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17346032 No.17346032 [Reply] [Original]

Economics was retroactively refuted by Plato:

>Health heads the list of the lesser benefits, followed by beauty; third comes strength, for racing and other physical exercises. Wealth is fourth—not “blind” wealth, but the clear-sighted kind whose companion is good judgment
- Plato

Economics is the science of impoverishment as an equalising force.

>> No.17346064

but I'm doing a master in health economics and most of what I've been doing lately is analyzing relationships between hospital and practitioner attributes and patient health outcomes. now what?

>> No.17346087

>health economics
What does this mean? Sounds like managing symptoms with austerity measures rather than focusing on the entire health of the patient.

>> No.17346090

Refuted by Aristotle in the Nicomachean Ethics when he figured out that it's stupid to buy a couch with shoes.

>> No.17346117

that might be because you're thinking of a narrow and archaic definition of economics, or you wouldn't have made this thread

>> No.17346365

>Plato is narrow-minded compared to my banana price index
Ok /biz/

>> No.17346558


>> No.17346583

He isn't saying that Plato is narrow-minded, just you.

>> No.17346600

You probably don’t even know what wealth is

>> No.17347091

>Plato quote
>narrow idea of economics
What a retard. Why do you even come here?

>> No.17347274

/biz/ isn't bringing their best.

>> No.17347968

Tell us.

>> No.17349020

Come on, economists. Show us how Plato was wrong about wealth.

>> No.17349972

Come on.

>> No.17350056

you mean preemptively? or is misusing retroactive a meme?

>> No.17350113

No. Retroactively is used correct here. It's not preemptively because Plato did not anticipate the position he is "refuting". It only becomes a refutation retroactively, when the position to be refuted is actually established.
Are you the same anon that keeps pushing this retarded mistake around? Why haven't you accepted defeat yet?

>> No.17350493


>> No.17350562

Plato didn't renounce markets and economics. He's arguing against materialism. What do you think the Republic is if not a regulated market organized along a division of labor?

Plato would agree with most health economists that a good society ensures a decent level of health for its citizens.

Obsessing over the word 'wealth' instead of considering it in the context of Plato's system is pointless unless you are a Greek linguist or an historian.

Refuted is a strong word. Aristotle was as much a Platonist as he was an independent thinker, and Plato not having had completed a system of economics doesn't invalidate the nuanced positions he took on the issue.

Both words are fine.

>> No.17350568

Let’s start with money. What do you think money is?

>> No.17350576

It's a case of who realizes what now? If Plato anticipated it, which he did, it's proactive. If economics refuted Plato then definitionally it wasn't anticipated and economics retroactively refuted plato.

>> No.17350586

You don't get to be wrong and have the base position. This isn't a reader decides the theme crap. It's from Plato's position necessarily.

>> No.17350593

Otherwise they wouldn't be quoting Plato. Plato is the subject necessarily.

>> No.17350795

Economic has raised populations from life-endangering poverty and enabled us to escape the Malthusian Trap (it explained the process at least..)
Plato was an aristocrat who couldn't fathom what "starving" means - the idea that "wealth isn't everything" has been a pure irrelevant abstraction for 95% of human populations.

>> No.17352327


>> No.17352506

How am I obsessing over a word?

>> No.17352600

It's a meme. There's an autistic dutchman who spams /lit/ ("guenonfag"). He spent a year filling the board with garbage about Parmenides "retroactively" refuting A. N. Whitehead. He meant "pre-emptively" (he said so later), as a refutation is by its very nature, retroactive as it is refuting something that was in the past.

He gets really upset with common English idioms. He spent a thread blowing up about how "making a mountain of a mole hill" is actually evidence that all of /lit/ is just one guy "gaslighting" him (a term that he uses to mean "disagreeing" with him).

>> No.17352967

Who said it better?

"Capitalist realism is a pervasive atmosphere, conditioning not only the production of culture but also the regulation of work and education, and acting as a kind of invisible barrier constraining thought and action."
- Mark Fisher

"The oppressed are wherever they are needed. They are down-to-earth in the sense that the rolling wheel touches the ground. The individuals change, the fact remains; and every victor finds his master."
- Ernst Junger

>> No.17352979

gold or silver
simple as

>> No.17353499


>> No.17353741

"Currency as a mark of wealth and dominion of the state, not a separate power of its own laws. The Owl of Athens on the gold coin; a contract of honour in which only wealth is changed hands, as in skilled work which is a mark of giving and inheritance.
Electrum is perhaps even more valuable than gold, a fasces quality in the metal representative of the state's inseparability from work and property. All work together to combine wealth and sovereignty of all classes. Their division and conflict suggest that the currency has been debased along with wealth.
The black market, particularly in the mafia, exists as something of a death cult of this, preserving some aspect of honourable wealth - an economy upheld by violence in law. The method of exchange is linked to the old families and world, so it is an economy in time and total opposition to the new world. Breaking these societies apart was significant, the leveled criminal rackets of the 'underworld', the racial gangs, and class gangs are much less of a threat. They maintain no opposition to the new society, they are its rightful form of criminality.

>> No.17354074

Don’t care, still buying stocks.

>> No.17354509

What's TSLA at now?

>> No.17355338


>> No.17356370


>> No.17357505

Why do people bother reading the Greeks if all they ever say is 'heh Plato dumb'?

>> No.17357972


>> No.17359258

Still waiting.

>> No.17359921

why is gold and silver money but not pieces of paper?
>inb4 gold and silver are real

many cultures used rocks, gems, seashells as money. many i preemptively blew you the fuck out.

>> No.17359960

Dude i dont want to the end of history to be a bunch of consoomers, that watch tiktok and play with their robinhood apps or speculate on shitcoins and then fap to their onlyfans.
This future is gay asf.
I also think elon musk is a snake oil salesman.

>> No.17359984

>I think the man who produces tangible and substantial results is a snake oil salesman

>> No.17360003

okay so he made rockets.
It doesnt mean hell colonize mars.

>> No.17360016

Typical aristocrat privilege of discounting the impact of wealth.

>> No.17360445


>> No.17360457

Why are Musktards so fucking cringe

>> No.17360474
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Go back to plebbit, newfag

>> No.17360994

He's not discounting wealth though, just recognising that wealth flows naturally from the higher laws, as in the tributary which breaks off from a river.
One of the great lessons of communism is how absolute distribution of blind wealth only increases the sense of impoverishment, makes it the only law.

>> No.17362185

>health economics
So does anyone know what this is?

>> No.17362335

Watch the Good Doctor.

>> No.17362336

>Plato prefigures Mao
Plato had his nuttier and more speculative phases, but it is possible to take him, or anything comparable in imaginative direction, too literally. Yesterday I was thinking about Machiavelli's implicit ranking, and plan, in the context of his time and place--
Something that in the long run actually happened, especially since his notion of a republic is whole lot more Roman, and Western, than the comparatively Oriental one Plato toyed with. As for why he wasn't exactly a favorite of the Church, let's just say that pejoratives tend to be projections, even in the case of figures like Narcissus, who's nothing at all like his -ism either.

>> No.17362831

True but this is a good law.

>> No.17363241

Who are those dudes?

>> No.17364467

Space Reddit

>> No.17365274

Because of intrinsic value.

>> No.17365285

There is no field without economics. Economics is just as true as math, but also allows room for human improvement. Economics is the chad of all areas of expertise (except for social economics, they are shit and worthless).

>> No.17365290

>Economics is just as true

>> No.17365295
File: 12 KB, 235x290, GIGA CHAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Economics is just as true

>> No.17366641


>> No.17366827

>t. Janet Yellen

>> No.17367855


>> No.17368444

Paper can be printed at will. Gold and silver can't. Paper rots, gold and silver don't. Paper is in overabundance, silver is uncommon, gold is rare.

>> No.17369270

Who btfo Plato?

>> No.17369317

no one

OP just got filtered by Plato

>> No.17369341

the presocratics

>> No.17369350

How? Plato was an economist?