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/lit/ - Literature

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17329842 No.17329842 [Reply] [Original]

Is it better than the Illiad?

i think so

>> No.17329856

Yes, but worse than the Odyssey

>> No.17330167

Odyssey is still fun, but worst than both

>> No.17331209

Romans > Greeks

>> No.17331291

No, but better than the oddisey

>> No.17331353

Artistically speaking, yes. Almost all philologists from the Renaissance up til now agree that Virgil polished the errors of Homer given that V. had a greater book culture to draw from.

>> No.17331919

Chapman's Odyssey > Chapman's Illiad > any version of the Aeneid because chapman never translated them.

>> No.17331920


>> No.17331926

>the errors of Homer


from a pure technique point of view, I'd give it to Virgil; but I find "is x better than x" sophomoric.

>> No.17331928

I find your mom sophomoric

>> No.17331933

i'm gonna teach you the hard way

>> No.17331946

Homer has greater highs than Virgil but The Aeneid doesn't have as many dry parts as The Iliad I guess.

>> No.17331962

I was able to finish the Aeneid, but not the Illiad.

>> No.17331978

Bit unfair to Homer since by the time of Virgin the poetic tradition is much more advanced than Homer who was transcribing an oral tradition. If you want to go by writing ability/talent Ovid ran circles around all of them. Ovid's only weakness was he could be too tongue in cheek.

>> No.17332821

Yes, and Ovid is superior to Virgil

>> No.17333133

dangerously based

>> No.17333184

No, he was repetitive and unoriginal, far too narrow in his poetic scope
The only reason he was even read widely was because Homer was lost to western Europe

>> No.17333193

Dryden's translation is pretty kino

>> No.17333220

While I don't contend to say who is better than who, in terms of my preferences
Metamorphoses > Aeneid > Odyssey > Iliad. I understand some people will find this heretical, and if pressed, I will soil their trousers.

>> No.17333283

You guys read this in english?

>> No.17333324

lmao fanfiction Virgin was forced to write

>> No.17333571

Soil my trousers because I find this heretical

>> No.17333617

I'm only halfway through currently but right now I find it better than the iliad but worse than the odyssey

>> No.17333688
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>> No.17335010

>he still thinks "Homer" wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey.
time to grow up boyo

>> No.17335028

Fuck no.

>> No.17335031


>> No.17335042
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>I want it to be about uuuuuuh the Trojans, yea the Trojans, we wuz Trojans alright?
>Now get writing, or you can enjoy being ass shafted in the border lands by Barbarians.

>> No.17335169
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>conskites your breeches

>> No.17335198

The Odyssey is worse than the Iliad

>> No.17335330

Chapman's Iliad >> Chapman's Odyssey.
His Iliad is literally one of the greatest poems in English.

>> No.17335634

Based and correct

>> No.17335695

Cringe and retardpilled

>> No.17335848

For some reason, rather than use the same meter, Chapman used fourteeners for the Iliad and heroic couplets for the Odyssey. On one hand, iambic heptameter is closer to the original dactylic hexameter; on the other hand, iambic pentameter just sounds better for English. So I can't say one is significantly better than the other.

>> No.17337332

Pretty good list you got there BUT

Catullus 64 > DRN > Astonautilia > Metamorphoses > Odyssey > Aeneid > Iliad

>> No.17337441
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Odyssey > Iliad > He Who Saw the Deep > Aeneid

>> No.17337883

>Ovid ran circles around all of them
Finally, /lit/ is starting to grow up and realise this.

>> No.17337918

It’s a bunch of Revisionistic LARP fanfic.

>> No.17338769

Who are some good/essential Roman reads?

>> No.17338803

I know people hate fagles but I really enjoy him

>> No.17338938

Just read everything on here and you'll be fine.

>> No.17339391

De rerum natura > Catullus 64 > DRN > Astonautilia > Metamorphoses > Odyssey > Aeneid > Iliad


>> No.17339445

it's a garbage pastiche. nothing of value. ovid and catallus are infinitely better.

>> No.17341015


>> No.17341040

only pseuds “hate” fagles. His translations are excellent. Sure there might be some that are better, as in more artistic, but for translation quality, the only thing that really matters, Fagles is excellent.

>> No.17341041

>De rerum natura

>> No.17341046

Based retard

>> No.17341173
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>Despite his capabilities of transforming and making original that which was once Greek, his imagination blew his course astray far too many times towards rough waves. Although he was one of the best readers and imitators of the Greek poets, he lacked their graceful restraint and indulged in many laborious descriptions. What took him a page, Dante could do in two lines.

>> No.17341204

It's exactly the other way around lol

>> No.17341265


>> No.17341284

The pastoral poetry is where Virgil really shines.