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17317986 No.17317986 [Reply] [Original]

Any books or authors that talk about political fatigue?
I´m so tired of politics bros, its everywhere around me, it has consumed everyone I care about. I know people should pay attention to politics, but not to this point, it has become pathological.

>> No.17318003

Politics is a means to an end, a lot of people treat it like an end in itself these days, or make it part of their personality. This feels like a new development but it probably isn't.

>> No.17318034

politics are in everything and "not inserting" politics into something is a political statement in of itself
sorry op but there's no running away from it bro

>> No.17318050

>or make it part of their personality
exactly, its absolute cancer. We should do our political duty but we should be able to live our lives without having to think about every fucking political thing 100% of the time~

I blame social media honestly. And no this doesn´t have to be a political statement if one doesnt want to partake in politics, you´re being very dualistic and narrow minded

>> No.17318059

seconding OP
i imagine some writings out of post-war Europe would echo sentiments. of people simply trying to live their lives in peace but being caught up in machinery far bigger and complex than them, and resenting the machine because of it.

>> No.17318066
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If you mean the "my team is better than your team" bullshit, then unironically pic related. Take the clear pill and step away from the tribalism of day-to-day politics.
You can't avoid politics entirely, but taking a broader view of it while refraining to partake in the insane circus it has become is quite refreshing.

>> No.17318086

turn off your phone, computer, television and radio.
immerse yourself into a big sf/fantasy series.


>> No.17318095

Thank you anons, I actually enjoy politics but this constant tribalism has left me completely depleted, I guess I´ll do a full media detox

If you can recommend me books that talk about this sentiment I would appreciate it as well

>> No.17318270

>i imagine some writings out of post-war Europe would echo sentiments
thank you! will look it up

>> No.17318291

capitalist realism by mark fisher has that kind of vibe

>> No.17318310

Politics is made up of two people. Those who want to be left alone and those who won't leave them the fuck alone. From the sounds of it you fall into the former, and I sympathize.

>> No.17318379

>And no this doesn´t have to be a political statement if one doesnt want to partake in politics, you´re being very dualistic and narrow minded
The modern political dynamic consists entirely of one side trying to run the other's life and jamming shit down their throat they want nothing to do with. Whether you like it or not, you've defaulted to a side by making the statement you just made. "It's not enough to not be racist, we all need to be actively anti-racist." Join their church or be their enemy, anon.

>> No.17318403

thats pretty reductive and retarded

>> No.17318419

Fucking based. I just started reading Moldbug and he's able to verbalize what I've been unable to for years.

>> No.17318432

where to start with moldbug bros?

>> No.17318455

>>politics are in everything
this is political statement and peak atheism

>"not inserting" politics into something is a political statement in of itself
this is what atheists and women believe, m because atheists have replaced god with politics, or rather with the triumvirate of politics, education, entertainment.

Atheism is for bugmen and women.

>> No.17318478
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>> No.17318493

Politics is in everything if you are a totalitarian.

>> No.17318505


>> No.17318507


Open Letter to an Open-Minded Progressive

>> No.17318515

This is precisely why we need a totalitarian state with only a small percentage of the population who needs to worry about such things. Take the theocracy, monarchy or vanguard leadership pills. Everything else is a meme and leads to proles worrying about shit they shouldn't even worry about.

>> No.17318530

Everything is political only if a society politicizes its fundamental parts. Which is a very American thing to do, right now at least.

>> No.17318545


Capitalist Realism by Fisher and The Burnout Society by Han are both all about this feeling. I have a suggestion for you to consider aside from strongly recommending both books (even a second reading if you have already read either): that perhaps politics nowadays is just a convenient scapegoat, for instance, to take our attention away from economics, and in reality, we are actually facing a long and drawn out era of existential fatigue about contemporary life in itself. If not obsessed over politics, surely we would find something else to obsess over, as we are now all fully engaged in the hyper indulgence of information. And just about now, we are starting to realize our bodies did not evolve nor adapt as fast as our capacity to artificially generate and transport ideas around.

>> No.17318580

shut up retard, politics are nothing

>> No.17318594

after reading the replies to this, i have once again come to the conclusion that everybody in 4chan are retards beyond salvation

>> No.17318614
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>Everything is x bro!
Meaningless statement

>> No.17318617

It's so fucking easy to avoid politics, what the fuck is wrong with you people? All you need to do is turn off the news and not have social media. That's it, there's thousands of hobbies, jobs, things to do that isn't politics.

>> No.17318678

>there's thousands of hobbies, jobs, things to do that isn't politics.
But then you have to avoid others, because gone is the notion of "no politics except with your closest confidants".

>> No.17318682

>Open Letter to an Open-Minded Progressive

>> No.17318687


Everyone in 4chan is retarded indeed. However, I think the OP is thinking about a more specific subset of political discourse which is the one concerning partisanship, and the defense or criticism of conglomerates of ideas that are necessarily tied to groups of personalities, identities, and so on and so on (sniff). OP is probably not thinking about the ways in which politics is of course tied into everything else such as the very notion of governance, relationships among all kinds of parties, and economical consequences of political decisions.

All-encompassing statements like that one are ultimately unhelpful tautologies and, does everyone not agree there is actually a kind of collective aura of fatigue undermining all discussions and movements related to political parties? Our public spaces have really been consumed by politics in this sense, in a way that is far from philosophical and far from what the "politics is everything" motto would imply - as the politics we are saturated with today actually do not carry many statements at all.

>> No.17318689

damn, this is a great reply

I read Fisher and didnt really like it but Ill look into the Burnout society! thank you anon

>> No.17318690

I've been listening to the same political arguments and discussions for the past 20 years, it's easy to steer a conversation away from it, or just completely ignore it

>> No.17318763

here is an epub of many of his essays

>> No.17318783


>> No.17318847

Why does democracy always seem to have the "correct" choice? Its kind of offputting. You can vote for whoever but if you vote for other sider? Well... Youre pretty much a heretic

>> No.17318873

Read The Problem of Democracy by Alain de Benoist.

>> No.17318904

Op I think you’d love The World of Yesterday by Zwieg

>> No.17319009
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I’m not even American and their politics is fucking everywhere you can’t avoid it

>> No.17319020

I know my guy, those fucking burgers have imported their politics to every country in Europe because of Social media
I´m from Portugal and in the space of 4 years since the Trump presidency, people here have morphed into 2016 twitter. Its absolutely degrading and a shame

>> No.17319045

It's really depressing. We're importing American political culture. It doesn't work very well for America, don't see why it will work for other countries.

>> No.17319053

you should eat a shotgun

>> No.17319054

>almost no negros in iceland
>a ban on gatherings due to corona
>broken by a blm protest, without consequences
>the protest is not in front of the american embassy, but the icelandic parliament
I hate america, I hate those infected with americanism, I want them all destroyed

>> No.17319088

I blame social media for the homogenization of political views
Leftists here have become cancer sassy antifa anarchist faggots (when before they were pretty respectable in parliament)
Right wingers have become trumpist anti-intellectual idiots (when before they were just moderate neo liberals who advocated for normal conservative values but acceptant of other views)

All nuance has disappeared and everyone has become ultra-dogmatic and radicalized

>> No.17319092

>any books about politics
>I’m so sick of politics

This is by design, MAGA-boy
Manufacturing Consent

>> No.17319105

Jesus fucking christ we are beyond salvation

>> No.17319112

Can't you fucking read retard? I said the phenomena of political fatigue, not politics itself

>> No.17319175

Okay, sorry. Eating.

Politics is the people’s business, but the “politicians” of today are just doing statecraft swindles and rebranding. The owner class are wearing the lower classes down with bullshit. The usual statist bullshit. I made my recommendation

>> No.17319192

>politics is everywhere bro I'm so tired of it.
The truth is that it was always there. You were just too young to care. And also find it ironic that someone who is tired of being bombarded by politics goes on 4chan - a place that is nothing but right wing politics.

>> No.17319318

it's a development specific to mass media and telecommunications, but yeah it's been around for awhile now.

>> No.17319511


>> No.17319576

i'd recommend debord and baudrillard since our current hyperpoliticization is itself a simultation of politics intended to prevent citizens from having actual dangerous political engagements (e.g. challenging the ownership structure of the economy). identity politics in particular have always served a smoke screen for the neoliberal fleecing of the country, but reactionary politics of the consoomer variety are themselves the same smoke screen. and it works quite well, too

>> No.17319582
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It's because we're experiencing a pandemic of super-infectious mind viruses made super-infectious by utilizing vast internet communities of infected individuals as accelerators of memetic evolution. These pathological information societies essentially work to find the best possible ways to reinforce their own delusions further.

It's literally a memetic zombie apocalypse, and the strains of the virus are evolving to be ever more powerful.


>> No.17319586

I know the feeling bro, I've resolved to not think about politics at all this year. This is the year of the grill.

>> No.17319596

The current situation can also be imagined as a death spiral of mutually reinforcing delusions and misinformation. A black hole of stupidity.

>> No.17319601

Stop watching and reading news. It does wonders for r mental health.

>> No.17319611

How lucky for you that you can just ignore politics. Unfortunately politics won't ignore me. I currently have to worry about a bunch of right-wing lunatics burning my country down and selling the ashes to conmen.

>> No.17319615


>> No.17319626

You're brainwashed my friend. The danger is there, but its completely peripheral, stop consooooming so much media

>> No.17319654

The grill pill is the final level of enlightenment.

>> No.17319690

I've known how bad the American right-wing is for 20 years. It is a movement that will inevitably lead America to catastrophe if it is allowed to survive. It is a greater threat to my country and the world than anything else.
The last 4 years has just been the American right-wing showing what it truly has been all along.

>> No.17319732

I've also known how bad religion and Christianity are for 20 years. Thankfully I had secular parents, it was always obvious to me that Christianity is a system of insane brainwashing and psycho-spiritual terrorism.
American right-wing Christians have been thirsting for the apocalypse for decades, and has become an apocalyptic doomsday cult. Q anon is so wildly successful only because of the greater success of this apocalyptic biblical cult.

>> No.17319735

I understand your POV, but I can assure you the problem isn't being right wing, but right wing from the US.
Any political axis taken to its logical conclusion is always bad (right wing-fascism . Left wing-Anarchism)
American conservatives are a disgrace for the conservative movement and always has been
I've always been a right wing conservative who advocates for progressive economic reforms and side with catholic virtues of empathy and caring for the other (something thats doesnt exist in US conservatism)

TL;DR- there are conservatives who believe in nuance and the opinions of the other side and are looking with disdain at current right wing trends

>> No.17319746


>> No.17319747

take a break king

>> No.17319754

Pretty sure the bigger problem is people getting caught in this mindset of "I must pick a side of the false binary" driven mostly by social pressure.
>Right wing: sells America out to foreign nations in exchange for cheap labor
>Left wing: Rules with an iron fist and causes the nation to implode in the name of equity
How about both sides are terrible?

>> No.17319770

>Left wing: Rules with an iron fist
What? The American left is full of old dotards with a hard-on for procedure and precedent

>> No.17319773

>Actually all ideologies are evil except for neoliberalism with welfare benefits, which is objectively neutral and "in the middle" between all extremes.

You speak like a liar.

>> No.17319808


>> No.17319830

LMAO muh both sides.
One side has enthusiastically tossed itself into the closest thing to hell that can possibly exist: a death-spiral of mutually reinforcing delusions and falsehoods, a web of deception that exploits people's psychological weaknesses to drag them down into it. It's the most fucking satanic thing possible, and Christians are behind it.

>> No.17319869

Who said Im a neoliberal retard? I'm anti-capitalist lmao
When I say I'm in favor of progressivr economic reforms I mean that in the way that its the only pragmatic thing to do

Unless you're one of those anarchist retards who just want to destroy the state

>> No.17319891

And what are you gonna do about it? Keep crying to the NRA and whacking off over the Constitution? Do you think anybody in government, left or right, cares about what the Constitution says or American values? If the past 4 years haven't shown you that they don't and that both sides are vying for new and increased forms of power, then I don't know what to tell you, but have fun picking a side and I'll watch from a distance as both sides destroy themselves.

>> No.17319934

I'm pretty far left. I believe that cooperation works, that ultimately cooperative strategies of human organization will outcompete competitive zero-sum strategies.
When the American right-wing collapses, it will relieve social progress of one of its greatest unnecessary burdens.

>> No.17319960


>> No.17319966

Meanwhile, I'm constructing a philosophical device to disarm a memetic doomsday device made of dysfunctional informational relationships.
>What would truly be opposing to this right-wing death-spiral?

>> No.17319974
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>> No.17319991


>> No.17319996

>Signs don't mean anything.
>Nothing means anything.
>All actions are symbolic anyways.

>> No.17320008

We literally have treanous seditionists trying to overthrow American democracy and yet here you are crying "EHHHH DONT GET ALL POLITICAL GUIZZZ"

Start caring about the world or shut the fuck up and die.
Fuck you

>> No.17320013

Fucking postmodern neofascists lmao
>Who is to say that what you're seeing in front of your face is real?
>What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening
>You're being an alamist. You're overreacting.

>> No.17320021

>Signs don't mean anything
automatically means
>Nothing means anything
American politics isn't going anywhere other than arguing with eachother. There's no doomsday like people cry about

>> No.17320024

Nice another label, do they have a patch of it to put on my totebag?

>> No.17320042
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If politics ever bothers you then just remember that mass casualties means fewer people.

>> No.17320045

Then go on a boomer killing spree... or oh wait the thing thats been happening to midwest tards they just get ignored.... like do something about trumpists already. God I hate the bluster of all this shit.

>> No.17320066

I don't know what you're raving about. I think you're angry that I'm just telling it how it really is, and explaining reality without sugar-coating it. Sounds like you're a snowflake melting under hard truth.

>> No.17320076


>> No.17320094

How did the Boomers even catch on to the Q narrative? Fox News didn't seriously mention Q, did they?

>> No.17320103

Whats the hard truth exactly? Like spell it out. What do you think is going to happen?

>> No.17320126

The hard truth is that the American right-wing is a memetic doomsday device comprised of mechanisms of mutually reinforcing delusion and disinformation. The American right-wing is so stupid, that it literally formed a singularity of human stupidity that is threatening to devour the entire world. Literally world-ending amounts of stupidity.

>> No.17320131

If a bunch of white trash can actually do that than this world probably wasnt worth anything desu

>> No.17320134

>gay pedo sex in everything and "not inserting" gay pedo sex into something is a gay pedo in of itself
this is how you sound

>> No.17320135

This is the realist fake news of the last decade:
The American right-wing is really THAT BAD. It's fed by lunacy.

>> No.17320142

Defend that the same exact thing can't be said about the left. I'll wait.

>> No.17320171

Facebook bro

>> No.17320180

>gay pedo sex in everything
It's true though

>> No.17320184

I know from deep personal experience that the goodness of humanity is even more powerful than its powers of self-destructivity. My secular faith is that the goodness of humanity will ultimately prevail and solve the problem of human warfare and exploitation. No lie lasts forever, but the pursuit of truth is a pursuit of timeless value. I've seen what humanity can be at its best in shining examples in the lives, hearts, and actions of others around me.

>> No.17320202

Except those you disagree with it seems...

>> No.17320210

No thanks, I'm not going to play your lame game of "If I accuse everyone else of what I do, I'll excuse my own actions by making it impossible for others to accuse me of any wrongdoing."
Your words are that of a coward trying to evade personal accountability.

>> No.17320220

I don't care.

>> No.17320222


>> No.17320233


>> No.17320237

Someone should make a grillpill chart.

>> No.17320257

To the biblical apocalypse cult member, "the left" is everyone else but them. It isn't one side vs. another, it's more like every other significant American political movement vs. this bizarre biblical apocalyptic death cult of fundamentalist Christian extremists.

>> No.17320266

I'm pointing out that you're spouting off what you claim to be "hard truths" that you can't even validate or back up. You're unironically a pseud.

>> No.17320270

Yeah if youre STILL seething about fundies in 2020 I really dont know what yo say

>> No.17320272
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Wait, can't validate what?
The fact that the American right-wing has become an apocalyptic doomsday cult?

>> No.17320288

The danger of this cult was shown undeniably to the eyes of the U.S. and the world on Jan 6.
>What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening

>> No.17320303

>"You know, actually everything's an apocalyptic doomsday cult if you think about it."
-t. cultist

>> No.17320332

So what ya gonna do about them?

>> No.17320342

thread about political fatigue gets turned into thread about politics

>> No.17320366

Wish I could take a glimpse at the trump officially won timeline

>> No.17320375

Aid in the development of a generalized cure for memetic zombie viruses. Such a cure is a "style of thought" or a framework of interpreting human experience.

>> No.17320386

> Wish I could take a glimpse at the trump officially won timeline
Here's a video about exactly such a timeline: https://vimeo.com/218908974

>> No.17320405

This faggot manicheism is even sadder when you remember how actual power you actually have in the matter as an individual .

>> No.17320417

So nothing... Got it.

>> No.17320421

>It is a greater threat to my country and the world than anything else.
oops you're actually brainwashed

>> No.17320422

milling around inside stanchions for a bit before leaving when asked is all it takes to be an apocalyptic doomsday cult these days?

>> No.17320427

god, why is every political thread on /lit/ so fucking gay?

>> No.17320436

Same is happening in Argentina kek, currently experiencing SJW era feminism all over again

>> No.17320454

>Implying it wasn't clearly bait
I don't know why the tranny jannies let these threads stay up, there is a board for this.

>> No.17320456

are... are you the op? because it sounds like you LOVE politics and try to argue it at every chance you get. no here is perpetuating a political argument except you.

>> No.17320464

Does the pursuit of truth matter to you?

>> No.17320490

>Stop being divisive by pointing out the grotesque epistemological degeneracy of a profoundly pathological fascist political movement.
>Everything is completely normal.

>> No.17320491

"The pursuit of truth" as a goal is just an excuse for nerds to jerk themselves off

>> No.17320520

It isn't a goal, it's a commitment, something one is willing to suffer and work for. What is the problem? You can't imagine that there's actually honest people in the world who try their hardest to be faithful to the requirements of honest speaking?

>> No.17320526

the alphabet people are a single indistinct mass, purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for neoliberalism, the last man has nothing left but 'identity', that is consuming product and proudly getting fucked up the arse. I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their little stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? a it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will have to report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training"

>> No.17320536

There is no hard T truth in political affairs thats for sure

>> No.17320542

I have bigger fatigue. I have ethnic minority fatigue. I have white people fatigue. The first two for shitting up the west and the latter for defending themselves.

People are such disgusting sheeple. The government is filled with people taxing us to death and getting rich off it. This will only increase now that old people don't want to pay for social care.

There was an article in the times about ethnic minority families with 5 kids who live off benefits in central London and it was played for sympathy. I hate this world. Osborne and Cameron were great compared to this.

The age of universal democracy is a wild stunt (I can't even use the word experiment, that would be too controlled) and the incentives have gone wrong in all the obvious ways.

They have shut down the gyms. The media ecosystem is descending back to the 20th century monoculture.

>> No.17320544

LMAO nice fanfiction dork.
What do you even believe in besides owning the libs?

>> No.17320547

>It isn't a goal
>it's a commitment
Splitting hairs imo. I can't imagine that there are people who think so highly of themselves for doing what is essentially nothing.

>> No.17320554

Taxes aren't what makes the people running the government rich lol

>> No.17320572

>Ideas don't matter.
>Language doesn't matter.
>Human experience, art, science, philosophy don't matter.
Okay nihilist.

>> No.17320584


*foe not defending themselves


I know. But it gives them prestige and sinecures and steals more money from good people and benefits many more parasites.

>> No.17320589
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I fucking hear you bro. Politics is for people who think that history forms some sort of coherent narrative and is moving in some sort of predictable direction secondary to our actions, and can be affected and forced in predictable ways by our actions, which is fucking crazy when you actually think about it. Major underestimation of how chaotic the world is due to how we are taught history in schools, which is itself a propaganda tool meant to keep us bought in and caring, when most of us would probably be significantly happier just focusing on the "politics" of our neighborhood, family, friends.
And it's not that I'm uninterested, it's that the day-to-day "politics," is not politics at all but is this sort of feverish reading of ticker tape and determining how to feel about it based on random tribalistic affinities, as a layer on top of the consumerist/advertising induced process of constantly forming an identity to relate to the world, universal but distilled into some people's obsession with "branding" themselves on social media. It's a ton of effort, for what? The politics I care about is transcendental values and morals, and how people respond to life events. Not the random contortions of the trump administration and the liberal response. Who even cares.
I was feeling like you describe at the beginning of quarantine- fucking miserable based on caring about the news. Still, sometimes I accidentally see a news headline or someone on my facebook (I still have it to share pics with my mom etc) says something, and I get the old headache and misanthropy.
Doesn't help that most "art" produced nowadays must serve some sort of propagandistic purpose, so there's no new visual art which means anything outside of the contemporary context, and sayings like "the personal is political" or "only the privileged don't care about politics," are spreading among the populace.
Only real antidote I've found is getting into historical film, visual art, novels from pre-2000 or so, going on a lot of hikes, picking up a creative hobby, and hanging out with friends with whom you can talk about day to day shit, gossip about mutual acquaintances, laugh at stupid jokes, and drink a little bit. Work hard at your job and shit you care about. Do what makes you happy. Knock up your girlfriend. Call your mom. Hug your dad, show up at your parents place with beer and pizza actually. Kindness.
I'm falling apart here but I am on the other side of what you're going through, if I'm interpreting you right.
Try LARPing as a 60 year old retired man from Sardinia, essentially.
Watch this, remove spaces: https://www.dail ymotion.com/vid eo/ x6v90xt

>> No.17320590

Demand more antiterrorist legislation and censorship of course

>> No.17320602

Basado reply

>> No.17320612

you are without a doubt the biggest schizoid i have ever fucking seen on this board. to start a thread with a deception only to attempt to "unleash" what you think are "truth bombs" on thread repliers?

also you're a cringe samefag


i guess i'm not the only one who saw that this was just a giant piece of bait after 80% of the replies are just one fucking schizo espousing the end of world because he believes what the tv people tell him

>> No.17320613

I see a totalitarian movement based on cultural marxism backed by all major corporations and om the other side those who dare to disagree with it on the slightes branded as extremists.

>> No.17320615

The solution is to terrorize the entire world with the presentation of a maximally terrifying geopolitical situation. At the present moment, this presentation merely involves describing human socio-cultural-economic reality as it truly is.

>> No.17320633

>cultural marxism
>major capitalist corporations
Words must truly not mean anything for you in order for you to twist their meanings so far beyond recognition.

>> No.17320640

How is qanon different from say the sjw transgender movement on the left? Sure ghastly manipulation of psychosexual engrams

>> No.17320651

There's that postmodern neofascist nihilism again.
>How is this absurdity different from anything claimed not to be? Isn't life the true absurdity? Anything could be true, and you wouldn't know it!

>> No.17320660

>cultural marxism backed by all major corporations
You are a fucking caricature.

>> No.17320662

Ha! got you **Nazi**!


>> No.17320671

water ballons and nuns ples

>> No.17320681
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>this thread
I hate am*ricans so goddamn much bros

>> No.17320685

Hope youre not the one seething about cultural marxism as a term when you use
>postmodern neofascist nihilism

Wew lad

>> No.17320689

Also, this is EXACTLY the rhetorical tactic I described of accusing everybody else of what you're doing to excuse your own actions and evade any and all possible personal accountability for statements or actions. The tactic involves stating false equivalences to try to force the "opponent" to deny the equivalences to keep them on the defensive in order to derail criticism.

the tactic is also basically "everyone is guilty, so please overlook and ignore my crimes - instead whatabout yours?"

>> No.17320697

"Political fatigue is the symptom of a diseased called democracy" - Plato

>> No.17320750

I think both left and qanon type people are brainwashed. But the lgbtsjwnpc crowd has more power and is the bigger threat

>> No.17320766

>gay people are a greater threat than a delusional apocalyptic death cult.
Nice false equivalence.

>> No.17320800

Those darned leftists brainwashed into believing that LGBTQ+ people (let's be honest, they're all "fags" to you) are human beings and shouldn't be persecuted for who they are. What an unspeakable evil!

>> No.17320802

Did he really say that?

>> No.17320819

Fags is to nice of a word for them, pozzed kultmarx screechazoids more like it. These people want us broke,dead our children raped and they think its all pretty funny. They are deranged, violence is the only language they understand.

>> No.17320840

Excellent reply.

>> No.17320846


>> No.17320848

Damn qanon boomers are literally isis...

>> No.17320864

But I'm not a progressive.

>> No.17320871

>hey anon what's your stance on it
remember even in hobby groups, some people will you bully you into submission or cast you out for wrongthink

>> No.17320883

No, I just came up with it. He was a huge critic of democracy so that's why I picked him

>> No.17320903

>how DARE you criticize this weird cult of self mutilation and victimhood that wants to turn your children into trannies and justify nigga hate crimes, don't you see that it's the apocalyptic boomer death cult trying to build a fascistic ethnostate that's the REAL problem
Americans need to be culled en mass for the sake of humanity. I hope Russia drops an H bomb on Hollywood and sends all of you back to hell.

>> No.17320936

Why are you always eating, fat?

>> No.17321013


>> No.17321037


>> No.17321062

“Everything is politics” is the stupidest idea ever

>> No.17321140

I blame Americans for indoctrinating people to think that way

>> No.17321152

>when I talk to my friends I should play politics
>when I study math I'm playing politics
I'm sorry but you're young and dumb and will get nothing fulfilled with that as a metaphysics

>> No.17321155
File: 702 KB, 680x534, Screen-Shot-2021-01-17-at-12.30.19-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I´m so tired of politics bros
Too bad, it's culture wars time!
>I am on record here saying that QAnon is psychotic, that extreme MAGA is bonkers, that Trump deserved his second impeachment, and that everybody who invaded the Capitol ought to go to jail. Read my latest here.
>But I have to say that you Woke people — the ones in charge of institutions, in particular media institutions — you are making the conflict much worse.
>You amplify racist antiwhite voices and messages, and you expect that this will have no effect? You expect every white person in the world to react to their demonization and dispossession meekly, accepting the place in the world that you have assigned for them?
>Not going to happen. I’ve been saying for years in this space that the Woke Left is awakening demons that it cannot control. If you are on the Left, and you can’t see this, then you are as deluded as the QAnon crackpots who live in their own reality.

>> No.17321179
File: 42 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m519c9xewo1qet17vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But everything IS politics.

It's not American. Pic rel.

>> No.17321190

Whole lotta words to just say "no u"

>> No.17321194

That's not what he said though

>> No.17321200

So a hydrogen atoms is contending w politics when it mixes w another hydrogen to become helium?

>> No.17321208

I bet you think you're clever.

>> No.17321228


>> No.17321249

It's not everything, I can get more specific too. If we define it as all human action, can you think of one time when love is the framework you're using and not politics? I can - it's not even everything in human action.
You have to prove politics is everything in something.

>> No.17321258

found the socialist (only socialists say everything is political, it’s how they justify their religion)

>> No.17321261

It really is

>> No.17321272

Tbh this is basic crap and you can own "might makes right" faggots similarly and it has been done. Idk how you haven't had any self-pushback on this.

>> No.17321321

Politics can be reduced to this if you're legitimately stupid and don't actually know anything about people, politics or society

>> No.17321602
File: 237 KB, 2544x1762, ErqcFxfXIAM5VNf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are being unnecessarily combatitive in order to preemptively dismiss his points

>> No.17321712

one of the best posts I've seen in these types of threads

>> No.17321809


Damn, I would play video games with her all day long while we kept teasing each other about developing into more than a friendship and playfully touching until night arrived and she went back home to dress up for her dinner and rough fucking session with Chad Thundercock. After his cock poured several loads into each of her thirsty holes for hours, they would then embrace on her bed and she would send me a message with a good night kiss while he falls asleep, mentioning how fun her days are with me and that we should meet more often to play together. I would read it from my desk while waiting for an online match and a couple of hours later would fall asleep crying and think about how it feels to touch her while I hug my anime pillow tighter.

>> No.17321872

I honestly think the 6th was just the death outburst of the trumpist right and likely will keep withering and dying. Feels like liberals want it to escalate essentially

>> No.17321897

sounds about white. marginalized people can't afford not to care about politics, the discomfort you get from having to acknowledge your whiteness is not even one millionth of the humilliation that queer or POC bodies experience every second of their conscious existence from living in a white supremacist world

>> No.17321917

>marginalized people can't afford not to care about politics
>t. not a marginalized person

>> No.17321950

Guess im just to empathetic and I cant stand of my fellow human beings suffering unfairly

>> No.17321960

You're getting close but lack subtlety or punchline

>> No.17322017

But for those keeping score at home, it's good to remember that marginalized people literally do not care about politics. For every one token black held up as a mascot by liberal activism supposedly in favor of black rights or whatever, there are some hundreds of black people who have never considered voting, marching, talking about politics, or any of that shit. Most of them dont care and are caught up in their own lives, just like most white people dont give a shit and are caught up in their own lives.

>> No.17322134

tfw no AOC gf

>> No.17322613

Just dont go to social media lol

>> No.17322640

Except it's completely true and perfectly encapsulates the entire left/right paradigm you blue-pilled smooth-brained faggot.
It can only be denied if you're legitimately stupid and don't actually know anything about people, politics or society.

>> No.17323191

You are probably newer than the election tourists if you sincerely believe that.

>> No.17323348

Rude! Mommy is cute :3

>> No.17323354


>> No.17324676


>> No.17324685

lol you think you're empathetic

>> No.17325152
File: 761 KB, 480x360, 1558077131757.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.17325171

>comes the prostitute, the abandoned child, the robber and, worst of all, corrupt officials

>> No.17325488


>> No.17325500

Its so sad that you're right
The world really needs to get nuked a little more

>> No.17325699


>> No.17325912

Moldbug <3

>> No.17325931

You can never manage to stay away from politics, not even in a fucking thread about staying away from politics. I hate Americans with every fiber of my being.

>> No.17326351


>> No.17326512

If you are also somewhat interested in philosophical pragmatism, I would recommend "Overdoing Democracy: Why We Must Put Politics in Its Place" by Robert B. Talisse

>> No.17326533

>Right wing: sells America out to foreign nations in exchange for cheap labor
>Left wing: sells America out to foreign nations in exchange for cheap labor

Fixed it for ya

>> No.17326555


>> No.17326571

I tend to keep it in my head as a hard split between my existential interests that concern religion, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and a lot of lit and, on the other side, my leftist political interests. This breaks down whenever they merge in some way which is somewhat often, but then I sort of go trough a bad period. A lot of that existentialist stuff is often times reactionary on a political level so there is a contradiction that I need to maintain in myself, but there are many contradictions in people, it's better if we are aware of ours. That said I'm kind of a mess from time to time. Hope that helps.

My advice would be to build an apolitical space that allows you to just be human. The political strips us of our humanity in a way.

>> No.17327404


>> No.17327469

Two questions I need answered:
-Is failure to take an active interest in social issues a moral failure?
-If so, must we interest ourselves in issues pertaining to our own society?

I donate money to plant trees and fund education in poor countries, and use that to excuse myself from participating in whatever shitshow is trending on American twitter, but I'm not confident that I've really absolved myself.

>> No.17327522
File: 45 KB, 613x771, r-xLjcX8vs3eIi6GHzuAo6gdWc62O84nLWcB4CbTltI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social issues
>moral failure
>must we

there's your answer.

>> No.17327528

>-Is failure to take an active interest in social issues a moral failure?

>> No.17327529
File: 679 KB, 1041x551, 2DABF7EE-A5BE-4F3B-9CF3-B1599AFC5812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

**uses Presidential authority to fill appointments with Wall Street executives and warhawks (except more diverse, queer, and sassy this time), continuing the US policy of corporatism and militarism but with a SJW patina on top**
**puts COVID patients into your grandma’s home**
**continues literally exploding sandniggers with drone strikes for oil reserves**
**has no compassion for the small businesses destroyed by rioters and looters and for the cops assassinated, waves it away with a lukewarm, “We don’t support the violence and it doesn’t reflect on all the peaceful protestors,” then uses a few isolated incidents of violence at the Capitol riot to demonize the entire other side and justify Soviet-style Big Tech censorship**
**bends over for mass immigration into the country when we already suffer from poverty and unemployment for many millions of people, fails to understand basic economics, ignores that this makes the job market more competitive for native-born workers, believes continuing massive immigration is compatible with their utopian ideals of free healthcare and free college for all instead of a dystopian way to continue reducing the upcoming generations to serfdom, gaslights you with “diversity is our strength” and “immigration is a benefit for the economy**
**gets rich off of insider trading and shady business deals with foreign countries**
**continuing outsourcing manufacturing jobs to China, India, and other countries**
**refuses to curtail the unconstitutional surveillance state made under Bush, will probably just ramp it up even more under the guise of “stopping domestic terrorism”**

Heh, nothin personell, kid ... WE’RE on the right side of history, and stop engaging in whataboutism, I mean the other side does this stuff too haven’t ya noticed?

>> No.17327586

Thats cool and all but why should I care about it? Like seriously give me one reason

>> No.17327631

I've just taken the neoliberal pill. all this post left bullshit, the whole "we have to restore culture by focusing soley on culture", the pamphlet printing bullshit, its a trap, its no better than what ben shapiro knockoffs are going to have to do for the next ten years saying "well we werent FANATICS like those Q GUYS". just enjoy what you can by burning the oil, finding the alternative, reducing cultural streams to 15 second ads, i just dont want to hear some kantbot type screaming about the middle east and "muh hip, slightly right wing anti americanism"

>> No.17327709

I’m not saying you should assuming you’re the OP and want to stop caring about politics, I’m just pointing out whatever side you pick, it’s going to be a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.17327875

Read Cioran's FoI essay and then you'll never have to take ideology seriously ever again

>> No.17327902

When America coughs, the whole world catches a cold. Sorry fren

>> No.17329310


>> No.17329335


please provide more detail on which piece you have in mind.

>> No.17329728


>> No.17330157

>smug sojack

>> No.17330526

While I think you are correct,I also believe you are very pedantic,for It's very likely that you know what OP meant with the word "politics"