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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 424x648, huxley0408[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1734370 No.1734370 [Reply] [Original]

i just finished Brave New World, preferred it to 1984 because i thought the prose was better and it was less difficult to wade through than Orwell's. The story itself was quite interesting, especially with the shift from Bernard to John towards the middle/end, i found myself liking it more than i thought i would.

Though the message may have been a little heavy-handed, especially towards the very end i still liked it.


>> No.1734376

I remember being pretty cool when I read it in the 9th grade.

But I also like Holden Caulfield back then.

>> No.1734383

High School ruined it for me.

>> No.1734387

I think Brave New World is better than 1984, but I enjoy reading the latter more. It's more sleek, if you catch my meaning.

John was too much for me I must say, if anything it turned me off it for a while after i read it.

>> No.1734390

Way too optimist, too many people suffers too little and to little destruction is encouraged on too much text. The density of antisociality is way to low and reminds me of how I was when I started writing teenage-stochastisism..

Wouldn't even propose it to my best friend.

>> No.1734403


>Brave New World

Uh, Huxley saw the World State as a bad thing. Which it was, partially.

>> No.1734469

yeah i understand where you're coming from M Noc, John was a bit of an overbearing character in some ways



>> No.1734485


>Taking something I say seriously.

>implying I'm intending to be 50%+ consistent

>> No.1734486

hurr durr, I'm brownbear and I just finished a childrens' book. Boy was it interesting.

>> No.1734537

Brownbutt how come there's no green story with this one?

>> No.1734549

You found Orwell's prose in 1984 difficult? Oh wow

>> No.1734559



>> No.1734568

not 'difficult' just clunky and difficult to wade through, i feel that it hasn't aged very well and is very still and doesn't flow at all too well.
you're an idiot for not understanding that

nothing happened with a girl whilst i was reading this one, i don't make things up you know...

>> No.1734571

Browneye, you really are a gaping arsehole.

>> No.1734576

i don't see what this post has to do with literature
> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)01:24 No.1734571
oh nevermind...

>> No.1734582

I'm an idiot for not being able to read your mind? Jesus, you really are a walking insecurity beacon. Your comments on Orwell's prose are ridiculous also.

>> No.1734587
File: 40 KB, 312x338, Keira Knightly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brownbear criticizes other people for not discussing literature

I believe this calls for an idiom about a pot calling a kettle black

>> No.1734595

>implying 1984's prose flows well

as you can see in this thread i'm trying to discuss BNW by Aldous Huxley, please post on topic or not at all, thank you!

>> No.1734627

Love how tripfag tries to make a post about literature and anons derail it. BNW or gtfo

Coincidentally, I just finished it a few days ago as well. But what really struck me at the end was deciding whether or not BNW was an ideal society. For the Epsilons-Betas, life was pretty fucking sweet. For John, Bernard, and Helmholtz, they wanted more out of life. But even then, if you want more you can always get shipped off to an island. That being said, if the lower castes are fulfilled by the society, I don't see any reason why it's unethical, especially if the alpha pluses can always go to an island.


>> No.1734640

i think the savage is a pretty cool guy. eh didn't change society but doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.1734647

yeah for the epsilon beta's and the other's who are just fed soma and kept doing mindless tasks i can see why it'd be a decent society because they don't know, or don't have the mental capacity to know any better. I think it boils down to the conditioning, that forces them to think a certain way, and therefore imposes restrictions on what they like and takes away the very human element of free-will. Especially when coupled in with the genetic control and how they make the alphas and betas etc.

also i can see why Bernard and Helmholtz would like it, after all they get to go to an island to be with other like minded people but this is still whilst the main dominant and dystopian society rules and millions are oppressed by their rulers.

>> No.1734648

dat last paragraph

>> No.1734715


>> No.1734743

The "Climax" of the book hardly encompassed the plot of the book and the ending was anti-climactic entirely. Interesting thoughts on the organization of future society, though. It's also about as racist as you can get without being harmed by it. They didn't care too much about it though back in the 1930s when lynched black people on the side of the street was commonplace.

>> No.1734761

Ausfag here, high school only really ruined Shakespeare and Poe for me, other than that we just had Tim Winton who is shit anyway.

I preferred BNW because I can relate to it more. I'm bored, and i'm 99% sure its not my fault.

Also, I have my own thing called Orwellian Huxleyism. I thought it was cool in tenth grade. It is the belief that Big Brother is here, but no one cares.

>> No.1735182

I want some Soma because apparently it's better than Christianity.

>> No.1735188

Brave New World had better prose than 1984? Everyone I've talked to who has read both said that 1984 was better in every way (though they generally agree that Brave New World was more prophetic).

>> No.1735213

>>(though they generally agree that Brave New World was more prophetic)

Yeah, because eugenics is in public favor and _isn't_ grouped together with neo-nazism, or anything.


>> No.1735221

Not a bad book at all, but I enjoyed Orwell far more.

>> No.1736814

maybe you should read it and then make your own informed decisions on the prose
>saging a literature thread
shit tier neckbeard tripfag detected

yeah i felt it was anti-climactic but that was maybe the point, that fighting against it was futile, and you shouldn't expect some kind've happy ending.
yeah it was a little racist in parts but heh, sign of the times i guess.

damn straight

>> No.1736970

I sage 90% of the time. It is nothing personal.

>> No.1737009

wow it's like you're trying to be me

>> No.1737014

no its like he's trying to be you trying to be d&e trying to be me (from being the first to use sage correctly on this board)

>> No.1737018

well brownbear is like a less educated version of d+e so you really can't split the two

>> No.1737022

I liked Brave New World. I rub on penis.

>> No.1737023
File: 78 KB, 722x231, fagulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heyy look fagulous is back posting off-topic irrelevant nonsense whilst wallowing in his own idiocy

>first to use sage correctly

hahaha oh wow

>> No.1737027

i think i look good in that picture

>> No.1737037

you're an unintelligent narcissist, so what do you expect

>> No.1737040

>you're a narcissist
oh wow, that coming from bb....

>> No.1737043

but you're an unintelligent elitist

i like my faults better


>> No.1737063

>unintelligent elitist
more intelligent than you sweetcheeks, your comments have no grounding in reality.

Zed banned you ty, chill the asspain

>> No.1737108


>> No.1737112

brownbear you just read bnw

lol, brownbear

>> No.1737120

yeah is that a problem?
or are you just going to post that and not expand?

>> No.1737134

just gonna lol at you tbqh, you're such a shitfucker

>> No.1737131

>Less difficult than orwell.
Is this possible. That man wrote like a first year high school student.

>> No.1737140

well you sure explained yourself there faggot!

>> No.1737143

>loling at someone for reading books
christ, how stupid are you?

>> No.1737146

lol you really need me to explain how dumb you are, hahahahaha

>> No.1737152

i don't need you to explain anything, your constant avoidance of the issue and wannabe trollism tells me enough about your character to ensure that you're not worth listening too.

>> No.1737155

Oh god, does anyone ever have discussion on /lit/? I barely even look at the names of people so I never know or notice tripfags on other boards. But on this one, everyone keeps pointing them out.

>> No.1737158

i just wanna discuss BNW :(

>> No.1737160

it's because tripfags make up 90% of /lit/s posts and 100% of /lit/s non-literature discussion.

>> No.1737161

i read it like a year or two ago

>> No.1737167

>100% of /lit/'s non-literature discussion
>he posts this as Anonymous whilst posting off-topic.
oh wow.

what did you think...

>> No.1737174

i liked it

i think Huxley is kind of a prude but the prose was good and the characters are neat

his "After Many a Summer Dies the Swan" is better/great

>> No.1737187

What's the big deal about BB not reading this till now.
I haven't read it at all. Is there some arbitrary order to read books that you missed in because your high school English had other choices?

>> No.1737188

I found BNW's prose to be kinda hamfisted, like when someone just runs and guns through a stealth game, it leads you to think, "I'm sure there was a more graceful way to do that."

>> No.1737197
File: 349 KB, 1026x3896, brownie lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're one to talk, Brownie, you never discuss literature. You're too busy making up greentext stories about yourself.

>> No.1737198

yeah i think they're implying it's high school lit so i either read it when i'm 16 or never read it at all.

silly Americans i know.

why was he a prude? how does his apparent 'prudishness' transfer to BNW?
i was thinking about reading Music at Night but idk

>> No.1737199

Love how this poster shits on the writer of one of the best books of the twentieth century yet has probably never published anything himself.

He's a winner, guys.

>> No.1737215

Never said it was bad, just written in simple prose. Infact, I like that about Orwell.

>> No.1737217


>> No.1737218
File: 21 KB, 578x584, the extent of this anons posting ability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you post the same shit everyday

so you're saying you have to have a published work before you're allowed to pass judgement on a book?

>> No.1737225

>you post the same shit everyday
the same could be said about you

the only difference is that my reposts are entertaining because they make you look like a dumbass.

>> No.1737232

your posts are not entertaining, i am well-known on this board for my entertaining and insightful posts. you contribute nothing whatsoever apart from the same stale copy and pasta every single day.

>> No.1737249
File: 159 KB, 323x246, asphyxiating cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your posts are not entertaining

oh Brownie, you're such a bad liar. I know you love my posts. Why else would you screencap them all?

also, Huxley is for babies. Try reading some real sci-fi like Shadow and Claw.

>> No.1737254


>> No.1737260

>fake brownbear

>> No.1737265

i didn't screencap them, stagolee did, i just saved the image
idk i don't know if i'll like sci-fi, what are some entry level books that you would recommend to someone who has never read it?
phillip k dick maybe?

>> No.1737275

I'd go with Neal Stephenson.

>> No.1737286

because of his whole anti-hedonism stance and his general fear of change

>> No.1737326

what the fuck am i reading?

>> No.1737333

Brave New World didn't know what the hell it was doing/where it was going. It needed a direction and it just kind of ended up ruining it for me. The concept is cool though.

>> No.1737339
File: 22 KB, 300x300, amusing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orwell was afraid we were going to be controlled by the things we hated.

Huxley was afraid we were going to be controlled by the things we love.

>> No.1737434

i ca see why you'd think that, some of the plot changes were very sudden (shift from Bernard to John, part with the islands, the lighthouse etc)

>> No.1737438

the funny thing is they were both right

>> No.1737456

I think 1984 was superior in every sense: prose, ending, characters, focus, themes (mainly the bits about language changing the thought). Some argue that we're going more towards the BNW world, but that has very little to do with how good the book itself is.

But thats just, like, my opinion, man.

>> No.1737701


>> No.1737746

odd I thought it was reverse I had an extremely hard time reading Brave New World but I read 1984 at least 20 times in high school out of boredom

>> No.1738226

Can anyone recommend some other books like 1984 and BNW? A dystopian society that more or less resembles part of our world?
And fuck the new capcha, I'm dizzy

>> No.1738229

primo levi, "if this is a man-"
jung chang, "wild swans"
nadezhda mandelstam, "hope against hope"

i think this is right up your alley

>> No.1738268
File: 744 KB, 570x4550, orwell-huxley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about 1984 a lot lately. When you think about it, it really wasn't a theoretical society or anything, it was this man's prediction for the future and it only had a few inaccuracies, if there's any we can judge. It's like somebody's prediction today for 2030. Today the untouchable rich "the enemies" are jewish people, except the proposed enemy of state is osama bin laden who nobody ever sees. Today is really a balanced mix between brave new world and 1984.

Pic related

>> No.1738280

the hunger games

>> No.1738287


North Korea.

>> No.1738314

actually the closest 1984 has come to reality was in the totalitarian regimes of naziism and stalinism (and to a lesser extent maoist china)

and the two former examples both targeted the jews