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17347841 No.17347841 [Reply] [Original]

Pali Canon
>The buddha met a brahman and they discussed the importance of providing for yourself
>And lo 6 million bodhisattvas sat on a mountain of smaragds and their eyes shines like a million suns and they chanted " Oh master buddha the truth you announce in this suttra is truely the truth that all your previous teachings and all 6 bajillion previous eternal buddhas aluded to and gazing upon this suttra will awaken the awakening in every paying follower
How is that?

>> No.17347854

>not receiving cosmic sutras from the Buddha before a host of supermen

>> No.17347877

tfw vajrayanachad

>> No.17348038

Okay how is Mahayana shit about the eternal bliss of purelands etc. not a form of craving?

>> No.17348061

Why do I like shit posting on twitter more than becoming enlightened and doing zazen? Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.17348090

>A Taoist observed a buddhist meditating every day. He asked why he did this. The buddhist said to become a buddha. The Taoist started to take a rock and polish it every day. The buddhist asked why he did this. The Taoist said I will polish this rock until it becomes a mirror. The buddhist said but that is impossible no matter how long you polish it

>> No.17348160


>> No.17348494

human beings are not purely 'rock', or hyle. we have a psychic component that can be 'cured' through breathing of pneuma. You are an anti gnostic shill and will be reincarnated btw.

>> No.17348551
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The Pali (Pajeet) canon was written hundreds of years after the life of noted Scythian sage, Gautama. Read Greek Buddha by Beckwith. The earliest Buddhists had no sangha, and were more akin to wandering mystics. The Mahayana tradition began in Central Asia; where the Scythians lived, and thus is more authentic. Oh, and the Buddha is also Lao Tzu.

>> No.17350033


I think you get reincarnated into the pure land due to devotion, it’s less about the craving and more of the attachment and false identification

>> No.17350083

>The buddhist said but that is impossible no matter how long you polish it
This is wrong, it could become reflective I bet if he did it long enough

>> No.17350115

>>And lo 6 million bodhisattvas sat on a mountain of smaragds and their eyes shines like a million suns and they chanted " Oh master buddha the truth you announce in this suttra is truely the truth that all your previous teachings and all 6 bajillion previous eternal buddhas aluded to and gazing upon this suttra will awaken the awakening in every paying follower
bugmen monks copied hindu style, because they were hindus all along

>> No.17350525

bcos pure land represents samadhi, no more a craving than the pursuit of enlightenment

>> No.17350527

>combining the terminology and metaphysics of 2 different religions to shitpost on 4chan
ngmi, hylic.

>> No.17350532

>Mahayana tradition began in Central Asia; where the Scythians lived, and thus is more authentic. Oh, and the Buddha is also Lao Tzu.
Try harder, m*slim

>> No.17350547
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>> No.17350552

yeah right.
>i hope i get reborn in a beautiful landscape without stress or work where everything is nice and calm
>no i'm not craving for it. woulen't mind tho haha :^)

>> No.17350588

sure, but you can make the same argument for the pursuit of nirvana - it requires both craving and faith, you crave the goal (non-suffering) and you gotta have faith in your abilities to attain it as well as the buddhist method of attaining it

>> No.17350600

Maybe because you have doubts? I used to shitpost and debate endlessly in these threads, but now that I have much more confidence in the path I wish to follow, I mostly lurk and don't waste time arguing.

>> No.17350606

The desire for Nirvana is always said to be a "productive" desire and not one to be abandoned until you become an arahant.

>> No.17350616

sometimes i consider joining a monastery to escape life, do they let you in even if you have zero interest in enlightenment, maybe i'd attain it as a consequence of my lack of interest in it, does it work like that idk

>> No.17350631

just move to the countryside and get a job helping out on a farm idiot. or better yet do an internship there for 3 months and realise that's just larp.

>> No.17350638

not if you tell them. But you can larp a bit. Also they make you train for 1 year.

try a 14day or 3 month retreat first.

>> No.17350642


>> No.17350696
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Pic. related

>> No.17350727

You do realize no religion has been more harmful to the Dharma than Islam? You do ALSO realize that Gandhara/Bactria, and by extension most of modern day Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan was majority Buddhist, and stayed that way, up until the 900s? They also adopted Buddhism way earlier than the East, and were the ones who *transmitted* it to the East. Bodhidharma, Guru Rinpoche, Lokaksema, Kanishka, (so on and so forth) were ALL FROM CENTRAL ASIA. The Kalachakra Tantra refers to Islam as the inverse of Dharma; an Anti-Dharma.
You're braindead. You shouldn't be allowed to post here.

>> No.17350743

They expect a lot from you in monastery life, it isn't a place to be lazy or lukewarm unless you are in certain parts of southeast Asia where institutional Buddhism is corrupt and degenerate. So no, it doesn't work like that.

>> No.17350753

Try going a week without using the internet first.

>> No.17350774

i'm not averse to hard work, i just don't want to have a job, pay rent and all the rest of it. i don't mind sweeping floors or cleaning dishes, i can even sit still if that's required of me, but i don't care about nirvana and other buddhist concepts, if i don't confess that, how can they know

>> No.17350785

the idea of never staring at a screen again sounds like heaven, i went without it for some time before when i taught esl in afrikkka, so i dont think that's a big obstacle

>> No.17350799

>if i don't confess that, how can they know
that probably depends on where you go. Buddhism is a big religion, there are many sects and many institutions managed by many different people. In any case I'm not very interested in helping you if you are planning on trying this under false pretenses, but it doesn't really matter because it sounds like an idle fantasy and you would almost certainly wash out very quickly.

>> No.17350822

Not him, I'd really like to join a thai forest monastery but all of them are outside of my country. Do the monasteries take care of all the visa stuff, or am I basically fucked (especially with the current travel restrictions)?

>> No.17351200

Are you talking about going to Asia? What part of the world do you live in?

>> No.17351213

Democratic Republic of Kongo

>> No.17351219

The monastery I'm looking into is Metta in the USA, and possibly Wat Pah Nanachat in Thailand. I live in Europe

>> No.17351237


>> No.17351250

Alright /lit/ tell me which is the best, Taoism, Buddhism or Confucianism?

>> No.17351287

I think you're up shit creek for travel restrictions. Although I will say, it is better to find something local to you than to travel a long ways, because in the latter case you either have to stay abroad for a long time or come back without bringing the social connections you made back with you, and you will end almost as isolated as you began. There could be a teacher or dharma center of some kind closer to home not in thai forest tradition, and if so you should find that out before you think about going overseas. It's more important to find a good teacher than to practice within the correct sect or institution. I hope I'm not condescending to you too much but I actually know a guy who did go to Thailand for several months, specifically to a Thai forest monastery and when he got back (to western Canada) he was completely alone and his meditation practice petered out into nothing without social support or guidance from teachers. He enjoyed his time there very much but it may not be all that much good to you when you come back home and have no Buddhist scene to return to. I'm not telling you not to do it (travel conditions permitting obviously), but at the very least you should consider looking into what's available nearer to you as well.

>> No.17351288

Confucianism: Virtues and their way
Taoism: the way and it's virtue
Buddhism is shit tier.

>> No.17351420


>> No.17351452

There's barely anything local here. Some zen stuff but I looked into it and it's closer to the infamous "mindfulness for your office space" westernized practice than actual zen. And I'm not that much into zen in the first place.
>stay abroad for a long time
This is what I want, I'm not looking for a retreat but ordination. I specifically mentioned Metta because I think the teaching style there would be a good fit.

>> No.17351488

>it's closer to the infamous "mindfulness for your office space" westernized practice than actual zen
What in your opinion is actual zen and how is mindfulness for your office opposed to it?

>> No.17351503

>actual zen
Zazen, for one, and probably studying koans.
Also I don't think zazen is the same thing as mindfulness meditation, and the latter is fine, I didn't say it was bad, but if you're going to have a meditation center that doesn't actually have anything to do with zen buddhism and simply teaches how to practice mindfulness, why call it zen?

>> No.17351709

vajrayanachads checking in.

>> No.17351787

>the Buddha is also Lao Tzu.
that makes a a lot of sense to me desu
it seemed like the philosophy of modern Buddhism lines up a lot better with Taoism, and some old Hindu yogisim

>> No.17351812

>The Mahayana tradition began in Central Asia; where the Scythians lived, and thus is more authentic.
top kek, spiritual globohomos really have no critical thinking

>> No.17351836

except it doesn't make sense at all since the two views are incompatible

>> No.17351864

the Confucius pill is sweet but rots your teeth with the retarded belief in the perfectibility of mankind through being a gentleman.
The Taoist pill would be sweet and healthy in an unfallen world in which women give birth with no pain and men provide for their family without sweat.
The Buddhist pill is correct on the problem of Evil and the fallen nature of existence but having received no Revelation it can only advocate for a "serene" detachment which in reality is little more than death in life.
It is the highest height pagan philosophy and religion has achieved.

>> No.17351875

>that makes a a lot of sense to me desu
>it seemed like the philosophy of modern Buddhism lines up a lot better with Taoism
It doesn't though. Taoism doesn't know cuckshit like Samsara, or that life is just suffering, and rebirth, and karma.

>> No.17351885

>life is just suffering
t. has never read anything at all about buddhism except 4chan posts

>> No.17351887

>Taoism doesn't know cuckshit like Samsara, or that life is just suffering, and rebirth, and karma
Hence why Taoism will always be superior

>> No.17351893

You're wrong.

>> No.17351896

you mispelled inferior.
Original sin is an OBVIOUS thing, everyone knows the world is diseased.

>> No.17351904

The world has no intensions. You're diseased

>> No.17351907

Then if you've read about buddhism and still think it states that life is suffering, you're simply stupid.

>> No.17351923

Confucianism makes for good worldly wisdom.
Taoism is entertaining.
Buddhism has no redeeming feature whatsoever.

>> No.17351925

No it's quite explicit on that. You just try to fit it into your own worldview.

>> No.17351933

Whatever you want to believe.
Dukkha doesn't mean suffering, by the way.

>> No.17351934

yes I am just like the world and everything and everyone in it. The universe is a rotting carcass and the only respite is being brought out of it.

>> No.17351950

Will you start arguing for your claims if they are so obvious or do you just meltdown like the faggot you are?

>> No.17351960


buddhists and hindus can't escape this fundamental inconsistency, no matter how hard they try

>> No.17351997


>> No.17352006

yes it does

>> No.17352021

>life is just suffering, and rebirth, and karma
The First Noble Truth, idham dukkahm, means "pain is". "Life is suffering" is a poor translation of this statement, intending to mean "pain is a part of life".

The Pure Lands are just rebirth in special places that are more conducive to enlightenment. You still have to do the work, you just don't do it here (blah blah blah >you blah blah blah). Is this a copout? Many Mahayana thought so, and think so. "Orthodox" Pure Land was viewed as an abominable heresy for much of Buddhist history, and the conflict between "Orthodox" Pure Land and non-Pure Land was quite vicious.

Do people crave rebirth in the Pure Land? Absolutely. That's something you'll have to work on in the Pure Land.

>> No.17352029
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>Thus I have heard. 6 million bodhisattvas sat on a mountain of smaragds and their eyes shines like a million suns and they chanted " Oh master buddha the truth you announce in this suttra is truely the truth that all your previous teachings and all 6 bajillion previous eternal buddhas aluded to and gazing upon this suttra will awaken the awakening in every paying follower

>> No.17352032

melting down?
I'm estatic.

>> No.17352035

Eh. I'd prefer Pure Land to Nirvana every day of the week.

>> No.17352038

This is why Mahayana is kino but vajrayana is even better

>> No.17352046

Nope. Stay ignorant.

>> No.17352058

>*opens the Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism at Dukkha*
>it says suffering

>> No.17352068

You don't get to stay in a Pure Land. The "bliss" of Pure Lands is setup in such a manner as to be conducive to enlightenment. It's not like Islamic Jannah, with fair maidens feeding you grapes and young boys to fuck and whatever. It's a very shiny, very peaceful monastery.

And you can still die, and will still be reborn if you don't succeed in the goal while there.

>> No.17352077

it just meant samadhi up until people started taking the upaya meant for peasants at face value

>> No.17352084

>You don't get to stay in a Pure Land. The "bliss" of Pure Lands is setup in such a manner as to be conducive to enlightenment. It's not like Islamic Jannah, with fair maidens feeding you grapes and young boys to fuck and whatever. It's a very shiny, very peaceful monastery.
>And you can still die, and will still be reborn if you don't succeed in the goal while there.

>> No.17352085

>being purposefully obtuse and disingenuous
Boring, I'm done with you

>> No.17352097

>gets refuted
>hurr durr i'm so above actual arguments
Buddshits everyone

>> No.17352101

not a buddhist lmao
keep seething retard

>> No.17352120

Ordaining is harder than it seems, you need to take care of your own visa and expenses, monasteries won't take you just because you ask nicely, most will ask that you first do a lay retreat for a few weeks and require a delay between that retreat and asking for ordination, which can fuck with your visa plans. Some monasteries (like the one in Switzerland) don't even allow new people to ordain there and ask that they go to the "western hub" of the forest sangha, in the UK.
I don't know how things go in the American and Thai monasteries so maybe someone can chime in for this. I'm guessing you need to do a retreat where you want to ordain (and not in another place), then ask for ordination if it went well

>> No.17352126

lol these threads always deliver

>> No.17352129

Longer and Shorter Sukhavativyuha Sutras. A Pure Land isn't some special transcendent realm, it's just a pocket-universe in the multi-verse setup by a Bodhisattva of great power. It's just "another place" "in" Samsara. It's a very nice place, and one conducive to enlightenment, more so than our world, but it's "just" a place. It's subject to all of the rules that everywhere else is, Amitabha has just taken great pains to set the place up to be as conducive to enlightenment as possible.

>> No.17352132

/lit/ is a terrible place to discuss any kind of religion, let alone Buddhism. People should read the relevant scripture and not put any credence at all to anything being said here, including this post.

>> No.17352143

You were BTFO. Buddhism is a nihilistic, anti-life, bugman religion

>> No.17352160

Considering the current state of international travel, is nobody ordaining anymore? Except native thais I guess.

>> No.17352381

>It is the highest height pagan philosophy and religion has achieved.

Nah, that's Egyptian hermeticism.

>> No.17352389

how do you figure?
what can I read about it?

>> No.17352393
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Based and Thoth pilled

>> No.17352398

It's actually neoplatonism

>> No.17352404
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Based and Hen pilled

>> No.17352411

Hen pilled?

>> No.17352421

The Hen is another name for the One

>> No.17352434

Wasn't Hermes Greek? Do we have any actual sources on egyptian... philosophy/mysticism?

>> No.17352641

Very little. Rare sources like the book of the dead are too thin to reconstruct their tradition. The Greeks talked a bit (though little, and spread out) about what they read in Egypt but that's only a very late, post third collapse culture that we know to be quite different from the pre-kangz days in terms of material civilization, art, social structure, etc.

>> No.17352693

Read Uždavinys and Assmann

>> No.17352710


>> No.17352728

Link to what? I assure you these are the only major scholars of ancient religion with those surnames.

>> No.17352739

Yeah but if I google assmann I'm not sure I will find the exact book you had in mind

>> No.17352750

I actually did nvm

>> No.17352790

Hello Jason.

>> No.17352904

Hermes, and the epithet "Thrice Great" are purely Greek ("Thrice Great" shows up precisely nowhere in Egyptian literature pre-Hermeticism, but it's very common in Mycenaean works). However, Hermeticism certainly has non-Greek influences as there are elements present that are not found in Greek philosophy or religion. While Egyptian (and Near-Eastern, which includes Semites but also Indo-European Anatolians and non-IE-non-Semitic Anatolians) influence upon the Greeks is often discussed, the opposite, Greek influence on those around them, ESPECIALLY in the Hellenistic period, is often overlooked.

Hermeticism is a Greco-Egyptian syncreticism. Where one begins and the other ends is pure navel gazing.

>> No.17353766

I was once on /pol/ and someone claimed khan academy was "evil"
Explain that to me

>> No.17354066

It's /pol/, everything that exists is evil and the result of the jew

>> No.17354162

dukkha means suffering, sorrow, distress. I don't think that translation is poor
t. Indian

>> No.17354260

Wouldn't this just be niggas attaching myths and religious stories they made up to the Buddha and what he did as essentially a wandering mystic philosopher? Also, I was wondering what exactly reincarnates in buddhism if a self doesn't ultimately exist and we are all aggregates. Do my aggregates and false ego, personality, and memories get thrown into a new body like how it seems to work in Tibetan Buddhism or is it more my awareness and consiousness in which case isnt this a type of pantheism to say consiousness pervades the universe and condenses in the form of beings like people and then goes on to form other consious people after their death. Just like how my atoms go on to form other physical entities after I die? I haven't read Indra's Net yet but does it tie back to this? Like is Buddhism similar to Panpscyhism? Also of there are monads of consiousness and atoms/sub atomic particles do they remain duel or is matter simply consiously held ideas or do they condense into a neutral third substance?
Also, I know buddhism aims to end suffering for all beings so does that make it a sort of utilitarianism? Or is it really non cognitive as perhaps what we do doesnt ultimately matter and one can reject trying to obtain nirvana?
Not to mention what is nirvana? I know it is called blowing out and likened to a candle. Is it like a ego death, the ability to quickly transform suffering into something neutral, a place, etc? I mean the buddha still had to have suffered after enlightenment, he had a body afterall that came with aches and pains.

If any of you would like to vc about this or talk about it in a text channel feel free to join my discord. sKgx3esa

>> No.17354321

what if we were the real sufis all along

>> No.17354343

What if nirvana was the friends we made along the way?

>> No.17354857

>the conflict between "Orthodox" Pure Land and non-Pure Land was quite vicious
Where can I read more about that?

>> No.17354866

Taosim is better imo in that it doesn't explicitly tells you to let go of the real, perceivable world or confine you to very rigid behavioral tenets. It's literally "just flow with it, bro" the religion.

>> No.17354932

Look into the history and main figures of Shin Buddhism, it was a populist movement looked unfavorably upon by the aristocracy who supported Zen. And because it was aimed at the peasantry much of their upaya was misinterpreted and led to heretical cults who believed in crazy shit like thinking that doing evil would lead to rebirth in the Pure Land.

google: Honen, Shinran, Rennyo, Ikko Ikki, Kaga Rebellion

>> No.17355558

The Theravada view is, sadly, all too limited. We should try not for our own escape from Samsara, but the escape of all sentient beings. This is the ideal of a bodhisattva.

>> No.17355679

No thanks I'll focus on myself

>> No.17356006

Me too. I want to find a monastery and relax. I have too much anxiety, no interest in friends or family or a career. So I lready have few attachments.

>> No.17356018

No. All beings must do their own work.

>> No.17356027 [DELETED] 

Who else SOTO?

>> No.17356040

Who else S O T O ?
-cool black robes
-no mysticism
- no striving
- sit all day with your bros

>> No.17356203

Soto Zen is a cancer. Literally the most libcucked "buddhism" in existence.

>> No.17357426

So what? That doesn't change if it's true or not.

>> No.17358715

And it's not buddhism.

>> No.17358758


what fundamental inconsistencies? Buddhism and Hinduism both speak of alternate realms

>> No.17359707

Lol you've poisoned your mind anon, calling Soto libcucked? It might be time to relax a bit and logoff for awhile

>> No.17359841

I get the appeal of Zen but it's really not my thing. Suzuki's book was good though.

>> No.17359858

Therevada and Mahayana are going to just keep competing forever. Mahayana seems more rebellious to me

>> No.17359866

They don't really compete. No school of Buddhism has an evangelizing component, aside from Nichiren. Theravadins do their thing and Mahayanists as well, neither is really trying to one-up the other.

>> No.17360006

I think it would be fun to watch monks from either sect interact with each other

>> No.17360009

Kek, based

>> No.17360108
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>> No.17360133

featherless biped

>> No.17360299

They'd probably greet each other politely and talk about mundane monk things and would definitely not have an autistic debate about which sect is more based.

>> No.17360814

Is zazen the best cope to realizing life is meaningless?

>> No.17360877

why is that

>> No.17360910

thats the first noble truth and the reality of dukkha my friend

>> No.17360939

that would be a shotgun actually