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17344461 No.17344461 [Reply] [Original]

>worst book you've read in your life
>best thing you've done in your life

>> No.17344465

what is this image?

>> No.17344532

>>worst book you've read in your life
Phenomenology of Perception by Merleau-Ponty. One of the key contributors to my hatred of everything French.
>>best thing you've done in your life
Been there for grandma.

>> No.17344569


>> No.17344599

>white noise by delillo
>gave a cab driver a 50€ tip

>Phenomenology of Perception by Merleau-Ponty.

>> No.17344675

Poorly written. Long-winded, with needless tangents and unsatisfying attempt at some kind of a literary warmth. Never before or since have I read a book this dull about a subject so fascinating.

>> No.17344688

>infinite jest
>marry my girl

>> No.17344708
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>Worst: Nausea
>Best: The Master and Margarita

>> No.17344718

>The Great Gatsby
>physically stopped my friend from committing suicide

>> No.17344741

Got married and didn't cheat

>> No.17344751

Turn of the screw by grade a faggot Henry James takes the cake there for me

>> No.17344792

Fuck you, Turn of the Screw is great. What did you want, Ghostbusters?

>> No.17344863

Some shitty autobiography of some "liberated woman."
Was a constant source of help for my best friend in his depression and near-suicide.

>> No.17344896

>Worst: Nausea
no wonder anon is a dumb fuck.

>> No.17344922

>worst book
hmm probably Mao II by Don DeLillo. Maybe Brief Interviews With Hideous Men. Child of God was pretty bad
>best thing
uhh won some wrestling matches

>> No.17344941

>The Tommyknockers
>Organized and supplied chess clubs in rural villages across West Africa

>> No.17344961
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>> No.17344998

The Sellout - Paul Beatty
Sleep with the girl I’ve been romantically involved with since 9th grade (but moved away) ultimately we never lost our love for each other but we both reluctantly moved on realizing that some things in life are impossible. Had the most unbelievable experience of my life with her while she had a boyfriend who I had previously gotten into a bar fight with when I was visiting a year prior. She’s still with him and probably going to marry him. This is the second boyfriend I have cucked of hers. The first was the quarterback of the high school football team (I promise I’m not making this up.) Anyway, I’m not sure I’ll ever experience a more pure innocent love than I do with her. There is something about falling in love at like 14 years old and finding out that whatever was there so many years ago is still present when your with them. Love is unequivocally beyond description.

>> No.17345005

sorry for your divorce anon

>> No.17345009

Either Maps of Meaning or A Secular Age. Trying to defeat modernity through obscurantism is a Canadian tradition, apparently

Saved some kid from drowning in the winter, and worked at a foodbank for a while

>> No.17345046

>The Boys From Brasil

>> No.17345077

>Huck Finn
>Love someone who loves me back
Did you misunderstand the prompt or are you just boring?

>> No.17345195

>Caught a toddler who fell out of a window, only first floor but would've been on concrete so I think it's fair to say I saved its life

>> No.17345312

>worst book you've read in your life
My teacher once let me choose a book from a box where he kept many books that he didn't need. I chose one randomly and it was about old people having sex.
>best thing you've done in your life
motivating a depressed friend

>> No.17345321

>Either Maps of Meaning or A Secular Age. Trying to defeat modernity through obscurantism is a Canadian tradition, apparently

>> No.17345327 [DELETED] 

>worst book
Candide. Overrated shit.
>best thing
Found God.

>> No.17345339

>The Tommyknockers
Brooo I basically started my big reading phase with this book. I was 11. I still have very pleasant memories of its smell.
>radio stations in your head from a skiing accident
>slipping it up your son's back door with a grunt and a sigh
>masturbating with a vibrator for half an hour before swallowing someone with your tentacles in a parody of coitus
>lawn care machines gone wild

>> No.17345491

Nausea is not necessarily a bad book, just the worst i've read.

Additional info: i only read meme books

>> No.17345501

>Brooo I basically started my big reading phase with this book. I was 11. I still have very pleasant memories of its smell.
I was gifted it by a crush when I was in middle school. I read it entirely out of devotion to said crush. I've enjoyed a few Stephen King books since, but "The Tommyknockers" still stands out as a wretched and frustrating reading experience.

>> No.17345651

Catcher in the Rye
Quit smoking weed

>> No.17345711

>Quit smoking weed
Teach me your ways anon

>> No.17345720

Only impressed by The Stand and Carrie.

A few months after The Tommyknockers I watched Liz Hurley as Satan in Bedazzled and discovered masturbating. Does this explain the wreckage of the next 20 years?

>> No.17345731

Based. Quitting weed is keyed af.

I almost wonder if becoming schizoid on dudeweed and finding my way out of it made me more enlightened. Probably just a cope for lost years tho. Still don't like Jews

>> No.17345747

Ethan Frome
Helped my mom through her divorce and move to another state.

>> No.17345822

Whatever the sequel to the Name of the Wind is called. I've read books by Stacey Dash and Greg Gutfeld so that should tell you how much I hate that book.

The best thing I've done was pulling some dogs out of a burning house. I was just laying down to sleep and the check the cameras my tablet as I normally do when I see nothing but light across the street. I couldn't figure out what the hell it was and laid there looking at it for about 30 seconds before eventually looking out the window. I ran out there in my underwear and there was a few people standing around and presumably panicking since they weren't doing anything, so I kicked the door in and three dogs came out but one ran deeper into the house. Nobody could go in because the smoke was so thick I figured I would break some windows to give the dog some escape routes and I ended up breaking my wrist and needing 11 stitches. The dog ended up running into the basement and surviving thanks to the firefighters.

>> No.17345898

Million comma splices per sentence, mosh pit of shitty victorian novel tropes, useless framing device that actually makes the rest of the book worse when it doesnt deliver, lack of personality, shit characters, plot with potential that james sucks dry by the halfway point. I want the smoke fucko lets argue about this