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17357839 No.17357839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to dismantle global capitalism?

>> No.17357844

You can't its man's nature, it's like saying how can you get rid of laziness.

>> No.17357853
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This guy from the SEP I don’t really trust, but here’s a link anyway (live)

>> No.17357871
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>> No.17357876

Well we did a really good job of denying our natural tendency towards distribution arrangements preceding production for thousands of thousands of years.

>> No.17357880

Accelerating it into its destruction.

>> No.17357881

Oh! And it’s over. Nm
Who knows anything about the Bugaloos?

>> No.17357884

>it's in white man nature to be perpetually disturbed and on edge

>> No.17357889

Read NICK LAND. Our only hope. The man who has it all. The greatest thinker in the last thousand years.

>> No.17357895

And Mency Moldy.

>> No.17357915

Western Europeans, especially those of the British Isles, have over millennia experienced less Vitamin D then their other ethnic counterparts. This vitamin specifically regulates chemicals to help fight off depression and other mental ailments.

They develop these illnesses through Vitamin D deficiency, share them with their descendants through genetics, and then when the ones in power start inbreeding to consolidate the succession of wealth (which always happens in any culture) their children (still in power and the society celebrities, cultural leaders) have an advanced form of this mental illness and popularize parts of their quirks further cementing their people's role in establishing a foundational state of mental disturbance.

TL;DR: Drink sunny delight, go outside, and be a normal person.

>> No.17357931

Maybe read one page of Marx at least, retard

>> No.17357941

This is nonsense of course. The human mind is very malleable and if we change our social system we change ourselves

>How to dismantle global capitalism?
Replace it.

>> No.17357946


>> No.17357948

Marx literally says his theory is only good on paper, binge writing while on absinthe benders to jerk off his own ego. Communism in a post Industrial Age will not ever work. Seethe faggot seethe.

>> No.17357950

by dilating your neo"vagina" and acknowledging that you'll never be a woman

>> No.17357977

T. Retard

I’m a fascist.

>> No.17357987

>I’m a fascist.
okay. then by downloading Grindr and getting TOPPED by 10 inch long BBC BVLLS

>> No.17357993
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>> No.17358080

You have to change the value system. Capitalism is synonymous with 'cash' to some, but it helps to think of Capitalism not in terms of any one monetary object but in terms of common social value. If we were to suddenly declare cash useless and replaced with some cashless principle like 'honor' for example, you'd simply have people virtue signalling like fucking crazy to get social approval and the result would be the same. People whoring themselves out for social profit.

Man has needs both individual as well as communal, and there must be a balance between the two; the can't just be one or the other.
It's not the method, it's the mechanism. Man was looking for efficiency, and Capitalism allowed for that mroe so than Communism

We evolved in a cramped corner of the world where the only farmland was in the center of a ring of competing large tribes whose shoulders rubbed and whose backs were to the seas. It was like playing a game of agrarian Hungry Hungry HipposTM with brief pauses to fend off inter-continental assaults from homicidal foreigners. This culture shaped a European mindset for conflict rather than cooperation.

>> No.17358086

You can't. Capitalism subsumes everything. Your edgy fringe ideology that you shitpost about online is a facade you put on. You don't organize people in real life. You are too afraid of punishment to take radical action. You are too comfortable with your endless consumer choice to risk losing your easy lifestyle.
Instead of larping on 4chan online, why not make something of yourself? Work up the corporate ladder or start a business? It couldn't be that you're a bitter dimwith with no marketable skills, could it anon? It couldn't be that the meritocracy works and that you deserve to wallow at the bottom of the social ladder?

>> No.17358119

Seething boomer. Go die of opiates somewhere else.

>> No.17358134

By listening to my podcast

>> No.17358144

this person thinks that the problem with capitalism is that people virtue signal on twitter

>> No.17358161
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>You have to change the value system
What I have in mind
The value would be ourselves. Being nice and social isn’t “whoring”

>> No.17358174


>> No.17358177

Self organizing systems. AKA wait till resources start to get scarce. Capitalism "works" in countries that already had some sort of leg up, whether through an abundance of resources or military might and conquest of those with resources. But it is at its core a fragile system that only hobbles along because of half-measure socialist policies that get put in place to placate the masses whenever things get bad enough.

Just wait till there comes a time when the average American (or insert your country here) misses a meal for 3 days. Any system can seem good when times are good. But the more robust systems can keep things together even when times are bad.