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/lit/ - Literature

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17328394 No.17328394 [Reply] [Original]

ITT post a movie and get a book recommendation

>> No.17328430

Verhaeren's Campagne hallucinées

>> No.17328447
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>> No.17328448
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>> No.17328464
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>> No.17328479
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>> No.17328491
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plz dear anons

>> No.17328498


>> No.17328505
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>> No.17328587
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supreme kino tier

>> No.17328639
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Burmese Harp, Ran and Toratoratora.

Alternatively my favourite movie Apocalypse Now, if you haven't seen it lol, or Paths of Glory because it's so great it's a meme.

>> No.17328754
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>> No.17328778


Inherent Vice by Pynchon

>> No.17328815

ITT: people who fill their shelves with books they don’t read whilst they consume other media

>> No.17328947

if I watch movies that means I dont read books?

>> No.17328965
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>> No.17328968
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>> No.17328986
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>> No.17330217
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>> No.17330228

Great film. Unsurprisingly Bernanos' books are very close to Bresson's work.

>> No.17330241
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This thread doesn't seem to be working out. Please prove me wrong

>> No.17330266
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>> No.17330272


>> No.17330365
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Not Lolita please

>> No.17330387
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(Brideshead Revisited)
Don't recommend more Waugh, though, I know that

>> No.17330399

honestly, this movie is overrated. And no, I will not recommend a book.

>> No.17330414
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I haven't seen any movies posted in this thread. I don't normally watch art house shit but god damn, I'd've figured I would have seen at least a couple.

>> No.17330422

ok I missed American Beauty and 300, I've seen them

>> No.17330440

>Joyce in Padua

>John Stryker Meyer SOG chronicles

>Book of Monelle

>The Sea Wolves (Moore, Peck)
>Morituri (Brenner, Brando)

>The Killing of a Sacred Deer
>The Lodge (Riley Keogh)

>Petersburg, Bieley

>> No.17330558
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I know Legion, Red Dragon, and Fail Safe are based on books, but these are my favorite movies.

Good fucking movie. Depending on if you're looking for something with an aesthetic, thematic, or philosophical similarity, your recommendations are gonna be way different. Try Notes from Underground.

Run Silent Run Deep is often compared to Das Boot.

>> No.17330562

>>Book of Monelle

>> No.17330648
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Waiting for godot

>> No.17330663
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No music themed, please

>> No.17330708


>> No.17330848
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Secret of Kells
>inb4 someone recommends the Book of Kells

>> No.17330872
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>> No.17330954
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/tv/ here, i legitimately don't read books but i'd like to at least start. here are a few movies that represent my taste

>> No.17331506


>> No.17332314

fascinating to me that /lit/'s taste in film is as pretentious and boring as /lit/'s taste in literature. I guess some people just like listening to other people wax philosophical for extended periods of time

>> No.17332317
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>> No.17332324
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>> No.17332359

that's lolita

>> No.17332375
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this thread is shit

>> No.17332380

The Cruel Sea. They aren't in uboats but they do have encounters with them.

>> No.17332387

I’m gonna assume you already know Bela Tarr’s frequent collaborator and screenwriter is the greatest living novelist.

>> No.17332449
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Secondhand Time

>> No.17332689
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>> No.17332700

shatterday by harlan ellison (the story)

>> No.17332716


>> No.17333345
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>> No.17333347
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The Red Desert (1964)


>> No.17333352
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>> No.17333356
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>> No.17333366

Something by Stephenie Meyer

>> No.17333367

The short story It's a Wonderful Life is based on

>> No.17334235

Epitaph of a small winner

>> No.17334304

Red Harvest

>> No.17334336

Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield
not 'high literature' but one of my all time favs
Dienekes might be one of my favorite literary characters

>> No.17334499
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>> No.17334683
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I rarely watch movies so I can't give appropriate recommendations to any movies given here, but I hope that someone will help me.

>> No.17334744

Women and Men by McElroy or shit even Ulysses. In the Mood for Love is a goated film though. Check out Tsai Ming Liang as a director, too

No book rec but if you like ANtonioni check out the films of Jiia zhanke especially Still Life

Of course the novels of Krasnahorkai. Also Nietzsche or Dostoevsky. Less pretentiously, maybe the Lime Works by Bernhard or From the Heart of the Country by Coetzee

Schindlers List or Munich with Eric Bana. lmfao just kidding. Khalidi is dope as hell, if you like this check out the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Illan Pappe. Re: Film recs, there's rich tradition of Israeli/palestinian film but I don't know it well enough to recommend. Check out Kiarostami for middle eastern film, especially The Wind will Carry Us. If you just want decolonial, then The Battle of Algiers is required viewing

Catcher in the Rye lmfao. Or Steinbeck. Gay

First, watch Sidney Lumet's films especially Before the Devil Knows You're Dead -- massive influence on the Safdie brothers, you'll see the resonance immediately and Marisa TOmei is so hot in it. For books, I would recommend Warlock by Oakley, Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut, Bourne Ultimatum the book (seriously), Infinite JEst (Seriously, just white knuckle it and man up about the length), Kafka on the Shore by Murakami, 2666 by Bolano, anything by Amis especially Money and London Fields, anything by Tom McCarthy especially Remainder. Hope you get into novels, should be fun if you enjoy good cinema!

>> No.17334764

Anon I'm sorry if this misses the mark, because I've never even heard of any of those films.
But if I were you, I'd start getting into books by reading novels. They tend to be easier and more enjoyable to read than philosophical texts, history books, et cetera. And if you want to build the habit of reading, you have to enjoy it, otherwise you'll quit.
Some simple recommendations that are fun and widely enjoyed:

The Hobbit
The Three Musketeers
Harry Potter (never read these, they seem kind of gay to be honest, but they're popular)
The Da Vinci Code/Angels and Demons
White Fang/The Call of the Wild
The Great Gatsby
Lord of the Flies
Brave New World

There are, obviously, a thousand more novels out there. But these are all relatively easy to get into, and don't require a steadfast commitment like, say, War and Peace or Ulysses. I'm sure the other anons on here will agree/disagree with this short list, but it's a start, and I hope it helps. Happy reading!

>> No.17334816

The differences between our lists are fucking hilarious. You: here is some poignant literature that follows along the lines you seek. They pair with your film choices like a fine wine to chateaubriand.

Me (>>17334764): hey man, read the Hobbit! It's great!

>> No.17334841

Kino, check out Yoshida

>> No.17334868
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crying of lot 49 oorrr some burroughs or bangs or kerouac,, mahybe even cleo odzer

>> No.17335720
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I love this film

>> No.17336603
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>> No.17337320
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jia zhangke in general.

>> No.17337478
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>> No.17337648
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>> No.17337700
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>> No.17337714
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>> No.17337751


>> No.17337905

This film was very well done but did anyone else feel it went a bit too hard on the message? Also the massacre scene seemed like the director vicariously taking out his hatred on the rich through his characters.

>> No.17338319

Hi I'm racist actor Michael Douglas

>> No.17338526

How's the podcast coming along Michael

>> No.17339822
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Just getting into reading so I cant give reccs sorry.

It could have been a bit more obtuse at the end definitely, but overall it seemed rather fitting for the film as a whole.

I hope someone answers this, I enjoyed that movie a lot. Although I think that Brawl in Cell Block 99 was better.

>> No.17339833
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Best book I ever read. Movie soon.

>> No.17339853

3 ratings on goodreads and one review.

Hello Gedalia. Now kindly fuck off

>> No.17339899

Fear and Trembling by Nothomb

>> No.17340849
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>> No.17341770
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>> No.17341835

Heartbreak Tango

>> No.17341839

Nah, Its a really nice movie.

>> No.17341865

>Or Steinbeck. Gay

You're a pleb

>> No.17341875

>Infinite JEst
>Cat's Cradle


>> No.17341889

>Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
Palestine is not real