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17339403 No.17339403 [Reply] [Original]

Nihilism and hedonism are the same thing (pic related)

>> No.17339414

coining a probably common, shallow opinion as a hot take is my favorite thing

>> No.17339429
File: 1.66 MB, 1488x2900, 1598795851593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midwit take.

>> No.17339430

chomsky is a glow-in-the-dark

>> No.17339451

You might have a point there. I thought nihilism might just be a disregard for all intrinsic value of life, and thus, might lead to severe depression and unhappy tendencies and activities.
But, since Nihilism does posit that life has no intrinsic value, a person who advocates nihilism might immerse himself in all sorts of pleasurable pursuits to stave off the feeling of impending doom, all the while ignoring that pain is paramount to pleasure, which is what stoicism and subsequently, existentialism observe in their fields.

>> No.17339462
File: 26 KB, 600x338, C7CCBCC1-A57F-4DE5-A7EC-3D64144872CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epicurus is the best Greek.

>> No.17339465

Based, FUCK transhumanists and FUCK the Human Immortality Project

>> No.17339481

Pic skips a whole level which would be that of the aspirant occultist/mystic.

Forgivable Ignorance tier is also based.

>> No.17339520

Transhumanism would be based if it wasn't primarily perverted into converting as many normies as possible into pleasure zombies and further increasing the wealth gap; But rather on preserving psychological diversity and philosophy, with the ability to explore and discover to an extent we couldn't before, think Dune or Valis.

But of course plebbitor fedora tippers and greedy (((technocrats))) had to ruin everything

>> No.17339524

Good take, I'll drink to that.

>> No.17339529

Tbh pic related reads like a cope

>> No.17339530

OP you seem like you havent read a book in years

>> No.17339537

Utilitarianism is the most pragmatic ethical theory while also being essentially a non-theory

>> No.17339545

Only faggots use the term
>hot take

>> No.17339558


>> No.17339594
File: 53 KB, 398x536, GoodShit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based classic hedonistchad

>> No.17339616

And what?

>> No.17339634

Imagine writing about metaphysics right now and getting proven right in 4021.
I’m not sure how stringent of an hedonist I am, I view pleasure and the good as indistinguishable but I’m not egoist.

>> No.17339651

>my consciousness now exists at a higher world than those of mortals
>I have achieved complete ego-loss
Pick one. Your facebook tier infographic is trash.

>> No.17339665

level 2 and 5 are entirely compatible. a retard created this, and you saved it. moron

>> No.17339687

the idea that meaning is impossible

> and hedonism
the idea that pleasure is the only thing of value in life

> are the same thing
hmm no, the could be connected though, if you wanted them to be. is that what you're trying to say? are you trying to express that idea with your tiny little brain?

>> No.17339727

The idea that transcendental meaning is impossible is intrinsically linked to the pursuit of maximizing pleasure, as its' reductionism leads to the goal of fully subjectivized animallistic pursuit, unlike other possible meanings, pleasure is scientifically based, rather than philosophically based, making it compatible with nihilism.
Hedonism does not have to posit that pleasure grants life transcendental meaning to be hedonism.

>> No.17339757

This is so cringe. There's no self-consciousness at all on this.

>> No.17339767

> transcendental meaning
I said meaning, not transcendental meaning

>intrinsically linked
how so?

>its' reductionism leads to the goal of fully subjectivized animallistic pursuit
how so?

>unlike other possible meanings, pleasure is scientifically based, rather than philosophically based,
pretty big leap there.. can you give an example of. "philosophically based" meaning?

>> No.17339790

> bottom 4 and top 5 are practically the same thing with slightly different details
> 2 and top 5 completely compatible
> ego loss but also ascencion of consciousness
Retarded post

>> No.17339832

t. Rooted Plebians

>> No.17339854

So essentially social darwinism?

>> No.17339860

>I said meaning, not transcendental meaning
See below

>how so?
>how so?
Also below, it should be fairly evident on close inspection that, due to its' unique existence as a scientifically measurable possible "meaning of life", reductivist pleasure possesses a strong appeal to reductivistic skeptical crowds, who are strongly associated with nihilism, as a whole

>pretty big leap there.. can you give an example of. "philosophically based" meaning?
Mostly synonimous with "transcendental meaning" in this case, the distinction lies in the level of scientific objectivity, whereas pleasure is a tangible, scientifically measurable thing, thus the overwhelming, popularity of hedonism among crowds favoring ideas such as nihilism, reductivism, logical positivism and nu-atheism; abstracts such as enlightenment or virtue are not scientifically measurable, requiring philosophy to be defended and discussed

>> No.17339873

>fideism, taoism and zen buddhism onto level 6
oh no no no

>> No.17339875

Lvl 2 says faith is irrational and lvl 5 involves creating values, which requires faith

>> No.17340067

>I view pleasure and the good as indistinguishable
Demonstrably false

>> No.17340092

>level 0
Based beyond belief, bro