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17339567 No.17339567 [Reply] [Original]

Evola was right and Guénon is a fag.

The warrior caste is superior to the priestly caste and the West is characterized by ACTION instead of contemplation.

Just read a bit about Buddhism, aka the mother of all copes. Do you imagine the West EVER having a philosophy similar to that? "Just train your mind to cope harder bruh, like, nothing is real anyways"? Hard [X].

>> No.17339582

What action have Evolafags taken recently? Shot up a school or something?

>> No.17339593

They seethe eternally on /lit/

>> No.17339596
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>> No.17339600

Westerner thinks he understands Buddhism
>Just read a bit
Yeah I can tell you just read "a bit"

>> No.17339605

Mishima was literally a fag

>> No.17339608
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>What action have Evolafags taken recently?

>> No.17339610

>The warrior caste is superior to the priestly caste
So the Salafi Jihadist > Sufi scholarino?

>> No.17339613

Seems like theres a like drawn between achieving a state of non-duality through action and through ascetic contemplation. Though the warrior on his journey tends to an ascetic way and needs to contemplate to make the right decisions.
"Nah I'll just sit here instead" really is a cope lol.

>> No.17339614

>Evola was right and Guénon is a fag.
>Just read a bit about Buddhism, aka the mother of all copes. Do you imagine the West EVER having a philosophy similar to that? "Just train your mind to cope harder bruh, like, nothing is real anyways"? Hard [X].
lol, just wait until you find out that most evolafags here are simps for NPCddhism

>> No.17339624

Every single society which has maintained tradition has done so via a priestly elite. Who do you think has more supernatural experience cirica 2021, someone who joins the army after high school or someone who joins seminary? Obviously, the answer is seminary. Evola was wrong. The historic context of his opinion was the pre-WWI Italian army, which was filled with mysticism. But that's no longer the case.

>> No.17339627


>> No.17339642

>Just read a bit about Buddhism, aka the mother of all copes. Do you imagine the West EVER having a philosophy similar to that? "Just train your mind to cope harder bruh, like, nothing is real anyways"? Hard [X].

This is literally my opinion on Buddhism. I think it's why it's allowed as a religion in places like China. It's the only religion that doesn't threaten the powers that be because it preaches every problem in this world can be solved with higher and higher levels of copium.

I think evolafags must have stopped at chapter two of Ride the Tiger because Evola specifically declaims the spirituality and cultural traditions of the East and thinks they're just on a slower path of decline. He even points out that China's rapid growth may point to a rapid cultural decline sometime in the future (arguably already happened to some extent).

>> No.17339644

>Evola was right and Guénon is a fag.
two retards fighting

>The warrior caste is superior to the priestly caste and the West is characterized by ACTION instead of contemplation.
in the middle of marching band practice

>> No.17339650

Regardless if he read or not, the conception that Buddhism is training your mind and doing nothing is so common that it's most likely just what it is. Overly simplified of course, but still true.

>> No.17339652

Do you really want to associate yourselves with trumptards?
Are the people in the video the average Evola reader?

>> No.17339655

If you remove all the supernatural baggage from buddhism, what remains is pure copium. I hate Christcuckery, but it looks like Sparta compared to this.

In fact, this is what the Westerners you hate so much do with Buddhism. They use it literally as an atheistic coping mechanism.

>> No.17339659

>Just train your mind to cope harder bruh, like, nothing is real anyways
Sounds like platonism

>> No.17339679

>Just read a bit about Buddhism, aka the mother of all copes. Do you imagine the West EVER having a philosophy similar to that? "Just train your mind to cope harder bruh, like, nothing is real anyways"? Hard [X].
Read Epictetus.

>> No.17339695

you have never read Playdough

>> No.17339700

>he doesn’t know about Plato’s unspoken doctrine of the One, which is real and which means that ‘nothing is real’ is false

>> No.17339735

Agreed that most in video are not evolafags.

disagree with not wanting to associate with rage against the machine.

>> No.17339739

>rage against the machine

>> No.17339755
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Stoics might be cucks, but they are not even close. I mean, just look at this shit:

This same tactic had been used nearly a millennium earlier, when the great eleventh-century Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön was receiving initiation from her teacher, Sonam Lama, with several of her spiritual sisters. At a key moment in the initiation, Machig magically rose up from where she was sitting until she was suspended in the air about a foot from the ground, and there she danced and spoke in Sanskrit. In a state of profound meditation she passed through the clay walls of the temple unimpeded and flew into a tree above a small pond outside the monastery.
The pond was the residence of a powerful naga, or water spirit. These capricious, mythic beings are believed to cause disruption and disease when disturbed, and can also act as treasure holders or protectors when they are propitiated. This particular naga was so terrifying that the local people did not even dare to look at the pond, never mind approach it. But Machig landed in the tree above the pond and stayed there in a state of meditation.
The water spirit considered young Machig’s arrival to be a direct confrontation. He approached her threateningly, but she remained in meditation, unafraid. This infuriated him, so he gathered a huge army of nagas from the region in an attempt to overwhelm her. When she saw this mass of terrifying magical apparitions coming, Machig instantly transformed her body into a food offering, and as her biography (found in my book Women of Wisdom) states: “They could not devour her because she was egoless.”
Not only did the aggression of the nagas evaporate, but they committed themselves to Machig, promising not to harm her or other beings, vowing to protect her, and pledging to serve her and anyone who followed her teachings. By meeting the demons and offering her body as food to them with unshakable compassion rather than fighting against them, Machig turned the demons into allies.

>> No.17339763

Mods please do your jobs this board is reaching /pol/ quality

>> No.17339772

Evola is literature, dilate

>> No.17339782

i dont mind evola but was it necessary to immediately prove him right?

>> No.17339786

autism against the parental unit

shitflinging against the toilet

deankling the damsel

lipsmaking the philosopher prince.

putting a treble against the dirge

>> No.17339788

>noooooooo! You can't discuss authors I don't like!!!!1!

>> No.17339797

>The warrior caste is superior to the priestly caste
Evola never said this.

>> No.17339807

Do buddhists say that nothing is real or that nothing physical is real?

>> No.17339811

>if you don't like trannies you're /pol/

>> No.17339817

Please stop. None of you idiots actually read this guy or if you do, you simply don’t understand. There’s enough bad takes fill a library and we really don’t need anymore. Every minute you spend making a thread about him ironically only undermines his writing. This very thread is an exhibit in irony.

>> No.17339819

>disagree with not wanting to associate with rage against the machine.
Did you partake in the BLM riots?

>> No.17339842

every school has a different definition and they all quibble with one another, but it's largely all sophism that was refuted by Adi Shankara

>> No.17339845

ok i will now remove the genitals from my muscular 6 foot 2 inch body to replace it with a fetid stink hole because you think i am a tranny good job

>> No.17339847

of course!

though it was a little gay since it was in part machine sponsered, but whatever.
more implict ones are cooler tho.

>> No.17339849

This is blatant bait, but for the sake of public benefit I'll reply anyway.
>Evola was right and Guénon is a fag.
They were literally friends, faggot.
>The warrior caste is superior to the priestly caste and the West is characterized by ACTION instead of contemplation.
Not what he was saying. The sacred sovereign is superior to both castes, it's not that the warrior caste is unilaterally superior to the priestly caste.
>Just read a bit about Buddhism, aka the mother of all copes. Do you imagine the West EVER having a philosophy similar to that? "Just train your mind to cope harder bruh, like, nothing is real anyways"? Hard [X].
Evola liked Buddhism and thought it was a warrior caste action-oriented doctrine. He wrote a book on this.
Good first sentence, but the rest of your post is retarded.
Retard with a semi-retarded but obviously symbolic anecdote.
Evola writes good books but posts like the OP are obvious bait.
Pretty sure OP is just poisoning the well or whatever you call it when you pretend to be retarded on behalf of another group of people.

>> No.17339865

>Evola is right Guenon is a fag!
>The WEST!
Definition of a low quality post right there, bud. This whole thread is just /pol/ shit flinging. I doubt OP has even read Evola OR Guenon

>> No.17339868
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That's not rage against the machine; that's rage by the machine.

>> No.17339869

>Buddha was of the warrior caste
Anatta isn’t what small hat boomer trans-lators would have you believe

>> No.17339870

Have fun breaking stuff anon I know you will

>> No.17339876

Q is a an alphabet psyop. Right wingers get played by government social engineering no different to the left.

>> No.17339878

>Do you imagine the West EVER having a philosophy similar to that?
lel Europe literally was under control of the priest caste for like 1100 years though, until the Protestant Reformation brought the warrior caste back above the priestly caste.

>> No.17339882

>lel Europe literally was under control of the priest caste for like 1100 years though, until the Protestant Reformation
Imagine actually believing this

>> No.17339885

Not the retarded OP, but:
>lel Europe literally was under control of the priest caste for like 1100 years though
>until the Protestant Reformation brought the warrior caste back above the priestly caste
You've picked the wrong point in time too, the Renaissance is far more applicable.

>> No.17339887

thnx fren, will do.

>> No.17339897

regardless if that is true are not, it was not an actively sponsored and organized event. i prefer the retard over the retard with a geico logo on them.

>> No.17339931
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>Imagine actually believing this
Wrong. The Catholic Church was clearly the conquest of the warrior caste by celibate dress wearing bookworms from Rome, also known as brahmins. The Northern kshatriyas fought this new order throughout the middle ages though, with some wins but mostly losses until the Protestant Reformation finally smashed this world order and gave back control to the warrior nobility.

>> No.17339999

>Wrong. The Catholic Church was clearly the conquest of the warrior caste by celibate dress wearing bookworms from Rome, also known as brahmins. The Northern kshatriyas fought this new order throughout the middle ages though, with some wins but mostly losses until the Protestant Reformation finally smashed this world order and gave back control to the warrior nobility.
More like gave control to merchant queers. The misconception in your analysis is that you, for some reason, believe that the middle ages were dominated by the Catholic Church, whereas feudalism was precisely the peak of the aristocracy. You would be correctly only if the Papacy had successfully conquered Europe and united it under a theocracy. Instead, you got polities like the Holy Roman Empire and warrior monarchies like France etc.

>> No.17340019
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>> No.17340032

isnt the odd thing that the preistly and warrior class were somewhat synthesised? like it wouldnt be too uncommon for a prince’s brother to be a cardinal and stuff like that.

>> No.17340066
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Inane tradfag debates about whether or not to impose ACTION or CONTEMPLATION on the basis of curated historical narratives presuppose the primacy of a 'priestly caste' that pours over texts to determine orthodoxy.

>> No.17340086

It's not that odd, but it can get weird sometimes - some of the Norman aristocrats for example would become bishops but still serve as administrators and military leaders in their fiefs.
A more genuine "synthesis", if it can be called that, were orders like the Templars etc. who explicitly joined the transcendent to the immanent/martial.

>> No.17340097

Those "warrior monarchies" that you speak about were still under the control of the priestly caste though, and if they tried to encroach on the spheres of control that was traditionally considered under the Church then they would get a smack on the nose.

Although I will not argue this any longer since you got such powerful digits and I am frankly too terrified to continue this conversation. I shall leave and never open this thread again. I'll look for another similar thread in the future.

>> No.17340107

a properly priestly caste has it's own esoteric doctrine and teaches the "orthodoxy" to the normie masses. I don't presuppose your stereotype of what a priestly caste is.

>> No.17340118


unbelievable levels of cringe

>> No.17340120

>Those "warrior monarchies" that you speak about were still under the control of the priestly caste though, and if they tried to encroach on the spheres of control that was traditionally considered under the Church then they would get a smack on the nose.
This is a contradiction. On one hand you say that those monarchies were controlled by the clergy and on the other hand you refer to spheres of control. Which is it? Does the priestly caste actually control the monarchies or does it fulfil its priestly role properly within its confines? If the priestly caste controls those monarchies, then how does it do that? How do you explain monarchies propping up their own papal candidates, clashes over influence and ultimately the protestant reformation etc if the Catholic church was actually in control of all that territory?
>Although I will not argue this any longer since you got such powerful digits and I am frankly too terrified to continue this conversation. I shall leave and never open this thread again. I'll look for another similar thread in the future.

>> No.17340129

How is that even slightly in disagreement with my post?

>> No.17340130

why does it have to be one or the other?

who says you can't be a warrior and a priest?

>> No.17340164
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>all these great occultists
>not one has managed to communicate from beyond the grave
Why not you fucking pussy? Why doesn't he send us a message? You think I'm kidding? Who cares what fireballs you can cast when no one is looking, who gives a shit what ape cum sex magic you can perform, I don't care, I don't care, I don't even care if Jack Parsons really did summon a demon, I fucking DON'T CARE about a million rumors about Aleister Crowley's shitty vibes, I don't care and you know why? Because NOT ONE OF THEM SENDS A MESSAGE FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE. There are so many options you FAGGOT wizards. You could become a ghost. You could plant memories for your next life so your next reincarnation already remembers being Julius "Hot Wheels" Evola by the time he's sucking on his mom's tits. You could appear to people in dreams and say shit that can't be dismissed as a dream, or to people who have never even heard of you. You could influence some Jungian causality shit to spell out "magic is real" in synchronicities irrefutable by materialist science. Any one of these things would cause cause the true hermetic revolution by proving it's all real and there is a real prize to be had in unlocking the mysteries. Instead what do you do, you fucking drop hints and maybe talked to one djinn or machine elf when no one was looking.

>> No.17340168

your race's ACTION has caused so much harm and accelerated the decay of society so much that the entire world is still suffering from it to this very day, industrialization, liberalism and colonialism started with your race and destroyed your own culture, stop acting like the Romans were the apex of Western civilization when they were the most decadent of pagans, it was your race who rejected your Christian tradition for, muh Roman Republic and now muh Germanic Tradition.

>> No.17340178

mad cause he cant do magic

>> No.17340179

ITT: Countertradition

>> No.17340187

Kill yourself and hang out with me if you're so tough

>> No.17340193

I communicated with technically dead people before in my dreams, so it does happen.

>> No.17340197

i only hang out with people who can do magic

>> No.17340228

>Why not you fucking pussy? Why doesn't he send us a message?
Because after you die you stop participating in the material realm and any interaction would necessarily have to occur at least one step up the metaphysical ladder, which makes receiving any "messages" automatically impossible for people who aren't already spiritually accomplished.
>Any one of these things would cause cause the true hermetic revolution by proving it's all real
Why should initiates "prove" anything? Are their pursuits subordinate in value to materiality and popular opinion? Obviously not.

>> No.17340350

Have you ever seen that figure of the serpent in a drugstore? Its idea is very useful to illustrate this. It means that a drug can also be a venom, and that anything served in a dose bigger than what is needed can be fatal.

The same can be said of the Western spirit; the same impulses that took Westerners to the moon are the ones that could destroy the planet forever or turn our lives in a living hell. That does not mean the impulse is bad.

>> No.17340394

>your race's ACTION has caused so much harm and accelerated the decay of society so much that the entire world is still suffering from it to this very day, industrialization, liberalism and colonialism started with your race and destroyed your own culture
That's not action (the principle of the warrior) but thrift, the principle of the merchant. Your argument is fundamentally flawed.
>stop acting like the Romans were the apex of Western civilization when they were the most decadent of pagans, it was your race who rejected your Christian tradition for, muh Roman Republic and now muh Germanic Tradition.
Don't humour the retard.

>> No.17340436

Yes, it is that desire for individuality and uniqueness that destroyed the West. The West had no desire to follow their Shephard, the Lord, but would rather arrogantly declare themselves as above Nature. This is what led to their downfall.

>> No.17340461

>your race
I'm not even white lmao. Also, imagine blaming a race for all the problems in the world. Imagine thinking this stands as any kind of argument for any rational minded person.

Protip: everyone practiced slavery at one point. Everyone. No one is free from sin. You hate westerners simply because they were better at it than everyone else. But if China were the dominant force in history, nothing would have changed.

>> No.17340524

i'm not blaming the hwite race. i'm blaming the West and all who associate with the West and that includes you and me.

>Protip: everyone practiced slavery at one point. Everyone. No one is free from sin. You hate westerners simply because they were better at it than everyone else. But if China were the dominant force in history, nothing would have changed.
True, but it had to be the Christians who would accelerate the motion of the world, it is foretold in the Scriptures. Christians, in their effort of understanding God(especially Western Christians), eventually thought of themselves as above God, instead. This has nothing to do with slavery, but yes, colonization by the West has deeply polluted the ideologies and psyches of everywhere else.

>> No.17340596

>individuality and uniqueness bad
>muh shepherd and lord
>muh nature
Subzero IQ copelord, bet you don't even understand Christianity much less anything else. As I said, cattle.>>17340524
>True, but it had to be the Christians who would accelerate the motion of the world, it is foretold in the Scriptures. Christians, in their effort of understanding God(especially Western Christians), eventually thought of themselves as above God, instead. This has nothing to do with slavery, but yes, colonization by the West has deeply polluted the ideologies and psyches of everywhere else.
Case in point. Christianity is maybe the only religion in the world that actually puts man beneath god. Everywhere else it's natural to think of the gods or the god as a peer or as oneself, but not as something above oneself, even if in some religions this is reserved only for the few (such as Sufi mystics etc) rather than for everyone.

>> No.17340632
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>> No.17340778

>What action have Evolafags taken recently?
A real Evolafag would not take action at this juncture in time as Evola regards political action as currently futile, since the West is too far gone. For now, we must ride the tiger.

>> No.17340789

>This is literally my opinion on Buddhism. I think it's why it's allowed as a religion in places like China. It's the only religion that doesn't threaten the powers that be because it preaches every problem in this world can be solved with higher and higher levels of copium.
Ideology, religion, and many others are also all copes. Buddhism is the best path.

>> No.17340798

>He even points out that China's rapid growth may point to a rapid cultural decline sometime in the future (arguably already happened to some extent).
To some extent? China's ancient culture has already been devoured whole by Mammon and Moloch. The only parts that remain are whatever drives consumerism -- whether it's polluting the shitting fuck out of their waterways driving animals extinct for medicine that doesn't work, or putting Uighurs in concentration camps.

>> No.17340834

no fucking wonder God is cursing us with all the shit thats going on right now. These people are just as bad as fucking Baal worshipers. They lead the good astray from the Lord.

>> No.17341123

Buddhism stopped Evola from committing suicide.

his words btw.

>> No.17341152

>tfw you reread the Judges-through-Chronicles books in the old testament and realize it's not a quaint little narrative but a description of a crusade against literal child-fucking baal-worshiping human-sacrificing monsters
>tfw the canaanites deserved it
>tfw some times in history really were so bad that crusades were necessary

I used to think Babylon was just a thing old boomers said, but it's literally real. Now I know why they said it with venom in their voices.

>> No.17341175

Why are they like this

>> No.17341345

wtf i hate buddhism now

>> No.17341728

Evola literally thought Buddhism to be a warrior religion. You're a complete retard who hasn't actually read any of his books

>> No.17342052

He literally said that only Theravadin and Zen/Chan monastic orders were legitimate insofar as Shakyamuni's original teachings are concerned, and that Mahayana (which includes Vajrayana) is a degenerated form of Buddhism that incorporates a pointless form of naive compassion that he likens to "Christian humanism".
Have any evolafags on this board actually read Evola?

>> No.17342187

So it’s getting better.

>> No.17342193

What did he mean by superfascism?

>> No.17342198

prolly fucking your agloid mom lol

>> No.17342212

Yeah, wtf is wrong with this thread. Nowadays none even skims wikipedia page because then they would know that Evola wrote whole book about buddhism speaking very highly of it

>> No.17342270
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>> No.17342334

Actually retarded if you think magatards have anything to do with Evola.

>> No.17342340

Ride the Tiger retard, men among the ruins. Take charge of your own life and when the ashes have settled the degenerates will be destroyed.

>> No.17342350
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>> No.17343206

>Christianity is maybe the only religion in the world that actually puts man beneath god.
Christianity makes man into God. There is a very strong impetus in Christianity for devotional worship and humility, which leads people to giving A LOT of deference to Jesus while not giving much to themselves. This doesn't change Christianity's goal of turning men into man-gods. Hell, the practice of sainting in the church turns people into literal demigods.

>> No.17343267

Yes, Theosis is a valid path within Christian Tradition

>> No.17343454

Vajrayana is literally Esoteric Buddhism. Evola had some bad takes, like in the Yoga of Power where everything he said was wrong.

>> No.17343528

>Vajrayana is literally Esoteric Buddhism
I'm aware. Doesn't make it good.

>> No.17343542

Evola was LARPing and so are you.

>> No.17343561

And anyway, to claim that Vajrayana is the "last surviving strain" of Traditional Buddhism is laughable. Putting aside the dubious practices of a lot of gurus, and the fact that no other branch of Buddhism has become so politicized, the notion that Vajrayana (be it in Tibet or Japan) somehow preserves the original teachings better than Theravada or even Zen is nonsensical.
People get wooed by Vajrayana's mysterious and symbolic aspect and think this alone somehow gives it credence. This is, by the way, the very attitude towards initiation that Evola warned against, and yet the poster I was originally replying to is claiming Vajrayana to be traditional in the evolian sense because it uses "initiatic symbols".

>> No.17343621

he didn't put warriors above priests, he just viewed the distinction as degeneration in itself and favored a united warrior-priest caste

>> No.17343628

Evola was a high-priest of a nation for some t.

>> No.17343683

Evola was coping for not getting pussy. He talks about superiority of warriors and bullshit while he looks like a dyel. sum nigga could beat him up lmaooo pathetic loser

>> No.17343799

>Hell, the practice of sainting in the church turns people into literal demigods.
Low IQ take.
True, but Theosis says you will partake in the divine energies, but you won't know the divine essence. In actuality, a properly integrated Theosis state is a form of initiation, but it is very rare and poorly understood.
Stupid homofaggot.

>> No.17343811

>Theosis says you will partake in the divine energies, but you won't know the divine essence. In actuality, a properly integrated Theosis state is a form of initiation, but it is very rare and poorly understood.
Do you know any lit that compares Theosis to Henosis, so I might better understand this?

>> No.17343947

>Do you know any lit that compares Theosis to Henosis, so I might better understand this?
Unfortunately I don't know any such books, anon.

>> No.17343993

Shame, thanks for your time anyway anon

>> No.17344058

If you are still interested and already have a background with the Neoplatonists, you might want to read a bit about Palamas. I'm fairly sure that the whole "divine energies, but no divine essence" thing is just there to make Theosis non-heretical.

>> No.17344064

Il check it out, thanks anon

>> No.17344163

>the whole "divine energies, but no divine essence" thing is just there to make Theosis non-heretical
I think its also to make a distinction between the manifest divine principle (the energies) which is God as it can be within the cosmos, and the unmanifested divine principle (the essence) which is the Godhead in itself. Which means we will never join the truly transcendental nature of the Godhead, but can form a union with his manifestation.

>> No.17344189

>Which means we will never join the truly transcendental nature of the Godhead, but can form a union with his manifestation.
That's basically it, yeah, but it's not really true so I am sure there must have been at least one monk to have realised the transcendent connection too.

>> No.17344335

I think its a general trend among the western traditions, with perhaps the exception of kabbalah. For example, I think sufis generally agree that we dont form a union with the Godhead. However I am more than happy to be corrected by you or any other anon who is more knowledgeable

>> No.17345778

/lit/ is a catholic board, take your self help literature to /pol/

>> No.17346112

seethe crosscuck

>> No.17346331

>Just read a bit about Buddhism, aka the mother of all copes.
Oof, he didn't read Evola's account of Buddhism

Fatal self-own

OP will NEVER recover

>> No.17346342

>and then what?
this guy can be salvaged

>> No.17346390
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>supernatural experience

>> No.17346419

The west this, the west that. Don't you guys ever think about anything else?

>> No.17346441

Superiority of castes is dependent on material conditions (or the current part of the cycle, if you will) ATM Banyas are still superiour. But what leaves me confused is what caste does communism (mainly its Chinese iteration) represent? Brahmin or Szudra?

>> No.17346449
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>> No.17346467

Utterly based

>> No.17346478

>what caste does communism (mainly its Chinese iteration) represent?
Workers, of course.

>> No.17346535
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"Muh Evola was Action over Contemplation" meme is disproved by his own actions. He didn't fight on the war. He wrote a book, "Ride the Tiger", where the premise is to not act but to, well Ride the Tiger. If you don't understand the symbolism too bad, you're filtered. The point is to attack the "Tiger" when he is weak and out of breath. He lived as he learned. And he always discussed the notion of a synthesis of Warrior and Priest in one person, Priest-King, just like for example kings of old did perform sacrifices to the Gods... Another false meme dichotomy in other words. Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.17346647

>He didn't fight on the war.
Technically he fought in a war, but as an artillery officer (aka pushing papers and doing trajectory-calculations).

>> No.17346673

No, not on the frontlines, surely.

>> No.17346704

So it's just coping but with extra apologies.

>> No.17346706

Thats what I meant. Even if you command cannons from the rear, you are still "fighting", even if that means just doing some math, filling forms and occasionally having enemy shell landing near you.

>> No.17346789

Plz be trolling

If not u don't understand sufism or even Christianity for that matter.

Islam is the only religion which orients man beneath God, everything else flirts with the very aspect of sufism your statement shows you misunderstand.

>> No.17347080

>Who do you think has more supernatural experience cirica 2021, someone who joins the army after high school or someone who joins seminary?
>Who do you think has more supernatural experience circa 2021, someone who might be asked to go overseas and die or someone who sits around, reads old books all day, and preaches to elderly suburbanites keeping up appearances after graduation?

>> No.17348327


>> No.17348331
File: 124 KB, 770x960, 1608048442404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're in the military and have been an occultist for a very long time
>have also met many others like me
you guys are cute

>> No.17348335

Contemplation is the source of action so it refutes itself.

>> No.17348340

Can someone briefly explain to me what does "ride the tiger" mean?

>> No.17348346

literally just read the book

>> No.17348358

I would, but I am trying to gauge whether I should spend my time on his book or some other book.

>> No.17348363

It means "cope"

>> No.17348624

why is there no evola sodomizing a tigger meme yet

>> No.17348647

broke: one caste is superior to another
woke: the castes are equal
bespoke: modernity allows you to choose multiple castes in proportion

>> No.17348657

99 Insight Tier: All that matters is striving to the Absolute.

>> No.17348686


let the light of brahman guide us...

>> No.17348697

>The warrior caste is superior to the priestly caste
Didn't he say that they used to be one and the same?

>> No.17348705

Yes, it all starts with the Priest-King.

>> No.17348731


they really aren't in a practical sense. whenever the two castes are the same you have some tyrannical king conquering everything in sight, proclaiming "i am god". once any kind of military and hermeneutic standards are established they naturally separate

>> No.17349394

You can’t reach absolute non-duality through action, for the reason that action is produced, and the reality that is known through knowledge is unproduced

>> No.17349893
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Most ignorant thread I've seen all day. If you wanna contemplate, just meditate on awareness all day. If you wanna commit to action, join a militant group. Either way, you guys don't get it. Truly esoteric material is so beyond this pedantic bickering its not even funny (ok, its very funny).
There is an esoteric understanding of compassion and an exoteric one. I wonder if Evola saw the esoteric side of it.

>> No.17349921

ride the tiger is a cool way to frame being an incel with no job or school