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/lit/ - Literature

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17347510 No.17347510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite poster? Who is your most hated? They may not have names but you can recognize them

>> No.17347517

i hate anglos and can be recognized as the poster who hates anglos

>> No.17347531

My favorite poster is the guy who keeps saying "fatties and geezers" only die of COVID.

My most hated poster is that obnoxious tripfag who posts in all caps and thinks North America and South America are all one continent.

>> No.17347545

Most guys will do all those things. Are there any specific things she likes in men or does she just want a relationship with anyone half-goodlooking?

>> No.17347550

>Who is your favorite poster?
>Who is your most hated?
The pedo spic
The pedo spic tripfag
The 4 or so christcucks that are also frogniggers

>> No.17347560

I fucking hate the nazi that always asks for a source but never provides any for his own assumptions. But I keep engaging. I don’t know why.

I love the dude in DFW threads that sincere posts back to my sincere posts.

>> No.17347562

Oh and I forgot denialofdeathfag, F Fagner and the guy who posts that Jewish novel every single day

>> No.17347569

least favorite is that mentally ill faggot gardner who won't stop terrorizing this board with his VPN

>> No.17347571

I hate that cumgens pedo so much that I actually mentioned him twice, kek

>> No.17347576

I love the dude that posts as Gardner as a white nationalist.

>> No.17347585

My favourite poster is that angry british Muslim guy who used to make bizarre and completely false claims about Ian Fleming.
Least favourite poster is that bookshop chick who occasionally posts a thread that’s basically just “I’m a woman and I’m a smug pseud”

>> No.17347593

Sorry for creating civilization (assuming that’s what’s bothering you).
- Anglos

>> No.17347616

lol same

>> No.17347618

>Who is your favorite poster
&amp chieftan

love you bros

>> No.17347620

I'm franco-italian fucking KEK

>> No.17347707

I also love all the lawyers that will crop up in vaguely legal threads and they all agree it’s an awful field full of drones that don’t read making money for the wealthy and that we all wish we were doing public interest but there are loans to pay. There’s like 6 of them and it feels like I’d be good friends with that particular type of person.

>> No.17347733

I'm monitoring this thread until someone says he likes me :)

>> No.17347739

Are you the dude that always ends his posts with a smiley face? You lift up my day sometimes, anon.

>> No.17347747

that's not me, but I guess that if you enjoyed this post I'm happy and I can go to sleep
thanks :)

>> No.17347760

None in particular, but I miss some of the old regular, especially monsieur (even though he always gave me the creeps) and the nameless irish lyric writer.

>> No.17347781

Actually I got a job with the State and it's chill af. Doesn't pay well, but the stress is low and my co-workers are fun.

>> No.17347799

You created nothing. You are a nation of slags and smooth brains. You people are the dumbest I have encountered. The reason you speak with your fancy accent is because deep down you're dumber than the plainspoken american. I'll never forget when I started working and noticed British people got away with FAR more stupidity than non Brits. They blather on and on and usually when an american says something that's flat out retarded there are long awkward pauses and they knew they fucked up. Not the Britoid. Anyone swooned by these bulged forehead beady eyed small face pieces of shit is an even bigger dummy. wow this guy sounds so smart let's promote him!

>> No.17347813

Nice! I got an email today saying the city HR forwarded my resume to the hiring attorney for a public defender gig. Fingers crossed anon.

>> No.17347823

what does this mean?

>> No.17347878

That one Wittgenstein/Plato/Kierkegaard anon. It's been a while since I seen him tho.
>most hated
The poltards and zoomers. By the way that they are writing, I guess that there is one schizo master-poltard that makes the majority of the schizo-poltard posting.

>> No.17347906
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One of those guys is from San Antonio, or at least works there. I only know because I occasionally get mad at burgerpunk threads for posting the area I grew up in.

>> No.17347912

Ha! That’s me, anon. I love and hate this city so much.

>> No.17347923

>who realizes that I say things but don’t always mean them
>who can tell me his problems and let me help
Kek. Like clockwork.

>> No.17347925

>I guess that there is one schizo master-poltard that makes the majority of the schizo-poltard posting.
Take your meds

>> No.17347929

The gnostic schizo

>> No.17347937

Go Spurs wey. Are you from San Antonio? I used to walk under 410 to get to school.

>> No.17347949

It's /lit/'s latest collective publication. Full of shitposts, undergrads, and utter dreck in general.

>> No.17347952

Favorite poster: Ossianfag
Least favorite poster: Butterfly

>> No.17347966

Ossianfag is great.
Quite the irony

>> No.17347987

Pinche guey, of course. The city from which everyone attempts to flee, and yet they always seem to come back. Ha, so you went to either Lee, Mac, or 09. Nice, but fuck 09ers.

>> No.17348031

You actually named every single person that ruins this board. Well done!

>> No.17348033
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My brother put Halo CE on every computer five years ago and they never managed to get rid of it. I've managed to escape for the time being.

>> No.17348075

The worst posters are by far the /pol/tards. You can spot them by their constant posting of Evola, Jordan Peterson, and 19th century German romanticist paintings. They generally don’t have anything interesting to say because they don’t read. Their source material is mostly vaporwave pictures with shit like ‘RETVRN TO TRADITION’ on them, which they got from their favorite anime board. The particularly dumb ones posited a vain obese pedophilic reality show star as the savior of the ‘white race’ and are coping overtime, while the slightly smarter ones prefer to watch Nick Fuentes and Tucker Carlson; those ones are the more cowardly of the two because they always backpedal and try to maintain a veneer of acceptability when in public, compared to the epically based MAGApedes.

>> No.17348078

Based. We had starcraft on our flash drives and most our classes were at a computer magnet program. It was pretty fun sometimes. My best moment was convincing a teacher that, if we finished the semesters worth of networking assignments on these old windows 95 computers, could we play Starcraft? She called my bluff, only to have my little autistic friends finish all the work in a week. I didn’t do shit for the rest of the time.

>> No.17348097

>Who [ARE] your favorite [POSTERS]?


>Who is your most hated?


>> No.17348120

You've confused different types of /pol/tards together. The evola types despise Trump, Fuentes, and MAGA. The Fuentes types despise fascists, nazis, and evola.

>> No.17348123

The best thing you ever said. Maybe you are not the iberian barbarian I thought you were.

>> No.17348145

Maybe I confused the minutiae, it’s been a couple years since I was one of them. They’re honestly really boring people that I wish didn’t clog up this whole website.

>> No.17348172

Fuck yeah, I'd just walk in to my brother's technology class during lunch and play LAN matches with everyone else. I'm so young that the computers had windows 10 and my graduating class gave a trophy for repeating Sam Hyde jokes. Man I don't want to go back to San Antonio.

>> No.17348195
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It says here that you hate over 2 1/2 billion people

>> No.17348229

which one

>> No.17348237
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Good GOD I didn't know he was a Mexican.
>Virgin: Yes
>my nobility
>6'0, 130lbs
I kek'd

>> No.17348244

>Who is your favorite poster?
frater anselem
>Who is your most hated?
all other tripfags

>> No.17348253

Caps lock used to be based around 2017, 2018. Now he is incoherent. Lost respect for him when he said Europe and Asia were distinct continents yet north and south America were one.

>> No.17348255


>> No.17348256

Favorite: Anons who effortpost and make this place worth reading
Most hated: butterfly, tradcaths, jezebelposters, buckleyspammers, egoists/stirner posters

>> No.17348261

Better than butterfly.

>> No.17348264

favorite: monke poster(s).
hated: all the retards that spam bs and ruin threads.

>> No.17348278


>> No.17348472
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>> No.17348507

29 year old virgin. He's almost a wizard. Almost as embarrassing as his posts.

>> No.17348691

>favorite poster
>most hated poster

>> No.17348700

this 100%