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17326168 No.17326168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>when i get x, achieve x, buy x, fuck x, live in x i will finally be happy
>do all of it
>bubble popped
>still as miserable as before
>the illusion kept me going through life
Now i dont anything to live for. Its never fucking enough. I will never be happy. I can only be happy if i imagine i will be happy if i set new goals. What the fuck is this scam. Im running towards the rope at this pace.

Lit to explain this mental disorder i have

>> No.17326179

I'd recommend stopping to enjoy life instead of trying to jump to the next thing. The time to enjoy life is now, in the present, it isn't a goal to work towards in the ever distant future.

>> No.17326181
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try this

>> No.17326182


>> No.17326204
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happiness was a meme all along OP

>> No.17326209
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Aryadeva's Four Hundred Verses on the Middle Way

>> No.17326214

David Normie Wallace - Infinite Normie

>> No.17326219

Probably read something about Existentialism, anon. You have been following someone else's goals and using their standards, now is it a matter of finding yours. I don't think you have any mental disorder (besides asking for advice on 4chan).

>> No.17326221

try pursuing something after your death like fame or eternal life, that way you won't ever get disappointed

>> No.17326243

Do you mean before, anon?

>> No.17326248

I would believe this and be content with it and cope with it if i didnt see so many humans who got nothing going in life and are still content and happy in nature. If i ask then if they have any dreams or purpose, they tell me: no its all good.

They didnt practice meditation or affirmation to get there so i believe this is purely genetics. I must be anxious, insecure, low dopamine/serotonine in nature and therefore have to keep chasing shit while they produce enough feel good hormones on their own thats why they cool with being wagies and watching netflix after work.

I got diagnosed adhd. I dont know if it a real thing or no but i want to try medication to see if it will change anything.

>> No.17326252

I mean something you can only have after your death, so you'll die before you can be disappointed

>> No.17326269

Oh "impossible," anon.

>> No.17326277

Or he'll be the eternal disappointment

>> No.17326279

food review!

>> No.17326282
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Please stop making threads like this pinkman, I can't help myself :(

>> No.17326302

I have an alternative viewpoint that encloses your whole post but it's dependent on so many of my own life experiences that to explain it would be to transpose my mind. That's obviously impossible. What you have isn't a mental disorder, though. It's the opposite, if anything. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what you're expressing is an awareness that the well-beaten, conventional path to "success" isn't one that makes you happy. If you were a client, I would be less direct, but you're not, so this is what needs to happen. You have to accept that where you are right now isn't where you want to be. Nobody can tell you where to go next. My guess is you've been avoiding making any big life decisions for a while now and just following the path of least resistance even though it makes you miserable. This is common and completely normal—our society operates currently right on the bleeding edge of what you can emotionally expect from a human being. We create situations like yours as a matter of course and then we pretend that we're happy with it, which helps us swallow our own bullshit for a couple minutes longer but really just continues the cycle.

I'm not saying you should go become a monk in Tibet, but you're going to have to figure it out—if not this, then what?

If you're lucky enough to have strong, developed interests and hobbies, see if you can work directly with them. If not, here's a radical proposition: find a job you dislike but which takes up less time and energy. Work it, and do it well, but no more than. This is a genuinely viable trade-off. An easy, mellow job leaves you with much more time for the things you actually enjoy. For those of us with intense enough interests, this is an eminently sustainable lifestyle.

>> No.17326309


>> No.17326321

Why would you get, achieve, buy, fuck, AND live in the same thing x? That's fucked up bro

>> No.17326324


>> No.17326349

When I get her name I will truly be happy OP. So help a nigga out

>> No.17326382

It's called the rat race. Study Stoicism, Epicureanism, Buddhism, and maybe read some humanist literature to learn to love and enjoy people and balance long term planning with living in the moment

>> No.17326401

live for others, not yourself

read Tournier, Levinas, Lispector, Lingis

>> No.17326423

Not a mental disorder. It's just the natural state of the human mind.

I recommend reading A Liberated Mind by Steven C. Hayes.

Pretty good book on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), although anyone can use it, not just for a clinical setting.

You can kinda liken it to mindfulness/buddhism with a lot of science to back it up and no religious overtones.

Exercises in the book are easy to do throughout the day and only take a few seconds to a few minutes a day

It's a book to improve your psychological flexibility, which many people are rigid in.

>> No.17326432

no, eternal fame is possible, but you'll just never see its fruits

>> No.17326466

>if I could just bust a nut inside that girl I would finally be happy

>> No.17326545

Welcome to liberalism

>> No.17326605

Goal oriented happiness is brief, you have to appreciate the beauty on the way up the mountain, not just at the top.

>> No.17326651

can I still climb the mountain though? It helps me pretend to have meaning.

>> No.17326666

This is all the fault of the world humans have foolishly created. There is no hope for us. Give up your life in violent revolution so we can produce a world for future generations that is compatible with the human psyche.

>> No.17326729
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>Its never fucking enough. I will never be happy. I can only be happy if i imagine i will be happy if i set new goals. What the fuck is this scam. Im running towards the rope at this pace.
>Lit to explain this mental disorder i have
Yes. You were made to be that way.
Imagine your cave man ancestor killed the biggest mammoth and was incredibly happy, if he kept being happy he would never have the motivation to go out hunting again.

Fortunately there's a few ways out of this situation, first is just wait till your in your 40s-50s, the body will shift to being in a naturally always happy mode as being happy=immune system turned on which is a really strong evolutionary advantage for old people. Second is the monk path, in which you rewire your brain through various methods to be detached from worldly goals and live in the moment. The third is to embrace the suffering and learn to enjoy it, but this will only work if you have a noble cause to suffer for, things like "getting a extravagant automobile and big titty ego monster gf" won't do.

>> No.17326776
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You don't have a mental disorder.

Read the Book of Ecclesiastes, honestly it's the best book for what you're experiencing.

>> No.17326805

Legit a good meme.

>> No.17327003

the thing is brainlets think happiness is the same as pleasure

>> No.17327025

You nudged me to finally take a look at this, and it's probably one of the best pieces of pessimistic literature and wisdom i have read. I ordered a bible.

t. reader of all pessimists

>> No.17327032


>> No.17327070

You don't have a mental disorder, it's just a symptom of modernity.
You should never have goals that will "finally make you happy".
Just work on yourself, read a bit, think about what in life makes you unhappy and why.

>> No.17327074


>> No.17327081

>I can only be happy if i imagine i will be happy if i set new goals. What the fuck is this scam.
Desire is a leash that drags you around .
t. Lacan

>> No.17327087
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>before modernity people did not experience world-weariness
Imagine believing this.

>> No.17327094

Not him but it’s definitely made worse today to an intense level

>> No.17327109

Granted that thinking you have a mental disorder due to your environment is totally modern, the modern environment not only stresses but pathologizes the stress. Stress has always existed however, and everyone from the most august feudal overlord to the lowliest captive of war hauling bricks up the scaffolding of satrap's palace has felt that life is pain.

>> No.17327113

They did, obviously, but it wasn't an inherent part of their time.

>> No.17327122

There is a difference between "life is pain" and suffocating ennui.

>> No.17327125

Yes being literally owned by another human being or having to surround yourself with armed retainers never made someone feel life was meh.

>> No.17327128


I hate doing this on /lit/ of all places but you should really read or re-read Mark Fisher. People experienced all kinds of things they still do today before modernity, but there are fundamental differences in how a specific group of "feels" is inputted into society as a whole, in a way that is largely collective and automated, very much unlike the more organic outreach that culture had before our ages.

And actually arguing people used to go through this before even further supports how more intense and (this is a really important keyword) automated the spread of this kind of experience has become. With the industrialization of production came industrialization of culture.

>> No.17327132

The difference is your attitude towards 'it'

>> No.17327144

Glad we agree :)

>> No.17327153

Everywhere from ancient Rome to medieval China to modern Britain there have been authoritarian complaints against would-be productive inputs fleeing to monastic lives. I do question how novel our situation really is, regardless of our managerial sophistication and mechanization of life. Those are interesting points to be sure, and how we respond to them takes many forms, but we are still the same neurotic apes.

>> No.17327182


Hmmm ok I concede to this, the last sentence especially

>> No.17327190

What a retardedly contemporary view
>ummmm okay sweaty just be positive and changed you’re attitude :)

>> No.17327196

That's not a new view either it's three thousand years old, just like thinking everything is BAD and you should feel BAD

>> No.17327208


It's called dopamine. The promise of reward is more satisfying than the reward - by design.

It's why I personally love the job hunt but hate the job.

>> No.17327221
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>umm actually I’m practicing ancient techniques here sweaty try again
Fucking lmao

>> No.17327238
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>> No.17327240

Yep it's cringe lewronggenerationism

>> No.17327281
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Keep seething, sneedie

>> No.17327289

Everyone had a church mandated gf too it was so basado

>> No.17327305

>by design
Any lit on this

>> No.17327319
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The World as Will and Representation. The desiring body is the desiring will manifest.