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17339539 No.17339539 [Reply] [Original]

What are some more good reads on fascism? Also how would /lit/ describe their political philosophy?

>> No.17339628
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Ok, also Fascism is not nazism

>> No.17339640

Don't read someone commenting the ideology, read the ideology book itself first.
Before reading critique on marx's work you read his work.
Treat fascism the same way.

>> No.17339944
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>> No.17340422
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I'm a Salazarist. Sometimes I call myself a national syndicalist.
Populism is just raw democracy. Honestly even after all of these years and all of these fucking idiots who have paraded its cause, I'm still a virulent populist. I honestly believe what the whole Western world needs is unthinking, emotional, violent populism. No holds barred, let it overflow.
It's probably dead. I think the Capitol Hill incident was a premature ejaculation, and now America will go back to sleep again. Maybe forever. But I think we were close there for a moment, a second.

>> No.17340438

Fascism is just denial that socialism can work.

>> No.17340440

Gravity's Rainbow is a great read regarding the economic side of fascism.

>> No.17340787

>Also how would /lit/ describe their political philosophy?
Queer Eco-Anarchofascism with a light NazBol twist

>> No.17341026

The fucking problem is that populism is older than fascism. Hitler literally developed his worldview when he saw the right-populist Alldeutsche Vereinigung party fail in Austria.

>> No.17341267


>> No.17341297

Based. In the same boat.

>> No.17341305

Lmfao, its like saying a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isnt a square. Sure, Nazism is fascism. But not all fascism is Nazism.

>> No.17341313

I literally just finished reading "Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It" by Leon Trotsky. It's a short and surprisingly insightful read. (Not I'm not a Marxist but Trotsky has really good analysis here)


>> No.17341319

>It is... directed and financed by big capitalist powers

Immediately discarded. Yikes dude, no wonder this Trotsky guy was an utter freak.

>> No.17341323

I have not read this, but marxists like to try to delegitimize fascism by calling it capitalism in decay or whatever, and that's absolutely not true.

>> No.17341325


>> No.17341474

If you read it, you'll see that Trotsky believes Fascism grows out of populist revolutionary fervor and is opposed to parliamentary bourgeois politics and is also directed agaisnt socialism by fascist demagogues. Although Capitalists initially oppose Fascism, they eventually side with it agaisnt rising socialist movements. This happened in Germany with Hitler, all the conservatives decided to back him to oppose the Communists after the Reichstag burned down and it happened in Italy with the larger capitalists supporting Mussolini's March on Rome and buddying up with his new government.

>> No.17341490

You want modern feminized populism? Because that's why there was nothing real at the Capitol. You want a masculine populism, which is currently castrated.

>> No.17341506
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>> No.17341736

Good book.
The Capitol demonstration was an impulsive flash of righteous anger that was simply directionless and unsure of itself- America does not have a tradition of civil unrest similar to somewhere like France, they didn't know how to precede. They didn't fully understand how they got there or why, so they could issue no demands. The only thing dangerous about it was the media reaction to it- convincing half of America the other half just attempted to stage an armed coup (the event itself and the media framing are both farcical, but the latter is significantly more likely to reproduce violence in the future)
I believe Federal crackdowns on ideological opponents will come much sooner than any type of populist retooling can occur. But all the problems remain, so populism hasn't either.

>> No.17341765

Well in order to have a set of demands you need a leader and a code of conduct.
Two things americans dont like.

>> No.17342178

The word is meaningless because everyone has a different definition of it.

>> No.17342206

Fascism is not Nazism but Nazism is fascism
You need to think that Nazism wasn't a finished product and was developing and changing constantly
It went from literally National Socialism, as a form of new order social fascism to a form of racial caste feudalism inspired by the Aryan invasion of India

>> No.17342229

Next Leap by Alexander Slavros

>> No.17342307

Third positionism is just working socialism, it´s the only ideology that doesn´t have to cope by saying "x wasn´t the realy y".

You´re probably some "fascism is capitalism in decay" tard, just read A. James Gregor who completely BTFOs this narrative.

>> No.17342328

People supported fascism because they didn´t want to be ruled by communist speuds. Everyone was against it because it´s a retarded rootless globalist ideology. It´s Q tier analysis, if they really wanted to then they would´ve made Germany fight the Soviets.
>International capital and communism fight against fascism
>b-b-b-but fascism is backed by international capital
holy cope.

>> No.17342385

>A. James Gregor
Which book/s?

>> No.17342393

Donald Trump is not even a real populist, he’s just a typical republican policy-wise, the only difference is he has a loud mouth. The Capitol Hill insurrection wasn’t a movement of populism, it was a pathetic and weak attempt to overthrow democracy. They stormed in, vandalised some shit, and left without accomplishing anything other than a minor delay. It was abject weakness.
You sound like an edgy teenager who wants violence for the sake of it.

>> No.17342655

Not even an attempt to overthrow democracy. MIGAtards are braindead through and through.

>> No.17342672
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>> No.17342679

they did kind of rally behind trump though, sad that he was a coward.

>> No.17342688

Same question

>> No.17342696

this one >>17341506

>> No.17342718

>Faces Of Janus: Marxism And Fascism In The Twentieth Century
>Interpretations of Fascism
>Hitler: A Global Biography
>German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler

Some of the books that tackle this, the narrative that fascism is capitalism in decay comes from marxist intellectuals, there´s no reason to believe anything that they say. Were they to declare fascism revolutionary then their ideology of revolution would lose legitimacy.

>> No.17342732

Fascism is communism in decay.

>> No.17342749

>don’t watch the news
>don’t vote
>give to charity
>Love Jesus Christ
>embrace responsibility

>> No.17342763
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Codex Fascismo by H.R. Morgan anon.

>> No.17342867

Communism = capitalism

Both money grubbing materialist ideologies without even AN OUNCE of spirituality.

>> No.17342869

This guy is the based halfwit.

>> No.17342914

Best volume of books about the topic of faggotry (as in bundle of sticks)

>> No.17343476

H.R. Morgan is kinda weird, go through his twitter.

>> No.17344281

Leftist socialism is just the desire to make god real in the form of the state, and to be a comfortable slave to it. Fascism is amor fati - rejection of being made a potted plant.

>> No.17344294

>I want to help other people through the use of communal resources!

>> No.17344308

YES. The end goal of leftism is to enter the eternal pleasure machine, watched over by your keepers.

>> No.17344320

I've heard that it's shit and Google translated all over the place.
Anyone that actually read it confirm?

>> No.17344321

I would always suggest reading actual Fascist authors, since they, y'know, founded the movement.

>> No.17344331

You just reiterated his point.

>> No.17344343

what the actual fuck? The pleasure machine? Is this some bullshit "great art is never made without strife?" What the actual fuck are you on about.

>> No.17344439

>The Capitol Hill """insurrection"""

Lol, that was false flag antifa shit bought and paid for the Soros and Zuckerberg.

>> No.17344460
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Holy shit. The COPE. I love it. Keep going. Tell me why the pizza jews raped babies with wooden antifa doors at the capitol.

>> No.17344512
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why is everyone in this thread such a based retard

>> No.17344529

They all grew up watching Seinfeld.

>> No.17344541

political threads on /lit/ - a show about nothing

>> No.17344560

I’ve found I’m a populist with beliefs that line up with both left wing populism and right wing populism.
Is there such a thing as centrist populism?

>> No.17344576

Third positionist populism?
Peronism perhaps?

>> No.17344594

Stanley Payne's book, also wrote a history of the Spanish Civil War

>> No.17344615

Yeah, it's called Fascism.

>> No.17344657

This >>17339628
Also op, I wouldn't trust boom conflating fascism with populism by a guy named fucking Finchelstein...

I'm a posteft/postright, whatever the fuck, hobbesian

>> No.17344667

My phones retarded, a book conflating*

>> No.17344674

How can you be so dumb that you think they overthrew a democracy? we dont even have a democracy but go to reddit if you believe that shit or actually watch some of the footage from it.

>> No.17344690

That's just mainstream European conservativism/red toryism.
That would make Poland, Hungary, Russia, Austria, Romania, Italy, and China fascist.(there is a case to be mde for China).

>> No.17344704


>>17342393 hasn't read Baudrillard, and so doesn't understand rhat the Capitol riot as the simulation of a coup, entirely fabricated by the media.

>> No.17344811
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I should ask you the same question. The total rejection of strife, growth, and subsistence inherent in the progressive left has but one outcome in the post-automation world the left so loves to fantasize about: the rejection of life itself in favor of the existence of the comfortable slave free from all risk.

>> No.17344831

>The Capitol Hill insurrection wasn’t a movement of populism, it was a pathetic and weak attempt to overthrow democracy
It wasn’t an insurrection or an attempt to overthrow anything. It was an angry mob with no plan running around inside a building and then leaving

>> No.17344901

don't read, just watch today's america unfold

>> No.17344927

what do you mean?

>> No.17344968

>with no plan
lmao, a few of them had some fucking plans bro. I don't think most people just carry around zip tie hand cuffs for fun.

>> No.17345143

The original authors.
None -- any sort of ethical political/economic system is impossible in the late stage of a society (as we are in the West); this is because the majority of the population rejects its founding mythos/religion, thus no-one is actually tied to any sort of comprehensive, consistent, or coherent ethical system -- it just devolves into egoism at every level.

I guess, realistically, my major issues would be the continuing of constitutional rights as they are, pro-choice, anti-interventionism, and healthcare expansion (in that order). So I'll vote cross ballot for whoever I think has the best shot of getting shit done on those issues (which is almost no one).

>> No.17345181

A few people allowed to saunter around the capital building with a vague intention to cause trouble constitute an insurrection against the world's foremost superpower?

>> No.17345189

But the left does the same thing. Every single anarchist group is bound entirely by some romantic mythology of engaging in just violence against the state.

Literally, every political project is built on some sort of noble violence. Same as it ever was, and same as it ever will be.

>> No.17345197

Fuck I mean pro-life I fucking hate the American political eco-system

>> No.17345202

They organized on Reddit and parlor lmao. It wasn’t vague.

>> No.17345232

Absolutely, and regarding the Spanish Civil war I would add that he's the most impartial historian on this peculiar subject.

>> No.17345468

It's not the means, but the goal. Everyone, even the softest SJW in the world, has some level of will to fight for their ideal world. It's what that world looks like that is of concern to me. I'm very convinced that the progressive left possess ideological tendencies which naturally conclude in the world of that comic.

>> No.17345529

>They organized on Reddit and parlor

>> No.17345542

Never want to provide a source, but always want one. I'm not going to spend the next 10 minutes finding you sources of these things only for you to call every news outlet a bunch of wooden doors.

>> No.17345545
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>selective readings of proudhon and marx
>gentile for traditional fascism
>marinetti, sorel, de rivera
>schmitt and junger
for me it's this but without gentile
classical fascism is also very much dead, modernist politics will never be relevant again but there's still things you can learn from it

>> No.17345600

Well here's something for you to roll around in your big sensationalist head: none of those arrested for entering the capitol building had a Parlor account. Parlor itself brought forth this fact in their lawsuit against AWS, so perhaps you should stop consuming syndicated media and think at least somewhat critically about what gets shoveled down your throat.

>> No.17345625

Vai dormir, Jaime.

>> No.17345628

Literally a quick google counters this idea
>Joe Biggs, Proud Boys Leader and Former Infowars Staffer, Arrested Over Capitol Riot
>In a criminal complaint released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), an agent revealed that they used footage taken during the riot to determine that Biggs illegally broke into the building with the intent to "obstruct, influence, or impede an official proceeding before Congress."
>The agent noted that Biggs encouraged other members of the Proud Boys to attend the riot, citing a December 29 post to social media site Parlor.

Wooden. Doors.

>> No.17345685

okay, I'll admit that my previous post isn't factual
>Biggs encouraged other members of the Proud Boys to attend the riot
A leader of a political group encouraged others to attend the protest*
Is this really evidence of organizing and planning a coup? Do you genuinely believe that handfuls of unarmed people ambling about the capital building amounts to an attempt to overthrow democracy?

>> No.17345705

lol, you just keep them comin' dude. This really is some wooden doors level cope. There were tons with guns and weapons there. That's that genre of people's thing bro.

>> No.17345836

are you really going to point to the 1 in 1000 people who tucked a piece in their belt or the people arrested for having weapons in their vehicle to say that the protestors weren't unarmed? And you think this was an attempted coup?

>> No.17346317

People died. They were in the building. It was a retarded coup

>> No.17346622
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fascism is inherently Hegelian, study the political thought of Hegel first. Then study Giovanni gentile’s work (mind as pure act should be a major work here) then read the work of Carl Schmit and heidegger's thoughts on technology, once you have these you can then study the post modern theories on fascism, so read baudrillard’s simulacra & simulation then hop into deleuze and study what he means about the cancerous BwO/fascist body without organs.

That’s what a lot of big brain fascist theory looks like, basically Hegelian and post modern capital critique which accepts and embraces the Fascist elements of capital. Most of the time people who study gentile today and are truly fascist don’t label themselves as such. look into Jiang shigong (who’s a fascist in all but name) and A. James Gregor for more academic material on Fascism

>> No.17346655

saved. lmfao.

>> No.17346684

>Trusting Finchelstein to give an honest and fair take on fascism
Kek. I wouldn't normally pay much attention to something like that, but come on anon. Is this bait?

>> No.17346996

Fascism: Comparison and Definition
Or A History of Fascism, 1914–1945

>> No.17347122

Is he authoritarian? A lot of the populist parties in Europe support direct democracy which is definitely not fascism.

>> No.17347219

What the fk is the body without organs thing, im not going to read Deleuzes word salads again

>> No.17347483

You are delusional
They were badly behaved idiots, they weren’t armed, and they had no goal in mind. It was a mindless riot. What you’re repeating is straight up propaganda

>> No.17347491

Like he said, stop consuming syndicated media.
Their job is to lie to you

>> No.17347544

Le outdated straw man
Nobody wants this bro

>> No.17347599

>unthinking, emotional, violent populism

homosexual incel


>> No.17347779

Yes they do, even if they do not conceive of it in that way. It is the inevitable end of the materialist hedonism inherent in the progressive left and the accompanying rejection of struggle and offense.

>> No.17347795

Whatever messes with libs

>> No.17348347

Cybersocialism/Marxist Leninism
Top fiction: Anna Karenina by Tolstoy
Top non-fiction: Towards a New Socialism by Cockshot

>> No.17348391

I unironically know several basedboi types who want EXACTLY that.

>> No.17348410

>What are some more good reads on fascism?
any primary source, dipshit

>> No.17348439

Fascism is inherently syncretic. It's actually very modernist in a sense, though it adapts many things and aims to preserve traditions, but not in a strict way. And you can see this in their artwork. It's very modernist. It's also why, when fascists and similar groups come about, they have a "uniform," or something that's a novel identification, and they construct a whole new style in arts and ceremony, with new symbols. This even happened in Britain with Mosley, they came in with uniforms.
This syncretism extends to politics. Fascists are not capitalistic, rather they make "concessions" towards communism is some areas, while rebuffing it in its core thesis. Specifically, the fascists would not simply say all critique against capitalism is wrong. And this is something Evola would align with, that capitalism is subversive, because modern capitalism isn't really a traditional aspect of society. Notice also, that fascism grew out of Socialist wings, not traditional right wing ones, like monarchism. That's where Mussolini got his start, and the fascists tended to feed on them. Hitler even talks about techniques he used to get communists to come to their meetings for recruitment, like using the color red, though he abhorred communists.
That's why fascist states tend to be authoritarian, but not totalitarian. The states have great authority, but they do not exert total control in every aspect of society like communism does. There's still a degree of free market, and even some room for disagreement. Even the Nazis (though not strictly fascist) had some in party disagreements that were left peacefully, which would never be so in the USSR.

So fascists cannot be properly characterized in the heart of the right wing, at all, though I would say it's a right wing system (though the idea of wings is relative), not even in the heart of right wing reactionary politics.

>> No.17348489

>That's why fascist states tend to be authoritarian, but not totalitarian.
Nice try, Benito