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1735175 No.1735175 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think authors of fantasy play a lot of vidya?

>> No.1735184

They have lives so no.

>> No.1735185


>> No.1735197


Cracked me up

>> No.1735202

No. They go out and party and get drunk and fuck hoes.

>> No.1735235


>> No.1735242
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>> No.1735248


LOL perfect timing

>> No.1735249 [DELETED] 

Scott Lynch, the guy who writes the Locke series, is a huge Final Fantasy faggot. Like he outright admitted he spent like eighteen hours a day replaying one of the Final Fantasy Games over and over. The time he's not sleeping or playing through Final Fantasy shits for the sixteenth million times he spends writing the Locke series. You can imagine how that shit turned out.

>> No.1735251

Actually the Locke series turned out amazing so far...and nothing like FF IMO.

>> No.1735258 [DELETED] 

I mean more often it's probably that video game designers play a lot of fantasy.
Like that white haired faggot from those video games about Mickey Mouse my sister is always playing. He was based on the Elric series by Michael Moorcock, it looked like

>> No.1735259 [DELETED] 

read a lot of fantasy, i mean.

>> No.1735265
File: 30 KB, 339x383, 6-locke-a%5B1%5D[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Fantasy
>Lies of Locke

Final Fantasy VI (III) starts with Locke lying.
They are both rogues.

I'm sure there are a lot of similarities.

>> No.1735270 [DELETED] 


This. I wouldn't doubt it a bit if I found out the people that made Avernum and Geneforge were huge fans of C.S. Friedman's fantasy and sci-fi writing. Avernum gave me a very Coldfire trilogy kind of vibe.

>> No.1735272

Kingdom Hearts? That was made by Japanese people do they even have legit fantasy novels over there? KH is more like a shounen anime anyway

>> No.1735278 [DELETED] 

It really depends on the author and what sort of fantasy they write. A person who writes very pulpy, quick-paced action fantasy is a lot more likely to be a gamer, especially if they also do tie-ins.
Jeff Vandermeer is a gamer, believe it or not.

>> No.1735281

Are you a gamer? I actually wonder if most people on /lit/ are.

>> No.1735284

Most of the Japanese novels I've read are "light novels" which are serialized part by part in magazines, that are aimed at same audience as manga/anime and are often adapted into both.

So if you ignore those, then yes, there still some "actual" novels, but I don't know that many that are fantasy. I've read a few science fiction ones though, and there are plenty of more "realistic" ones, as people seem to like Murakami on here.

I often see authors references western works though.

>> No.1735285 [DELETED] 


Are you serious? The Japanese have plenty of legit fantasy novels. The Guin Saga, Brave Story, the Spice and Wolf novels, etc. The main difference is the demographic and how marketing works. Instead of having a fairly short series of 1000+ page fantasy novels like in the U.S. Japanese customers usually buy shorter books, so as a result instead of a few thick books (the way fantasy series are marketed in the U.S.) a fantasy series in Japan is marketed as up to hundreds of short books. If a Japanese fantasy series is popular enough, it's usually also adapted into a comic and cartoon (which is usually the closest familiarity that westerners have with Japanese fantasy - through cartoon/comic adaptations rather than the original work itself). That said, the Japanese are VERY big into fantasy.

>> No.1735286

Not that guy, but I am. I usually end up playing video games one month and reading one month, switching back and forth. I have yet to master the art of balancing my hobbies.

>> No.1735288

PC mainly or console?

>> No.1735290

Yes I'm serious. I don't read any Japanese books.

>> No.1735291

I used to be only on /a/ and /r9k/ mostly, and then somewhat here.

Then /r9k/ died and I started coming to /lit/ more and more. I think a lot of people came to /lit/ after /r9k/ died but I'm not familar enough with the board prior to that to make an accurate judgement.

>> No.1735293 [DELETED] 



Big fan of classics like Syndicate.

>> No.1735295

He wasn't asking if there were "actual" Japanese novels in general, he was asking about Japanese fantasy novels in particular.

>> No.1735296
File: 31 KB, 375x251, GuardianoftheSacredSpiritDVD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1735297

>>1735285 read >>1735284
and reply

>> No.1735299

Why? Are you another one of those "oh god it's not in the Western Canon I better not read it" /lit/izens?

>> No.1735309

Console, I guess. I only have a netbook computer-wise, so I can really only run emulators on it.

>> No.1735312

and I didn't answer as such. I answered as to whether I knew of fantasy works outside of serialized novels, more in line with non-serialized, published-all-at-once novels.

>> No.1735323

Yes. I despise pretty much anything that isn't American or European. JPN is good for video games and cars though vidya has been lacking over the past few years.

>> No.1735337

It's not so much that it's lacking as that you maturing and that the western games tend to be more "mature."

>> No.1735338


>About a thief/treasure hunter named Locke

>nothing like Final Fantasy series

That said, both Lockes are a badass.

>> No.1735343

>more "mature"

You mean utterly lacking in the bright-eyed hope and enthusiasm that is ever-present in the Japanese canon?

>> No.1735352

Eh. Jim Butcher played a bit of vidya, mostly classic vidya though. He's a big fan of roleplaying, though.

Terry Pratchett is a huge fan of Half Life 2. His daughter, Rhianna Pratchett is a writer for video games such as the Overlord series, Heavenly Sword and Mirror's Edge.

>> No.1735354


I noticed this when I was younger. I had a bunch of SNES games, almost all of which were Japanese except for a British game called Syndicate.

All of the Japanese stuff was very immature, silly, and lacking in anything that made you take it seriously or appreciate it. Then there was Syndicate, which was like some serious Blade Runner type shit, very thoughtful, violent, grim, made you feel determined and like you were actually there. That's something the cartoonishness of Japanese media just doesn't have.

>> No.1735355

Slightly off topic but vidya is stagnating. If you think about it alot of the AAA releases are just rehahes of older games or genres. There's nothing really new in the COD series nor Gears nor god of war,etc.

Some games are rather unique such as Assassin's Creed or Arkham Asylum or even the music games like Rock Band but alot of the other stuff no longer holds a lot of older gamers attention because they're burned out on that type of gameplay

They probably play alot of MMORPGs but not as much as fantasy developers read fantasy. Everytime there's a conference or interview for a game alot of these guys look like the cliche geek who reads piles and piles of fantasy books

>> No.1735357

>He's a big fan of roleplaying, though.

That's part of why his books suck so bad.

>> No.1735361

Yes, that is a good summation.

>> No.1735369

It's not just JP games it's W ones too.

>> No.1735375

She wrote Mirrors Edge?


>> No.1735377

That happens to anyone who indulges in great amount of media in specific fields. It's called being jaded and disillusioned. You can apply it to books, movies, tv, whatever else you want.

>they're burned out on that type of gameplay
I think you may be projecting a bit much.

>> No.1735379


The issue here is that Japanese media, as a whole, tries to encourage people. There is a social expectation of creating enthusiastic, hopeful people because enthusiastic, hopeful people will have a better work ethic. Just look at any work of advertising or any television show that comes out of Japan, even if it tries to be grimdark. There's always this sort of hyper sense of enthusiasm and eagerness to accomplish things that seems strange to westerners, sometimes even disturbingly childlike or mentally ill.

>> No.1735386


I always wanted to be like Locke irl. The Amano illustration of Locke anyway. He's just so cool.

>> No.1735389

That makes sense since stuff like FF or KH or insert popular game here are usually catering towards a general audience like Disney movies so it makes sense they would have everything sugar and rainbows.

Things like Gantz, Berserk, Narutaru, Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Darker Than Black I see as clearly towards the 18+ crowd

>> No.1735395

How am I projecting if you just suggested that happens to someone who sticks around a specific medium that uses similar tropes?

>> No.1735409

The former are called shonen and are meant for young boys.

The latter are called seinen and are for young men.

There are even those for older businessmen (40+ etc)
These don't tend to be focused on at all in western fandom.

>> No.1735410

What console do you mainly play on?

>> No.1735419

You stated that "vidya is stagnating" as in objective.
I said that a person's subjective experience becomes like that. It doesn't follow that it is objectively stagnating.

>> No.1735429


/waits for the demeaning remarks

>> No.1735439

When you type "/waits for the demeaning remarks" that's basically soliciting demeaning remarks.

>> No.1735445

Well I would assume the similar styles in the best selling games over the past few years at least on hardcore mechanics would be proof enough of this but I see what you're saying.

>> No.1735448

Fantasy books suck
Video games suck

>> No.1735492

Actually, I thought of it as a measure against them, a la "inb4"

>> No.1735515

That's alright man. I have one and a ps3 and see no issues. However I have stopped playing vidya since i lost interest,