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/lit/ - Literature

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17340245 No.17340245 [Reply] [Original]


Give me one fucking book that has really had a huge positive impact on your life.

No stoicism, no Jordan Peterson, no faggot ass "my diary desu",
Just ONE recommendation that you would give to your son.

>> No.17340250
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>> No.17340254

That’s a really tall order for a book, OP.

>> No.17340264

the prince

>> No.17340268

Like asking to chisel a sculpture in one blow.

>> No.17340277

Platos complete works faggot

>> No.17340282
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Here's your self portrait sculpture

>> No.17340289
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>> No.17340294

Infinite jset, best book i've ever read, sohuld be required readign for everyboyd. Period, i will fucking debate you.

>> No.17340297

The Way of Men by Jack Donovan

>> No.17340310

I will give you three, the books that made me start to write 'my diary desu.'




Particularly the first and third books. Best books ever.

>> No.17340320

Logic of Sense
good luck faggot

>> No.17340323

Les Misérables

Year of the Intelligent Tigers

People of the Book

>> No.17340331

I have three kids, one for each.

>> No.17340332

I only speak American but I will check out your first rec

>> No.17340334
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>> No.17340346

I said no reddit tier high schooler books

>> No.17340357

It's a good website anon, I have it bookmarked. Off topic, but if you like music : http://everynoise.com/

>> No.17340427

Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes

>> No.17340428
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Decartes is so underrated

>> No.17340429

Years of Rice and Salt

>> No.17340435
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>> No.17340444

Jordan Peterson - My Meditations diary desu

>> No.17340481
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>> No.17340496
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>> No.17340516
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No stoicism...? B-but stoicism has changed how I view the world and made me a more rational man in a world of irrationality Anon

>> No.17340519

Nicomachean Ethics, obviously

>> No.17340523
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its edgy but you can't refute it

>> No.17340566

Watership Down
Bad things happen. To survive it you have to be clever, quick, bold, and steady or you'll liable to end up in the belly of one of the 1000.

>> No.17340579

Cat's Cradle

>> No.17340581
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>> No.17340695

The Myth of Sisyphus.

>> No.17340724

Notes from Underground. It taught me to tone down the autism.

>> No.17340833

Chuang Tzu.

>> No.17340847


>> No.17340859 [DELETED] 

Agreed. This book profoundly changed my way of thinking for the better. Take your time with it.

>> No.17340874

Agreed. This book profoundly changed my way of thinking for the better. Take your time with it and you will be rewarded.

>> No.17340876

This but unironically. Had these checked out nonstop from the library

>> No.17340908

No son of mine will be raised to respect pinyin, it's a shit system. Wade-Giles or get disowned, the choice is simple.

>> No.17340920

Capital vol 1

>> No.17340949

how so? Gonna add it to my reading list just based on that lol

>> No.17340966

Tao Te Ching

>> No.17340967


>> No.17341030


>> No.17341086

The little prince. I try to read it every couple years. I seem to get something more every time

>> No.17341206

Bhagwad Geeta

>> No.17341225

Same. The Little Prince always makes you see something else

>> No.17341275

the faerie queene by edmund spenser

>> No.17341288

Meditations on the Tarot and the Hermetic Corpus. Being born into a biblethumper household I have always had a weird relationship to faith and Christianity in general. Researching into Hermeticism under a Christian skein lead to my first qauntifiable religious experience. Though I still have some insecurities about coming off as a LARPer or ingenuine, that is just my life as a whole I guess.

>> No.17341292
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It showed me that reading can indeed be an immense pleasure.

>> No.17341338

Tractatus Theologico Politicos

>> No.17341353

Based as shit

>> No.17341376

>Meditations on the Tarot
Thanks bro, downloading this one

>> No.17341418

How to be miserable
Wheel of time
Book of Mormon

>> No.17341435

If you have any workable knowledge of Christianity or Hermeticism it is a wonderful book, and even still if you dont. All around it is a wild ride and I hope you get as much out of it as I do, anon.

>> No.17341458

The tartar Steppe. By Dino Buzzati.
The surprising thing is I've become Drogho already, anonei. Read and weep and laugh in despair, o directionless beings.

>> No.17341467



No joking

>> No.17341521
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>> No.17341523

sounds like a good way to inflame my hernia

>> No.17341530

Leaves of Grass

>> No.17341542

my nigga

>> No.17341560

What was the number of the based department again?

>> No.17341599

20 000 miles below the sea. it's a cool adventure and there's a lot to get out of it for all ages.

>> No.17341604

mother night by kurt vonnegut made a big impact on me when i was younger.

>> No.17341607

The Sot-Weed Factor

>> No.17341611

Can't do one, but here's a random bunch that either struck me immensely, or to which I re-read every year.

Ernest Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises
Christopher Lasch - The Culture of Narcissism
George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss
Roger Scruton - The Soul of the World
Maurice Shadbolt - Winter Fires and Summer Country
Bernhard Schlink - The Reader
Natsume Soseki - Kokoro
Maurice Gee - In My Father's Den
Kenzaburo Oe - The Silent Cry
Laurie Lee - Cider With Rosie

>> No.17341620

*Summer Fires and Winter Country by Maurice Shadbolt

>> No.17341626

Don Quixote

>> No.17341632


These two massively

>> No.17341666

Wake up
Shit your pants
Run 16 miles

Tear your hamstring on mile 8
Keep running anyway

>> No.17341678

that's not shwifty

>> No.17341720

It has detailed descriptions of a bitter, socially inept salaryman having awkward and calculated interactions with people and a manic narration style which is similar to the inner monologue of someone who spends more than 8 hours a day on 4chan

>> No.17341724


>> No.17341759

Obligatory "Industrial Society and its Future"

>> No.17341769

Demian by Hermann Hesse

>> No.17341779

for personal benefit, nicomachean ethics. Nietzsche's works, especially twtp, are very informative on the state of the world, however; a biography on Napoleon is particularly relevant to what is happening at this very moment in washington as his actions after becoming consul are nearly equivalent to the democrat party playbook in the past year.

>> No.17341855

all books have a positive impact in my life because reading books is positive

>> No.17341895

The brothers Karamazov. It's the only book you actually need, all other books are memes.

>> No.17341912

The essays of Miche de Montaigne

>> No.17341915

here are some books my dad gave me when i
was growing up

life of pi
great expectations
diary of a young girl
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde
charlottes web
ruskin bond omnibus

read these between the ages of 9-11 and i guess each of these books had their own impact on the trajectory of my life.. revisiting books you pored over for days when you were younger can be such a strange and disorienting yet familiar experience --

he also gave me a bunch of bhagwad gita/nich that hanh/eckhart tolle type stuff that i kind of resented then and never read, but i get where it was coming from ..

>> No.17341918


>> No.17341930

Cioran, regardless of the book, had a profound impact on me. He's not "le wicked nihilist" faggots make out of him, his thoughts are often beautiful and made me look and my humanity differently.

>> No.17341959

Unironically Being and Time

>> No.17341984

Dante's Inferno

>> No.17342013

A canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.17342204

Sophie's World

>> No.17342209

greater community spirituality lol

>> No.17342235

Had an impact with me also but it already during was during a time of positive change, so it was compounded.

>> No.17342238

Excuse the aneurysm lmfao

>> No.17342479

The Odyssey
The Republic
The Bible
Brothers Karamazov
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Storm of steel

>> No.17342549

Almost perfect minus the last two.

>> No.17342558

>Communist Manifesto above Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.17342571

would sooner drop the 3rd and the 6th one

>> No.17342604
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This one. A pocket book, if you will

>> No.17342606
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>> No.17342653

based Fantomas poster

>> No.17342673

Swiss Family Robinson

>> No.17342690

Any big and basic cook book.

>> No.17342709

*tips fedora*
A fellow intellectual I see. Heh...

>> No.17342711

The Hobbit
First book I really enjoyed reading and what got me interested in books and reading throughout my life

>> No.17342712

This and /thread

>> No.17342713

Brothers K
Now fuck off

>> No.17342714

Self reliance by Emerson

>> No.17342734

A Brief History of Time

>> No.17342760

Screwtape Letters

>> No.17342787

Denial of death

>> No.17342975
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your days are numbered, oblivious kike puppet

>> No.17343002

>Politics and the English Language
>Simulacra and Simulacrum
Helped me see the news and the whole media landscape as propaganda
>The Republic
Made me a schizo conspiracy theorist

>> No.17343009
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Goodbye things by Fumio Sasaki. I was already a minimalist before I read it, but Sasaki's way of thinking about minimalism helped me in other aspects of my life beyond decluttering.

>> No.17343018

>Helped me see the news and the whole media landscape as propaganda
Read Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control

>> No.17343042

I lent this book to my neighbour.
Nige, is that you?

>> No.17343148

Nope, bought the book myself. Cool to see others have read it though.

>> No.17343163
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not letting my son touch philosophy until he's read this

>> No.17343171

The Book of Disquiet.

>> No.17343657

The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg
On The Heavenly Spheres by Helena Avelar

>> No.17343701

I had the amazing luck to read this all for free, because I just happened to find myself on the manga site when someone was uploading it, but before people could tell them scans of official translations are not allowed. Good manga, but it only works as an introduction to the books.

>> No.17343805
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>> No.17344692


>> No.17344839

>Make your socks happy by folding them a certain way

Let's hope you never reproduce

>> No.17344874


>> No.17344992

Sleeping Freshman Never Lie by David Lubar

>> No.17345081

>Simulacra and Simulacrum
This is basically the same idea of Society of the spectacle am I right?

>> No.17345095

Roadside Picnic

>> No.17345105

Two Hands of God by Alan Watts

>> No.17345118

Anna Karenina, so many lessons.

>> No.17345128

Take a breath, anon

>> No.17345362
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Learn to code

>> No.17345407

Rust gang