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17350444 No.17350444 [Reply] [Original]

>villain is evil because... he's evil
>good guys are good because... they're good
>technology and progress BAD and LITERALLY THE DEVIL'S WORK
>smoking tobacco all day and doing nothing GUD and LITERALLY THE ANSWER TO LIFE'S MEANING
>South BAD
>Norf GUD
>pages upon pages on meandering bullshit about tress and bushes
>muh Christian values
>muh Germanic Chads WE WUZ FREE AND SHIT
Bravo Tolkien, truly, bravo!

>> No.17350445

KEK triggered

>> No.17350465
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>>villain is evil because... he's evil
yes (viz. st augustine)
>>good guys are good because... they're good
yes (viz. kant)
>>technology and progress BAD and LITERALLY THE DEVIL'S WORK
yes (viz. kaczinsky)
>>smoking tobacco all day and doing nothing GUD and LITERALLY THE ANSWER TO LIFE'S MEANING
yes (viz. epicurus)
>>South BAD
>>Norf GUD
tolkien unironically wrote an epic fantasy saga that is on par with their work if not far better (viz. silmarillion)
not really, more like we wuz a detailed historico-linguistic study of the germanic peoples
>>pages upon pages on meandering bullshit about tress and bushes
actually fascinating, only "bullshit" to soulless urbanized drones like yourself with no appreciation of the complexity and pace of nature (viz. bergson)
>>muh Christian values
yes (viz. Christ)
>>muh Germanic Chads WE WUZ FREE AND SHIT
stupid point, makes no sense, not a criticism
>Bravo Tolkien, truly, bravo!

>> No.17350466

u sound upset

>> No.17350471

>villain is evil because... he's evil
>good guys are good because... they're good

t. never read the books

>villain is evil because he craves power
>good guys are good because they have humility and self-control
>dwarven and elvish tech is fine, it's industrialization that's evil
>leisure and loving peace is the answer to life's meaning
>every good fantasy has elements of Rome
>don't forget food
>Christianity good
>...yes, and?

>> No.17350477

Based Tolkien enthusiast

>> No.17350491

>pages upon pages on meandering bullshit about tress and bushes

They’re cozy, you philistine. Except The Riders of Rohan, fuck that boring chapter. What the hell was Tolkien thinking, nothing of any importance happens until they meet Eomer. He should have cut most of it.