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/lit/ - Literature

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17330015 No.17330015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I look at people who play video games and watch porn all day and I pity them. It gets very lonely being an intellectual who reads books.

>> No.17330035

*tokes pipe meditatively*

>> No.17330041

>people who play video games and watch porn all day
People actually do this???

>> No.17330048

Most of this board does lol.

>> No.17330058

Yes, I do.

>> No.17330072

You're not a true intellectual if you don't watch sissy hypno videos

>> No.17330086

10 pages of Kant, a game of tf2, a fap, repeat...

>> No.17330096

I always give them wry "i'm better than you smiles" while they're with my wife

>> No.17330110
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>> No.17330155

Personally I practice visualizing plebs as lower forms of life, like a shrub. When one talks to me I hear the wind whistling through its branches and leaves.

>> No.17330171

The average /pol/tard does this which is why they're always projecting this on everyone

>> No.17330181

I sort of do that. When I hear plebs laughing and having fun with their friends, I smirk knowingly to myself, because they are wasting all that time when the could be reading
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius and having REAL fun.

>> No.17330187

can't stop being wired to the phone, shit is numbing as fuck and I guess I just want to be numb

>> No.17330195
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stop lying to yourself

>> No.17330286

>Consider everyone as greater than yourself. If he is wise or rich, you should give him respect. If he is poor and you are richer -- or wiser -- than he, consider yourself to be more guilty than he, and that he is more worthy than you, since when he sins it is through error, while yours is deliberate and you should know better!

>> No.17330486

wat is polybombed and how can i have it happen to me?

>> No.17330496

Dropping the bomb that your partner is polyamorous. They're saying their partner said "I want an open relationship" and a day later before they could come to terms with it already went ahead.

>> No.17330502

I unironically don't believe it

>> No.17330509

Some of you may be smarter but most of us are of average intelligence, we are just dysfunctional so appear sort of different

>> No.17330522

i can guarantee you that if youre not reading for aesthetic engagement, than the books youre reading are worthless and the people playing vidya and watching porn should pity you instead, since youre self admittedly lonely and wasting your life

>> No.17330539

If you are around people who you are objectively and tangibly smarter than, than you are doing yourself a disservice. Try aiming higher than creaming yourself over how smart you are relative to your mediocare friends.

>> No.17330566

>read blood meridian last month
>took breaks to play through rdr2 a second time
pretty comfy desu. I don’t play much vidya but when I do its kino af

>> No.17330572

KEK sounds like a great idea, anon.

>> No.17330575

I don't value intelligence, I value perseverance and moral courage. I'm smarter then most of my family, but they leave me in the dust when it comes to the latter traits. My brother probably had his intellect fucked over by numerous concussions/lead poisoning, but he doesn't sit around and mope about it.

If you have an IQ of 120 and work like the devil you can achieve almost anything. Hell, with an average IQ and enough ambition you can still be a great man, and more importantly a good man. These people are the salt of the earth. People who base their self worth on their perceived intelligence rather then actual accomplishments rarely amount to much.

>> No.17330608

This. IQ is a cope unless it's literal genius-tier.

>> No.17330630

>How do we cope with the fact we're smarter than others?
I was wondering why you have to cope about being smart (you don't to at all), then realized what you meant was 'How do i cope with being alone?' and the answer is that you cope loneliness by reading
So, uh... Guess you already answered yourself

>> No.17331032

Never had that problem..my brain is as smooth as silk.

>> No.17331325

Until about February last year I read loads, I read 60 books in 2019 including Infinite Jest and Don Quixote. Now, partly because I'm in second year of A levels and have a ton of work for four subjects not even including revision that I haven't properly started yet, as well as the fact that I'm always at least somewhat tired, and the simple fact that I broke my routine of 25-40 pages a day that I followed for years, I don't even read every day anymore. I think I had 25 in 2020 including 2 volumes of a manga which doesn't count, and only one was properly long iirc (Democracy in America, second longest probably Invisible Man). I've been reading Quichotte (Rushdie) since the beginning of December and have a couple chapters left, compared to reading IJ and Quixote in a month each before. I still enjoy reading when I do it, but now I do it more casually and it's harder to make time to do it. I don't play video games all day either, it's honestly somewhat rare and when I've made time to make progress in a game I consider that as having done something that day. I want to try a select few VNs and LNs as something lighter to read while doing A levels, although I also set a target of having read Ulysses by 2022 when it turns 100 (along with IJ/2021/25, GR/2023/50). Until recently I wasn't watching much either since I finished Twin Peaks a few months ago, I'm still yet to finish Dekalog (6/10) or LotGH (40/110) but I started six anime this season which is way more than I've ever done before.
I think a lot of it is mental illness for me to be honest. During an embarrassing chunk of 2020 I was obsessed with a Discord community and its drama and a lot of my thoughts revolved around it, and that definitely was mental illness. I haven't deliberately gone out to meet a friend outside of school since I was 15 now, and since starting college I talked to my school-only friends significantly less and was mostly a loner doing kino shit like reading Blood Meridian under a tree and listening to a qt reading in the same small section of the library make small talk with a librarian that she knew the YA book she was reading was garbage and was reading it because it was so bad its good and immediately realising she almost certainly had a bf. Lockdown basically cemented it by removing school/college, historically the only place I really socialise, and now the only interactions are me doing autistic shit about once every couple of months and them getting mad, and at least two of them are genuinely seriously concerned about it.
As for actual emotions, I go on and off like a lightswitch between nothing, euphoria and suicidal, and every time I become convinced that I'm always actually like that but another entity robbed my judgement whenever I thought otherwise and I was just coping. I constantly alternate between considering myself schizoid and avoidant, and again, considering the other one to be a coping faggot
/blog sorry about the schizopost I feel a lot freer after that

>> No.17331414
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was thinking of making a thread similar to this one a couple of days ago

>> No.17331430

>mental illness
no such thing, all just a fixation on niche status symbols, read Myth of Mental Illness.
>she knew the YA book she was reading was garbage
I bet it has a cuck plotline that she imagines you fulfilling.

>> No.17331441

It's true

>> No.17331481



>> No.17331493

poor guy. i like how he uses "they" so as not to give away that he was cucked though. he should have ended the relationship as soon as he got "polybombed"

>> No.17331526

Except reading doesn't make you more intelligent. And not doing anything with your life doesn't make you less intelligent. I spent the majority of my life immersed in self study, reading and I'm worse off because of it. There is no market value for most of the things leaned without credentials. You can't waltz into medical school even if you have a better grasp of the material than premeds (even with a stellar MCAT, it means nothing if you didn't take mandatory courses). Self studying took years away from my life and socialization opportunities. I've lost all vigor, energy and enthusiasm. Knowledge without credentials is meaningless and speaking of anything, people will dismiss you and view you as insane if you talk about anything complex. I spent my life learning about obscure subjects, racking my brain every night in study. Nothing came of it. The material learned isn't a consoling friend but a cruel torturer as it reminds you that far less intelligent people have career and credential in such fields and you are left on the outside as a spectator to rot. I wish I had never went to college, nor taken any jobs. I regret most bitterly all unrelated and more numerous hours of totally unrelated self study. If I could set back the clocks I would tell my younger self not even to try. To skip all of the aforementioned and instead simply try to get on disability and welfare.

>> No.17332216

Replace porn with porn/sex and you've described 98% of men.

>> No.17332225
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A man of refinement

>> No.17332228

i'm not smart.

>> No.17332237

So you only did it for social validation, not because you enjoy the feeling of understanding and of accumulating knowledge? You really are a retard.

>> No.17332352

Did you not enjoy your study sessions???

You should just do what you enjoy.

>> No.17332353
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So, you studied to make other people think you're smart? You must be American.

>> No.17332430

I would like to believe that we here are below average and that the average person is surely smarter than us

>> No.17332434

Yes, anons are unironically unable to do any shit by themselves. Most people can figure out their shit.

>> No.17332462

I love how /lit/ always critiques themselves. It’s almost christian.

>> No.17332471
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Yes, they are the new Simkins of our world and I pity them greatly. I do not even know who is on right now but I would really appreciate if they came forward so I could insult them a bit in front of their friends, children, parents, etc. for being lesser than me. "The cleverest scholars are not the wisest men" says the fat retard who got cucked and beaten by Alan and John.

>> No.17332506

Rebecca, I don't remember that guido kid's name but insult him and his mommy a bit just for me. Say "your mom is one fat sack of shit and I will cut your sac in half with a knife because Mr Handsome ordered it."

Hey Simkins, who reads my writings? Your friends and families. That is who. ;)

>> No.17332587

Is anyone else caught in a paradoxical state of wanting things but having a nihilistic view of things so motivating oneself to achieve goals is impossible because rationally it doesn't add up?
For example I want a family but I don't want my children to grow up in such a twisted world. Even if I were to homeschool them they need a community that will negatively influence them assuming society will continue to get worse and reach Weimar Republic tier suffering.
Additionally finding a suitable life partner is increasingly more difficult and I want to improve myself to my potential but also lack the ambition because I might just be setting myself up for a unicorn hunt. Regardless though I'll continue to improve myself as it will make my life better at least.
As for careers I'm pursuing a career in finance to help people from being taken advantage and start my own business so I'm not a cog in the system.
Deluding myself with "white pills" so to speak doesn't seem attractive to me so I'm likely going to end up in limbo for my life unless I see a glimmer of a paradigm shift.
Best of luck anyway friends, hopefully we can all make it through this.

>> No.17332808

Based schizo

>> No.17332815

i read books and also play videogames and watch porn

>> No.17332834

i share these three pastimes

>> No.17332934

The worst thing about being smart is you fully understand the term "too smart for your own good" and the fundamentals truth it holds.

>> No.17333058

I did that for a couple weeks once. I unironicaly didn't do much besides playing touhou and watching jav, but I stopped doing it because I didn't want to just waste my time. Now I'm reading doujinshi to improve my japanese lol

>> No.17333067

I did that for a couple of years.

>> No.17333747

>a game of tf2,
furries not welcome

>> No.17333930

Power is all that matters to a male’s psychological well being and we live in a society expertly crafted to render powerless all men who aren’t rich capitalists. Brains are just toys, worthless masturbation coping machines, if they can’t be used to channel the will into transforming the world around them. When’s the last time your intelligence altered your reality in a concrete way, rather than abstract achievements like learning useless information or cope reveries. I’m not being mean, I’m just challenging all of you to fight harder in life.

>> No.17333950

JAV isn't porn, it's art.

>> No.17333969

I just play video games with a deeper appreciation of the themes and what they're going for than my dullard non reading friends

>> No.17333976


>> No.17333994

>play video games and watch porn all day

How can i get into this lifestyle? Right now im stuck with wageslaving

>> No.17334009
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Youre not

>> No.17334022

1. Quit
2. See a shrink
3. Spew some stuff you read on /x/
4. Get a dank diagnosis
5. Apply for disability

>> No.17334038

you can either harness your loneliness into philosophy, or you can keep going through the dark path of discord and become an anarcho communist gay furry or something

>> No.17334064

the people around you are corpses walking and breathing. matter, all matter. heraclitus says, it makes no difference, living or dead, blessed or annhilated. all of this world is just matter scattered about, grouping together and dispersing and regathering at certain measurss. each of our emotions are just reactions to specific arrangements of matter in a specific time, all of that which we care about or hate, even the emotions we regard as everlasting, fade eventually into the godless sea

>> No.17334079
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>> No.17334176
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Could've said the same but then I remember that my months composes of weeks of reading and writing essays, and successive days where I would binge on vidya. Can't relate to the watch porn all day though

>> No.17334181
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best post of the day

>> No.17334188

Underrated post

>> No.17334393

>I don't value intelligence, I value perseverance and moral courage.
This. Also consistency/stability/poise. I admire people who can do the toil day in day out regardless of the setbacks of life and their personal weaknesses.

>> No.17334429

>Energy drink, shitpost ,write 0.5-1 pages, shitpost, read 5-10 pages, energy drink, research shitcoins, shitpost, shitpost

That's my day for the last 1000 days

>> No.17334445

99% of the people here who read are fucking retards as well who get memed into stupid ideologies, philosophies, and religions because they have no power of discernment. Reading does not make you intelligent.