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17353801 No.17353801 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone actually successfully learning online? Are you doing more reading than before? Is everyone else also behind?

>> No.17353991

Just dropped out for the second time and trying to find a good school why do they all fucking suck I hate this shit I'm gonna fucking

>> No.17354078
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I jumped at the opportunity to take online classes. I took 6 over the summer semester and 4 in the fall semester, which allowed me to graduate a whole semester early last December. Personally I never ONCE found that I missed the classroom environment. Profs posting lectures (all my courses were asynchronous) completely eliminated the need for me to take notes. I got to avoid dealing with retarded, time-wasting, attention-seeking questions from other students (for example: "how many trans people were there in England in 1200?"). Online courses were a gift from God in my experience. I completely cut out allllll the time I would have otherwise wasted if I were in in-person classes (walking to campus, waiting for people to show up, slogging though irrelevant meandering from profs and students alike, sitting through auxiliary globalhomo lectures and student presentations). I think the total amount of time I dedicated to school doing two semesters online was probably cut in half relative to previous in-person semesters. I LOVED online courses. All that being said I should note that I'm an antisocial autist so being alone for months on end was perfectly fine for me. I was also a history major, so things might be much more difficult for people in STEM-type courses where you really need the prof to help you out.

>> No.17354091

no im rotting in my dorm room not learning anything

>> No.17354093

Yeah this didn’t make any sense until you said you were autistic

>> No.17354095

It's a blessing and a curse :)

>> No.17354107

Taking this semester off. Fuck online learning

>> No.17354111

I wish you weren’t autistic so you could be a real person

>> No.17354112

I have accomplished very little and am extremely unhappy. So, not much has changed.

>> No.17354135

I'm not actually diagnosed with anything, I just assume I have high-functioning Asperger's or something. It's better to refer to yourself as autistic and antisocial than misanthropic and jaded.

>> No.17354198

I pretty much just teach myself material through textbooks and the professors are there giving me structure to do so. Setting deadlines, assigning abstract assignments, summarizing content, and being a point of reference if I need someone to more thoroughly explain things to me. I guess this is how it should be anyway, I kinda like it.

>> No.17354238

I had a similar experience. my school is located in a city where the rent is extremely high and living in dorms reflects the off-campus prices, so I saved a good amount of money learning from home. Online classes weren't any more challenging than learning in a classroom setting. I got a 4.0 this semester while taking 5 classes (Finance major)

>> No.17354250

I never had a more healthy lifestyle than during the pandemic. Where I, we are in full lockdown and we a curfew. I love not having to deal with the retards in my classes and I never I had so much time to read and I have never read so much. For the first time with my life I actually have the motivation to study and to go beyond what we learn in class. I am even a bit disapointed that I will have to one day give up my hermitic lifestyle.
I get you anon, that's also how I see myself sometimes.

>> No.17354251

My university is doing "hybrid classes" which in reality is an excuse for them to give you one class a week so they can mandate you stay on campus and give them money for housing. Absolute scam is what it is

>> No.17354271

Oh shit yea I didn't even mention the financial side. I saved probably ~8k by moving out of Victoria and into my parents' place.
Good work, mate. This last semester was also my best ever. First-ever 7.5 for me.
Based. This has been an absolutely lovely time for our kind.

>> No.17354284

I'm a TA and I think I may know your kind: the kind who whould sneakily send emails to the profs because they don't want to be called by name to speak in public. I just want you to know I purposedly take away points from all your essyas for turning cameras off during my seminars.

>> No.17354287

doing fucking terrible, all my deadlines caught up on me because i physically haven't been in class to remind me to do them and i'm really struggling to study from home since their are distractions literally everywhere, plus muh existential depression pushing me towards suicide ever increasingly to the point i think of it everyday.
i only stayed on this year because im older (22) and my parents told me i need to make up for lost time but in reality i wished i took a break this year so i didn't have to pay so much money for something so abysmal.
i fucking hate using microsoft teams so much, it is absolutely not conducive to having actual normal conversations with lecturers or classmates.

>> No.17354404

No I have no problem speaking in front of the class. I would routinely accept the role of group presenter for that sweet extra cred. You've got the wrong guy.

>> No.17354451

2x-ing all the lectures and pausing to recap is the best thing about it

>> No.17354472

Seriously. I can listen to lectures on PDEs at x2 and briefly kid myself into believing I'm some kind of mathematical wyzzrd who thinks in 5D 144hz triple time.

>> No.17354533

I have not managed to do anything for the past two semesters. I have wasted the entirety of the last two semesters. I messed up. I don’t know what to do. No matter how hard I try I just don’t get anything done, I don’t even know how to start anymore. It is getting incredibly terrifying.

>> No.17354549

anon...... are you me?

>> No.17354554

Bro, that's just a jewish thing to do. Just live and let live fucker or kys. Either way, stop doing that, it's mean.

>> No.17354590

Your seminars are probably boring. I mean, you do sound to be way the hell up your own ass.

>> No.17354592

>listening to lectures
You know someone already wrote all that stuff down, right?

>> No.17354606

this is how school shooters are made

>> No.17354740

Listening to somebody explain something does it better for me than just reading it alone does. I also write things out myself a few times. More firmly commits things to memory. Now, I know what you're thinking; yes, I am a nerd.

>> No.17354789

my exams arent till february and march but i believe i should be able to do it all if i dont get surprised kicked from the classes for never showing up.
I am thinking of postponing my masters (phil) which would start in october this year, because i really do not want to miss a single semester of that to the online or even hybrid environment. Might add another minor to my collection instead and do internships to show im not one of “those” philosophy students.
>inb4 someone thinks philosophy students dont get good internships at banks, consulting agencies and government branches
I have been reading a lot less i feel

>> No.17354811

Not really, OP. Obviously mileage may vary, but I'm in a biology PhD. Program. The lab component is significantly hindered by the silly social distancing rules. I no longer bump into people and get sparks of inspiration. Data meetings with my PI are wayward and largely unproductive. Lab meetings and really all journal clubs or seminars are so boring. Without the in-person tools speakers use to grab and hold attention, I've found it impossible to actually get anything of these talks.

I still have class, all are seminar style discussions. All are abject failures. Discussion is impossible organically. Whoever is leading discussion will literally be forced to cold call on people to keep it flowing and keep people from trying to speak over each other on zoom.

I was going crazy until I started underground meeting spaces. I invite colleagues and friends over to my place for food and drinks every single day now. I was usually socially inept and a terrible host, but now everyone is so starved for social contact that people are happy and keep coming. The only downside is that I've been caught once and put on probation for hosting these, and threatened with expulsion if I do it again (though really, I doubt they're gonna expel me after paying me 100k+ in stipend money over past couple of years).

My advice, do something like that. It's easy to set up underground social circles for the reason I mentioned, and it gives you such a leg up when you're not socially starved and depressed AND can actually have meaningful discussions about the material you're studying.

>> No.17354837

I go to OP pic related. Last semester.
I’ve been keeping up and learning just as well, and even reading more than usual. That said, if it weren’t my last semester, I would drop out for the time being.

>> No.17354944

Who gives a shit about turning on your camera? Maybe only a fucking perv like you. I work in a Forbes 100 company and it's been more than 5 months since I see someone with a camera on, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.17355086

yeah but unlike you and your coworkers, the only sliver of power some people will feel during their lives is as a TA during graduate school

>> No.17355100

it's bait

>> No.17355123

You're depressed. Young people are supposed to have freedom and socialization. Make some friends, even if you dont like them that much- practice conversation. Go on walks. Sit down with the physical copy of the textbook and physical flashcards and memorize the goddamn book.
Its what I did when I was depressed and feeling like shit in college. Admittedly it wasnt as hard as it is for you guys, but introspection, focus on studies, and mellow, gentle psychologically healthy activities like walking and chatting is the way to go.
While you're walking think about why you do what you do, ruminate on the content of your classes. The degree means nothing and the stuff you learn means very little but you will gain the ability to synthesize, schmooze, and drive meaningful work through passion which will carry you through life.

>> No.17355124

brothers, I...

>> No.17355223

Based. Says a lot about the quality of the board when this is a controversial post. Normals really need to GTFO.

>> No.17355367
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>NooOoOooo I like the """vibe""" of the classroom!!!
Normans OUT.

>> No.17356380

I like the vibe of libraries and not paying for a glorified Khan academy.

>> No.17357662

I find learning online better than irl study. I can study at my pace (although we have classes, I can study better while in class rather than doing nothing in class),much more flexibility and saves my transportation cost since I can't drive. I do more readings since my third semester, and now I'm entering my fourth.

Feels good man, I don't have to worry about being late, being a pain in the ass because I have to ask someone to take me to the campus, and I'm at least find learning much more enjoyable.

t. Undergraduate student taking Management degree

>> No.17357918

I miss physical classes. Being in a video call with a professor and twelve other students is annyoing given connection errors or bad sound. There's a lot better dynamic in actual classrooms, more activity. better learning environment.
Hope online garbage fucks off when COVID dies down.