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17339894 No.17339894 [Reply] [Original]

Read Buckley.

>> No.17339900


>> No.17339905

No thanks, I am never going to read an American.

>> No.17339910

Who's the third chad anon

>> No.17339916

Buckley is looking at him ;)



>> No.17339918

Holy fuck Buckley has some anglo teeth

>> No.17339943

Shan't be reading a crypto-nazi any time soon.

>> No.17340004

Buckley didnt have the spine to be a crypto nazi

>> No.17340230

such a bogus meme. Buckley was a lightweight whose affectation of being aristocrat (an Hibernian nigger of house O'Buckley lmao) and craven desire for social status allowed him to be controlled by spooks for his whole career. Stop letting yourself be fooled by a drawl and a tweedy suit.

>> No.17340265

you just did ;)

>> No.17340279


>> No.17340469

anyone have the clip where gore vidal baits him into admitting he's a closet homosexual?

>> No.17341075

The one about inviting young men to his yachts?

>> No.17341112


>> No.17341351

His writing on erudition is aight. Beyond that, standard boomer shit. You’d do better to read Chesterton, Carlyle, Repplier, or, if you insist on someone from the second half of the 20th century....Gore Vidal.

>> No.17341356

Holy shit, how will that faggot ever recover?

>> No.17341364

read gottfried obliterating buckley for helping to found Conservatism Inc. instead, then read samuel francis

>> No.17341979

Buckley did more harm to American conservatism than any hippy ever could have.

>> No.17342167


>> No.17342183
File: 35 KB, 512x360, gore_vidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine thinking Buckley is somehow /lit/ and not Gore Vidal who actually lived the /lit/ lifestyle of writing historical novels and plays in a mansion in southern Italy

>> No.17342190

Buckley is literally a modern aristocrat, he made the English Language his bitch. He's far more /lit/ than some third-rate queer.

>> No.17343363


>> No.17343413
File: 70 KB, 920x537, Vidal judging you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vidal was an accomplished novelist, something Buckley tried to be, but failed miserably.

>> No.17343516

kek so that's why vidal made buckley seethe eternally

>> No.17343539

>read gottfried obliterating buckley for helping to found Conservatism Inc.

What the name of the Gottfried essay or book?

>> No.17343551

Eh, neither Vidal nor Buckley accomplished much as novelists. Although Vidal has the edge on that front, neither is likely to be remembered 50 years from now.

>> No.17343852

I know he's behind the National Review (which isn't nearly as based as leftoids would have you believe), but what has he written that's worth reading?

>> No.17344157

Sounds plausible.

>> No.17344212

My father sailed with Buckley once, and he had a good opinion of the man, but I do not. William F. Buckley began the "Conservative" trend of being faggot cuckolds who spend most of their time suppressing actual right-wing ideas and doing damage control for the Left than they do pushing forward anything resembling a positive idea.

Buckley never once won an argument with a Leftist. He never once convinced a communist to stop being a communist. He got his ass kicked by Gore Vidal, he purged ACTUAL right-wingers from the National Review because they were putting up a fight he couldn't match.

Buckley was the best useful idiot for the Left to ever live. He diligently fought to preserve a status quo of gradually anti-white shifting culture that promised to destroy everything he loved. His race, his religion, his nation. He got nothing for it, and he is remembered as a demon for it. He had blood (and a soul) the color of shit, because he lacked the will to say "No" to left-wing ideas in any serious manner.

>> No.17344248

Total failure to understand the dynamic.

Gore Vidal was a modern aristocrat. He was from an old Mayflower family that had been in the US on both sides since the beginning.

Buckley was the upstart Catholic, a more recent immigrant, and the one who had no actual ties to the old families. Buckley and Vidal's mutual loathing was more old money vs new money than it was anything else.

The fact remains that Buckley was factually correct in all of his assessments, and Vidal was wrong about everything except Dresden--yet Buckley drew all of the wrong conclusions and Vidal drew all of the right ones.

>> No.17344280
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Read Chomsky

>> No.17344357

Based and kino assessment desu

>> No.17344406

Vidal has shitty physiognomy and looks like your prototypical midwit. He also was a homosexual which means everything he did was a pretense for disgusting pleasure. In other words, incapable of even approaching greatness.

>> No.17344418

bourgeois and pseud.
not lit.

>> No.17344462
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Buckley didn't even have a neck. He looked like an inbred lizard.

>> No.17344463

It's weirder still in that Buckley was a shill for New England American WASPs despite literally being none of those, whereas Vidal was. I also take great offense at the insinuation that Vidal was a better author. He was only better at choosing subjects. Nowhere in Vidal are you going to find serious prose, or anything of particular value except its themes. And themes, to be frank, stopped being interesting about 50 years ago.

>> No.17344473

Young WFB was way hotter than Vidal. They both looked like weird reptilians when they were older.

>> No.17344477

Based, I've never regretted this decision either.

>> No.17345169

You have shit taste in men, sister.

>> No.17345215
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>> No.17345233

just waiting for the buckley/vidal tsundere fanfic

>> No.17345811


>> No.17346158

read Where the right went wrong by Buchanan

>> No.17346261


>> No.17346431

I hate buckley too. Governor Wallace owned him in that one debate. Kek, he even called him a pseud.

>> No.17346568

Kissing William F. Buckley Jr., was not what Vidal had imagined it be like, although, he had to admit, the idea of kissing the man before him was not one he had ever been prone to envisioning in the past. But if he had to assume the reality of such an experience, he would have imagined Buckley's kiss to be as bruising as his intellectually packaged insults that he was to adept at slinging across the debate floor on his little show. He would have expected Buckley to take charge, to be so wrought with passion that he forgot himself, as he so clearly did on stage earlier. Perhaps it was just the alien nature of the situation that was making Buckley tentative, but Vidal relished in it all the same.

Vidal had backed them up against the door, Buckley's slim body pinned between the only exit and Vidal himself. Vidal was overcome with a strange sense of power, as if he held the upper hand, the flush deck of cards, in a game only he was playing within his head. Having Buckley practically submit to him was thrilling and it fueled him with a confidence he usually left reserved for the debate stage.

He moved his hand from behind Buckley's head and placed his palm flat on the door. In a quick movement, Vidal pressed himself against Buckley, closer than before, their bodies fully pushed together in the most sensual of ways, and then, Vidal undulated his hips ever so slowly but the sensation was enough. He could feel the press of Buckley's manhood against his own, neither of them close to erectness, but the growing sense of arousal was clearly evident.

>> No.17346923

Buckley is very cute and that’s all I care about

>> No.17347993

Both of these people absolutely fucking suck and conservatism is irredeemably dying after this year, why do you keep shilling the ideology responsible for everything you faggots complain about

>> No.17348562

Dangerously based

>> No.17348579


Ah, to be mentally 19, with the corresponding understanding of the world.

>> No.17348724

Fusionism is irrelevant after Trump

>> No.17348747

>Biden barely manages to win the election, Trump increases his latino/african american support and gets the majority of white female vote
>conservatism is irredeemably dying after this year

>> No.17348774

Reagan was a Neoliberal, dumdum.

>> No.17348828


Who do you think is writing all these threads?

>> No.17349406

Yes that is what I said

>> No.17349415

buckley was literally just the charlie kirk of his time

>> No.17350464

god damn Q U E E R

>> No.17350481

he makes me think of shapiro
shapiro talks fast to make himself sound smarter to rubes listening to talk radio and anti sjw nerds
buckley put on a posh accent to appear as an intellectual to tv audiences

>> No.17350486


>> No.17352037
File: 77 KB, 500x736, richardweaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related also shits all over "Buckley" and conservatives of his ilk

>> No.17353279
File: 87 KB, 642x390, buckgore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sitcom starring Buckley and Vidal would be pure kino.

>> No.17353905

Especially if it solwly turned into a gay porno

>> No.17354036

Buckley and the national review destroyed the homegrown moral conservatism and populism of the southern agrarians and contaminated right-wing dialect for decades with their neoconservative jesuitry

>> No.17354096

yes but the sort of neocon, reganist, buckley wing of the gop are falling out of favor lately. a few boomers and business people cling to this sort of ideology but populist nationalist Trumpism seems to have greater influence on the party's voter base now

>> No.17354110

they were obviously fucking and sucking

>> No.17354123

The GOP will quickly purge that rising element or integrate them back into the establishment fold by fear mongering about their opponent. The Trump movement will be neutralized and prevented from being near power again. GOP will move to a sort of civic nationalist libertarian oriented party pandering to Hispanics. Trump supporters will fall in line because the alternative is worse.

>> No.17354161

personally i think the cat is out of the bag. the gop will never win an election again if they abandon the core tenants of trumpism.

people got a taste of populism and nationalism after years of impotent neoconservatism that has made the country worse. the american conservative voter base have gone further right. business as usual isnt going to cut it after trump, especially if the economic conditions and political resentment continue to get worse (they will). buckley and reagan's gop is dead.