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File: 878 KB, 827x1359, xparisfete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17327786 No.17327786 [Reply] [Original]

This book is comfy as fuck I wanna stay inside forever

>> No.17329033

We need a chart for essential comfy core

>> No.17329046

I dislike Hemingway in general, but I thought this book was hilarious, especially Hemingway's road trip with Fitzgerald.

>> No.17329064

Which copy am I supposed to stay away from? I heard one of them has been edited heavily. Is it the "restored edition"?

>> No.17329072

Yeah Scotty was a real head case
Remember when papa helped him with his penis envy

>> No.17329097

I've read both it doesn't really matter bro. unless you are a hemingway historian or just really enjoy him I don't think you miss much.

>> No.17329149

Look at Sylvia in the back there, that haggard look on her face. What shit could Joyce have been showing her to provoke that?

>> No.17329836

George RR Martin's recent blog post about it was pretty cute as well:

>> No.17329844

I love Hemingway's outfit, people used to look so good and elegant back then

>> No.17329980

Thanks, I enjoyed reading that !

>> No.17330518
File: 56 KB, 620x675, xernest-hemingway-en-train-décrire-620x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an Ernest Hemingway thread. Please don't let it sink !

>> No.17330583

You didn't read it, you're just repeating the opinion you've heard a dozen times before.

>> No.17330601

why so incendiary? it's a 200 page book and as someone who read it, the field trip with scotty was the obvious highlight. why are you so angry?

>> No.17330634
File: 64 KB, 449x609, nomoneros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the one with the old man, and his job is to catch the fish. So he gets in the boat to try and catch the fish.
So he catches the fish, but the fish is very strong, so the old man can not reel in the fish. Then he fights the fish some more and he finally catches the fish.
He catches the fish so then he can make money, right?
No, because on the way home, the sharks come and eat the fish. And so he no make money...

>> No.17330737

I bought a copy of this when I visited the Hemingway House in Key West a couple of months ago. Haven't read it yet but I am looking forward to it.

>> No.17330770

Probably bogus and a last-ditch attempt to take a potshot at Scotty. I love Hemingway, but he was notoriously full of shit, and that one basebal player he claimed to have met in Feast said, after his death, that he'd never met Hemingway in his life.

>> No.17330804

I wasn't even aware that my opinion was a popular opinion.

He is very uncharitable toward his friends, and pretends to be uncharitable toward himself, which is part of what makes this book so entertaining to me -- not only is it gossipy, it pretends not to be gossipy. I have no trouble imagining that Fitzgerald was a terrible road trip partner, however.

>> No.17330813

I suppose the road trip stood out to me because I actually like F. Scott Fitzgerald's books, so reading about him being whiny and high-maintenance especially tickled me.

>> No.17330945

I'm sure the book is great and all but what the hell is that awful cover

>> No.17330991

Anna Karenina

>> No.17331000

It is ok because the reel fish was the friends he made along the way.

>> No.17331564

Ok mate, get it started

>> No.17331834
File: 311 KB, 698x701, 36BF6F85-BA78-4A88-B0D1-5FEA909CE046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already made one, dudes. Unless your making a comfy nonfiction chart the. By all means include All aboard with E.M. Frimbo and Roughing it

>> No.17331852

Your picture is completely unintelligible

>> No.17332034

I had to get it on google and it wasn’t loading quick enough

>> No.17332044

kerouac is pretty comfy

>> No.17332057

I wanted that image. I really wanted it. And in your haste, despite promising it, you failed to deliver it. I oughtta gut you for this. Getting me all hot and heaving, just to go "Whoops my bad,". Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.17332068
File: 242 KB, 946x946, 1605466024807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>want a comfy book
>read The Hobbit
>it was indeed comfy
thanks, Tolkien!

>> No.17332148

You can't read that anon? Have you had your eyes checked? I think you might need glasses

>> No.17332188

Gaslight me some more and I'll hug you, you silly goose.