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/lit/ - Literature

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17339187 No.17339187 [Reply] [Original]

First time poster here. What does your ideal or current reading space/nook look like?

>> No.17339202
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>> No.17339208
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>> No.17339214

almost literally anywhere except my room

>> No.17339216

You moms couch is max comfy OP

>> No.17339217

Why would you tell us you are a first time poster? What were you trying to accomplish? Nobody cares. Sorry I'm autistic sometimes its hard for me to understand why people are so gay.

>> No.17339218
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>> No.17339306

I don't know the culture of this board and how it would react to my question. I thought it would be frowned upon.
Don't worry, you're not gay because you're autistic, you're autistic because you're gay.

>> No.17340407

My desk in my bedroom.

>> No.17340412

you should have posted a picture of a study though
I don't like how this guy is staring at me

>> No.17340425

I care actually. I know this is 4Chan, but literature should always be a warm and welcoming place. Almost like a tavern, y’know. With a cozy fire and people revelling. Except their poison is knowledge and not alcohol.

Anyway, welcome Anon!

>> No.17340442
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>> No.17340452

I’ve actually been trying to get a copy of Mein Kampf. Still working out which translation I want.

But damn, whenever I type it in I get ‘ANNOTATED VERSION’ as if I need an editor to tell me ‘Look anon, look at my annotation this is wrong.

>> No.17340453

this exact feel, but while smoking a joint

>> No.17341670
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Any cafe with a terrace seating like pic related.

>look /lit/ in public
>cheap espresso, pastry, and cigarette to stimulate the mind
>possibility to people watch if reading becomes too straining
>possibility to hit up the arthoe sitting near you, share stories with the old man perusing his newspaper, come across a friend or acquaintance passing through by chance
>become a known regular with the barista
>listen to live music from transient buskers

>tfw you can only find such cafes in Europe or in cultured heavily urbanized parts of the US.

>> No.17341674

There is apparently one specific translation that is accurate, but Idk which it is. If you look through the archive you can probably find some /pol/ autist talking about it

>> No.17341676

I have a go to coffee house with no music and a big comfy recliner. It's bretty gut.

During the summer i go to the park oor botanical garden and bring a blanket, some strawberries maybe a beer. Can't wait until summer.

>> No.17341883


>> No.17341891

Paris looks nice in that photo

>> No.17341961

I'm not at my house right now but I'll post a pic if it's still up when I get back

>> No.17343099
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>> No.17343107

nice first post friend

>> No.17343130

This, fuck my shitty my apartment

>> No.17343158

used to do this in my early 20s, can't think about it without cringing
also, if you care about
>look /lit/ in public
then you're ngmi

>> No.17343165

Cant speak for every US city but this feels impossible to do these days at least when I was in NYC. Im in Texas now and Austin has some nice places like this

>> No.17343580

>HAHA le france musleeem xDDDDDDDDD

>> No.17343656

>Reading around people
Not going to even remotely make it

>> No.17343786
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A great big leather chair in a place like this. It's gently raining outside and you can hear your neighbour, Clyde, shepherding his sheep across the way. Satie, Debussy, and Bach are playing quietly in the corner. You have a fireplace- not roaring, but there's a healthy flame. It's only about two o'clock so you have no desire to eat anything. On the wooden side table to your right (gifted to you by your mother in law) lay periodicals much lighter than your current endeavour and a large cup of hot black coffee. Through the wooden door frame in front of your chair, you see the silhouette of your wife preparing something or other for dinner. Her round Britannic rump is plain to see even in the world of shadows. "I'm going to obliterate that later," you think to yourself. You notice out of the corner of your eye that your penis is rather large; you have no need for a lamp because YOU use a kindle. You put it down and replace it with your old iPhone 7. Time to phonepost on /lit/.

>> No.17343860

Italian here, can confirm this is the best place to read. I basically only read in bars. No internet, espresso for 1 euro, nobody sends you away. And yes, you can pick up girls by doing this