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File: 153 KB, 902x902, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17352536 No.17352536 [Reply] [Original]

He was Catholic and recanted his execrable doctrines on his deathbed, asking his friends to pray for his departed soul.

>> No.17352572

Yes, and he only ever respected "the old man" Anscombe.

>> No.17352630

Can anyone actually explain what he wrote about? I tried reading some of his work but its completely incomprehensible. Is it basically: "Only maths can be true so all words bad?"

>> No.17352658

Fucking hypocrite pussy. Not wonder he killed his own 12yo student.

>> No.17352775
File: 504 KB, 3282x3120, Tractatus_Logico_Philosophicus_Text_Structure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never went much further than the Tractatus, which creates an "logical ontology" which defines the limits of meaning.

>"Only maths can be true so all words bad?"
No, propositions are meaningful if well constructed and used as "images of reality".

>> No.17352865

saved image. thanks.

>> No.17352894

>and recanted his execrable doctrines on his deathbed, asking his friends to pray for his departed soul.


Did he receive the Last Rites?

>> No.17352906

>The Riddle does not exist at all.
Goodbye Wittgenstein, you arrogant twitterer!

>> No.17352980

I would like this picture a lot more if the background didn't look chaotic. It unsettles me.

>> No.17352995


'Riddle' is the wrong term, 'conundrum' would be better. Regardless 6.5-7 are by far the worst parts of the TLP, and ridiculously it is the main part of TLP's exegesis.

>> No.17353020

He first started writing it as a response to a series of confusions in Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica, which tried to reduce mathematical propositions to propositions of pure logic. So, the tractatus contains a lot of mentions of words and math, and a lot of criticism of language use, but it doesn't connect as simply as you're claiming it does.

>> No.17353164

Chadgenstein was a very dramatic person he just did that for the significance of the moment

>> No.17353170

Why can't there be a conundrum or riddle? Why can't there be a question wherein we can only sense an answer?

>> No.17353175

Yeah more like Shittgaystein.

>> No.17353196

his face is so ugly

>> No.17353232


Because a 'riddle' or 'conundrum' isn't a properly built proposition, so as per 3.3, it doesn't have any sense, the names in it (the simple symbols which can't be decomposed, as opposed to a syntagm) do not have any meaning.

>> No.17353240

Hes a war hero that beats children he is the epitome of chad

>> No.17353255

Why must truth only be a proposition?

>> No.17353257
File: 559 KB, 865x1284, 1573981384078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he did some other things too

>> No.17353269

pfft yeah, more like Shitgaystein

>> No.17353300


Making a proposition is using language in a way that expresses the logical form of facts as they are in the world. Truth relates to the existence or non-existence of the facts represented in the proposition.

>> No.17353387

Why can't the existence of a fact be a partial existence?

>> No.17353416

>Why can't the existence of a fact be a partial existence?

Kek that sentence pretty much encapsulate everything Witty tried to warn us about.

>> No.17353431

>Why can't fart fart shit cum nigger gay cope seethe dilate?
idk anon

>> No.17353673

He was just a turbo autist

>> No.17353902

While he was definitely on the spectrum and there are dozens of anecdotes on his life to prove it, >>17353257
is a (famous) fake.

>> No.17353996

No. He admired Catholicism as a way of life but did not believe in it.

"X repented of his sinful doctrines and embraced the True Faith on his deathbed" is a common slander propagated by Papist apologists.

>> No.17354008

Why tho.

>> No.17354648

Although he was hyperintellectual, and certainly not Christian, one can tell, particularly from his lecture on ethics, that Ludwig Wittgenstein was spiritually unprejudiced, and, gradually, by his love for truth, tended toward its transcendent source in God.

>Wisdom (Sofia) is justified of her children.
—Jesus, The Gospel of Matthew.

>> No.17354665

what was his relationship with his substantial jewish heritage?

>> No.17354688

Everyone does. I wonder why there is any need for a church. Why even use missionaries and priests, when there are deathbeds?

>> No.17354719

Not everyone dies in bed.

>> No.17354727

The "Hot Ziggety!" anecdote is true.

The rest rather artfully play on the personality and behavioral characteristics suggested by that first true anecdote.