent.

>> No.17358601

this. notes from underground is the adult version

>> No.17358685


>> No.17358729

They smell bad. I have been within smelling distance of Asian women and I do not like the way they smell. Note that this likely does not indicate anything bad about Asian women or their hygiene, but rather that all races produce a distinctive smell that is either attractive or unnoticeable to their own people, and unpleasant to all others. Couple this with a foreign diet expressing itself through one's sweat, and you realize that interracial relationships are an olfactory nightmare.

>> No.17358756

What the fuck does Bangladesh have against gigolos?

>> No.17358769

I jsut skimmed through his diary as a joke, and my only conclusion is that this nigga was a lightweight.
He keeps on talking about drinking a single bottles of wine/ or a couple beers and passing out what a fucking chump
>I even downed an entire bottle of wine, and got so drunk that I spilled my wine all over my laptop
what a fucking LGITHWEIGHT or are amricans just not heavy drinker s lol

>> No.17358779

Mate...have you ever seen South Asian "men"?

>> No.17358791

He was half Asain, and Asians lack the enzymes to metabolize alcohol properly. Not to mention he was a tiny manlet twink.

>> No.17358835

>t. hapa

>> No.17358836

Is the incel movement only about not being able to have sex?
How boring
I'd pridefully call myself an incel if they had more grandiose and wide-reaching aspirations than just having sex
Idk but there's certainly got to be an economic aspect somewhere in there, and Id really like a fight against any type of biological determinism and a revival of the romanticism and mysticism of days past
There's some potential in the "incel movement" but it needs to move beyond the "involuntarily celibate" part of the "incel" moniker

Someone like diary of a supreme gentleman please

>> No.17358843

shoot link

>> No.17358854

I can no longer have ER as my patron saint after learning (from the police report) of how excited he was by the release of Dance of Dragons
not very /lit/ of him

>> No.17358861

drunk hands typed this post

>> No.17359492

pretty based tbqh

>> No.17359559

>self educating my self
someone get this dead virgin an editor

>> No.17359561

well consumer culture has turned partners into consumers products that are judged by which can deride the most pleasure, thats the black pill. But there is yet to be a white pill.

>> No.17359608

derive typo

>> No.17360212



why does this read so much like Mishima lol

>> No.17360261

It is actually pretty fun to read, retard could've been a novelist

>> No.17360262
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>> No.17360270

Lemme guess, the only Mishima you've read is Temple of the golden pavilion. That's because that book is also narrated by an incel

>> No.17360278

you got the one where someone asks why their balls itch and he says some people are destined to die virgins?

>> No.17360287

Elliot Rodger is the modern Áyax. And that's something to be admired.

>> No.17360927
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rodge at the hunger games

>> No.17360997


>what a joke of a human being this kid was
he was a hapa son of and atheist coomer and a whore

their daughter is whore and he never had a chance.

>> No.17361041

>>well consumer culture has turned partners into consumers products
lol, men have always been preys on the sex market, because women are the predators. men compete for women, they always have.

Woman can dispose of a man for any reason and it doesn't take long to a woman to come up with a reason to change provider. Even when the woman has children from the man, the biological father is easily discarded by the woman.

>> No.17361062

it's a joke. confessions and forest in full bloom reads very similar, because early mishima had almost that type of character in a sense concerning love, he states this in the letters. Temple of the Golden Pavillion is more of a play on this previous mindset he had.

>> No.17361064

Did he not have other clothes?

>> No.17361069

None of that shit was his problem. His problem was he didn't think he had to go get pussy. He thought it should come to him without his ever even trying. If he put forth any effort whatsoever he could have gotten laid, easily.

>> No.17361136

he's always saying he deserved an extrodinary life. where did he get that idea? is just the eldest son thing?

>> No.17361339

Its because he lived a privileged upbringing and his father was a hollywood guy. His grandfather was also a famous photographer. By these standards alone, I think it wouldn’t be peculiar to say from the outside it looked like he had all the necessary ingredients to live a very successful life.

>> No.17361350

This thread makes me depressed. Hoping normal people outside of 4chan aren’t so obtusely uncharitable and devoid of empathy for others. Jesus Christ you make me sick.

>> No.17361354

He did nothing wrong. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't

>> No.17361359


>ghost pussy

you have the promise of becoming a great writer. unlike me

>> No.17361366

why the fuck would anyone empathize with this psychotic school shooter?

>> No.17361370
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>> No.17361373

Is this copypasta?

>> No.17361380

Failed school shooter. He tried to shoot up a sorority but the doors were locked so he went and shot people at a convenience store instead.

>> No.17361383
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>> No.17361579

i will always chuckle at this. everything about his life was impotent rage right up to the last.

>> No.17361706

Incels would also suffer in the free market.
The lack of drive, the effeminacy and whatnot would cripple them in terms of a male dominated society.

>> No.17361745

This website is garbage. If you hadn’t stopped regular/serious usage circa 2016 there is something permanently and seriously wrong with you. This site is only good for information and anything else is a literal pile of crap and is only worth as such.

>> No.17361760

I've actively rejected 2 women who went after me, and autistically ignored another 3.
For a while two girls stalked me.
I asked one girl out, who said no, so I blocked her number and ignored her attempts to re-contact me.
I like the idea of having a wife, but I'm not so sure that I actually want one.

>> No.17361836

You're serious? This thread has been incredibly charitable towards him. Most normans wouldn't be able to get beyond the fact that he murdered 6 innocent people. Should we be sucking his cock and defending him? He killed a bunch of people because he was a seething incel and there's STILL tonnes of people in here trying to see things from his perspective. Fuck off mate.

>> No.17361849

I thought he was talking about the fact that this thread WAS charitable towards him. If not, I retract my previous post.

>> No.17361862

That anon seems to be chastising us for being mean:
>Hoping normal people outside of 4chan aren’t so obtusely uncharitable and devoid of empathy for others
He doesn't seem to realize how uncharitable an unnuanced Normans are. This thread holds THE most charitable ER takes I've ever seen:
>yes his writing wasn't that bad
>yes I kind of feel bad for him
>obviously he shouldn't have killed people but he was clearly mentally ill
>society is too uncaring when it comes to young men
>incels oftentimes make a lot of fair points

>> No.17361903

Well I hold the stance that both normalshits as well as anyone identifying with the “incel” movement are to be ridiculed and mocked. Empathy is reserved for those that deserve it.

>> No.17361912

There are lots of incels who aren't as whiny and childish as ER was. There are plenty of good reasons for low-desirablity men to voice concerns about how being unfuckable negatively impacts their lives.

>> No.17361917

yeah yeah i dont wanna hear it sad sack. nut up or shut up

>> No.17361924

Elliot was handsome and had a good family, though. He wasn't low-desirability. He just never tried.

>> No.17361925

I'm not an incel, I'm just saying that some incels are justified in complaining about nosex. If you're a hideous 5'1 manlet with an ugly face and health issues then I think you get to complain about never getting pussy. Maybe that's a hot take.

>> No.17361945

Not really. He was a mixed-race manlet with a weak chin and fishlips. He wasn't deformed but obviously he wasn't desirable. He was also autistic, which many incels are.
>good family
They were moderately well-off for a time and that's about it. If you read his manifesto you'd see how terrible his parents actually were (getting divorced, buying his affection, giving in to almost ever whim, allowing him to be a neet, not listening to his cries for help). His parents were awful.

>> No.17362036

>He just never tried.
I think that's the problem with most 'incels' they haven't talked to women or asked them out.
They are so scared of rejection or making a fool of themselves they aren't willing to do the actions which would result in a gf.
Furthermore they engage in self destructive habits like >tfw no gf posting which simply serves to reinforce their loneliness and undo self esteem.
If they came to accept their loneliness and began to improve themselves, whilst being willingly to engage with other people they will come to find that there is a woman willing to become their gf.

>> No.17362063

That's the thing with ER. His "trying" was basically walking/driving around alone in the hopes that a woman would throw themselves at him. Even though he was kind of ugly I have no doubt that he could have gotten a gf, though perhaps not a 10/10 6'0 blonde surfer goddess like he wanted. AFAIK hapa men do really well with Asian women. Like I said above, he could haev fucking KILLED IT in Malaysia. All he had to do was stay with his family there. As a Hapa American he could have raked in the pussy in SEA.

>> No.17362072

Idk why sex is put on this existential pedestal now all of a sudden. Everything after 2016 is incel incel incel. Fucking annoying, weird, and creepy as hell. If you’re unattractive in real life, deal with it and watch porn. If you’re unattractive your libido also shouldn’t be sky high to the point it gets you involved with what is essentially an extremist internet movement. This whole thing makes ZERO sense to me but then again this is the internet and there are some ungodly weirdos in existence, so whatever.

>> No.17362096

Unrealistic expectations and whatever mental illness he had is a hell of a drug.

>> No.17362121

>Idk why sex is put on this existential pedestal now all of a sudden
Because the cultural landscape has changed a lot in the last ~10 years.
>If you’re unattractive in real life, deal with it and watch porn
Porn is not an adequate substitute human intimacy
>If you’re unattractive your libido also shouldn’t be sky high
Being horny is not a choice
>This whole thing makes ZERO sense to me
Because you're clearly a woman
>Unrealistic expectations
This was a huge factor. If he had accepted that the tall surfer blondes he liked PROBABLY weren't ever going to like him back then he could have adapted and (probably) done well elsewhere. Also instead of asking one of his many friends/family/councillors something like "how do I get laid" he just sat and festered to the point of mentally snapping. Those unrealistic expectations and his mental illness were a feedback loop that ultimately fried his ability to perceive reality.

>> No.17362156

It's an astroturfed movement to misdirect the energy of frustrated young men.
When you get a mass of unemployed and relationonless young men turmoil occurs.
Bitching about it online and then jerking off works as a pressure release valve.
Instead of sorting out the issues that have caused this large section of young men to, as it would take serious reform and be disruptive to their economic interests, the powers that be have set up this 'movement' to prevent it boiling over.
It'll work for a while, but only for a while.

>> No.17362163

He might be from Europe, but Brazil has also a bunch of hapas, myself included. Largest japanese community outside of Japan.

>> No.17362232

Will check it out

>> No.17362271

Interesting theory. I’ll take it for now. Even with my absolutely ridiculous past, family struggles, forced psych drugs since early childhood, health issues, and subsequent unintended NEETdom, I don’t think I could ever call myself an incel. Because A) It’s embarrassing, self-degrading, and stupid, B) I was too talented in life before and even during all my misfortune to consider myself a loser, and C) Sex is nice but not once in my life have I ever actually been riled up over it. If I truly wanted some action I could probably get some as soon as tonight. I’m on dating apps and I get likes constantly. Not from 10/10 blondies but from doable girls. But desu my exhaustion with life vastly outweighs my want for any sex so I decide to sit around and do nothing instead.
I truly don’t understand all this shit but maybe it’s as you say.

>> No.17362334

>the powers that be have set up this 'movement' to prevent it boiling over
This "movement" is constantly boiling over and it's already impacting production. What do young men have to work for if not their wife and children? When you have a large chunk of young men feeling like they're never going to marry and have kids, never going to find love, never going to have a "normal" life like their fathers did- what does that get you? It gets you an economically unproductive class of disillusioned young men. That is terrible for both economic growth and social stability. These negative effects are increased twofold by the fact that the government will actually support women who have children out of wedlock (like >>17356175 and >>17357259 said). So you have a greater social burden of "strong independent women" paired with lowered motivation from the producers of society (young men). This does not bode well for the future. There are a few ways this situation could be sorted, but I suspect things will have to get REALLY bad before any kind of action is taken. Obviously the gubberment could simply create an avenue for these guys to get some pussy once in a while (think legalizing prostitution) but this would really only be a bandaid. It would make much more sense for legislators to make it materially uncomfortable to be a single mother (slash child support, alimony, easy divorce), which would in turn make it socially uncomfortable as well (slut shaming, for one). The powers that be wouldn't do this unless absolutely forced though, because atomized people are much easier to influence and command. Now you might ask "why would we go through all this trouble for disgusting incels?" Why? Because the alternative is much much worse. You do NOT want a whole class of young men who feel like they have nothing and nobody to live for.

>> No.17362471

>It would make much more sense for legislators to make it materially uncomfortable to be a single mother (slash child support, alimony, easy divorce)
So letting children with single parents to die + making it harder to leave a shit relationship, great plan comrade
>slut shaming, for one
In other words attractive women shouldn't get laid to increase the chance of ugly men getting laid, bravo

>> No.17362513

>Being horny is not a choice
Certainly it is. Porn addiction fucks up your libido, but you can choose to back out from that addiction. Choosing not to is still a choice.

>> No.17362522

>So letting children with single parents to die + making it harder to leave a shit relationship, great plan comrade
Disingenuous and you know it. Also making the assumption that men can't be pegged with an abusive female partner. Kool moves.
>In other words attractive women shouldn't get laid to increase the chance of ugly men getting laid, bravo
Nah they can do whatever they want, they just shouldn't expect financial compensation.

>> No.17362526

>Just cut your balls off bro!!!

>> No.17362550

Don't be stupid, it's nothing like that. Porn addiction is a serious issue affecting young men (I myself am on rehab). In fact, the rise on libido caused by it is abnormal. You don't have to castrate yourself in order to regain a grip on your sex drive/life.

>> No.17362577

>Disingenuous and you know it. Also making the assumption that men can't be pegged with an abusive female partner. Kool moves.
Lmao, I literally said "single parents". And it's not disingenuous, your policies would make children die and make leaving shitty relationships harder.
>Nah they can do whatever they want
Except you advocted for slut shaming, which means they can't

>> No.17362661

Jesus are all hapas this pathetic?
Why can't you just be normal?

>> No.17362693

So you're telling me that it's possible for these guys to live a full and happy life while also having their desire for love and sex completely unrequited?

>> No.17362764

>your policies
I don't have any "policies", I'm simply forecasting what I think the logical conclusion of the incel "movement" is. I don't like where it goes.
>Except you advocted for slut shaming
I think a healthy society has standards. In my opinion the constant pursuit of sex with scores of people is not conducive to a happy and fulfilling life on a societal level (even when these girls, oftentimes not much older than 18, set down the path of chasing the wave of their own volition). Don't take it from me though- I'm neither an incel nor a 10/10 22 year old girl fucking a different guy every other weekend. Ask the women who lived that life for a decade how they're doing now. Most of the time they're not doing so hot. If a woman wants to fuck 100 different men in her twenties then that's her choice. It shouldn't be illegal, there shouldn't be any punishments dished out for that choice. All I'm saying is that I don't want to hear a peep from her when she's 35 and no longer attractive and unable to find "a good man". Furthermore I don't want taxpayers supporting the results of her decisions. I'm not saying any of this because I want to control women or because I want their pussies evenly distributed among the incel proletariat, all I'm doing is voicing my concerns these kind of decisions on a large scale over a long period of time will negatively impact society as a whole.
>lol why do u even care, just let them live
Because the health of society impacts my life and my family.

>> No.17362767

Many of them. Châteaubriand got most of his familiy killed during and after the French revolution, fought and almost died.

>> No.17362868
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/lit/ has the most milquetoast and normie take on incels, which is strange because I was expecting extremely online weirdos to have at least been exposed to incels once before. but maybe my assumptions about this board's userbase are mistaken

>> No.17362882

There are lots of different takes ITT. Everything from sympathy to contempt. What were you expecting?

>> No.17362927

That's not what I'm saying, where did all of that come from? I'm talking about porn addicts, not incels specifically (although both groups intersect a lot).
A better question regarding incels, I think, would be why are their desires being unrequited? Why base your whole existence and personality over having or not having sex? Why conflate love, intimacy and affection with sexual satisfaction, as if they couldn't manifest separately? It's something that incels themselves have to figure out, but obviously a great part of society offering no support and even deriding them isn't helping. But agian: I'm talking about porn addiction, not about the incel phenomenon as a whole. Porn addiction, like any other addiction, actually prevents you from living a full and happy life, and it warps your sense of reality, love and sex.

>> No.17362933

>I don't have any "policies", I'm simply forecasting what I think the logical conclusion of the incel "movement" is. I don't like where it goes.
Sure, though your wording implied that you presented them as proposals
>I think a healthy society has standards. In my opinion the constant pursuit of sex with scores of people is not conducive to a happy and fulfilling life on a societal level
Probably not, but slut shaming usually means that if you break up with your first boyfriend you are a slut now
>Furthermore I don't want taxpayers supporting the results of her decisions.
Should we slash the safety net from all single parents too or only from the ones anon doesn't like

>> No.17362949

Read the part where he wants to torture people in his apartment, smash people with an SUV and kill his brother, and ask yourself if that retard really deserves compassion.

>> No.17362950

I'm a 6'5 dude how is /fitlit/ yes despite that I'm 21 and haven't had any experiences with girls who I'd consider to be in a relationship with.
My normal friends who are girls make fun of me for having low standards, yet are surprised when I can't find any.

>> No.17363013
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I dont have an umbrage with how people react towards incels. What I was getting at is that most anons here have obviously never lurked an incel forum, and therefore don't understand who incels actually are and what their thoughts and aims are. It's like those mindless normies on twitter who think 4chan is this scary hacker website.

>> No.17363106

but they are brown

>> No.17363136

and asians are yellow so who cares

>> No.17363285

Ask me how I know you're a woman
>but slut shaming usually means that if you break up with your first boyfriend you are a slut now
Again, disingenuous and you know it. There's a very large difference between have 3 boyfriends and then settling down and hooking up with 20+ guys in college.
>Should we slash the safety net from all single parents too or only from the ones anon doesn't like
So so disingenuous. It's absolutely astounding. Very few single mothers were forced to leave their partners due to sustained violence and abuse, but I know you don't want to hear that.

>> No.17363305

>Should we slash the safety net from all single parents too or only from the ones anon doesn't like
yes, single parenting is a disease

>> No.17363344

no one "deserves" compassion you fucking bugman its an involuntary human response towards seeing your fellow man in a terrible situation, doesn't matter if that situation comes from his own folly

>> No.17363356

yellow and brown are different colors. i care faggot and you too because you know i'm right in seeing a difference

>> No.17363420

so what if there is a difference?
Europe has two races and Africa has like five and nobody cares in those instances too

>> No.17363453
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>> No.17363463
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>> No.17363465

You seem to think that the people in charge think further than next week.
This is quite frankly not the case as far as I can see.
Everything is a rushed method to paper over the cracks and avoid the collapse of society.
An ever piling number of social ills made up for by increasing levels of consumerism and technology.
It's the greatest pyramid scam in history.
They would rather live in some comfort now than go through a period of suffering for greater reward.
All sin is born out avoiding suffering, and our society is focused on eliminating suffering.
Therefore it is the most sinful society in history.

It shall either crash under its own weight, or God shall destroy it.
Either way, millions will perish and the 'dark age' following Rome will be a joke compared to this.

>> No.17363477

This is so funny.

>> No.17363482

>slut shaming is where you break up with your first boyfriend
Shouldn't have had pre-martial sex roastie.
Stop destroying society because you want to spread your legs.

>> No.17363494


>I was so enraged that I almost splashed him with my orange juice. I indignantly told him that I did not believe him, and then I went to my room to cry. I cried and cried and cried, and then I called my mother and cried to her on the phone.

Amazing. Too good to be true.

>> No.17363529

>Ask me how I know you're a woman
Easy one, because only women use the word 'implied'.
>Again, disingenuous and you know it. There's a very large difference between have 3 boyfriends and then settling down and hooking up with 20+ guys in college.
The people who are most likely to celebrate modesty culture are likely to think that a woman should save herself for marriage and never divorce, otherwise she is a slut.
>So so disingenuous. It's absolutely astounding. Very few single mothers were forced to leave their partners due to sustained violence and abuse, but I know you don't want to hear that.
You said that single mothers shouldn't be provided by the state because you don't want your tax money to go to sluts. I replied by asking you if the safety net should be cut from anybody or only the people you don't like. You reply by bringing up unrelated domestic abuse stats.

>> No.17363543

Seriously, it's not about being owed it, it's just frustration coming out. Think of that little dwarf man yelling at the trumpet player. No woman is going to want him, to touch him, and that's sad. Then again he definitely has a female counterpart that men don't want and he probably doesn't want her either.

>> No.17363555
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>> No.17363558

They're all fucking whiny idiots that's why no one wants to fuck them. I see ugly dudes with hot girls all the time. It's called confidence and not caring about anything, women like this because it makes them feel more secure.

>> No.17363571

Shit, it's even worse now, if you reject them they can yell sex assault.

>> No.17363589
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>> No.17363591

aaaahhhhh someone finally posted the orange juice bit

>> No.17363605

>t. underground man

>> No.17363614
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>> No.17363625
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>> No.17363650
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>> No.17363695
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Crazy to think someone who thought like this existed. Scores of kids me included spend decades as internet shut-ins and my brain has never once came close to forming any of the thoughts this pos had. I'm glad you posted these because I never read any of it out of fear that he'd have said some things that might resonate with me. I feel so fucking relieved to find he's was just some self-centered crybaby faggot who wanted the world handed to him on a platter for no reason other than "I deserve it". Let out a very audible "PHEW".

>> No.17363715

He sounds like Ignatius from confederacy of dunces

>> No.17363733

This all happened in the last two years.
They can, I suppose, yell sexual assault.
Never had it happen, nor seen it happen in life.

>> No.17363781

I'm still not convinced all of this, the manifesto and the shooting, aren't just one elaborate bit.

>> No.17363805

Finally someone says it
Literally writes like the underground man

>> No.17363855

some just want to try it once or feel wanted

the incel defeatist biological determinism stuff is rather autistic though

>> No.17363859
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>> No.17363892

I wrote a whole comedy skit about a group of terrorist incels and a group of islamic terrorists who keep stepping on eachothers toes during a broadcast since due to a budget crunch they have to use the same studio to broadcast their demands, and after a while they agree to just use the other camps footage for some of their own demands because they just want the same thing.
>"Wait, you guys are just doing it for pussy too?"
>"Yeah bro"
In the end they join forces and create a nation called the "Incellamic State"

>> No.17363952

>The people who blah blah blah
>You reply by bringing up unrelated domestic abuse stats
They're very much related to single motherhood. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of single mothers CHOSE to be single mothers. Selfishly they put their own desires above the well-being of their children. I think it is abhorrent to financially support this decision in any way, be it alimony payments, child support, or welfare.

>> No.17363991

I would watch it.

>> No.17364363

He probably didn't form these ideas organically. Something that he never mentions in his manifesto is all the time he spent on incel forums. He will say he spent a summer alone in his room, but he didn't mention that he spent that summer alone in his room posting on PUAHate. He went home and cried after attending a party and not having sex. Not mentioned is that he was probably browsing an incel forum before and after. He left a large digital footprint on many forums, but that is never mentioned in his manifesto. For each year of his short life he only lists a handful of events which he believes, in his mind, are examples of "the world" mistreating him. He evidently didn't find his extreme internet usage in fringe internet communities to be worth mentioning.

>> No.17365180

there are literally thousands of people that match these descriptions who aren't psychotic faggots anon

>> No.17365439

well there are millions of asian/white mixed people so if only a few thousand of them aren't psychotic faggots that's pretty bad

>> No.17366085

reading about his plans for the day of retribution and comparing it to how it actually went is like the punchline of the whole book. i only wish he had been arrested instead so he would have to live a life he considered beneath him. imagine the irony of him getting raped in prison for the rest of his life.

>> No.17366506 [DELETED] 

>are the result of a Jewish father and Asian mother
Elliot's father wasn't jewish. In the BB forums ER mentions his dad is british and seems like the type of person to mention his jewish blood and sperg out about it online if he was actually jewish. The whole jewish angle just seems like a total cope because you want to maintain a really reductionist worldview racial worldview but also subscribe to the whole trad asian gf thing

>> No.17367001

After browsing /r9k/ I can safely say all of you losers are exactly like him

>> No.17367059

>are the result of a Jewish father and Asian mother
Have you been purposefully ignoring all the skinhead shooters and deranged fucks that pop up on the news every weekend? Two of the people you don't even have police records, so their not even worth mentioning

>> No.17367262

Why does he say "my mother" all the fucking time? Sounds like he had a stick up his ass

>> No.17367723

>A lot of incels actually ARE sjws
you must be pretending to be this retarded, right?

>> No.17367949

You're making a false equivalence. This is 4chan, so you're going to get a higher propensity of abnormal people

>> No.17367964 [DELETED] 

Elliot is what happens when you combine the sexually deviant mind of an asian with the sexually deviant mind of the white in hollywood.

>> No.17368188

I didn't read close to all of it but it was surprisingly engaging. Honestly there is some real potential in that book. Someone should base a novel off of it. If they are talented enough they could really make something special