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/lit/ - Literature

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17349922 No.17349922 [Reply] [Original]


The cycles of the day shall soon be spent.
Force that pleasures rise will seek its fall.
Muses know which poets they will send
past the veil of ages' grand appall.

Detritus that builds in other names
will be revealed when such names waste away
as tawdry ashen towers once in fame
will find the world devalues as an aim.

The general to chest with medals pinned
shall sleep with slave within the threshing mill;
the scholar sat at desk with book and pen
will find his knowledge wanting as blood spills;

the sentimental hawker of bad verse,
bearer of the largest beating heart,
with lips clipped narrow in a tightened purse
as hearts alone do not enlighten art

shall grow with wonder, as the decades grow,
at how the world's swift sweep delivers sting:
the bee that wanders flowers curves the foe
where wasp and worm will root the venom in;

and those that merely stand aside and know
will shake their heads and say: "It must be so."

>> No.17349930

You can try a little harder man for what purpose I'm not sure though

>> No.17349932

ebonics national language 2024 pls

>> No.17349937

Amanda "gibs me dat applause" Gorman

>> No.17349938

Nobody invited someone up there to stay that idc if they were the least privileged person at the inauguration

>> No.17349942

That's 19th century version of fortunate son

>> No.17349947

I've come to realize that my opinion of a poem heavily dependent on the rhyme scheme and rhythm of the work, as much as it is on diction and content. Ms. Gorman's work had a rhythm and rhyme to it, so I liked it. If it had been entirely blank or god forbid free verse I would have hated it.

Perhaps I like songs more than poems.

>> No.17349948

>mother in law sees me reading Blake yesterday
>"Oh you like poetry anon? Did you see that girl who read the poem at Biden's inauguration? I thought it had a beautiful message and she delivered it wonderfully. What did you think of it?"
>y-you too

>> No.17349958

> In 2017, Gorman said she wants to run for president in 2036,[32][33]
IDK bros. A poet president would be pretty based. People here are always crying about ‘why isnt poetry popular anymore’ but dont see this as good

>> No.17349961

>A poet president would be pretty based.
Yeah but a black woman president. What's next, government assisted weaves?

>> No.17350003

From the moment I saw her walk out I knew /lit/ was gonna seethe harder than Kevin Nash in 1992. The other thread was so bad my god. It's been a while since I've seen so much pettiness, envy, and insecurity. And it's crazy to think that most people in that thread legitimately just wanted to tell us they're smarter than her. Take your meds please

>> No.17350015

A 'poet laureate' that begins a poem with a metaphor on finding light in shadow that's been repeated ad nauseam since the time of Plato and maybe even farther back can't really be called smart. That's just facts.

>> No.17350017

Trump was unironically a poet president. Hes had more organic influence on language than anyone else has in at least 10 years
>Make ___ Great Again
>Fake news (msm created this but he immediately co-opted it)
>lyin ted
>little marco
>cryin chuck
>nasty woman
>lock em up!
>big, beautiful, the best maybe ever

His enemies and supporters liberally quote him on a daily basis

>> No.17350052
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>> No.17350060

Affirmative action hire pandering to the woke cult.

>> No.17350066

Let us talk about and enjoy her other poetry:

Our Purpose in Poetry:
Or, Earthrise

Dedicated to Al Gore and The Climate Reality Project

On Christmas Eve, 1968, astronaut Bill Anders
Snapped a photo of the earth
As Apollo 8 orbited the moon.
Those three guys
Were surprised
To see from their eyes
Our planet looked like an earthrise
A blue orb hovering over the moon’s gray horizon,
with deep oceans and silver skies.

It was our world’s first glance at itself
Our first chance to see a shared reality,
A declared stance and a commonality;

A glimpse into our planet’s mirror,
And as threats drew nearer,
Our own urgency became clearer,
As we realize that we hold nothing dearer
than this floating body we all call home.

We’ve known
That we’re caught in the throes
Of climactic changes some say
Will just go away,
While some simply pray
To survive another day;
For it is the obscure, the oppressed, the poor,
Who when the disaster
Is declared done,
Still suffer more than anyone.

Climate change is the single greatest challenge of our time,

Of this, you’re certainly aware.
It’s saddening, but I cannot spare you
From knowing an inconvenient fact, because
It’s getting the facts straight that gets us to act and not to wait.

So I tell you this not to scare you,
But to prepare you, to dare you
To dream a different reality,

Where despite disparities
We all care to protect this world,
This riddled blue marble, this little true marvel
To muster the verve and the nerve
To see how we can serve
Our planet. You don’t need to be a politician
To make it your mission to conserve, to protect,
To preserve that one and only home
That is ours,
To use your unique power
To give next generations the planet they deserve.

We are demonstrating, creating, advocating
We heed this inconvenient truth, because we need to be anything but lenient
With the future of our youth.

And while this is a training,
in sustaining the future of our planet,
There is no rehearsal. The time is
Because the reversal of harm,
And protection of a future so universal
Should be anything but controversial.

So, earth, pale blue dot
We will fail you not.

Just as we chose to go to the moon
We know it’s never too soon
To choose hope.
We choose to do more than cope
With climate change
We choose to end it—
We refuse to lose.
Together we do this and more
Not because it’s very easy or nice
But because it is necessary,
Because with every dawn we carry
the weight of the fate of this celestial body orbiting a star.
And as heavy as that weight sounded, it doesn’t hold us down,
But it keeps us grounded, steady, ready,
Because an environmental movement of this size
Is simply another form of an earthrise.

>> No.17350075

To see it, close your eyes.
Visualize that all of us leaders in this room
and outside of these walls or in the halls, all
of us changemakers are in a spacecraft,
Floating like a silver raft
in space, and we see the face of our planet anew.
We relish the view;
We witness its round green and brilliant blue,
Which inspires us to ask deeply, wholly:
What can we do?
Open your eyes.
Know that the future of
this wise planet
Lies right in sight:
Right in all of us. Trust
this earth uprising.
All of us bring light to exciting solutions never tried before
For it is our hope that implores us, at our uncompromising core,
To keep rising up for an earth more than worth fighting for.

>> No.17350077

Welcome to the 2020s. The value of everything is judged by the external characteristics of the person who produced it, especially if theyre the first person with those characteristics to do it.

>> No.17350078

>Those three guys
>Were surprised
grade school trash

>> No.17350130

Rhyme a bit
And you're neat.
Cliche better,
It don't matter.

Appeal to most:
Feel-good quotes.
Sing the song
Everyone's on.

Ride the train,
Avoid the pain.
Reduce the grey:
Black-white's day.

It's not complex.
Shit sells: that's that.
Rake the cash;
It's your stash.

This is a poem
By Amanda Gorman.
Who's she?
Blackest queen.

>> No.17350181

She was fine, Blake would have approved

>> No.17350188


>> No.17350197

It’s called a historical reference, try reading more, maybe you’ll become educated

>> No.17350198

These are shit who did the first in op

>> No.17350200

this is unironically terrible

>> No.17350203

We're 23 replies in and op's faggot ass still hasn't revealed the author of the first poem

>> No.17350209

Tfw she’ll have books published, chilling with her lover and kids, lauded and loved by everyone she meets...everyone in this thread will still be posting on /lit

>> No.17350215

the chick who wrote twilight is probably very wealthy and living comfortably too. doesn't make her writing not suck.

>> No.17350219

Youth poet laureate, but whatever

>> No.17350225

Doesn't matter, it's dreck as well

>> No.17350234

I'm me
Me be
I am
I can
Sing and
Hear me
Know me

Oh no
It go
It gone
Who I
I think
I sink
And I die

>> No.17350242

I like posting on /lit/ though

>> No.17350248

Who now?
Bye now
What what?
That way

The things we see
are not things we be
ya know what i
mean - today I been
many places and
seen many faces

but we have to hold our heads up high and just be ourselves baby

>> No.17350264

This really isn't bad. I doubt any anons here can do better.

>> No.17350288

ayo bizz
wez be queenz
wez got dat melanin power
flowin thru our veins the warrior
yt b holdin us up
yall cant tell us
yall cant run our shit
we run dis shit
yall we out here
my sistas liberated
my sistas freed
whitey shook

>> No.17350293

She went to a $40K+ a year K-12 private school. She is a child of privilege and excess. She represents nothing except a symbol of the racial division used to distract the masses. Her empty words were not worth the oxygen used to repeat them.

>> No.17350403


>> No.17350404

this is some hella racist south park tier chud shit gtfo you 12 year old loser

>> No.17350414

and I like you posting on /lit/ anon.

>> No.17350422

plot twist she's the making these threads

>> No.17350441

based af

now every1 knows u like penis lol

>> No.17350446

someone needs to crowdfund chud 3 on kickstarter, the world needs it more than matrix 4

>> No.17350447

It was to a lot of people. And no matter how much you seethe and turn breh she clearly reached out to a lot of people. Why the hell do chuds have a hard time realizing other people like other shit. It's fucking sad

>> No.17350475

Agreed, /lit/ is petty and racist

>> No.17350487

Wew she really is bad

>> No.17350488
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Can't wait to see how the Gorman arc ends

>> No.17350490

Get that racist shit tf outta this joint fr
We dont fuck with that shit here my guy
We are about peace love brotherhood equality
We all humans here
I love everyone we come together as human beings we share hands and love each other as 1

>> No.17350492

I remember you, you're that teen from the other thread.

>> No.17350504

take it easy with the mentally ill boogieman
if you pay attention to post numbers and active poster ids you'll think all of 4chan is empty and or botted

>> No.17350513

This one's actually so bad I refuse to believe it's not a 'gotcha' or troll edit.

>> No.17350538
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>> No.17350548

Fuck me

>> No.17350582

She's pretty formulaic.
>cliche opening verses
>followed by platitude
>followed short staccato rhymes
>followed by political statement
>and back to step two until finished

Something like:
Today is the blazing, righteous day
Of the blazing, righteous reckoning
Which we have wrought
By the power of own hands
And that's a fact,
Don't attack
That'd be whack
Vote for Joe Biden in 2024, and Remember:
Democrats Are Great!

>> No.17350587

I researched what the youth laureate means and is literally an award given to black kids to keep them off the streets. It's like a community service thing.
Also, it would be a testament of our times that Biden knew she was trash and put her there ironically to mock niggers behind their backs.

>> No.17350594

Me too anon

>> No.17350807

This poem isn't bad at all. I've yet to see a proper critique other than "MUH NEGRESS MUH AFFIRMATIVE ACTION."
Can you /pol/tards stop with your PsyOp cognitive dissonance already? It's fucking tiring to read.

>> No.17350817

Oh cry some more, loser. Why are you using leftist talking points to attack people now? Again, envy is a motherfucker. It's obvious your principles are tenuous.

>> No.17350941

Makes her better than you at writing

>> No.17350949


>> No.17350958

Hers is better

>> No.17350963

generic muh stronk black woman drivel. nothing of substance. i'd wipe my ass with this poem and it'd be the same color as her skin

>> No.17350966

Lmao this seething was the reason I've decided to visit this board after eons.

>> No.17350969

One day you'll look back and cringe at what you are.
t. former /pol/tard who broke the conditioning

>> No.17350973

i'd cringe more if i kissed niggers feet

>> No.17350980

Well, alright. You have fun with yourself there, bud. I bet you get off on Misty Stone and BLACKED porn, don't ya?

>> No.17350988

no. i'm not into bestiality

>> No.17351037

Wait isn't op's poem critiquing Gorman? Even makes fun of sentimental bad verse.

>> No.17351056

Something being a reference requires actual commentary rather than regurgitating the sentiment. Paradise Lost referencing the muse in the first part has actual meaning beyond just duplicating the greeks.

>> No.17351059

Someone said something similar to me, so I talked about how much I liked her coat and the red hair accessory.
I was sincere.

>> No.17351061

I chuckled.

>> No.17351070

n i c e

d e f i n e :

>> No.17351078

Cringe as fuck with the fantasy vibe. You honestly spent time and effort on this and this is what you come up with. Yngmi.

>> No.17351088

The new dawn blooms as we free it

For there is always light,

if only we're brave enough to see it

If only we're brave enough to be it

Nice rhymes bro. I'm sure the preschoolers couldn't come up with something so rhythmic.

>> No.17351115

She'd be a nice speech writer in the sounds feelgood kind of way, but as a 'poet' she's utter trash.

>> No.17351514

When I first saw it I said to my gf, “Sounds as if her greatest influence is Barak Obama’s speechwriter.”

>> No.17351555

USA is so cringe and disappointing.

>> No.17352065

>it's real

>> No.17352088

to be fair, these are slam poems and most of their artistic merit is in their performance
yeah, i'm thinking she's based

>> No.17352095
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>> No.17352148

will covfefe ever be solved? does it have enough to do with etsubatsu?

>> No.17352182

>former /pol/tard
>implying WMBF and BMWF isn't the exact opposite
lol try harder.

>> No.17352186

I was expecting worse tbf. Little negress is no robert frost but it was a fine poem. You can tell she is of good breeding.

>> No.17352246

few negroes have those refined features and when they do they have much european blood. not so in this case it seems. perhaps somehow descended from a line of west african nobles kept somewhat intact through the centuries.

>> No.17352265

Man has grown, evolved
achieved things noble and rich
the horizon calls

behind him lies ape
with niggers, browns and kikes who
yearn to pull him back

tugging at his sleeve
they manage to make him doubt
west now lies in ruin

>> No.17352280

I'd like to trace the gentle curves of her dark profile as she lies prone on my bed.

>> No.17352420

Anon's mean and hateful vex
Becomes clear when we hear
He hasn't had sex

>> No.17352496

Man has built past trees
On posts of worth appropriated
Which he never sees

Behind, abated
Throng the cheated apes
On vengeance sated

They fell with naive flints
So managing to prove-
What man by deviance constructs
His Nature ever will remove

>> No.17353985


>> No.17354030

No he wouldn't have

>> No.17354056

bix nood mofugga

>> No.17354062
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>> No.17354073

any poem that isn't about race?

>> No.17354087

i thought she did pretty well for a cute girl .

>> No.17354101

You still haven't explained why the poem was any good. Plenty of people have given reasons for it being bad.

>> No.17354119

lol what an absolutely asinine post
get off the internet for a while dude, it's giving you brain bugs

>> No.17354131

Fucking liar

>> No.17354132

Poem wasn't great and wasn't terrible. Easy to understand cliches, but that's what most poetry is today.

>> No.17354136

Don't like playing by your own rules, huh?

>> No.17354142

same reason it is OK to protest for BLM but for nothing else. because WE said so, and WE control reality. You disgusting white supremacist

>> No.17354188

But at least people can come up with some justification for it. I haven't heard any of its defenders even try.
I'm willing to admit that as a functional piece designed to contribute to an inauguration ceremony, it was fine, but as a poem, it was bad.

>> No.17354295

What do Anons think would have been a better choice that would actually work in that setting?

>> No.17354325

Charles Simic

>> No.17354340

Given the event and the themes they were trying to convey, it worked as as it could have.
I think any genuinely good or great work would be too polarizing for the theme of "national unification" they were going for.

>> No.17354375

Mediocre even by spoken word/slam poetry standards. Greeting card tier sentimentality, corny images, clumsy rhymes and godawful alliteration. It’s a genre for failed rappers but there must be someone in that scene who’s Woke enough and a better poet.

>> No.17354389

You forgot to mention the cheesey wordplay.

>> No.17354396

It was a fine piece of political propaganda, no one is questioning that. The thing is, it's not even well-crafted propaganda. Everything in that work was hackneyed and lazy.

>> No.17354401

Any criticism of this artist's work is clearly racist. Beyond that, it is worth remembering that criticism of any kind is moot, since different people prefer different shit. So don't be racist and understand that no shit is objectively good or bad. Keep on insisting that it is? Expect to be reported.

>> No.17354446

she looks east african which is funny because it would mean she has no legitimate slave ancestry and truly is an elite fetishistically larping as a poor

>> No.17354471

did you miss the fact she was good looking and charismatic? how do you think politifcs works, by policy?

>> No.17354499

That's the thing, all the people who say her work was "good", I can't tell if they're trolling, drinking the woke-aid, or are genuinely retarded.

If you had an overweight, middle aged cat lady read that poem, everyone would hate it. How do people not realize this?

>> No.17354511

>good looking
not into rhesus monkeys mate

>> No.17354522

people only think with fuck or fuck-adjacency.

>> No.17354526

Whoa...the last word was the title all along

>> No.17354558

>thick hair
>smooth skin
>straight teeth
>symmetrical face
>eyes angled downward
>full lips
>high cheekbones

objectively attractive regardless of racial preference. the fact they chose this girl shows just how anti-radical the biden presidency will be.

>> No.17354569

i wouldnt date her personally but you do you

>> No.17355030

Anon, your poem is well crafted and it’s idea intentively articulated. I too am an aspiring poet who works within traditional schemes. Please contact me at 9901041o on Instagram.

>> No.17355097

I legit think that a milf like Louise Gluck could have been excellent setting the tone for the depressive state of affairs that is going to continue.

>> No.17355239

At least her poetry rhymes, sort of. Just with that she's ahead than most of the garbage posted in the writing threads.

>> No.17355391


>> No.17355404

>The Gina flu

>> No.17355604

Yeah, the message was pretty standard racial unity and equality stuff. "Let's not fight amongst ourselves let's come together in our national identity" and so on. It's nothing fantastic but it's alright. You have to be a vile little fascist thug who literally wants racewar to hate it as much as /lit/ does.

>> No.17355610

no. negroes are incapable of writing about anything else besides their race

>> No.17355743

There's a sick aspect to the whole thing; a sentimental poem about diversity and unity written to honour one of the foremost warmonger nations of the world (not to mention the most powerful).

>> No.17355758

Thus spoke the white man and his incessant identity politics.

>> No.17355791

she directly addresses her own tokenism and hypocrisy in the poem. and suggests that hope for a better future is necessary to begin any process of change.

>> No.17355803

I know I'm sick of hearing about muh melanin muh black womynz. I wish they were actually oppressed so we wouldn't have to hear their big mouths.

>> No.17355815

Based. this site is so predictable its funny

>> No.17355890

Yet it rings hollow in the context in which it is delivered. Whenever she mentions "healing" and "change", it can only be understood in relation to Trump's presidency, because fo the time and place she is delivering her poem. It doesn't matter if she realizes her own tokenism and hypocrisy, because she remains a token black woman and a hypocrite.

>> No.17356048

Still haven't seen justify praising it.

>> No.17356111

>Still haven't seen justify praising it.

LOL look at this ESL motherfucker...

>> No.17356120

>one of the foremost warmonger nations

Not really...but I'm thankful it's the U.S.

>> No.17356148

t.has never read paradise lost

>> No.17356162

LOL based

>> No.17356276

You still still haven't justified praising it or defending it. You k ow it's and lousy and are just doing this to look respectable.

>> No.17356437

He has no reason other than it conforms to his own poltical views of which he probably regularly critizies people on this board of doing so aswell. I would like to see him praise the poem though I imagine it'll be funny.

>> No.17356824

That shit is chuuni as fuck and I loved it when a chick burst out of Satan's head and gave birth to a shadow dude that fucked her so hard she gave birth to dogs spilling out of her womb.

>> No.17357150

>Force that pleasures rise will seek its fall.
Did anyone else get tripped up by this line? ESL here. I take it that 'pleasures' is the verb, 'force' and 'rise' are nouns, correct? In that case it's an incredibly awkward construction.

>> No.17357183

>she directly addresses her own tokenism and hypocrisy in the poem.

>> No.17357300
File: 90 KB, 1920x1080, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yours is bad - neoromantic claptrap - but I just checked hers and it's even worse. It is, indeed, not poetry at all, but merely a collection of contemporary sociopolitical clichés. The fact that this is considered poetry in the Anglo world shows how completely alienated from serious aesthetic understanding the cultural standard-bearers of the Anglo plutocracy are.

For other non-Anglos like me who hadn't seen the poem yet, just look at it:

"When day comes we ask ourselves,
where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
The loss we carry,
a sea we must wade
We've braved the belly of the beast
We've learned that quiet isn't always peace
And the norms and notions
of what just is
Isn't always just-ice
And yet the dawn is ours
before we knew it
Somehow we do it
Somehow we've weathered and witnessed
a nation that isn't broken
but simply unfinished
We the successors of a country and a time
Where a skinny Black girl
descended from slaves and raised by a single mother
can dream of becoming president
only to find herself reciting for one"

And so on.

>> No.17357456

>"When day comes
Cliché expression.
>We ask ourselves,
>where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
Cliché metaphor.
>The loss we carry,
>a sea we must wade
>We've braved the belly of the beast
"Belly of the beast" - same.
>We've learned that quiet isn't always peace
>And the norms and notions
Redundancy, clearly looking for words, but can't find any so she just makes a variation on the first one.
>of what just is
>Isn't always just-ice
No comments.
>And yet the dawn is ours
My God! again the "dawn"? This is so old that it's even in the name of fascist parties in Greece. It is one of the favorite words of political rhetoricians.
>before we knew it
Also a cliché expression that you find in newspaper; seriously, everything here is cliché.
>Somehow we do it
>Somehow we've weathered and witnessed
She's just making redundancies at this point. She's already said they've braved the belly of the beast. Why does she keep adding this useless commentary of clichés upon clichés? She's even repeating the melodramatic adverb "somehow".
>a nation that isn't broken
>but simply unfinished
Did she take this from a high school graduation speech?.
>We the successors of a country and a time
>Where a skinny Black girl
>descended from slaves and raised by a single mother
>can dream of becoming president
>only to find herself reciting for one
Ideological clichés. "Descended from slaves", "raised by a single mother", "dream of becoming president" - all of these expressions can be found, word for word, in countless political articles and television programs.

Seriously, even a bus conversation between two idiots here in my dear South-American nation will always have, at least once, a sentence worth-remembering, some interesting idea, some peculiar observation, some old popular dictum that has become forgotten and somehow comes alive again in the public voice of an illiterate street vendor.
And yet I can't find a single original idea in any of those first verses of that poem. The girl thinks through other people's brains. I seriously doubt she is not the product of some well-connected teacher, because any black person who's lived a real life in a ghetto would have superior imagery in their poems than she has.

It is truly terrible. This is not even up for discussion. You can try to defend Radiohead lyrics, perhaps, but you cannot try to defend this as being superior, or even mediocre, poetry.

Now, Americans, tell me: how seriously is that taken in your country? Are literature professor really going to praise it, or will they just brush it off as a nice kid doing kid stuff?

>> No.17357605

>"The industiral revolution and its consequences..."

>> No.17357641

>objectively attractive
you wanna see a sideview of her sheboon head?
>her disgusting subsaharan bloated brown lips
>that long bald forehead
>those chimp nostrils
>that sheeplike "hair" and a lack of distinct hairline

fuck off nigger. black women are objectively the uliest beings on this planet based on men's stated preferences. Their own men find them often repulsive kek

>> No.17357670

>Are literature professor really going to praise it, or will they just brush it off as a nice kid doing kid stuff?
Probably the latter. Primary school teachers here love this kind of shit, but only because they think it will get their kids to care about poetry and the arts. I'm pretty sure "slam poetry" is almost entirely a product of the American educational system, rather than an organically occurring artform. It's basically an after-school activity invented by white teachers to keep their black students off the streets. All the famous "slam poets" are also "youth educators" or "youth activists," AKA elderly Beat-era nobodies with a white savior complex. Nobody in higher education takes it seriously, except as a kind of social work. Whenever they praise kids like Gorman, it's always along the lines of "isn't it great that this !BLACK! child agrees with us and shares our political opinions, it must be because we're right about everything and not because we literally taught her what to say."

>> No.17357703

>South American
Opinions on lit discard

>> No.17357744
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>this thread

>> No.17357797
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>> No.17357822

>why is a leftist using leftist talking points ahhh get back on the plantation and clap for the elite's latest shiniest mouthpiece

lmaoing at your life, go simp on some other board sillyhead

>> No.17359235


>> No.17359271

I stopped at detritus, it's a word that seems really anti-poetic to me I don't know why

>> No.17359317


>> No.17360777

at least we don´t teach the lower class to get into poetry, which results in embarrassing results like Biden´s inauguration, lmao

>> No.17361048

In This Place (An American Lyric)
Amanda Gorman

There’s a poem in this place—
in the footfalls in the halls
in the quiet beat of the seats.
It is here, at the curtain of day,
where America writes a lyric
you must whisper to say.

There’s a poem in this place—
in the heavy grace,
the lined face of this noble building,
collections burned and reborn twice.

There’s a poem in Boston’s Copley Square
where protest chants
tear through the air
like sheets of rain,
where love of the many
swallows hatred of the few.

There’s a poem in Charlottesville
where tiki torches string a ring of flame
tight round the wrist of night
where men so white they gleam blue—
seem like statues
where men heap that long wax burning
ever higher
where Heather Heyer
blooms forever in a meadow of resistance.

>> No.17361052

There’s a poem in the great sleeping giant
of Lake Michigan, defiantly raising
its big blue head to Milwaukee and Chicago—
a poem begun long ago, blazed into frozen soil,
strutting upward and aglow.

There’s a poem in Florida, in East Texas
where streets swell into a nexus
of rivers, cows afloat like mottled buoys in the brown,
where courage is now so common
that 23-year-old Jesus Contreras rescues people from floodwaters.

There’s a poem in Los Angeles
yawning wide as the Pacific tide
where a single mother swelters
in a windowless classroom, teaching
black and brown students in Watts
to spell out their thoughts
so her daughter might write
this poem for you.

There's a lyric in California
where thousands of students march for blocks,
undocumented and unafraid;
where my friend Rosa finds the power to blossom
in deadlock, her spirit the bedrock of her community.
She knows hope is like a stubborn
ship gripping a dock,
a truth: that you can’t stop a dreamer
or knock down a dream.

How could this not be her city
su nación
our country
our America,
our American lyric to write—
a poem by the people, the poor,
the Protestant, the Muslim, the Jew,
the native, the immigrant,
the black, the brown, the blind, the brave,
the undocumented and undeterred,
the woman, the man, the nonbinary,
the white, the trans,
the ally to all of the above
and more?

Tyrants fear the poet.
Now that we know it
we can’t blow it.
We owe it
to show it
not slow it
although it
hurts to sew it
when the world
skirts below it.

we must bestow it
like a wick in the poet
so it can grow, lit,
bringing with it
stories to rewrite—
the story of a Texas city depleted but not defeated
a history written that need not be repeated
a nation composed but not yet completed.

There’s a poem in this place—
a poem in America
a poet in every American
who rewrites this nation, who tells
a story worthy of being told on this minnow of an earth
to breathe hope into a palimpsest of time—
a poet in every American
who sees that our poem penned
doesn’t mean our poem’s end.

There’s a place where this poem dwells—
it is here, it is now, in the yellow song of dawn’s bell
where we write an American lyric
we are just beginning to tell.

>> No.17361056

>yawning wide

Kind of apt, ngl.

>> No.17361063
File: 317 KB, 1072x1162, NEVER RELAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17361070

>Heather Heifer
kek jesus christ this fucking nigger really is a tool, but then again her "career" is literally due to money from the jew fraudster that inspired gordon gecko lol

>> No.17361095

>leftist talking points
>ooga booga why you use blue tribe insult when you from red tribe
kys rainbow retard, the boot tastes good when a nigger wears it right?