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/lit/ - Literature

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17325612 No.17325612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you follow youtubers who talk about books, narrative, essays ...? Which ones do you follow?


>> No.17325620

Horrendous Xenos interior design.

>> No.17325630

Is her booba ok

>> No.17325646
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I don't understand that you like so much about this young woman.

>> No.17327307

Culture of Critique

>> No.17327316

Based Uncle Sowell
Just a cyst

>> No.17327356


>> No.17327378


Milkers and the average channer's obsession with the tribes of Israel

>> No.17327399


>> No.17327600

There is only one I like and her only video right now is a bookshelf tour, but there was enough good, non-YA books on there for me to wish she had more videos out.

>> No.17327606

i heard she's getting a breast reduction

>> No.17327620

i watch this guy. he's fell in quality a bit as of late but he gives pretty good overviews of books without just telling you the narrative (like clifford shittord better than chud book review). wouldn't exactly call them reviews but they're pleasant vids

malcolm guite does small talks on authors + poetry, and tends to read essays or poems halfway through the vid. comfy

>> No.17327637

>basic economics
Jesus fucking christ she's the absolute worst. Cucked husband. Breast reduction. Paid for youtube shill by oil tycoons. A jew. Midget brother who's only claim to fame is he owns undergrads by talking fast.

Just imagine working so hard for THAT to be what you embrace.

>> No.17327704

I find severe bent toward literary and genre fiction among most booktubers really tiresome, so seeing any youtuber who's reading more non-fiction is a breath of fresh air.
At the same time, it's a reminder of just how many books are out there, how many schools of thought and fields of study, and how we all get caught up in our own bubbles.

>> No.17327708

She jewess

>> No.17327711

It bothers me that everyone obsesses over her tits. She's Jewish AND an opera soprano; those are better attributes to fetishize.

>> No.17327714

um, you're actually going to make us ask who youre talking about? cmon man. Just say who it is in your post.

>> No.17327734

is this Ben Shapiro in drag or what? I don't get it.

>> No.17327747

Ben Shapiro got a sex change and, as he says in the video, he's just out of surgery. so brave

>> No.17327768

Those are class traits and aren’t really things people give a shit about, tripfag.

>> No.17327780

>aren’t really things people give a shit about
You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.17327797

I beg to differ
>opero soprano
I'm Jewish myself so I don't care, but lots of anon seems to have weird fetishes around that, one way or the other.

>> No.17327841

People who sing and play music know how unimpressive singing is. The only embarrassing thing is her inability to keep time.

>> No.17327851

so how big are yours

>> No.17327862

Basic Economics is a horrible book and I would rather recommend other introductions to economics

>> No.17327865

Why is it bad?

>> No.17327866

She's a good singer and very kind and bubbly, but her breasts are certainly outstanding.

>> No.17327896 [DELETED] 

>People who sing and play music know how unimpressive singing is.
I'm not a person who sings, therefore excellent-quality singing is very impressive, even mysterious, to me.

>I'm Jewish myself so I don't care, but lots of anon seems to have weird fetishes around that, one way or the other.
See the above. If I ever get married, I'd like to step on a glass; that looks like fun.

>> No.17327903

Because pseuds don't like the fact that Sowell is an economist who actively rejects socialism. B.E. isn't particularly good but it IS a decent introduction to economics for non-economists, without oversimplifying. The most polemical it gets is saying "This particular issue happens because of this economic thing, which people should stop doing."

>> No.17327925

>People who sing and play music know how unimpressive singing is.
I'm not a person who sings, therefore excellent-quality singing is very impressive, even mysterious, to me.

>I'm Jewish myself so I don't care, but lots of anon seems to have weird fetishes around that, one way or the other.
See the above. If I ever get married, I'd like to step on a glass; that looks like fun.

>> No.17327945

First, it's a personal warfare against communism and government regulations. If you buy this book, expect hundreds of pages of ramblings about how shitty communism was, how shitty the government and unions are and how awesome a free and unregulated market is. Don't get me wrong, this are valid opinions and he often has good arguments but I don't think an intro textbook to economics should be this heavily biased. Second, he doesn’t interact with mainstream economics, and he misrepresents the current state of economic research.

If you really want to get into economics, read Economics by Krugman or Principles of Economics by Mankiw.

>> No.17327948
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Forest Anon. Also paperbackdreams and stories for coffee, but I don't watch them for their content. If there are any anons with small yt channels about /lit/ please shill them now.

>> No.17327976

>Hundreds of pages
Did you even read the book? There's like four main examples of him even talking about this
>Planned economies are inefficient because these soviet economists didn't like the system and had data for it
>China is also inefficient and got much more efficient after switching away from planned economies
>Rent controls backfire and here's examples where it does
>Minimum wage causes unemployment and most studies on this have these specific issues.

>> No.17328003

My balls? Chokingly big, according to your mum. And I didn't misspell "chokingly".

>> No.17328014

>Did you even read the book? There's like four main examples of him even talking about this
Yes I did and he basically puts those points on repeat for over 700 pages. No really, if you want to get into economics, buy another book and not this steaming pile of shit from an ex-commie trying to cope because he was let down by Daddy Marx.

>> No.17328214
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>> No.17328230

Paperbird is the best. I like Jonny Keen although I remember some didn't enjoy him very much around here, TheBookchemist is also good. Leaf by leaf reviews some very interesting books which don't always get much attention in the anglosphere. There are some cute girls with good taste but I won't name them because this board gets dangerously autistic around women.

>> No.17328235
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>> No.17328242

I misread what you were asking for but you should enjoy these channels anyways

>> No.17328368

forest anon

>> No.17328428

>expect hundreds of pages of ramblings about how shitty communism was, how shitty the government and unions are and how awesome a free and unregulated market is.
I read it and I don't remember much of that at all. Instead the book continually emphasized approaching problems with an "incentive and tradeoff" mindset as opposed to the "problems and solutions" mindset which leads to bad policies that don't solve the problems that purport to, like the minimum wage or price caps. There's not a lot of talk about communism in this book and in others dedicated to Marxism, Sowell is actually very respectful while pointing out legitimate problems.

This idea that somebody could be unbiased is ridiculous because the truth matters. No matter what an author is going to favor what he thinks is true and Sowell is no exception to this. People that haven't read the books assume they he's some libertarian character throwing about unfair polemics but this really isn't the case and I think you would be pleasantly surprised if you would actually pick up the books you're criticizing.

>> No.17328519

>Jonny Keen
>Leaf by leaf
Which ones are pozzed? And be honest.

>> No.17328551

>First, it's a personal warfare against communism and government regulations.

also justified

>> No.17328559

I wish she had her boobs out

>> No.17328627

Do you mean which are gay? I'm pretty sure all of them have a wife except for TheBookchemist, whom I don't think is gay anyway.

>> No.17328766

> People that haven't read the books assume they he's some libertarian character throwing about unfair polemics but this really isn't the case and I think you would be pleasantly surprised if you would actually pick up the books you're criticizing.
Sowell is a libertarian. Stop gargling his cum you stupid nigger

>> No.17328795

>Do you follow youtubers who talk about books, narrative, essays ...?
No, and people that do seldom actually themselves read, eceleb-posters and pseud midwits that never read should not be on /lit/

>> No.17328797

Not that anon but you've completely misunderstood him...do you misunderstand everyone you read?

>> No.17328885

I didn't say he's not a libertarian, I said he's not a libertarian character throwing about unfair polemics.

>> No.17328915

Do econ "text books" like that really exist?
I read an econ textbook and it was just a bunch of algebra and graphs used to explain dumb shit like why cabbages are cheaper than the newest iphone. The main thing I learned from that book is that I should not enroll in an econ degree.

>> No.17328937

I don't like the fact that he's black

>> No.17329019


>> No.17329101
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Jewess gfs are very /lit/ indeed.

>> No.17329134

Minus the fact this thread is obviously about Abi Shapiro I don't watch any booktubers because I'll be autistically angry if they slightly deviate from my opinion.

>> No.17329139

Funny how easily people are duped into the "tradwife" meme by long skirts, regardless of the person's actions.

>> No.17329396

Worth ruining a host nation for.

>> No.17329411

Jewish women are an obsession of mine

>> No.17329425

>shits on Sowell
Ok i understand. He may not be for everyone
>recommends Krugman
Holy shit dude, end yourself

>> No.17329438

>If I ever get married, I'd like to step on a glass; that looks like fun.
That's a cute reason I guess, but know that the meaning of this apparently amusing custom is to remind the groom that even on the happiest day of his life, he can't be fully happy, unless the Temple of Jerusalem is restored.

>> No.17329675
File: 155 KB, 800x954, Kingdoms_of_Israel_and_Judah_map_830.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless the Temple of Jerusalem is restored
They control all the major bits of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel and most of Philistia AND some other minor regions. Why don't they just rebuild that bad boy? I bet they could get the Yanks to pay for it too lel.

>> No.17329725

Muslims would go fucking nuts.

>> No.17329761

Why are you talking out your ass?

>> No.17329805

Jewess with large mammaries
She didn't get breast reduction surgery. She just removed a lump

>> No.17329820

I stand corrected, Muslims are already fucking nuts.

>> No.17329848

And? They can do whatever they want in Israel.

>> No.17329923

>tfw no nerdy thicc jewish gf with jewfro hair, 155 IQ and khazar milkers to read the Talmud with

>> No.17329960

>Thomas Sowell

>> No.17330144

War and Peace and Robert Alter's Bible are her only good picks

>> No.17330225

If that happen then there really is no god. I've always meant to get stoned and laugh at her insane conservative Republican videos

>> No.17330246

That Rachel from UMass is like her doppelganger. Google her

>> No.17330303

lit follows booktubers other than q?