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/lit/ - Literature

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17340360 No.17340360 [Reply] [Original]

The odyssey is being banned in schools...what the fuck?

I remember growing up in greek town in astoria in the mid 90s when huck finn was basically outlawed in NYC schools--my history/ancient literature teacher told the class that homer and virgil would forever be taught because they were the only true historical poets who also wrote prose.


>> No.17340370

sounds like sensationalism to me.

rather keep my outrage to things more worthy.

>> No.17340378

Ironic isn’t it? When the Nazi’s burnt books that contained Jewish knowledge, the world recoiled.

But now banning a book is almost, almost a normality? I’ve made it a point of notice to start buying books that have been banned at some point in time.

>> No.17340388

>people themselves end up censoring great books due to unchecked sjw Karens
Fahrenheit 451 was just as correct as 1984 and Brave New World.

>> No.17340389
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(Thats my cue)
Is /lit/ preparing for when Schwab and friends wipe the internet? Sometime this summer, a anon pointed out the importance of archiving everything, and I was inspired to make my own archival nexus, now with a hard drive to back things up. The key to archiving is knowing what software to use and where to look. You must also make sure to archive non-political things, such as books and art, a good example would be how they banned the "Odyssey" in some schools, they will come for anything Western Here are some sources I would like to share.

(File downloader)
Torrent (There are so many out there but I will just say get one so you can download torrent files)
(Command line tool which allows retrieval of entire sites as HTML files)
(Command line tool which allows downloading of entire youtube channels, as well as from other video sharing sites)
Software which allows you to download sites such as Wikipedia and Gutenberg

Piracy Misc
https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread (List of software, and piracy sources, also contains other sources to get stuff like anime and vidya for free)
https://gog-games.com/ (For gamers DDL's of Gog Games for free)
Twist.moe (My go to site for steaming chink cartoons, you could probably download it with one of these tools)

https://www.wikipedia.org/ (Eh the non-political articles are decent)
https://www.metapedia.org/ (Pro-white wikipedia alternative, though small)
https://biblehub.com/ (For our Christ-chans here)
https://wikileaks.org/ (Wikileaks, contains information on things like Pizzagate and such)
https://www.wikiart.org/ (Wikipedia for art with copies of many famous paintings, definitely worth preserving)

https://libgen.is/ (Site for free copyrighted ebooks as epubs)
https://www.gutenberg.org/ (Site for public domain ebooks)
https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Main_Page (Wikimedia site for public domain books)
https://www.sacred-texts.com/ (Archive of public domain religious texts, information is good, though owner is pro LGBT pro abortion cuck, he hates when people use his bandwith so go have some fun scrapping his site)
https://download.kiwix.org/zim/ (Zim file depository for use with Kiwix, contains various Wikimedia sites and Gutenberg that can be downloaded for offline use)
http://www.audiobookbayabb.com/ (Site with free copies of copyrighted ebooks)
https://librivox.org/ (Site with free copies of public domain audiobooks)

>> No.17340398

Pre-Existing archives:
(Collection of various archives downloaded through wget, includes /pol/ and /k/ stuff)
archive.org (internet archive, lots of cool free information that can be downloaded, also collections)
https://pastebin.com/7SiLd7mC (mega nz archives)

News sites you may want to download (This is not a endorsement of any of these sites, in fact many oppose others I listed and/or may be controlled op, however regardless have chunks of info worth saving, take everything with a grain of salt):
White nationalist:
(Hell I even recommend saving some (((mainstream))) sites just for posterity, the ministry of truth loves to cover up there past statements when necessary

Aside from this, if you have books, or money to buy some cheap copies in bulk, I recommend keeping physical information in case of digital failing, such as a EMP attack. That is all anons, God Bless.

>> No.17340403

Yes, white males doing white male things. Bad.

>> No.17340405

>Jewish knowledge
More precisely how to manufacture troons

>> No.17340415

didn't realize these schools were burning their books

>> No.17340420

based and saved

>> No.17340472

Look, I think liberals are a cancer, but this article doesn't really mention any banning outside of 1 sentence, referring to a case in Massachusetts which my (admittedly cursory) research seems to indicate was 1 teacher in 1 classroom. The rest of the article focuses on a bunch of literal whos on Twitter. I feel like this article is written to draw anger/attention for clicks more than it is to highlight a real issue.

>> No.17340498

When I was in high school to prove the racism of Huck Finn they made us take count of every time they said nigger in Huck Finn. Before we read the book everyone guessed the final count and whoever was closest at the end won some candy.

>> No.17340501

Schools have been banning books forever, including many classics.

>> No.17340507
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>> No.17340576

The liberal school system I grew up in had fucked up the literature dept for a long time. From middle school onwards each semester had the following four book categories 1. A book about the holocaust 2. A book about antebellum slavery 3. A book about being oppressed or about fitting in 4. Shakespeare. Being a tall blonde guy with a germanic name who's family was from the south, I was the target of the ire of many a highschool kid trying to relate to the book. I rarely was called on to participate when discussing the first two books. I really looked forward to the week or two every semester we'd spend on Shakespeare. I think that's why I love his work to this day and still will re-read/go to plays.

>> No.17340631

Where the hell did you go to school? I grew up in the south and it was nothing like that

>> No.17340643

Yea, but it is not as well written as the other two

>> No.17340658

It wasn't the south and had too much money for it's own good.

>> No.17340662

fpbp, people need to stop waiting there time on shit that doesn't really matter.

>> No.17340722

Best posture is just to own it - be smug; you're white and have a greater inherent worth than them

>> No.17340746

Good. Gatekeeping is coming back, competition for life is getting harder as plebian jobs become obsolete, couldn’t be a better time.

>> No.17340764

Those are the books they want us to read because they want us to only think in terms of dystopic governments. Everything is about the government and as long as it isn't like a dystopian novel you can't complain. Don't question it just read it and keep producing.

>> No.17341193

Who cares. None of the kids would actually read it anyway and the teachers would just use it as an excuse to demonstrate how evil and racist white men are. Its better off to not be taught in modern schools.

>> No.17341342

I just played humble but internally laughed at the jews and rich black kids who were playing oppressed. Some of us were friends outside of the class, but during class I was the evil love child of Robert E Lee and Hitler. It'd spill over into our hang outs of course, but outside of class I could jab back with "get back in the oven" or "don't make me break out the whip boy". We'd have deeper discussions in the ways only innocent highschool kids can, and come to some interesting conclusions. Honestly that was healthier because the sparring and joking helped us navigate the intricacies way better than the stilted PC discussions of class ever could. Kinda like furcheese has a way of doing every so often.

It was honestly prolly the most valuable of all the classes I took in highschool because it taught me how to navigate this victim culture as a member of the ever dwindling sect of society that doesn't view itself as one. Not a racist or anti-semite but refuse to view myself as the all unknowing benefactor to the evil deeds of my malicious unifaceted evil ancestors. I also refuse to believe that our free profit driven society is so incredibly bigoted it'd cut off it's own nose to spite itself.

>> No.17341514

Based beyond belief. Glad to see this sentiment more and more now. Hopefully it is a trend

>> No.17341614

Nothing matters you utter contemptible retard

>> No.17341631

>today in burger news

>> No.17341717

Not home schooling your children so you can teach them latin yourself

>> No.17341752

Legitimate question: was any other time period in human history so sensitive as the world seems to be today?
This is basically banning a book based on an ideology, but that'a somewhat of a strerch I think.. were books ever banned before due to their non-political aspects?

>> No.17341772

Why should I care about burgers banning books at the behest of their Jewish overlords?

>> No.17343023

Whenever a book gets banned, sales increase.
This will have the totally opposite effect than that which they intend.

>> No.17343069

I grew up in one as well (Western NY), and it unironically pushed me towards NatSoc rather than away from it. Whenever I'd read about the forming of the Nazi party or stuff like that, I kept reading about how early nazis read "The Protocols of Zion". I got curious, read a copy of them online, and that pretty much did it for me. On an unrelated note if you're still lurking, what's your (or other anons) favorite work from Shakespeare? I like Richard III.

>> No.17343118

That fireman's monologue just before his death was the best best part of that book and was better than 1984

>> No.17343318

hahaha jesus this is good
what is wrong with america
your schools
why are they like this

>> No.17343320

Lol there’s nothing greek about Astoria save for a couple of churches. Your Boomer parents that told you that were already behind the times

>> No.17343357

Kek the leftist cope is so desperate.
>y-youre "based " too fellow leftist lets just ignore the consequences of leftism I-i dont even care like just stop posting this stuff dont pay it any attention y-you fucking chuds

>> No.17343414

Beware he who denies you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.

>> No.17343428

>some dyke in new england bans the book for her class
you make it sound like a widespread thing

>> No.17343439

I grew up next to the city in question where the book was “banned.” The place is a shithole of wannabe gangstas and rampant opiate usage and has been for at least 40 years. The schools themselves have been shitholes for ages. Nothing strange here

>> No.17343469

>it's just some dyke from Massachusetts
That's how EVERY left-wing cause in the US starts, with some werido from Massachusetts. Within a few decades it becomes state orthodoxy. Massachusetts needs to be outlawed.

>> No.17343527 [DELETED] 
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Reminder to sage these psuedoscandals every time they get posted

>> No.17343545

SJW crazy stuff always starts like this. And there are always SJWs like you who claim "this is nothing", "this is just an isolated example". Not because you think "this is nothing", but because you agree with this and want other people to not fight back.

>> No.17343815

>That's how EVERY left-wing cause in the US starts, with some werido from Massachusetts
Damn... you're 100% right about it. What is it about New England that has made them the cucks of the U.S. for over a century? Even California was based up until the 90's.

>> No.17343842

This. Gaslighting is the modus operandi of modern left.

>> No.17343853

>one school bans book

>> No.17343963

>the Odyssey
What part of Burgerland are you from?

>> No.17343980

you sound like a basedboy. What are you planning to do to get the Odyssey unbanned? Anything? Then stop thinking about it. Why are you getting upset about the state of a world of 7 billion people when you are 1 person without any ability or even desire to do anything? Does this affect your ability to read the Odyssey in any way?

>> No.17344026

This is how all this shit starts. And of course there will always dishonest people like you trying to stop criticism of it by claiming that "it is just in one school".

>> No.17344031

The Nazis burned books that advocated sexual reassignment surgeries and research, and also pornography.

The Jews today burn history. Pure and simple.

>> No.17344090

Jews. And after they finish with us, they will impose it on you.

>> No.17344105

Captain Beatty, and yes, he completely fucking laid the shit out.

>> No.17344106

Civilization is collapsing. The white race is being erased out of history, European culture is being destroyed and censored. It's time for a civil war NOW. Death to all fucking Jews and niggers. I want all of them dead.

>> No.17344132

Most people don't need to read the Odyssey and I don't want to hear their shitty opinions about it.

>> No.17344141
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It is far too late for anything to be done to save us now. Boomers, Liberals, whites with too much empathy--they damage is already done, and the public will to make any serious change to the system has been abraded beyond recovery.

All that is truly left to us is the pained grin of Cassandra. To say, "You made your bed, now you will be raped in it" to those responsible before we all slide together down into Hell.

>> No.17344195

Why even read it if this is how it's approached?

>> No.17344242

im a rightist mostly. i just dont want to squee at every shadow. thats kind of cucked and the thing that makes me dislike a lot of self identified leftists. now if we want to have a wider conversation that this one example might be seen as a part of, thats one thing, but the thing in itself is rather contextual.
if it instead was framed in a more intellectual manner i might have a different opinion.

“is this the end of *blank*?” tell me that doesnt sound like an attention seeking tabloid. thats the kind of banality that got us into this mess.

>> No.17344254

Think of what sorts of stupidity could have been avoided if rightists actually did "squee at every shadow" out of Cambridge, MA.

>> No.17344264

Reading is just an assignment. This is partly why I find it dumb to remove/bar books: the kids don't give a shit. They just see reading as a chore. So, essentially, it's not even in their interest: it's in the interest of whomever is pushing to get a book removed because they have such a powerless life.

>> No.17344270

>im a rightist mostly. i just dont want to squee at every shadow
Your grandchildren will be brown. You let this happen.

>> No.17344392

Because the flames are the important thing, not the memory holing of our civilization. Typical (((arguments))).

>> No.17344443

Such as?

>> No.17344455

So what’s the verdict? Did you google it to see if it actually happened?

>> No.17344502


Husserl's texts were leaked out of Nazi Austria through a network of Catholic monasteries, otherwise they would have been burned. And Husserl is infinitely less degenerate than Heidegger.

>> No.17344534

Midwesterner here, went to a top 20 national ps. My experience was similar: endless diversity books blaming whites for everything bad, very little Shakespeare, no classics except via Latin class. Most books we read were written post-1945. Oh, and we had Accelerated Reader in MS lol...

At some level I think it’s all a big psyop to get kids to hate reading and to turn them away from useful knowledge. It’s a testament to (((their))) brainwashing that more parents and students aren’t insanely angry about quality of K12 education.

>> No.17344999

Based and saved.

>> No.17345987


>> No.17346826

Jesus christ bro just chill. Look after your patch and find other people who look after their patch.
Don't do it, it's not worth it.

>> No.17348132

>seeking other incomplete people in order to become complete
seems futile to me

>> No.17348149

Your retarded race war won't complete you either

>> No.17348185
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>the consequences of leftism

>> No.17348260
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>Civilization is collapsing.

I wish I could take comments like this seriously, but I've come to realize it usually just means something like "a black person sat near me today." No one has time for this Chicken Little shit except Chicken Little.

>> No.17348365

>rather keep my outrage to things more worthy.
Like tranny bathrooms and such.

Yanking Homer out of public education? Das nuthin', dawg.

>> No.17348386

I already accepted we are living the new dark ages

>> No.17348593

>united shits of america
nothing of value was lost

>> No.17348820
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Written over a seven-year period from 1914 to 1921, the novel was serialised in the American journal The Little Review from 1918 to 1920,[55] when the publication of the Nausicaä episode led to a prosecution for obscenity under the Comstock Act of 1873, which made it illegal to circulate materials deemed obscene in the U.S. mail.[56] In 1919, sections of the novel also appeared in the London literary journal The Egoist, but the novel itself was banned in the United Kingdom until 1936.[57] Joyce had resolved that the book would be published on his 40th birthday, 2 February 1922, and Sylvia Beach, Joyce's publisher in Paris, received the first three copies from the printer that morning.[58][41]

The 1920 prosecution in the US was brought after The Little Review serialised a passage of the book dealing with characters masturbating. Three earlier chapters had been banned by the US Post Office, but it was John S. Sumner, Secretary of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, who had instigated this legal action [59] The Post Office did partially suppress the "Nausicaä" edition of The Little Review.[60] Legal historian Edward de Grazia has argued that few readers would have been fully aware of the orgasmic experience in the text, given the metaphoric language.[61] Irene Gammel extends this argument to suggest that the obscenity allegations brought against The Little Review were influenced by the Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven's more explicit poetry, which had appeared alongside the serialization of Ulysses.[62] At the trial in 1921 the magazine was declared obscene and, as a result, Ulysses was effectively banned in the United States. Throughout the 1920s, the United States Post Office Department burned copies of the novel.[63]

In 1933, the publisher Random House and lawyer Morris Ernst arranged to import the French edition and have a copy seized by Customs. The publisher contested the seizure, and in United States v. One Book Called Ulysses, U.S. District Judge John M. Woolsey ruled that the book was not pornographic and therefore could not be obscene,[64] a decision that was called "epoch-making" by Stuart Gilbert.[65] The Second Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the ruling in 1934.[66] The US therefore became the first English-speaking country where the book was freely available. Although Ulysses was never banned in Ireland by the Censorship of Publications Board, the government used a customs loophole which prevented it from being allowed into Ireland.[67][41][68] It was first openly available in Ireland in the 1960s.[69]

>> No.17348829
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In 1960, a teacher in Tulsa, Oklahoma was fired for assigning the novel in class; however, she was later reinstated.[31] Between 1961 and 1982, The Catcher in the Rye was the most censored book in high schools and libraries in the United States.[32] The book was briefly banned in the Issaquah, Washington, high schools in 1978 when three members of the School Board alleged the book was part of an "overall communist plot."[33] This ban did not last long, and the offended board members were immediately recalled and removed in a special election.[34] In 1981, it was both the most censored book and the second most taught book in public schools in the United States.[35] According to the American Library Association, The Catcher in the Rye was the 10th most frequently challenged book from 1990 to 1999.[10] It was one of the ten most challenged books of 2005,[36] and although it had been off the list for three years, it reappeared in the list of most challenged books of 2009.[37]

The challenges generally begin with Holden's frequent use of vulgar language;[38][39] other reasons includes sexual references,[40] blasphemy, undermining of family values[39] and moral codes,[41] encouragement of rebellion,[42] and promotion of drinking, smoking, lying, promiscuity, and sexual abuse.[41] This book was written for an adult audience in mind, which often forms the foundation of many challengers' arguments against this book.[43] Often the challengers have been unfamiliar with the plot itself.[32] Shelley Keller-Gage, a high school teacher who faced objections after assigning the novel in her class, noted that "the challengers are being just like Holden... They are trying to be catchers in the rye."[39] A Streisand effect has been that this incident caused people to put themselves on the waiting list to borrow the novel, when there was no waiting list before.[44][45]

>> No.17348837
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The author and the publisher were prosecuted under the regime of the Second Empire as an outrage aux bonnes mœurs ("an insult to public decency"). As a consequence of this prosecution, Baudelaire was fined 300 francs. Six poems from the work were suppressed and the ban on their publication was not lifted in France until 1949. These poems were "Lesbos"; "Femmes damnées (À la pâle clarté)" (or "Women Doomed (In the pale glimmer...)"); "Le Léthé" (or "Lethe"); "À celle qui est trop gaie" (or "To Her Who Is Too Joyful"); "Les Bijoux" (or "The Jewels"); and "Les Métamorphoses du Vampire" (or "The Vampire's Metamorphoses"). These were later published in Brussels in a small volume entitled Les Épaves (Scraps or Jetsam).

On the other hand, upon reading "The Swan" (or "Le Cygne") from Les Fleurs du mal, Victor Hugo announced that Baudelaire had created "un nouveau frisson" (a new shudder, a new thrill) in literature.

In the wake of the prosecution, a second edition was issued in 1861 which added 35 new poems, removed the six suppressed poems, and added a new section entitled Tableaux Parisiens. Among the new poems was the widely-studied "L'albatros" ("The Albatross").

>> No.17348840

puritan heritage

>> No.17348857
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To quote Bireley (1990:14):

...there were in circulation approximately fifteen editions of the Prince and nineteen of the Discourses and French translations of each before they were placed on the Index [Librorum Prohibitorum] of Paul IV in 1559, a measure which nearly stopped publication in Catholic areas except in France. Three principal writers took the field against Machiavelli between the publication of his works and their condemnation in 1559 and again by the Tridentine Index in 1564. These were the English cardinal Reginald Pole and the Portuguese bishop Jerónimo Osório, both of whom lived for many years in Italy, and the Italian humanist and later bishop, Ambrogio Caterino Politi.

>> No.17348881

Conservatives just need to build our own nation. Fuck the USA.

>> No.17348909

politics hasn't changed my life at all so if I spent the past 10 years getting upset over headlines and politics it would be a waste of my time and unnecessary anger

>> No.17348932


>> No.17348942

It doesn't matter. All modern talking points of the Odyssey are complete garbage. You cannot entrust the conservation of Western culture to liberals.

Sample of how Odyssey is taught in modern day schools:

>> No.17348978

Someone post the husserl scholar post

>> No.17348983

based, I always read the news as an exaggeration or played down

>> No.17349220


>> No.17349232

The story of the nazis is the story of humanity. There is no difference between fascism and democracy. If the nazis won we would have our history books talking the horrors of democracy. History is just used to double-down on what you already believe. Look at all these politically active goons comparing themselves to the people who freed the slaves, pure LARP.

>> No.17349284

The jews take baby steps in making ignorant masses. Odysseus was based as fuck, no wonder the system is getting rid of it. Only a matter of time before there's nothing but nigger art and pretentious, lazy minimalist fag art everywhere. Wait...

>> No.17349308
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is this the post you're talking about?

>> No.17349445 [DELETED] 

>The concept that children shouldn’t be exposed to works of literature “in which racism, sexism, ableism, anti-Semitism, and other forms of hate are the norm,” is espoused by young-adult novelist Padma Venkatraman. She wrote in the periodical School Library Journal that no author must be spared in this attempt to scrub literary history.

>“Absolving Shakespeare of responsibility by mentioning that he lived at a time when hate-ridden sentiments prevailed, risks sending a subliminal message that academic excellence outweighs hateful rhetoric.

How much of this is just modern authors trying to increase sales by removing the classics?

>> No.17349454

>The concept that children shouldn’t be exposed to works of literature “in which racism, sexism, ableism, anti-Semitism, and other forms of hate are the norm,” is espoused by young-adult novelist Padma Venkatraman. She wrote in the periodical School Library Journal that no author must be spared in this attempt to scrub literary history.

>“Absolving Shakespeare of responsibility by mentioning that he lived at a time when hate-ridden sentiments prevailed, risks sending a subliminal message that academic excellence outweighs hateful rhetoric.

How much of this is just modern authors trying to increase sales by removing the classics?

>> No.17349474

>Seattle English teacher Evin Shinn tweeted back in 2018 that he would “rather die” than teach the American classic novel “The Scarlet Letter,” unless — as he stated — the work is used to “fight against misogyny and slut-shaming.”

>However, the teacher seems to have lost the plot of the book, which is indeed castigates the narrow-minded pastors of the day back in colonial New England. Author Jessica Cluess replied to Shinn, saying “If you think Hawthorne was on the side of the judgmental Puritans … then you are an absolute idiot and should not have the title of educator in your Twitter bio.”

What happens when our English teachers are illiterate?

>> No.17349762

>What happens when our English teachers are illiterate?
Just look out the window.

>> No.17350997

The "#disrupttexts" twitter thing they mentioned in that article was horrible to scroll through.

>> No.17351011

The saddest part? Those students will never get the opportunity to start with the greeks.

>> No.17351055

>the consequences of leftism
Is /lit/ really this fucking shit.

>> No.17351141

how do retards keep falling for these boomer tier facebook headlines

>> No.17351363

>The Jews today burn history.
citation needed

>> No.17351833

No, I was talking about HS. University wasn’t much better, though, in terms of literary exposure. Lots of profs hyping post-70s trash.

>> No.17351874

The headline might be boomer tier, but it is sad, perhaps even criminal, that kids caught up in one of the most confusing, exciting, vital times of their lives are kept from knowledge that could help them make sense of it all.

If I’d had a teacher that walked me through Plato or Plutarch when I was 16, I’d have had a better grasp of life so much earlier. Better sense making.

But most teachers are retards and the school system doesn’t want you to have knowledge.