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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 992x558, amanda-gorman-rt-jt-210120_1611163766824_hpMain_2_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17336451 No.17336451 [Reply] [Original]

Alright boys, what did we make of that?

I'm of the opinion (I'm English) that a Poet Laureate, considering the implication of BOTH of those words, should be at least 45 years old, since writing good poetry is almost ENTIRELY contingent on practice and experience.

I can tell from Gorman's poem, as well as her age (22), that she has neither of these things. The WAy she STRessed every OTHer SYLLable is so cringe, and reeks of two things. The first is that she has to rely on her delivery, and not on the metre of vocabulary itself, to make her poem seem like a poem.

Which brings me to my second point. THIS WAS NOT A POEM. This was an essay, read out with spastic inflections in order to give one the impression of a poem.

T.S. Eliot is rolling in his grave.

>> No.17336460

Guess what she did have though? I'll give you a hint: people with it are more likely to commit crime.

>> No.17336466

my chocolate sista be woke af tho. yo she be mad good
>just is
like damn boo chill out with yo big brain

>> No.17336467

>Good morning, D O C T O R biden

>> No.17336479

Poetry is a dead art form.

>> No.17336494

>hurrr durrr this art doesn’t conform to my definition of art
>better make a thread about it

>> No.17336502


ah kek someone who thinks its all relative

go on say something edgy dude yes yes take a deep drag on that cigarette yessss yessssss write gay plays about suicide yesss

>> No.17336505

Stressing weird syllables is a part of slam poetry. It's not a thing unique to her.

Also she's a Youth Laureate... meant for young people.

>> No.17336506

Just felt like slam poetry to me. Not sure what else you expected. To the popular masses this was a fantastic "poem" that they will forget in a week.

>> No.17336511

I miss Whitman's wit, man.

>> No.17336519


I'm very much aware of all of that. I just personally think it's really fucking awful.

>> No.17336528

I miss Harold Bloom every day. He would've tore this nog a new bullet wound.

>> No.17336529

This whole thread is the image of the dude on a bike that puts the stick in his wheel spoke.

>> No.17336531

she went to harvard, where did u go, chud?

>> No.17336533

Lazy, self-congratulatory, and all on the surface. There is more depth (though not much) in a Rupi Kaur poem.

>> No.17336545


i'm currently studying at the UK's best university

>> No.17336552


>> No.17336553



>> No.17336555

so did Ben Shapiro

>> No.17336558

What were you really expecting?

Her bit was by no means awful, it was pretty much what you would expect of a college-aged kid. And you have a point about it not really being poetry, it was clearly prose. Politically charged poetry is already at a disadvantage because of how quickly it will become dated.

>> No.17336561

OP sets up personal definitions and requirements for objective statuses that already exist purely so he can get mad at the objective thing not meeting his personal expectations.

>> No.17336565

lmfao checked. that anon got BTFO.

>> No.17336566

No, East Anglia

>> No.17336580

do you mean 'OP regards the term 'Poet' to mean something different than what I think it does?'

>> No.17336584

she cute tho O_O

>> No.17336615


Yeah, I agree. I'm more taking issue with her title as Poet Laureate. Myabe its coz I'm an anglo, and have rather lofty expectations for someone who has been granted such a title.

>> No.17336624

Americans lap this shit up and actually find it moving and sincere. Same principle with those cringe sitcom episodes where everyone hugs and learns, or the excessive use of melisma by modern singers - they actually find it moving rather than contrived
Think of it as the modern equivalent of the sentimental bits in Dickens or those awful Victorian poems about being a good stoic Christian

>> No.17336635

She's America's "Youth" Poet Laureate.

The real US poet laureate is Joy Harjo.

>> No.17336656

if most of the arts are dead why are there so many people that still flock to it?
It is not even justified to say anymore that Kant's conception of the good soul, who has learned to appreciate art, but leaves it to instead be in nature since this concept is no longer applicable.
Point to me a single contemporary artist who managed to find a connection back to nature from this shitty "art" mentality. They mean well, but they are not worthy of being called human and neither is their work worthy of being called art.
architecture is literally the only remaining artform ironically

>> No.17336671

Being bastardized and misused by the population at large doesn't, and cannot, kill art.
Don't worry. It's all cyclical.

>> No.17336707


Your narrow views on literature and art are why you continue to make small art.

Her poems make waves while you're barley looking at the shore.

>> No.17336714

>It's all cyclical
This. We are in an Academic phase right now and no doubt there are a bunch of unknowns utterly sick of the conventional art taught in universities and are off doing their own thing

>> No.17336755

So this is the BEST America can offer today?
I'm not an American and is her really your poet laureate or is this some symbolic, positive discrimination thing there?

>> No.17336757

>Her poems make waves while you're barley looking at the shore.

They only chose her because of the color of her skin.

>> No.17336769

lmao cope

>> No.17336774

going to a good university doesn't make you a better poet. composing good poetry, does.

>> No.17336778

>East Anglia

Ah yes, the University of East Anglia lol. Miss that place; best time of my life. Haven't been back since I was a student.

>> No.17336785

>is her (sic) really your poet laureate
No, she's our 'youth poet laureate' whatever that means. Our actual poet laureate is Joy Harjo

>is this some symbolic, positive discrimination thing there?
Yes, though to be fair so few people in this country read or understand poetry that any better poet would have probably been wasted on them.

>> No.17336792

oh that clears things up.

>> No.17336804

Alright boys, what did we make of that?

I'm of the opinion (I'm English) that a Poet Laureate, considering the implication of BOTH of those words, should be at least 45 years old, since writing good poetry is almost ENTIRELY contingent on practice and experience.

I can tell from Gorman's poem, as well as her age (22), that she has neither of these things. The WAy she STRessed every OTHer SYLLable is so cringe, and reeks of two things. The first is that she has to rely on her delivery, and not on the metre of vocabulary itself, to make her poem seem like a poem.

Which brings me to my second point. THIS WAS NOT A POEM. This was an essay, read out with spastic inflections in order to give one the impression of a poem.

T.S. Eliot is rolling in his grave.

She's a nigger. They picked her because they're nigger lovers. End of.

>> No.17336812

Just got here, was about to say this. OP is big dumb

>> No.17336814

Why makes you think that? You're so plain you can't even recognize good art when you see it.

>> No.17336830

Not anymore. The Modern Idiot clings to status over content. The mere illusion of depth is preferable to the intellectual work required to discover it in true works of art.

>> No.17336835

>While at Harvard, she became the first person to be named national youth poet laureate in April 2017, a national program managed by Urban Word NYC in conjunction with the Library of Congress.
>Urban Word NYC

>> No.17336836

It meets the definition of a poem. She even used rhymes, double rhymes, repetitions of all sorts, and plays with words. I was not apalled by its content per se and the style is on the better end of mediocrity. a good 5.5/10

>> No.17336844

based and anti-relativistpilled

>> No.17336848

>tfw 22 and just some shitty english undergrad with no prospects
You can't tell me this bitch is individually underprivileged.

>> No.17336859
File: 62 KB, 976x850, racist frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a poet laureate professor for a fiction class. i don't even like short-form poetry

>> No.17336880

Is your racist self really making a conspiracy theory about the national youth poet laureate?

>> No.17336884

Lots of dumbshits went to Harvard. It doesn't mean anything.

>> No.17336894

This is why poet laureate should be life-long and only given to few. Handing the title out like Halloween candy makes it meaningless.

>> No.17336895

yeah i went to a fancy university and i don't even bother telling people in real life
i am literally worthless until i write a good novel

>> No.17336897


>> No.17336898

There is no more indication that the anon you are responding to is racist than there is that you are.

And it is not a conspiracy theory to point out that the program is managed by an urban group.

What is funny is that a New York based group chose someone from Los Angeles to be their laureate. For the first time NY is finally admitting its inferiority to LA.

>> No.17336909

Whoa there is another racist.
/pol/ probably can't stand the Joe Biden post's today. XD

>> No.17336911

A vast swath of the American population lives a life that, consisting of declining relative wages, indefinite debt, full-time labor, and an ever-rising retirement age, is not far removed from indentured servitude. It is possible to emerge from that world, even to succeed in personal endeavors, and yet remain a daily witness to it.

>> No.17336920

I actually looked up this poem because of OP’s thread expecting to shit on it but then accidentally liked it once I started reading it. Now I feel conflicted.

>> No.17336930

Congrats, you're becoming smarter every day

>> No.17336974

Where did you find the text of it? I've only seen excerpts here and there besides being able to watch her read it. And I was not at all impressed by her puddle deep poem that decided to do without any real metaphor or imagery.

>> No.17336998

>Where did you find the text of it?

>> No.17337017

>When day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry asea we must wade. We’ve braved the belly of the beast. We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace. In the norms and notions of what just is isn’t always justice. And yet, the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow we do it. Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished. We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny Black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president only to find herself reciting for one.
>And yes, we are far from polished, far from pristine, but that doesn’t mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect. We are striving to forge our union with purpose. To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters, and conditions of man. And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us, but what stands before us. We close the divide because we know to put our future first, we must first put our differences aside. We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another. We seek harm to none and harmony for all. Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true. That even as we grieved, we grew. That even as we hurt, we hoped. That even as we tired, we tried that will forever be tied together victorious. Not because we will never again know defeat, but because we will never again sow division
>Scripture tells us to envision that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree and no one shall make them afraid. If we’re to live up to her own time, then victory won’t lie in the blade, but in all the bridges we’ve made. That is the promise to glade, the hill we climb if only we dare. It’s because being American is more than a pride we inherit. It’s the past we step into and how we repair it. We’ve seen a forest that would shatter our nation rather than share it. Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy. This effort very nearly succeeded.
>But while democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated. In this truth, in this faith we trust for while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us. This is the era of just redemption. We feared it at its inception. We did not feel prepared to be the heirs of such a terrifying hour, but within it, we found the power to author a new chapter, to offer hope and laughter to ourselves so while once we asked, how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe? Now we assert, how could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?

>> No.17337018

Its was OK. I dont like Biden, I dont like slam poetry and I thought the subject matter was gay, but there was nothing wrong with the poem structurally.

>> No.17337023

cooning hard

>> No.17337026

>We will not march back to what was, but move to what shall be a country that is bruised, but whole, benevolent, but bold, fierce, and free. We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation. Our blunders become their burdens. But one thing is certain, if we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change our children’s birthright.
>So let us leave behind a country better than one we were left with. Every breath from my bronze-pounded chest we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one. We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west. We will rise from the wind-swept north-east where our forefathers first realized revolution. We will rise from the Lake Rim cities of the midwestern states. We will rise from the sun-baked south. We will rebuild, reconcile and recover in every known nook of our nation, in every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and beautiful.
>When day comes, we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.

>> No.17337028

Let me guess
>Blah blah blah racism
>Blah blah blah black experience
>Blah blah blah white privilege
>"So brave! So powerful!"

>> No.17337037

>And the norms and notions
>of what just is
>Isn't always just-ice
This line alone disqualifies the poem from being taken seriously.

>> No.17337051

Line breaks here - https://thehill.com/homenews/news/535052-read-transcript-of-amanda-gormans-inaugural-poem

And my god it's so bad. Just straight up slam 'poetry' pseudo rap. No significant form of structure or meter. Haphazard rhymes with little thought. No depth whatsoever.

And yet everyone is calling it
>Brave, Powerful, Amazing, Beautiful

We are living in a hell of our own making.

>> No.17337091

It’s a well-written speech, mediocre slam, and a bad poem. The language just isn’t layered or interesting enough to sustain itself on the page.

>> No.17337101

I imagine the line being spoken by a stinky white guy with dreads, ear plugs, and a wool poncho in a Portland coffee shop.

>> No.17337105

What was its structure?

>> No.17337107

The wordplay was cheesey, the message was banal, and the imagery
was cliche. I don't hold it against her. I doubt you're allowed to do much else at these types of occasions, so I think she just phoned it in.

>> No.17337163

Where does this kind of confidence come from?
I don't like sharing my poems on /lit/ most of the time because I don't think they're good enough to waste the time of asking you fellow anons to read them, and this girl has the brass balls to reclaim something so mediocre to an audience of millions

>> No.17337182

I listen to hip-hop that has better "poetry" than this dumb shit.

>> No.17337195

Damn.... that is a good point. I too don't post my shitty poetry on /lit/ because I know that it isn't good and that other anons are sure to point that out. But maybe I should. If this girl can do it, why not me?

Fuck. Now I've actually been inspired by someone who read a shitty poem in front of millions of people. Wow.

>> No.17337196

Because of all the affirmative action going on in academia, I can never take the academic accomplishments of "underrepresentend groups" seriously anymore. Sorry. You did this to yourself. And I went to Oxford btw ;)

>> No.17337211

both correct

>> No.17337223

Why do we even pretend that this shit had anything to do with her actual poetry? You really are not that naive at you?

>> No.17337232

The confidence comes from the fact that she will get a multi-million dollar book deal out of this, even if the poem was objectively terrible (which it is) and even if they only picked her because she's black and female (which they did)

>> No.17337243

Go to a private grade school and an Ivy League university, be a UN youth delegate, be the first recipient of an award created by a slam poetry non-profit but named after an unconnected and prestigious award, and have the implicit support of mainstream media and politicians from the age of 19.

I think you would have some self confidence in that case.

>> No.17337278

How did her single mom pay for private school?

>> No.17337279

A large and mostly stupid audience biased towards you is the best one you could wish for

>> No.17337345

>We’ve seen a forest that would shatter our nation rather than share it. Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy. This effort very nearly succeeded.

Is she talking about Trump or a different period of history? If it is Trump this seems like a massive overreaction, he was incredibly useless, and so were all his 'followers'. Surely putting these ideas into peoples heads will only cause MORE division.

VERY NEARLY succeeded in destroying the country lmao

>> No.17337348

Yikes, it's so sentimental. Anti-Racism is the American equivalent of Victorianism.

>> No.17337354

Look it's another episode of /lit/ talking about contemporary literature without reading contemporary literature

>> No.17337358

>We’ve seen a forest that would shatter our nation rather than share it
Shades of the conclusions of Macbeth and Gatsby. Sadly the actual line was "We've seen a *force* that would..." and not "forest."

>> No.17337362

She did? And she wrote this??? Lololol I will never feel insecure about my shitty academics again

>> No.17337374

You shouldn't. While I've met some smart people from ivies and some dumb people from state schools, some of the smartest people I've met have gone to state schools and some of the dumbest people I've met went to ivies.

>> No.17337396


oh look its this anon again that no one fucking likes

>> No.17337417

She most likely was talking about Trump. Americans are so sensationally driven that any action to them is extreme. It doesn't matter that the 'insurrection' was a simply a bunch of morons wandering around the capitol.
They would rather believe it was an organized coup.
They would rather believe that the men who put their feet on desks and stole podiums are 'terrorists.'
They cry over shattered grass the same way they cry over spilt milk.

>> No.17337428

Look it's another r*dditor

>> No.17337433


>> No.17337442

Shattered grass?

>> No.17337452

these views are neither mutually exclusive nor wrong

>> No.17337459

Anyone watching the inauguration heard this one, and people here are talking about the poem itself. Would engagement with contemporary literature make us appreciate this?
You should read Colson Whitehead’s most recent novel. It’s so sentimental that it’s practically emetic.

>> No.17337466

>lol bros we stormed the capitol, now what?
>let's take selfies lmfaooooo

>> No.17337477

They’re just trying to justify entering the state of exception.

>> No.17337487

As a European who watched everything live, and then watched the news coverage on the event from my own country, I was absolutely shocked at the difference in tone. The news here was also speaking in terms of a "coup", "unsure what will happen next", etc. To me, it was immediately obvious they were just fucking around. A coup requires a plan. But they want it to be a coup so they can justify fucking conservatives over.

>> No.17337494

Reminds me of a Henry James bit where he writes about how having the wrong sort of audience can prove artistically disastrous for a novelist, as its so hard to resist the easy win of pandering to them

>> No.17337496



its too funny

>> No.17337497


>> No.17337504

There’s no money in poetry, but then there’s no poetry in money, either.
It exists and should only exist for its on sake.

>> No.17337513

Isle of Men?

>> No.17337514

Nothing's happening you pathetic faggot stop reading your retarded books.

>> No.17337529
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1605286348679s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leftists and anarchists spent the last 4 years about revolution
>Talk about violent protest with the purpose of overthrowing the government
>never do
>Righties resolve to storm the capitol in a matter of six hours
>takes selfies, steal some furniture, break a couple windows

I'm a leftist, but I'm ashamed of the hypocrisy of these morons. They talk the talk, but won't walk the walk, and when the other side beats them to the punch they have a conniption

>> No.17337549

Politics is about harming your enemies and helping your friends.
Going from ACAB to sending tips to the FBI to help them identify Capitol stormers is just about helping your friends and harming your enemies.

>> No.17337553

You are correct, it was like a monkey dancing for an organ grinder

>> No.17337567

>Also she's a Youth Laureate... meant for young people.

Then it should have been Chief Keef or Playboi Carti if it is reflecting the youth

>> No.17337577

It’s also easy to imitate. Once you realize that today’s tastemakers see the works of James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, and Audre Lorde as the the Platonic ideal of literature, you can just apply their style to modern contexts and get showered in praise.

>> No.17337580

>Her bit was by no means awful,

It was fucking awful, it's what people that read rupi kaur think is good.

>> No.17337585

My moral backbone is too strong dishonest behavior. I think I'd be better off if I took the grillpill.

>> No.17337588


Dickens a fucking awful writer.

>> No.17337596

Sure thing man. Just know that on the federal level, we are now in a one party state, and don’t act surprised when Biden starts doing to American cities what Bush did to cities in the Islamic world using similar rhetoric.

>> No.17337601

I think she did a great job getting her ideas across and shes cute

>> No.17337613

>if most of the arts are dead why are there so many people that still flock to it

For the appearance, it's obvious they have no aesthetic sensibility. Even at this inauguration, all of these men and women went to the best universities and should know better yet here is their selection, sentimental political schlock.

>> No.17337617

Dickens is the best of writers and the worst of writers. The disparity in quality between his greatest and worst books is so great that it’s hard to imagine they were written by the same person.

>> No.17337624

cringe...rupi kaur sells millions

>> No.17337625



>> No.17337634


There are no unknowns in 2021

>> No.17337641

>T.S. Eliot is rolling in his grave
And Chaucer would be rolling in his grave if he read T.S. Eliot. What is your point?

>> No.17337642
File: 40 KB, 474x474, Lil Wordsworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Niggas runnin' out they mouth, but they never pop out
I got the drop on your spot, everybody watch out
All my niggas on 50, so you know we hopped out
Mobbed out, opps out, we gon' show what we about
All my niggas really gang bang, talk that damn slang
Rap about it, do the same thing, let your nuts hang
We gon' pull up, nigga, ¡ándale!, on Sangre
We post up, we don't do the race, you gon' die today

>> No.17337649

Even chapter to chapter he has the most wild swings in quality. Utterly vivid descriptions and psychological intensity them the next thing you know someone is throwing onions at a widow and badly ritten tawkin' in cockernee

>> No.17337677

You're correct, culture worsens over time. Décadence. Degeneration. We must go back.

>> No.17337688

I'm Latinx and I watched today. I was not represented by this inauguration. I was amazed that to anyone watching, a nation of blacks and whites was represented, giving them a false view of reality.

We are the majority of this country, yet all I get is your comedic post of a young man who is a mockery (at best) of my culture. My ancestors weep.

>> No.17337694

It's fine, it would get good marks in a high school english class. whoever said 5.5/10 was right.

>> No.17337695

>We are the majority of this country
No you are not. Non-hispanic whites are still the majority. They're expected to become the largest minority in a minority-majority country some time in the late 2020s/early 2030s.

>> No.17337704

You're being dramatic, her reading was cringe, but the poem is fine.

>> No.17337706

Hello Logo

>> No.17337710

We are the majority of the future. We are the majority of all under 16s. Where is my poet laureate?

>> No.17337711

Coloreds > spics on the oppression hierarchy. Be better, educate yourself.

>> No.17337715

What are they going to have? The most amazing avant-garde poet? That poet wouldn't even want to be

>> No.17337726

working 3 jobs like a good American is supposed to!

>> No.17337729

Are you really going to tell met that that wordplay isn’t embarrassing?

>> No.17337734


>> No.17337736

Kamala harris is Indian/Caribbean but they called her African American, no cultures matter anymore, it’s just been boiled down to whites and blacks.

>> No.17337739

I didn't think it was humanly possible for America to get anymore retarded but it did.

>> No.17337745

In Mexico?

>> No.17337747


>> No.17337759

>I'm Latinx
Why do you do this?

>> No.17337763

I was just gonna say this. Currently reading Tale of Two Cities and he goes from beautiful poetic passages to tight, vivid dialogue to tedious, overlong scene. Lucie and Dr Manette are such boring characters too.

>> No.17337766

It was good for who she is. Not good enough for a presidential inauguration of what most people believe is a time of crisis, though.
Fuck it, I’ll say it. For what it’s worth, it was a good a capella rap song.

>> No.17337767

You're more the fool for expecting something great.

>> No.17337777

Fuck you.

>> No.17337787

Brain dead post modernist nigger apologist detected

>> No.17337791

There's no contradiction here, the underlying reason ACAB leftists are provided support is because "police reform" will entail centralization. The general thrust of American leftism has been centralization in the name of protecting victims.

>> No.17337806

mestizos aren't the majortiy in the US even in under 16s. furthermore, the US is not a nation, it is an economic zone.

>> No.17337809

Can we get a kaliacc/esoteric RW/bronze age convo going?

>> No.17337812

Nigga what

>> No.17337820
File: 66 KB, 546x600, Momozono.Nanami.600.1367569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything these people promote or have to say about /lit/ is invalidated by there hidden, though as of recent not so hidden, agenda to destroy the historical, literary, and mythological landscape or our world. They are anti beauty, and are a death cult, they banned Homer for God's sake. Oh but they brought out some "POC" to tell me what poetry really is about, so they are the authority. Fuck them, and remember to archive everything.

>> No.17337821

>there is no contradiction between helping out federal supercops while shouting "all cops are bastards"

>> No.17337824

>anti beauty, and are a death cult
finally someone said it

>> No.17337825
File: 77 KB, 467x600, Momozono.Nanami.600.1926211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometime this summer, a anon pointed out the importance of archiving everything, and I was inspired to make my own archival nexus, now with a hard drive to back things up. The key to archiving is knowing what software to use and where to look. You must also make sure to archive non-political things, such as books and art, a good example would be how they banned the "Odyssey" in some schools, they will come for anything Western Here are some sources I would like to share.

(File downloader)
Torrent (There are so many out there but I will just say get one so you can download torrent files)
(Command line tool which allows retrieval of entire sites as HTML files)
(Command line tool which allows downloading of entire youtube channels, as well as from other video sharing sites)
Software which allows you to download sites such as Wikipedia and Gutenberg

Piracy Misc
https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread (List of software, and piracy sources, also contains other sources to get stuff like anime and vidya for free)
https://gog-games.com/ (For gamers DDL's of Gog Games for free)
Twist.moe (My go to site for steaming chink cartoons, you could probably download it with one of these tools)

https://www.wikipedia.org/ (Eh the non-political articles are decent)
https://www.metapedia.org/ (Pro-white wikipedia alternative, though small)
https://biblehub.com/ (For our Christ-chans here)
https://wikileaks.org/ (Wikileaks, contains information on things like Pizzagate and such)
https://www.wikiart.org/ (Wikipedia for art with copies of many famous paintings, definitely worth preserving)

>> No.17337839

https://libgen.is/ (Site for free copyrighted ebooks as epubs)
https://www.gutenberg.org/ (Site for public domain ebooks)
https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Main_Page (Wikimedia site for public domain books)
https://www.sacred-texts.com/ (Archive of public domain religious texts, information is good, though owner is pro LGBT pro abortion cuck, he hates when people use his bandwith so go have some fun scrapping his site)
https://download.kiwix.org/zim/ (Zim file depository for use with Kiwix, contains various Wikimedia sites and Gutenberg that can be downloaded for offline use)
http://www.audiobookbayabb.com/ (Site with free copies of copyrighted ebooks)
https://librivox.org/ (Site with free copies of public domain audiobooks)

Pre-Existing archives:
(Collection of various archives downloaded through wget, includes /pol/ and /k/ stuff)
archive.org (internet archive, lots of cool free information that can be downloaded, also collections)
https://pastebin.com/7SiLd7mC (mega nz archives)

News sites you may want to download (This is not a endorsement of any of these sites, in fact many oppose others I listed and/or may be controlled op, however regardless have chunks of info worth saving, take everything with a grain of salt):
White nationalist:
(Hell I even recommend saving some (((mainstream))) sites just for posterity, the ministry of truth loves to cover up there past statements when necessary

>> No.17337845

It was beyond brain dead it was criminally absurd which is all psot modernist globalhomo neo Marxism is were in a post hegelian dialectic world retard there's not even a philosophical term to describe this nightmare we live in and evrydya it gets worse this ekeftion didn't black pill me it made me realize morality is a Jewish invention to con people out of action and dignity i want to be LIK indra I want to be free of all New Star Wars Pops have finally landed as Funko continues their Funko Fair reveals. We have already seen a nice set of Star Wars Funko products like the debut of Original Trilogy and The Mandalorian Pocket Pop keychains. We also got the first set of The Mandalorian Mystery Minis and even some fun Pop Pins for Return of the Jedi. At long last, Funko finally has unveiled some new Pop vinyl that is on the way, and starting us off first is the re-release of classic Hoth Luke Skywalker. This Pop will be an Amazon Exclusive and will come with a special pin and will have a white base instead of black.

>> No.17337854
File: 116 KB, 793x596, Amalfi dia Cappuccini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from this, if you have books, or money to buy some cheap copies in bulk, I recommend keeping physical information in case of digital failing, such as a EMP attack. That is all anons, God Bless.

>> No.17337857


>> No.17337858

Peace be with you, brother.

>> No.17337869

Oh shit, is this the schizoposter? I love your posts.
And, by the way, I didn’t say it was good. I said it was good for what it was. Which was regurgitated fake shit from a (((Harvard))) alumni. Calling it good in any shape or form was a joke, my guy.

>> No.17337875

Thinking about an EMP attacks gives me so much anxiety. Fuck me. How do you anons cope with this? Not relating to books alone but your entire life.

>> No.17337880

Thank you. We must never forget these people worship death gods, they want to save other peoples, at the cost of our own, they worship weaknesses and sickness over strength and health, they want to protect woman's "freedom", at the cost of a life, they want to protect the Earth at the cost of denying us access to it's to vastness and beauty, they want to replace your God/s and hope with a man in a labcoat and false dreams of a sterile utopia. Fuck them.

>> No.17337881

The poem was OK. Having said that, the fact that Robert Frost read a poem at JFK’s inauguration just sixty years ago goes to show how much literature has declined.

>> No.17337886

I have a house, a garden, books, and fuel (gas, logs). I'll be fine.

You will be too.

>> No.17337896

And also with you anon

>> No.17337902

Not only that, but a poem that he recited from memory because there was too much glare for him to read the poem that he had composed for the inauguration!

>> No.17337904

Latinx is a term coined in American liberal universities to castrate the Spanish language. In essence, the division between the masculine and feminine must be exploited to ensure the soon-to-be majority population of the US doesn't enforce their "traditional" ("based") views on gender roles, and society at large, on a nation of identity-politics obsessed Americans.

>> No.17337916

The funniest thing to me about 'omg, latino, latina, we can't have that, so let's have latinX!!!!!' is that they could have just dropped the ending altogether and left it at 'latin' and nobody would have cared.

>> No.17337917

>I have a house, a garden, books, and fuel (gas, logs). I'll be fine.
This right here, more important than stocking up on information is stocking up on survival essentials, such as food, supplies, weapons etc. as well as avoiding urban centers, however I have only been able to do the former given my current situation, but hopefully I can get out here in a few months or a year. We are entering dark, but how should I say, "mythological" times. Future poets will write of these days, that is of course, if goodness wins.

>> No.17337919

As based as it gets. I hope I get a nice house with a garden, far away from a big city. I’ll get there in a couple of years. Stay safe, good anon.

>> No.17337921

It would actually render their language completely impossible to use. I'm polish and if we removed the gendered endings our entire language would cease to exist. I don't understand modern post Marxism though. Gender applied only to language and these retards tried to force it on humans. No wonder they kill themselves

>> No.17337940
File: 423 KB, 2273x1577, laughing obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A skinny young black girl, descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president only to find herself reciting for one

>> No.17337951

I don't mean removing gender from their language, I just mean using the term 'latin' instead of 'latinx' when they say things like 'the latinx demographic' or 'latinx literature' or the like.

>> No.17337956

Yeha I get it but I think we both understand Theare people are a mixture of psychotic and stupid

>> No.17337980

It wouldn’t be the same for them. That added X is a badge of honor for them. Leftists love to fuck the language up (and everything beautiful, really).

>> No.17337991

fucking lmao I love this post, I’ve read it 3 times

>> No.17337996


>> No.17338018

>working 3 jobs like a good American is supposed to!
Do you actually believe this?

>> No.17338036

She couldn't resist inserting herself. The narcissism of it!

>> No.17338096

She also talks about her brown bosom:
>Every breath from my bronze-pounded chest

>> No.17338160

A penis?

>> No.17338169
File: 295 KB, 500x441, 4566456464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are the majority of this country

I think you need to look up what the word "majority" means.

>> No.17338204

How can something be “bronze-pounded?” I hate “smart” wordplay so much.

>> No.17338210
File: 49 KB, 313x500, 51JJ62VuvXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably something like pic rel.

>> No.17338225


I don't even get what the word-play is. What's the play?

>> No.17338255

Could be a play on the color of her skin being "pounded" into her but also the hardness of something like bronze, connoting suffering hardships.

Bronze is a mix of tin and copper so could be a comment about being mixed race, if she is (never heard of her, so I don't know who she is).

>> No.17338258

I assume she's referring to hammering bronze into shape (i.e. smithing a breastplate or something).

>> No.17338290

It means "I black!"

>> No.17338306

I like the way he rhymes out with out

>> No.17338331

It's a pretty speech, but certainly not poetry. Hell, she briefly gave up on rhyming that middle bit before weakly trying it again, and even with the rhymes there's nothing that makes it 'poetry'. Very weak overall, but I guess it's not terrible, and could definitely have been worse.

>> No.17338338

now critique the garth brooks song.

>> No.17338361

Literally the only flat earther I know has a PhD from Harvard

>> No.17338362


She’s trying to say she’s black very, very stupidly. Pretty much this: >>17338290

That wouldn’t be breast-plated. I know what you mean, though. That’s exactly what I’m pointing out.

>> No.17338375

>That wouldn’t be breast-plated. I know what you mean, though. That’s exactly what I’m pointing out.

Yes, I think we are all in agreement that she is not a great poet and her 'poem' isn't particularly thoughtful or or well put together.

>> No.17338381

A fortune 500?

>> No.17338409


Good poem. Should have read it at the inauguration

>> No.17338422


A very important point. There is no one more foolish than an incredibly smart person who has gone WRONG somewhere along the way, even the kid in the corner wearing the dunce hat.

>> No.17338423

Yes because I'm not a commie fag!

>> No.17338425

At least post the poem.

We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it,
Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy.
And this effort very nearly succeeded.
But while democracy can be periodically delayed,
It can never be permanently defeated.

>> No.17338428

>incredibly smart person who has gone WRONG
many such cases of marxist brain parasites

>> No.17338442
File: 431 KB, 1200x778, Pushkin_derzhavin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not Pushkin that's for sure.

>> No.17338449

My mom said it was amazing, it's for people like her. Its good for black people to see instead of Cardi B or something.

Garth Brooks performed too...why would you expect the poetry to be better?

>> No.17338456
File: 138 KB, 1000x646, None.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.17338457

I thought rhyming was considered silly...

>> No.17338479


>> No.17338480

>trot out blacks to give sentimental sermons about Democracy delayed
>black political machines are responsible for huge amounts of electoral fraud in the US - Bernie won the primary and Trump won the general among real, human voters
>no one questions this because muh sacred black people. Democracy? Deferred but not defeated. Equality. Kindness. Decency.

>> No.17338485

shes hot and youre jealous
deal with being a loser already

>> No.17338486

Do you know where it's from?

>> No.17338522

My favorite part about the whole thing is how they're calling for unity from the people whom for four years they've maligned as racists and fascists, attempted to deplatform from social media and monetary establishments, and whom they've attempted to rob of avenues of employment for attending political protests and rallies.

>> No.17338534
File: 109 KB, 577x289, 1608144575982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes hot and youre jealous

I'd rather be me and not black than be her and black to be quite frank.

>> No.17338539

>shes hot and youre jealous

Envious, not jealous. You're illiterate.

>> No.17338577

Unity = unite against the internal threat of white supremacist terrorists (most of which are FBI honeypots).

With that said appeals to "unity" also come off as sentimental to me:
>"We live in a country that proclaims freedom of speech, assocation, etc. but wouldn't it be nice if everyone thought exactly the same thing so that no one would be upset and we could care for blacks better?"

>> No.17338583

both words are applicable in this situation. and ultimately the differences between them are minimal.
you fucking know-it-all dork.

>> No.17338590

Deal with it. You shouldn't be proud of your ignorance.

>> No.17338591

Have some standards.
I bet your taste in /lit/ is shit as well.

>> No.17338607


>> No.17338624

Oh that's the fringe, no one cares about them. They can kill themselves for all anyone cares.

>> No.17338625


>> No.17338626

>I'm Latinx
La concha bien puta de tu madre

>> No.17338753

>"Where is my poet laureate?"
Juan Felipe Herrera, you dumb fucking illiterate

>> No.17338787
File: 24 KB, 400x376, 1527288489061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a lotta buzzwords, pardner.
>*buzzards buzzing overhead*

>> No.17338896

Hurr durr, chud. You hate her because shes a cute, successful, young, black woman. Would a white male equivalent poet make you happier? Oh wait, poetrys for gags anyways

>> No.17338929

The toads here don't know anything about poetry and they'd be speaking negatives no matter if it was the whitest white straight guy named John White reading a poem about heiling Hitler while fucking pussy.

>> No.17338942

Because poetry is for nonces.

>> No.17338954


no a white male EQUIVALENT poet would not make me happier.
A better poet however, regardless of their race, would.

>> No.17338966

Based, the average American loves contrivance

>> No.17338969

Made for big bronze-pounding

>> No.17338970

>You hate her because shes a cute, successful, young, black woman

uhhh excuse me, that's the perfect girl to make love to. I can still dislike a woman's poetry and still want to wreck dat WAP ok

>> No.17338998

>Lazy, self-congratulatory, and all on the surface
you just described niggers

>> No.17339004

Sounds like an absurd false equivalence to imply that the gap between Gorman and Eliot is equidistant to that between Eliot and Chaucer.

>> No.17339046
File: 178 KB, 326x409, (((You))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm Latinx

>> No.17339107

Not even a "white" male (castizo) and I like poetry, Wilde and Yeats are kino, but an ideologically charged piece that is simply unconnected sentences, abusive use of the return key, etc. is not "poetry." It needs to paint a thought or a landscape in a purer form.

>> No.17339163

I just realized that Poet Laureates are as far away from art as factory workers assembling urinals

>> No.17339184
File: 325 KB, 351x454, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17339272

Found the trannies and kangs

>> No.17339459

>The WAy she STRessed every OTHer SYLLable is so cringe
that's called iambic pentameter you white trash retard

>> No.17339482
File: 718 KB, 925x900, 1598021063870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's called iambic pentameter you white trash retard

>> No.17339557

I’m so sorry, Harold. We are letting them win.

>> No.17339583

No it's how a sassy black woman talks. Say it out loud and emphasize the syllables - you can feel the spirit of Shaniqua in it.

>> No.17339597

Proud to be a white male, and you can never make me feel otherwise. They can belittle us, mock us, shun us, and blame us for every problem. I will wear my skin as a badge of pride, a badge representing the sons of Europa and civilization as we know it.

>> No.17339618

I know this is bait but I genuinely burst out laughing at that line.

>> No.17339648

but she skinny black girl that can president now

>> No.17339660

no it isn't, it's squeezing pentameter into essayistic prose through delivery.

>> No.17339673
File: 384 KB, 648x362, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I'm barley looking at the shore

>> No.17339674

get pussy bro

>> No.17339681

yh kinda cringe

>> No.17339919

Prince ea-tier.

>> No.17339957

In every country South of this one, in this hemisphere, you'd be a majority. Unfortunately you speak less Spanish than me, a white man who's families been here since the 1600s. How sad that your family ran away so you could be a faggot that loves funko pops.

>> No.17339973

lmao u are unironically fragile lmao

>> No.17339996

Weird how all the responses look like they're typed by barely sentient chimpoids.

>> No.17340020

weak psyop tranny. might have worked better 4 years ago.

take my advice, its much better to make the larp a little more specific, quote Evola wrong or something.

>> No.17340023


I am a FIRM supporter of the change in office, but I will say that I feel a large angle is "see? we include everyone, see?"

>> No.17340347

Nonsense. A James Baldwin or a James Alan McPherson would think this was trash every bit as much as I do.

>> No.17340364

No, it is not iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter means a meter with five iambs per line. Diagram out this and show me where you are getting imabic pentameter, or any meter at all for that matter:

When day comes we ask ourselves,
where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
The loss we carry,
a sea we must wade
We've braved the belly of the beast
We've learned that quiet isn't always peace
And the norms and notions
of what just is
Isn’t always just-ice
And yet the dawn is ours
before we knew it
Somehow we do it
Somehow we've weathered and witnessed
a nation that isn’t broken
but simply unfinished
We the successors of a country and a time
Where a skinny Black girl
descended from slaves and raised by a single mother
can dream of becoming president
only to find herself reciting for one
And yes we are far from polished
far from pristine
but that doesn’t mean we are
striving to form a union that is perfect
We are striving to forge a union with purpose
To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and
conditions of man
And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us
but what stands before us
We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,
we must first put our differences aside
We lay down our arms
so we can reach out our arms
to one another

>> No.17340426

I’m gonna walk up on a stage one day, cough loudly to assert myself, and then read 89k words of phineas and ferb fanfiction to an unassuming and helpless crowd. I have the opposite of a fear of public speaking, I think I might have a fetish for it. I aspire to instill fear and discomfort in a large crowd by only using my words. I think I’ll start by getting into stand up comedy.

>> No.17340589

I'm a UC Berkeley student, what about you faggot?

>> No.17340600

UCLA alum here who turned down an offer at Cal. How does that make you feel, anon?

>> No.17340656

You're stupid for not going to Cal, it's a much better school, with the caveat that UCLA is better for biology.

>> No.17340668

I graduated 15 years ago. I am married, own my own house, have a nice garden, and am making six figures with plenty of time to read and write.

How are you doing?

>> No.17340677

(All that said, the main thing that turned me off to Berkeley was the acceptance letter talking about drum circles and 'hearing all kinds of sounds that I had never heard before' - are they still using that trope in their admittance literature, kek?)

>> No.17340678

Nice larp

>> No.17340679

It didn’t sound like a bad essay, I just don’t see much poetry in it.

>> No.17340687

>it's like everything is art dude and like you just aren't open to it and you're trying to interpret and make meaning of like stuff that other people do and you're not like allowed to have an opinion because they already had an opinion and stuff dude and I like know this is true because my totes chill prof who wore solid color t-shirts to small group like talked about it and stuff.

>> No.17340689

Probably make for a nice Speyside malt.

>> No.17340692

>liberal status: checkmated

>> No.17340705

Just be happy it wasn't ebonics. Something tells me that's right around the corner.

>> No.17340706

fucking murdered, also checked

>> No.17340734

he was paid by the word, so quality control wasn't a concern

>> No.17340745

This isn't an argument against her accomplishment but more a comment on higher academia in general. I went to community college to save money for my first two years. Supportive, energetic, interested professors. I enjoyed my classes. I grew in ways I never thought I would. I was inspired and pursued learning inside and outside the confines of the courses I was taking. I did well and transferred to an Ivy. My classes were full of pompous rich kids and taught my TAs who treated it like the annoyance it was. Professors would sometimes drop in just to brag about their new book. Parties were just a place for kids to one-up each other on their ability to reference shit. Learning was treated like a weapon to turn on your classmates or like your quarry to skin and flaunt the spoils. Keeping in touch with both groups of people, the community college people got good jobs, work hard and treat life like a gift. The Ivy kids stayed kids. Some got jobs through their parents or through the heroic spending of their parent's money to some insane degree of academia. Many of them are fuck offs, living off their parent's wealth in condos in Manhattan or unproductively living as artists.

>> No.17340755

That wasn't in my acceptance letter but I already knew this school was going to be full of onions and shitlibs. I just want my CS degree and to find a cute girl who isn't an insane communist.

>> No.17340756

Its funny how it used to be the racists who saw her as black and now it's everyone who sees her as black.

>> No.17340781

>CS degree

Why? So you can be a code monkey for some bay-area techbro for a decade after you graduate, while living in a shared bedroom in a 2 bedroom condo with 7 other facebook/google coders in it? Or maybe if you're really good you can live in a shared bedroom in a 2 bedroom condo with only 5 Microsoft/Amazon coders in it in Seattle.

I am all for tech and general computer/coding knowledge/competence, but CS is basically *the* most cucked degree out there right now. Why do it to yourself?

>> No.17340819
File: 95 KB, 740x541, jobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other stem degrees don't have as good of a job market. Also increasingly, you don't have to live in the Bay Area for a cs degree, a lot of companies are moving to Austin and other places and remote work is becoming a big thing.

>> No.17340860


>> No.17340866

It's funny, and sad, that a simple middle class life (which home ownership and a low-six-figure income is typical of) has become so out-of-reach that anyone professing to have attained it is accused of larping.

>> No.17340886

That's not it. It's someone posting it on the retard anime fan website that gets them called a larper.

>> No.17340894

A copy of the Talmud under their bed?

>> No.17340899

kek. I have been here since before here was here (i.e. back when we were all just goons on somethingawful waiting for jeffk to update his vidya guides and before moot broke off along with a large contingent of bronies to form the hacker known as 4chan).

>> No.17340915

what's with these old faggots and reverence for stupid beatnik shit like slam poetry?

>> No.17340916

That's how they show that they are in with the youngen's and their contemporary pop culture, anon.

>> No.17340938

It's the influence of people like Amiri Baraka, Audre Lorde, and Maya Angelou that's responsible for this, not the beatniks.

>> No.17340953

>Scripture tells us to envision that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree and no one shall make them afraid. If we’re to live up to her own time, then victory won’t lie in the blade, but in all the bridges we’ve made. That is the promise to glade, the hill we climb if only we dare. It
Otherwise its a decent piece. I suspect that she is also a savvy self promoter, she did some stuff with Clinton and is clearly making the most of her Harvard network. Most people ITT are just understandably jealous at her success.

>> No.17340961


>> No.17340979

I agree and thanks for the info

>> No.17340981

>Most people ITT are just understandably jealous at her success.
I have no problem admitting that I'm jealous of Ivy Leaguers, but I still think it's a bad poem.

>> No.17340985


>> No.17340987

I'd pound her bronze if ya know what I mean :3

>> No.17341008

I am fully erect after reading this post TWICE

>> No.17341021

sounds exactly like /lit/, just swap rich kids living off their parents money for neets living off gibs. same shit... those who style themselves intellectuals are forever at war with one another to prove their own superiority. i stopped resisting the impulse years ago.

>> No.17341033

Brother you got to go it alone at this point and save yourself. Do this and you will find more like yourself, who have not been spiritually nullified, along the way. Remember, their hate for you is biological and unrelenting and it is because your mere existence in this world reminds them of their contrasted hideousness and depraved ugliness and evil. Good luck brother, see you in hell

>> No.17341038

I coomed

>> No.17341045

But unlike Harvard kids, we're we lack the influence to be harmful.

>> No.17341048

Doing god’s work

>> No.17341053

Maybe it is, but I doubt that the DNC just went and handed her this award for being black either. She's clearly got a history working with political movers within the DNC, has connections through Harvard, knows how to advocate for herself, and probably twisted a couple arms to get where she is. That's pretty admirable, all the more so for a 22 year old, and as a result of her hard work she gets to read her mediocre poetry to the entire world and be praised as a national treasure.

Not one of us wouldn't want to be in her position. So why all the sour grapes? If anyone on /lit/ takes themselves seriously as an artist, they should take her seriously as a successful artist. Same with Rupi Kaur for that matter.

>> No.17341057

I love you brother, good luck to you

>> No.17341062

There is more to life than the outward trappings of success, anon. I am sure that you and others know that deep down inside even if you fight against it.

>> No.17341085

It’s like anal-play when masturbating. It’s not need but heightens the experience and also it’s a little gay

>> No.17341102

no because it's gay and an escape into fantasy, and not even that fun

>> No.17341118

Sure, but it doesn't mean those outward trappings wouldn't be nice. The poem isn't terrible and the poet seems sincere enough. This is a really fantastic start to her career, and who knows, perhaps she'll write amazing stuff which will define the American consciousness for years to come.

Personally, I'd rather take notes on her success and try to apply what I can to my own art than seethe about an undergrad writing a poem which is less than stylistically perfect.

>> No.17341133

You are going to be a great employee some day, anon, and will make a great middle-manager too.

>> No.17341148

This may be the most reddit post I have ever read on this site.

>> No.17341167

I didn't even know "youth poet laureate" was a thing. So apparently all four winners are women and all four are PoC. Half of the winners are from Chicago and three out of four of them won with a poem about race and gender issues.

It's obviously a bullshit award that isn't even pretending to be given on merit.

>> No.17341178

I'm not even saying anything about her skill as a poet. I just think the poem itself was lousy, but that really is the most you could expect for this situation. Mediocrity and blandness is almost the goal for this sort of thing. For all I know, she may have written much better poems.
If I were an artist, I wouldn't be caught dead doing this kind of glorified cheerleading.

>> No.17341180

Sorry, don't come here much. I don't know what the /lit/ stance is on neets. Don't really care to be honest. If you like dropping out and being non-productive (meant non-pejoratively) that's great and I hope you found happiness. I've tried it and found meaning and happiness for me means existing within the lines provided by society (i.e. productivity, contribution). I guess what I was getting at was the death or non-existence of the joy of learning- something which I've always thought an academic institution should foster. I may be wrong about this, but I don't care. I'd prefer to stay and an institution where learning is done with exuberance.

>> No.17341213
File: 502 KB, 1919x1897, 1579837646637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was delivered better in muh comics tbqh

>> No.17341216


>> No.17341223

>just us

isn't that an old malcolm x line

>> No.17341229

Do you think a black woman going to Harvard is a big deal? They’re practically handing them out to nigs.

>> No.17341236

>The poem isn't terrible and the poet seems sincere enough.
I'm glad that that is all it takes to make it as the symbol for poetry of a country these days.

>> No.17341242

Rich kids with no skills. Not that they have any artistic skills but it’s easier to pretend they do.

>> No.17341247
File: 47 KB, 500x378, E67F543A-892A-4D1B-8B17-E16B01599537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17341253

it is so evident that /lit/ users try to look superior by using buzzwords and essays when their opinion can boil down to 2 sentences. I know a guy like this, starts twitter fights with people who dont even wanna talk and belives he won because big words= nuance. rich people things i guess

>> No.17341279

Omg its an act of treason and terrorism!! As if it were on the same level as some middle east/african overthrow.

>> No.17341299

Cliché and overdramatic bullshit that would make any sane person cringe. Retards will applaud it, cynics will tolerate it and the ones in on it will laugh behind close doors about it.

>> No.17341339

Wow this is actually dogshit

>> No.17341348

She did Slam Poetry, which is garbage, but that is why she stressed syllables the way she did.

>> No.17341352

A lot of the problem with this kind of art is that it doesn't speak to the Plight of Being Human, it merely speaks to their individual plight. So it fails to resonate with anyone except people like her, or people virtue signaling to understand her

>> No.17341427

No, the "real reason" ACAB BLM and Antifa anarchists are allowed to run rampant with full bipartisan support from politicians and mega corporations is because it's a colour revolution designed to distract people from the class revolution that would actually force the country to change if it were allowed to happen.

>> No.17341594

Groaned loudly when I encountered that line.

>> No.17341609

Wrong. My mom is the exact opposite, and she thought it was great.

>> No.17341616

You're so fucking stupid, because you expect the best poetry to be chosen by the government, do you go to McDonalds and expect a Michelin star meal? You will never be invited to speak anywhere.

>> No.17341625

>Mediocrity and blandness is almost the goal for this sort of thing.
>If I were an artist, I wouldn't be caught dead doing this kind of glorified cheerleading.

Boom. This mother fucker gets it. Anyone complaining is stupid.

>> No.17341628


word play is gayer than anal play

>> No.17341648
File: 850 KB, 1280x720, airquotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a shrill WoC shouting slam poetry in a human's ear—for ever.

>> No.17341651 [DELETED] 

I just picked Chaucer to make an obvious and blatant example. It wouldn't be any different if you picked from Pope to Byron.

>> No.17341655

I just picked Chaucer to create an obvious and blatant example. It wouldn't be any different if you picked from Pope to Byron.

>> No.17341708

This is better

>> No.17341786

You niggas are a bunch of faggots. I looked it up and her title as Youth Poet Laureate does not mean shit as it is some hip-hop award given to black kids to keep them off streets, think of it as an after school program.

Yes, her poetry is fucking garbage, but she is literally there out of pity for black people, so when you really think about it, they were kind of mocking her.

>> No.17341906

Someone on Plebbit was praising her for her internal rhymes and alliteration. I skimmed the whole thing and couldn't find a single fucking example of the former and a measly amount of the latter, which furthers my view that the general public knows fuck all about poetry and just regurgitates whatever vocabulary they've absorbed through their various English classes.

>> No.17342050

Niggers are so dumb. White cucks can’t stop pretending it’s due to jewish slavery tho lol