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File: 79 KB, 552x842, 9788499890944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17345807 No.17345807 [Reply] [Original]

This wasn't supposed to be a manual.

>> No.17345837

t. reddit

>> No.17345845

ackshully Brave New World is moar prescient
t. midwit

>> No.17345854

Ah yes, reddit is against racemixing propaganda, censorship, totalitarian governments, communism, electoral fraud, destroying western values, etc...

>> No.17345865

Blumpf is what Orwell was warning us about.

>> No.17345902

Based high school graduate

>> No.17345916


>> No.17345958

>media universally agree orange man bad therefore it true
correct. donnie is the cure for an orwellian dystopia

>> No.17345961

>posts a memed about phrasology that he obviously knows is a meme
>proceeds to do a copy pasted responce thats only tangentially related to what the guy says

why are you trying to payop?

>> No.17345964

Yeah but those are much more fun to drive, they sure beat those boring pneumatic cars.

>> No.17345972

an incompetent fool who accomplished nothing and had his entire legacy undone in literally one day?

>> No.17346019

t. Nigger

>> No.17346030

Black people hardly ever drive standards

>> No.17346593
File: 455 KB, 2048x1536, e80589c26cce1ef1704d242f083b629f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1984 wasn't supposed to be a manual, Idiocracy was actually a documentary and Metal Gear Solid 2 literally predicted our post-truth fake news era of indulging in dopamine poison, just like Brave New World.

Check my heckin' awesome BioShock tattoo by the way, which is like, the most awesome refutation of Atlas Shrugged and I feel like playing Infinite again which is the Citizen Kane of video games.

>> No.17346601

>tfw when you try and do an impossible and a pop shuvit without getting enough air

>> No.17347223

what is it with normies and this nigga specifically?

>> No.17347662

It isn't, Brave New World is.

>> No.17347902

Blumpf is a psy-up

>> No.17348021

genuinely asking, how based is metal gear solid 2? Is it as "deep" as people say?

>> No.17348042

Not him but it's great
Not really deep but it's very good for vidya

>> No.17348054

It was never supposed to be deep or anything, the MGS series is just an amalgam of Western Action Movies, Anime and some Japanese Culture.

The fact that PART of the plot of MGS2 is relevant nowadays, the whole "the Internet is garbage and produces copious streams of misinformation" isn't deep.

The Internet was always shit, of course it would get shittier after popularizing with normies. The story is fun but FAR from "deep". Do you think most gaming manchildren read at all? A "gamer" saying something is deep means jackshit.

>> No.17348085

when people jerk off mgs2, they are only talking about this codec at the end

the rest isn't that gigabrained desu

>> No.17348092

I’m very sorry that you got banned on Twitter OP.

>> No.17348102

>the virgin trolling OP
>the CHAD fake serious repliers
>the wizard authentically serious repliers
>the THAD thread derailers
>the incel vidya game sidetrackers
>the GAD ambiguously mocking latefags

>> No.17349447

Actually it's three days of Biden signing decrees to erase all Trump did in office, but nevermind

>> No.17349562

its not just a refutation, just saying. the city was supposed to be a beautiful dream gone wrong. its a refutation along with a love letter. i feel the need to defend it because an annoying fanbase is as annoying as reductionist contrarians obssessed with image

>> No.17349701

>finally the clock struck - it was no longer 1984. Banners streamed all over the, now, defunct watchtower. "We did it," they exclaimed, "we've finally made it to the mid-80's." "No more disco," exclaimed another. The night started to settle on a dreary cold boy - shaken - who could only mutter, "what if people suppose this an instruction manual". A bird fluttered. What if?

>> No.17349804


>> No.17349825

Actually just began reading this tonight. The diminution of language has to me been the most disquieting control device thus far.

>> No.17349831

Listen to the official soundtrack https://youtu.be/pFQkzVbvCe4PHyY6IGOmitU

>> No.17350142

My god, the singing in pop punk infantilizes me just by listening to it.

>> No.17350451
File: 55 KB, 444x580, 1587378744285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah! deep!

>> No.17350460

Remember the chapter where The Party forced Winston to wear a surgical mask?
Orwell was right

>> No.17350865

Finally someone was brave enough to say what we were all thinking.

>> No.17350887

>t. hasn't read the book

>> No.17350889

Maybe if he was competent

>> No.17351102

seething lib