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17325658 No.17325658 [Reply] [Original]

amazon shipped my book without a bookmark

>> No.17326662

I don't give a shit

>> No.17327471

read it all at once then

>> No.17327759

I use a playing card, or if the book has very thing pages, I piece of A4 paper as a bookmark. I feel that most bookmarks are too thick and will distort the pages over time. t. autist

>> No.17327769
File: 149 KB, 1200x898, mitercraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a bookmark from Mitercraft and thank me later.

>> No.17327820

I've never got a bookmark from amazon. This is bullshit.

>> No.17327826

What? They ship with bookmarks?

>> No.17327956

>amazon ships the wrong book
>doesn't take returns

>> No.17327974
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amazon shipped my book with the cover folded in half

>> No.17327996
File: 163 KB, 299x299, 07-06-42-1608259075340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>receive a book
>It has a step by step guide on How to make a bomb scribbled by pencil on the last page

>> No.17328012
File: 86 KB, 1024x1024, Bookmark_Snowflakes_Engraved_FRONT_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuute, ty anon

>> No.17328018

amazon shipped my bookmark without a book

>> No.17328021
File: 43 KB, 400x600, 1607627631137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, Anon.

>> No.17328033

once i got a book with a picture of two girls in it

>> No.17328104

Glad I could help!

>> No.17328105
File: 668 KB, 767x510, 452675252753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck amazon, order from book depository in us or blackwell in uk. They always give tons of bookmarks. This is the last "new" book I ordered from amazon.

>> No.17328272

Then you must find Jeff Bezos and beat him.

>> No.17328284

my sincere condolences

>> No.17328291

just use a small piece of paper, about 10x5cm in size

>> No.17328293

I had one (oxford Bacchae) from Amazon where the cover was a half inch larger than the other pages, but bent to even them out. So there's two nice big creases right down the middle through the cute little twink's face.

>> No.17328294

It was Process and Reality. Were it not for /lit/ I could have continued in my Whitehead-free uncreased bliss.

>> No.17328310

In the US, Blackwell's is often cheaper than both Amazon and bookshop. They ship free to the US somehow. Usually takes me like 12 days to get a book though

>> No.17328508

just use a chinese bootleg yu gi oh card

>> No.17328535

Best bookmark is a post it note. You can stick it where you want it to mark a stopping point and it never falls out.

>> No.17328594

file this under shit that didn't happen. you really expect me to believe Amazon sent you the wrong book and would allow you to return it? quit making up drama ya fuckin schizo

>> No.17328634

i once had this hard pap cardboard that would look like a bookmark. stop the lights.

>> No.17328685

lol yep, I have a fucking boatload of blackwell bookmarks at this point they must be swimming in them to give so many away

>> No.17328695

hes technically right, they wont accept returns. instead they just give you your money back and let you keep the book. you can abuse the system like this once and amazon will let you get away with it. i did it on a $1000 laptop, said it was stolen off my porch. they sent a new one free of charg.e

>> No.17328701

You can still look up Caravaggio's paintings and fap to them anytime anon

>> No.17328747


which one should i get?

>> No.17328751

I did this with a computer monitor. ordered one, claimed it arrived with stuck pixels/lines across the screen. got another one free of charge and they let me keep the old so I just sold it. they would rather get scammed every once in a while than put in the effort to weed out the fake claims.

>> No.17328780
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I'm not sure I can tell you anything about them that's not obvious from the website. That said, I have this one and think it's quite charming.

>> No.17328807
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x3024, F87D7D31-34F0-4C1E-96DB-9511FD69A6D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17329110

are you serious dude. I just had a defective router from them and they made me return it.

on the other hand, I tried to return a bottle of whiskey when they brought the wrong one. they refunded and let me keep it.

>> No.17329166

pap is tasty.
pap is nice.
pap makes up for a bookmark.
& you dont have to think twice.

>> No.17329182
File: 1.47 MB, 1200x1587, A24_zine_ramy_web-cover-small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really don't already cut strips of paper from the A24 zine and laminate them?

>> No.17329404

is nice, might get for mother on valentines day.

>> No.17329608

ive had it with bookmarks.

>> No.17329661
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x3024, FaustUnibookmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once found this in a University copy of Faust. Unrelated, I was only there to *borrow* books.

>> No.17329684

based but too expensive. I'd pay half that price for a bookmark.

>> No.17329750

poets only use book marks expensively.
a book in full flight is zen to a funeral.

>> No.17329959

a phone is as good as a bookmark.
blues clues just say the book is open on that page anyway.

>> No.17330578

suppose a goat would consider god a bookmarc.
and a stamp german. watery physics

>> No.17330637

That's sweet.

>> No.17330838

lets take for example milk.
the cartoon is a book...marc

>> No.17330985

bookdepository is owned by amazon btw

>> No.17331078

or chopin

>> No.17331184

>havent read in years
>forgot bookmarks exist
>try to member page number
>can't because drinking habit
>use bottle cap from beer I drank last weekend as bookmark

>> No.17331369

I'm used to getting bookmarks with my books because I usually order from BD or some smaller book store chain, thought amazon would do the same but haha fuck no

>> No.17331410
File: 47 KB, 710x675, ba6e24521b5a7dc0fb88343eeacd19d64e-wojak-02.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find the page you were on without the use of a bookmark

>> No.17331518

I just dog-ear all my shit. And yeah, I do donate those dog-eared books to the library when I'm done with 'em.
It makes me happy when I come across a dog-ear crease someone else has made in a book; someone else out there in the universe was having a good enough time reading the same thing that they had to mark their place, and they're not so prissy as to worry about "muh virgin pages" or whatever. Give me some skanky dog-eared book that's been around the block a few times any day; I appreciate the reminder that some people out there still enjoy reading just as much as I do.

>> No.17331783
File: 29 KB, 340x256, CF2BF88A-9A0E-4F33-A1FD-ACD53B4081DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To each their own, but I prefer to try and keep my possessions in good quality, regardless of whether it is a book or some other thing. Plus, I’m the person who posted the Seinfeld bookmark, so I like to use bookmarks as part of my personality :)

>> No.17331797

Just rip out one of the empty pages at the end of the book and fold it into bookmark shape. It's not like it serves a purpose so you're not ruining the book in any real way.

>> No.17331840

high time preference cringe

>> No.17331867
File: 111 KB, 800x600, origami-bookmark-06-56a6d5855f9b58b7d0e506cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you homie.

>> No.17331882

How to be a good lover?

>> No.17331885

include a cheap deck of cards in your next order. 52+ cheap bookmarks are waiting for you

>> No.17331891

Which card should I use? Too many options.

>> No.17331898

bitches love custom shit

>> No.17331912

Custom shit? I am sorry, I don't talk to too many niggers so my grasp of ebonics is more or less non-existent.

>> No.17332025

>economics in one lesson
based prime

>> No.17332577
File: 42 KB, 473x500, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e-reader saves place on its own

>> No.17332581

this is why I use book depository

>> No.17332589

This shit always happens whenever I order a book + anything that isn't book shaped. They just throw it all in the box with no protection.

>> No.17333860

please shut the fuck up

>> No.17333885


>> No.17333939

I kept taking these clear little 6 inch plastic rulers from my uni. Real great bookmarks. I underline and annotate a lot when I read, so they're perfect for me.

>> No.17333959

Deserved for reading Hazlitt

>> No.17333972

owned by (((Amazon)))

>> No.17333975

There's something about this comment that made me real sad for the future.
A man asking another man what deck of cheap cards he should buy to use for something as trivial as a bookmark.
A nice glimpse into the utter chaos that is mass-consumer culture, where the simple desire to get a deck of cards of fraught with information overload.
It's like the depressing feeling you have late at night when you're browsing through all the selections on Netflix, yearning for some escapism, but you just can't decide on what to watch, so you browse and browse until you're too tired to stay up to watch the movie.

>> No.17334378

>blind by 40 years

>> No.17334381

the supply of culture has vastly outproduced the demand

>> No.17335105

nigga I just wanna know which cards people think are the coolest, shut the fuck up

>> No.17335143

one with naked ladies on them

>> No.17335366
File: 6 KB, 300x168, iktfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17335521

Ew, no, sodomy is evil