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File: 25 KB, 340x485, Corneliu_Zelea_Codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17332817 No.17332817 [Reply] [Original]

Did Amazon remove For My Legionaries from the store? I seem to be unable to find it

>> No.17333334

I was looking for it the other day, can't find it either. So I think so.

>> No.17333338

Good, don't buy shit of Amazon, faggot.

>> No.17333379

They removed some of Mosley's books too I think

>> No.17333386


>> No.17333394
File: 14 KB, 236x339, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Fascist.

>> No.17333403


>> No.17333404

Yeah it looks like it. Don't worry though, the big tech cartel knows what is best for you.

>> No.17333442

Wait, really? Shit

>> No.17333734

I like him, Italo Balbo and Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera

>> No.17333745

So what did Codreanu think of Nietzsche?

It's always remained to me such a mystery to what degree he was educated, and how much he knew about these type of classic figures and used them.

>> No.17333954

Codreanu was a devout Orthodox so I can't imagine he was too high on him.

>> No.17333993

He was not like the average orthodox. In For My Legionaries he used Moses and the israelites as an example of evil jews. He didn't said it directly but when he mentioned the historical nations that hated jews, he also mentioned Egypt. Actually, I think he also said something about a new Moses in a bad way, I can't remember exactly desu.

>> No.17334006

>In For My Legionaries he used Moses and the israelites as an example of evil jews.
How is he even a traditional Christian?

I suppose he's part of that movement during the late 19th and early 20th century which rejected the OT and only favoured the NT.

>> No.17334008

Why would Jewazon your money, anyway? You can get ebooks of it for free.

>> No.17334025

>In For My Legionaries he used Moses and the israelites as an example of evil jews
Do you have a quote? I don't remember that at all.

>> No.17334160
File: 100 KB, 1080x438, 20210120_155158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a quote but I searched it on google and it seems that my second assumption was true. I can't find the full phrase but you can search it in the book.

>> No.17334194

I don't think it says what you think it does.

>> No.17334215

I think is obvious it does... what else can he say? That he is the new Moses?...

>> No.17334227

Glad I spent $1000+ buying a shitload of dissident literature in a few big orders. The only way to access it in the future will be digitally or by ordering through sketchy and slightly glowy websites.

>> No.17334239

He murdered thousands

>> No.17334251

Not the anon you're replying to, but he could just be talking about how the Jews view themselves now.

>> No.17334281

I am pretty sure he referred to someone, I remember it.

>> No.17334290

You must be right. He mentioned Moses in some way so it's just obvious that he's calling him evil. It's what you would expect from an Orthodox Christian.

>> No.17334292

Have you bought Culture of Critique yet?

>> No.17334296
File: 50 KB, 592x960, Corneliu Codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Codreanu's voice sounded like:


>> No.17334322

It's a shame he was unjustly murdered by his own government soon after that.

>> No.17334369

Imagine what he could have done! But it's more than likely, as with the case in Mosley, that it was formed too late to ever take power, wherein the German Workers Party was formed almost directly after WW2. And all the worse was it that the Soviet Union was impending, however if on the other hand the Soviets had not progressed through Romania post-WW2, then they would have had an easier time continuing than Mosley did in the faux-moralising West, especially among the Anglos.

>> No.17334405

I have no reason to convince you about this. Be an ignorant if you want or search that quote(and the one about Egypt) in the book. Is up to you.

>> No.17334415

Mosley was better than all the competition but he was still a modernist who would have destroyed Britain.

>> No.17334426

What do you mean by modernist in this context? He himself believed thoroughly in the Christian morality, of complete religious self-sacrifice, he even talked of unifying Nietzsche and Christianity, which is far from blatantly secular or atheistic modernism.

>> No.17334448

I have searched for it and haven't found anything calling Moses evil. You searched and found a mention of Moses. I don't know why you're calling me ignorant because I agree with you. When somebody mentions Moses they're obviously calling him evil. It just makes sense so there's no need to look at what he actually said.

>> No.17334457

It's much more likely that an Orthodox Christian called Moses evil than it is for you to be mistaken about something you read.

>> No.17334551

Why does Codreanu have so many good songs made after him? They're always slightly kitschy or modern, but that's what makes it so unique. Literally exactly what I want to listen to:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0RZ1qVXsFM (same song but with subtitles)

>> No.17334608

He had no respect for tradition, culture, or anything of the sort. In The Greater Britain he explicitly says tradition is only good insofar as it furthers the interest of the state, he views it as a tool to use rather than the very fabric from which a nation is born. He was a cultural Christian, he cared nothing more of Christianity than to use it as a tool as well, and unifying Nietzsche and Christianity is literally one of the most retarded things imaginable, only a Prot could think of something so heretical.
He was totally mechanical.

>> No.17334629

Stop using amazon anyway, not even the cheapest option half the time

>> No.17334641

>only a Prot
I'm gonna hold you up there, a man's religion is determined by more than words you know. And Mosley's mission was an admirable one, irrespective of faults or mistakes. Which every era has of itself.

Putting Nietzsche and Christianity together is not heretical, but instead the recognising and making use of philosophical developments within religion.

>> No.17334660

>Putting Nietzsche and Christianity together is not heretical
Every single priest and bishop for the past 2,000 years would disagree with you
>but instead the recognising and making use of philosophical developments within religion.
This is the Prot mindset, you have absolutely no intellectual merit on your side so you look for secular sources to synthesize with your shabby "theology". Guess what dude, not only does actual Christianity have it's own fully-developed philosophy but it's literally heresy, as declared by the 7th Ecumenical Council, to synthesize pagan (non-Christian) philosophy with Christianity. Christianity relies on revelations from God, not ideas from man. End of story.

>> No.17334671

Was Aristotle a revelation from God?

>> No.17334677

The adoption of Aristotilean and Platonic philosophy into Christian reasoning is an early error of the West and has been harshly criticized by many Church Fathers, East and West.

>> No.17334717

But the terminology of ousia as distinct from hypostasis comes from Aristotle

>> No.17334738
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, 1527039894322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The adoption of Aristotilean and Platonic philosophy into Christian reasoning is an early error of the West and has been harshly criticized by many Church Fathers, East and West.
Wow anon, so traditional! You're such a modern LARPer, you wouldn't understand Catholicism or Christianity if it didn't have two sticks put together and a man with long hair at its centre.

>> No.17334741

It's only a matter of time before the same culture spreads to other marketplaces like Alibris. Visa and Mastercard are fully onboard the banning train too, good luck trying to fight them saying "remove them or else".

>> No.17334770

As I said, I already knew this from the book, before I saw that quote but I wasn't 100% sure, now I have more reasons to be. Apart from that, AC Cuza(who had even priests in his movement), the mentor of Codreanu, ended up denying completely the Old Testament(in the way of the germam Positive Christianity, because it is too jewish and anti-gentile) while remaining orthodox, but considered heretic by many. So you shouldn't be surprised.. this is what happens when you care too much about worldly things, instead of focusing on God...

>> No.17334774

Unironically want to snatch up what I can before democrats are fully entrenched

>> No.17334953

You're retarded

>> No.17334991

>Christianity have it's own fully-developed philosophy but it's literally heresy, as declared by the 7th Ecumenical Council, to synthesize pagan (non-Christian) philosophy with Christianity.
This is a ridiculously bad reading of the council, in straight up contradiction to Romans 1:20 among other things. The 7th council had nothing to even do with pagan philosophy, let alone its relation to Christian philosophy.

>> No.17334998

You should.
People who think digital is a long-term solution are delusional. One day LibGen won't exist and your Kindle can only read books from approved sources. The centralization is happening everywhere and is only accelerating. I thought I'd have at least 20 years to build up the collection, but with COVID speeding things up it's probably closer to 10 years now.
Physical is your best bet for the future.

>> No.17335135
File: 154 KB, 542x790, 1608972873053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and the example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in creasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area.” In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.17335188

Seems like this has not only been removed from Amazon, but also AbeBooks (owned by Amazon) and Biblio (not owned by Amazon).
It used to be that stuff was only banned from Amazon,com, not Abebooks or even international versions of Amazon, so I'm shocked that even a completely unrelated marketplace like Biblio has removed it. Guess It'll be gone from Alibris too soon.
Greater forces at play, clearly.

>> No.17335227

Off Abebooks too, wow. I can find other things like the Nest Leader's Manual and Prison Notes but not any copy of For My Legionaries.

>> No.17335254

You can find one copy of the old 2003 machine translated version on Abebooks, but that one doesn't have an ISBN and the translation is obviously complete shit. I'm guessing they've banned the ISBN for the Sanctuary Press version from being listed completely.

>> No.17335261


>> No.17335283

I'm surprised it wasn't banned earlier because it is an extremely powerful book because we can see so many parallels between the way Codreanu and the Legionaries were treated in the press and by the government and the way the modern dissident right is treated. We can also see how ineffective the accepted "conservative" opposition is.

>> No.17335337

I'm going to order the hardcover from the publisher's website and pay using Paypal. Being on a list is based and redpilled.

>> No.17335356

>My Legionaries

worth reading?

>> No.17335369

Just a matter of time before they come for Evola next

>> No.17335384

So where would one buy it from now?

>> No.17335385

> Apart from that, AC Cuza(who had even priests in his movement), the mentor of Codreanu, ended up denying completely the Old Testament
Show me the source, or book.

>> No.17335393

Agreed, the parallels are interesting. The Legion originally wanted to work with the government and was a big supporter of the traditional monarchy and establishment. It tried to win by ordinary parliamentary means. Codreanu said he wanted to win legally. It's only when the king kept installing puppet liberal governments and trying to ban and suppress all change that they stopped supporting him.

In the end Codreanu won the respect of the other conservatives and populists, and united with them for the final elections, where the coalition would have won a decisive majority. I say final elections, because that is when the corrupt playboy king (and his Jewish mistress) overturned and installed a dictatorship instead of letting it happen. Then he killed Codreanu and his best men.

It's a cautionary tale on many levels. Going through the establishment can work, as when the NSDAP won through elections in Germany, but it doesn't always work. And then when you beat the establishment at its own game they will just cheat anyway.

Also worth noting, pinning all your hopes on a single charismatic leader is dangerous. Codreanu's death spiritually devastated the Legion.

>> No.17335412

Where are these quotes from?

>> No.17335425

>How is he even a traditional Christian?
Clerical fascism is not traditional baka. I also wouldn't call codreanu the model orthodox christian.
very based falagneposter
that would be a good thing anon

>> No.17335448

Of course it is. The guy was incredible.

>> No.17335537

Yes, the existing translations aren't great so you have to read them a bit charitably but the story of the movement's rise is fascinating and you will see parallels to our own times. The key to reading it is to know the real danger Romania faced, this wasn't some comfy country where people can argue about communism for 50 years and nothing really happens, this was right after the Bolshevik revolution, the Bolsheviks were right across the border and no one knew what was going to happen, and at that very moment the universities and media are stuffed with leftists saying "fuck this country, fuck the regime, bring the Bolshevists in, open the gates!"

Recently immigrated Jews were most of the urban middle class and most of the media and finance sectors, something like 80% of capital, loans, investments that didn't come from foreign governments came from local Jews who had just emigrated in the last 2 generations. Jews were also disproportionately the landlords of the depressed peasant class and controlled the cities, and overrepresented by 50 times in the universities.

I don't even hate Jews but there was going to be conflict no matter what. Of course all these recent immigrant Jews didn't see Romanians as worth a damn and didn't care about the existing country or language. Of course most of the extreme leftists and agitators of Romanian workers against the nation were Jews. What do you expect from mixing two populations with totally different beliefs and values like that?

>> No.17335554
File: 32 KB, 333x500, 0_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know I got them from /lit/, but a search seems to say they're from this... Author seems like an academic and also Jewish so seems like a trustworthy source

>> No.17335588

Search ISBNS.fm and Bookfinder.com to find a vendor using the ISBN (1913176592).
It should be available from plenty of smaller vendors even if the bigger marketplaces have removed it, at least for now.
Seems like the hardcover is only available directly from the publisher. They exclusively release fascist lit so I'd advice against it.

>> No.17335734


>> No.17335757
File: 142 KB, 1200x630, a-c-cuza-quote-lbr4k9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My practical research can be summarized in the following two measures ... Let the Church remove from her books any memory of the Old Testament ... The school should place religious education on the basis of the New Testament, autonomously, with the complete exclusion of the Old Testament"
source is in romanian:

>> No.17335813

Bought my copy long before because of this, even though its not high up on my to be read list. I knew it would get removed from the shelves eventually.

>> No.17335840

There's no good reason to buy anything directly from an entity that has been deemed a "bad actor" by certain people. Since you can still easily buy through any plenty of other vendors it just makes more sense to do it that way.
Think of if this way, it's much more likely that if someone wanted to know who has bought these books they would look into the people who have bought them directly from the publisher since that information is stored by the payment processors (centralized). On the other hand if you buy the book from a random vendor, well, the payment processor just sees you bought something from that vendor, they don't know what exactly you bought. There are hundreds of these vendors (decentralized), so it's unlikely anyone would ever go through them all to find if certain books have been bought. You're just adding some extra layers layers between you any possible risk.

This is of course all very paranoid, but like I said, there's little reason not to do it. The hardback is probably going to be a shitty glued one anyway.

>> No.17335864

Care pagina?

>> No.17335901

153, mai e un citat deasupra si mai interesant, pe ala l-am ratat

>> No.17336081

Multumesc; dar asta inseamna ca si Zelea Codreanu condamna vechiul testament? Raspunde-mi numai daca ai surse

>> No.17336093

he was the best fascist because he had few fascistic beliefs i nthe first place and was more of a religious traditionalist than a fascist
fascism is cancer

>> No.17336117

Nu am surse pentru asta. Probabil atunci cand a dat ca exemplu Egiptul a facut-o doar pentru ca asa a vazut in alte scrieri anti-semite. Cuza era mult mai citit, Codreanu nu cred ca s-a interesat de problema Vechiului Testament.

>> No.17336125

Bine, frate


>> No.17336278

It does sound a little period. I don't believe my country is *that* insidious (yet), but you're right, you never know.

>> No.17336289

Fascism adapts to the situation, culture, race etc. of a given people/group. What do you mean by few fascistic beliefs? What is a 'fascistic belief' to you?

>> No.17336333

fascism is a very broad ultra-statist, totalitarian, futurist ideology which will in front of traditionalists show off its rightist tendencies like in romania while in liberal societies like england it will show off its liberal tendencies

>> No.17336429

Totalitarianism is a state of being, not an ideology. Liberal societies can be totalitarian too.

>> No.17336431

No I found a copy and his other stuff, plus Barnes and Noble still has it. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/for%20my%20legionaries

>> No.17336457


Looks like they removed it from Abebooks as well. Lol. Imagine being on the side that thinks it's fine to ban books.

>> No.17336458

ummm maybe stop trying to buy nazi books sweaty

>> No.17336477

I shouldn't be limited in reading anything good or bad, accepted or reviled. Democracy is only legitimate if I have the freedom to disagree with it and learn more about alternatives.

>> No.17336480

>5 years from now
>order right wing oriented ebook
>bricks your reader

>10 years from now
>order a physical copy of rw book
>get worse credit ratings, get put on a list

>15 years from now
>order any slightly rw book
>cops show up at your house

>> No.17336540

It's mostly Romanian nationalist songs.

>> No.17336628


>> No.17336652

Then post amazon link retard

>> No.17336655

There's not really any point in trying to reason with idiots, Anon.

>> No.17336690

That guy was obviously trolling dimwits

>> No.17337153

At the moment they have one in Romanian though I think I already proved that the book is not being repressed.

>> No.17337181

Damn, this would be a utopia. Rwingers are pure cancer

>> No.17337198

So you can't post the link that OP asked for but you still answered "no" to their post and now you think because the book exists in other stores you "proved" something? Are you unironically double digit IQ?

>> No.17337212

Too bad it's more likely that you'll hang tranny

>> No.17337242

I just posted a copy of the book for sale, no one specified that it had to be in english. I also proved that you could go to another website and get it in english for under 20 dollars. If it's really that special a none english copy and a Romanian to English dictionary would be used if you're hell bent on only going to amazon for books.

>> No.17337439

Stop replying to bait

>> No.17337800
