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/lit/ - Literature

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17312782 No.17312782 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading?

>> No.17312792

True Grit.

>> No.17312796


>> No.17312800

Connaissance de l'Est by Paul Claudel, also wondering why I didn't read this sooner. It's excellent.

>> No.17312811
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Tarka the Otter.

>> No.17312821

The book of mormon

>> No.17312827


>> No.17312828

The first Doom novelization. I am dissatisfied with the level of brutality.

>> No.17312833

my Amazon order of Lolita, Gilead, Gravity's Rainbow, Watches and Confederacy of Dunces arrived today so I'll be reading one of those.

>> No.17312836

Resurrection by Tolstoy
I'm 100 pages in and i love but i'm a bit sad because this is the last work of Tolstoy that i haven't read. Finished his short stories and tomes, wont be diving into his mental essays so this is the end, my journey with Tolstoy comes to a close.

>> No.17312879

400 pages into IJ.

>> No.17312887

I started The Brothers Karamazov the other day. It's pretty good so far.

>> No.17312913

Hegel's aesthetics

>> No.17312925

Going to start PKD's Exegesis tonight

Is there even a way to write the level of brutality it warrants?

>> No.17312927
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These individually bound short stories that I received for Christmas. Aren't they nice?

>> No.17312935

The Culture of Narcissism

>> No.17312947

American Psycho, about 40 Pages in. Just read the ebic nigger joke

>> No.17312965

Thoreau’s Week on The Concord and Merrimack Rivers. I don’t know why I was expecting an easy and comfy read, it’s denser than Walden and Cape Cod. It still is comfy, and I like the information he gives, but still I think the prose is just hard to follow at times. Seriously considering putting it on pause until after this coming semester ends and just reading something comfy and easy like Treasure Island or Lord of the Rings.

>> No.17312966

yes, but you have to space it out. still, it's at about a 4, and I need it to be at least a 6

>> No.17312973

Tender is the Night. Just finished the first book.

>> No.17312987

bhagavad gita,
Psilocybin mushrooms of the world,
The immortality key: the secret history of the religion with no name.

>> No.17312991

I love both Strindberg and Lagerlöf. Sad to say I haven't actually read Dagerman. Which Strindberg story is that?

>> No.17313028

Hell's Rejects by M.R. Forbes. It's a 4 book collection and I just finished book 1.

>> No.17313029


>> No.17313039
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I'm 24, I seriously never read kafka before. kicking myself, brilliant book

>> No.17313046

Better late than never! Read "Amerika" when you get a chance. It gets less praise than "The Castle," but I think it's far better.

>> No.17313054
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>> No.17313059

Your post.

>> No.17313060

Pride and prejudice

>> No.17313067

Thousand cranes

>> No.17313072

Mr Nice, again

>> No.17313085

I don't read

>> No.17313091

Magic Mountain
I'll get around to it.

>> No.17313163

Manual of Zen Buddhism
Naked Lunch

I have a question for those of you who've read Naked Lunch: am I the only one that finds pretty much every page of it repulsive and disgusting? There are spaces within it, never amounting to more than a paragraph, where Burroughs's writing talent occasionally shines through, but the rest of the time, which is to say most of it, I just want to fucking puke he's a damn faggot paedophile junkie who writes to disgust, I literally only enjoyed the introduction where he spoke of addiction
I'm half way through it and it's the first time in my life that a book has seriously made me want to put it down, never read it again and vomit

>> No.17313200
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Bleak House and Totem and Taboo. BH is fantastic, like all the Dicken's novels I've read before. My one complaint is that the main character is a bit too much of a goody goody. Everyone likes her and she never seems to do anything wrong. Bit too passive. T&T is my first Freud that I've read and I'm enjoying it. The book gives you a unique perspective about religion and primitive social practices. I really liked the chapter that described the taboos that tribal leaders face, like being forced to adhere to very strict diets, in order to make positions of authority as undesirable as possible.

>> No.17313209

thanks anon

>> No.17313227
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I'm unironically giving Gardner's book a try. Call of the Crocodile in particular. It's pretty bad desu.

>> No.17313255

About to start reading Stoner after I finish the last couple chapters of The Witches.

>> No.17313261

Just finished The Magic Mountain yesterday
Really enjoyed it

>> No.17313276

>am I the only one that finds pretty much every page of it repulsive and disgusting?
I thought the passages about 11-year-old boys being raped to death by incontinent lizard-men were really remarkable for their harmony and beauty. What's your issue?

>> No.17313299
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im writing. not reading

>> No.17313305

The Bible, slowly.

>> No.17313309
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Me too.

>> No.17313398

Just finished the book about bullet journalling.
Written in quite an irritating way, but I feel bullet journal at its core might help me sort my chaos mind out.

>> No.17314024

Can you explain to me how “bullet journaling” is different than just using a planner?

>> No.17314030
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>> No.17314038

Today I finished Nine Stories by JD Salinger (it was excellent, 5/5)

Before bed I will begin Temple of the Golden Pavilion by Mishima, my first from him.

>> No.17314041

Also reading Stoner, first book in a while that I'm reading in English.

>> No.17314061

I hope you’re enjoying it. It’s a real pleasure to read, it’s not profound but it’s perfect for what it is.

>> No.17314069

Evan’s Third Reich trilogy. The Nazis were really over the top.

>> No.17314079


>> No.17314113

About to start The Elementary Particles

>> No.17314242

master and margarita

>> No.17314251

The Hobbit :)

>> No.17314261

this looks nice

>> No.17314676

Trip by Tao Lin and Journey to the Night

any books like Peep Show? I still haven't watched a tv show as comfy as

>> No.17314678

A wild sheep chase

>> No.17314762

Haven't read in like 2 years. Trying to read blood meridian. It's hArd to stay focused. I've ruined my brain with the internet.

>> No.17314765

get a kindle or move your phone into another room

>> No.17314769

Re-reading Gilgamesh, specifically Andrew George's translation alongside David Ferry's verse rendering

>> No.17314777

Crime and Punishment

>> No.17314791

1-2 chapters a day of The Bible
The Odyssey
Man and his Symbols
I think its nice to balance out with a non fiction book desu

>> No.17314795
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I'm reading pic related.
Max comfy and fun. I wish I could read it again for the first time.
it's just a format for creating your own custom planner. Only stationery nerds and visual artists really benefit from bullet journaling. For most people, a regular planner will suffice.
never visit the Kafka Museum in Prague. It's shit.

>> No.17314805


>> No.17314811

i hate reading and i've never read a single book in my life

>> No.17314844

Thomas Reid, An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense
Hilarious. Truly.

>> No.17314861

it was in the nonfiction section of the library where I picked it up from :(

>> No.17314896
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Ulysses and Leviathan
I am having maximum /comfy/ time

>> No.17314994

I'm the second anon you replied. Jung is based and the other anon is a faggot. How do you like the book so far? I haven't read MaHS but his other works that I've read were consistently great.

>> No.17315119

Not Yet Married & Evidence That Demands A Verdict

>> No.17315127

My Struggle Volume 6 (Knausgaard)

>> No.17315177

it's a great introduction to his ideas/philosophies. I'm also studying hermetic philosophy and it feels very easy to combine ideas from both. Jung answers a lot of questions.

>> No.17315227
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Currently reading pic rel, it's quite good (as I've heard) but I'm only 2 chapters in.

>> No.17315228

jung is shit, you're both retarded apes.

>> No.17315244

pol pot did nothing wrong

>> No.17315256

shoo commie
if Pol Pot were in charge you would be dead for using the Internet

>> No.17315517

Madame Bovary

>> No.17315556
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Started The Guermantes Way this weekend. I love Proust so much bros.

>> No.17315598
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>> No.17315771

Just read Notes from Underground and it was brilliant and about to start A school for Fools by Sokolov.

>> No.17315773

Nice Richard R

>> No.17315775
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>> No.17315791

Capital Vol. 1
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Some mediocre book in Spanish for language learning purposes (Corazón de Voltaire)

>> No.17315855

Why this thread, of course!

>> No.17315886

Kierkegaard's Either/Or
so much Don Giovanni autism

>> No.17315891
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Trying to finish this. Bought it years ago when I wanted to start reading and I thought the Art of war would be a good start.

>> No.17315894


>> No.17315895

>so much Don Giovanni autism
Please elaborate.

>> No.17315903

Clausewitz - On War

>> No.17315912

I'm currently reading Gravity's Rainbow
It's still relatively early days in my literary endeavors; there are however few things I've enjoyed as much as reading a long and "difficult" book, not understanding anything that's being said at first, but slowly getting accustomed to the writing style as I, at first, force myself to keep on reading, before finally achieving the desired state where understanding and enjoyment become one

>> No.17315913

>Kierkegaard's Either/Or
abridged or complete?

>> No.17315924

>not understanding anything that's being said at first, but... finally achieving the desired state where understanding and enjoyment become one
I never got beyond the first part with Gravity's Rainbow, tbqh.

>> No.17315963
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considering this

>> No.17315999

the aleph and other stories & political theology

>> No.17316050
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Zorba the Greek.

I read it a few years ago. It's not great.

>> No.17316059

Oh hey same. Nice.

>> No.17316073
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Its kinda light but I am enjoying it

>> No.17316094

He has just been talking about this Mozart opera from like 70-80 pages and something about how music captures the essence of Don Giovanni best and sensuality is best represented in music. I thought the first part was about the aesthetic lifestyle and here I get pages upon pages about some Opera I haven't listened to.

The Penguin abridged edititon

>> No.17316097

The Bello Gallico

>> No.17316120

>The Penguin abridged edititon
Sadly it is the cheapest and easier to find edition, how much content is it lacking?

>> No.17316205

just finished the Shining, now a toss up between Pachinko and The Fifth Season Book 1

>> No.17316243 [DELETED] 
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If you want to watch it, I strongly recommend the 2011 Met Opera production starring Mariusz Kwiecien. It’s available to rent from Met Opera On Demand.

>> No.17316249

If you want to watch it, I strongly recommend the 2011 Met Opera production starring Mariusz Kwiecien. It’s available to rent from Met Opera On Demand.

>> No.17316276

To Live by Yu Hua
also started The Tunnel

>> No.17316289

The translator says not much, there is one portion that is cut out but it's idea are also present in other parts of the book which is in the abridged edition

Thanks anon

>> No.17316768

Wuthering Heights, but it's too difficult! I mean the story's told by a man and then a lady and then no one.

>> No.17316776

Im smoking a spliff and reading war & peace

>> No.17316792
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Reading them all again.

>> No.17316803

>Tibetan water-spear
Try the audiobook by Juliet someone. WH also has some pretty based racial subtext too

>> No.17316812

whoops don't know why I copied 'Tibetan water spear" in there

>> No.17316872


>> No.17316904

War and Peace, only 200p to go

>> No.17316907



>> No.17316939
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Reading Dune around 60 pages in, was around 100 but hadn't been reading it for almost a year so decided to start from the beginning again. I'm finding it very enjoyable so far.

>> No.17316950


>> No.17317418
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Tadoku Stories

>> No.17317564
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Invisible cites, by Italo Calvino.

>> No.17317607

Gandhi-Autobiography. Today, Gandhi would be on the spectrum. It's a very comfy book, I wish the names and places were less outlandish.

>> No.17317667

Its not even that grotesque

>> No.17317691

American Gods

>> No.17317703
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Fear and trembling, stoner, and manufacturing consent.
nice, this is on my reading list. How does it compare to manufacturing consent if you've read that?

>> No.17317796
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I've been reading it as well. Finished Book 1 and I'm starting to find it a bit boring.

>> No.17317806

The waves.
Kinda confusing desu but I'm enjoying it.

>> No.17318575

based. i only have hadji murat, childhood boyhood youth and some of his minor stories left, depressing

>> No.17318851

Journey to the abyss.

and we are still in the abyss, we had it all, once

>> No.17318865

hegel and the metaphysics of absolute negativity by brady bowman

>> No.17318879

agree with you here, absolutely loved reading that one

>> No.17318889

Discipline and Punishment. I'm like 90 pages in, pretty good and very clear (which I did not expect) so far

>> No.17319370
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Politics is for power, it's pretty good.

>> No.17319798

How's the tunnel? Was looking into it yesterday, seemed a bit strange but intriguing.

>> No.17319997

Atlas Shrugged and The 50th Law (my father gave it to me after I finished the 48 laws of power)
I want to read more about investment/finances and shit. Any recommendations on this?
Also Atlas Shrugged is pretty cringe at times

>> No.17320018
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I'm around page 400 of this

>> No.17320025

May the Lord have mercy on your permanently defiled eyes.

>> No.17320088

keep going anon it gets better I promise

>> No.17320170

Take a look in here

>> No.17320196

Wow, thank you very much

>> No.17320242

No problem

>> No.17320310
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Insightful. Abundantly resourceful.

>> No.17320376
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>> No.17320494
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I'm trying to study the early modern. The shift between feudalism to industrial capitalism.
I am experimenting using multicoloured post-it strips, pretty enjoyable.
I have five categories: pink makes you think, green for the machine (technological advancement), blue for the jew (formation of international financial system), orange for class distinctions/formations (such as burghers and the emergence of towns or serfdom in the East), and finally yellow for territorial developments (for example the weak reach of the Holy Roman empire allowing city states to flourish in Italy).
t. autodidact fish and chip frier

>> No.17320543

Great book and comfy

>> No.17320741
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>> No.17320801

Finished it. Wasn't impressed much, but, because I'm a problem solver, I skipped all the rest of the books written by Dafydd ab Hugh, and skipped right to the Doom3 series written by Costello himself. The difference in quality is really impressive. Haven't gotten to the gore yet, but I've got high hopes.

>> No.17320824

Of Human Bondage. Only a few pages in. Is it a good book? Should I keep reading?

>> No.17321588

ovidius metamorphosis and some greimas

>> No.17321724
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i read it around november. it lulled very heavily for most of it desu. it was very monotonous and realistic in its lack of drama, and the random jabs of flourishing poetic language became progressively more uninspired and jarring. i really don't know if i enjoyed it or not, i felt rather bored most of the time, but other times i admired and enjoyed every single line

i'll probably read his farming diary sometime soon

>> No.17321760

Lee’s lieutenants, volume 1.

>> No.17322143

Mansfield Park

>> No.17322157

hope you're enjoying it anon

>> No.17322260

Sun and Steel, also a book with some of Joseph Conrad's short stories, I'm on youth at the moment

>> No.17322421

the sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.17322454

your mom's taint

>> No.17322501
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IKEA instructions on how to assemble a bookshelf. Still early on in it. Will update how it goes later.

>> No.17322513
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Be sure to read the sequel.

>> No.17322677

Journey to the End of the Night
Cuentos de Amor, de Locura y de Muerte

>> No.17322701

Anime: A History

>> No.17322884
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>currently reading Moby Dick and Crime and Punishment
>A fuckton of characters in c&c has the name ivanova
I’m enjoying my time time reading these two books but holy fuck how am I supposed to remember all the name in C&C

>> No.17322932
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Pretty interesting, the formation and history behind the different American colonies. Feels like it's an epilogue to the 13 colonies revolting.

>> No.17322986

Finished Warlock by Oakley Hall then started reading Less Than Zero by BEE again. Next will be another attempt at Gravity’s rainbow but I got filtered hard last time.

>> No.17323358

Why do you keep calling it c&c

>> No.17323378

Hang in there.

>> No.17323527
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Wow I really wanna kill myself after realising how much I identify with it

>> No.17323533

Opium: A History

>> No.17324010

hehe :)

>> No.17324056

Absolute kek, he advertises here and can't even put a good book out, what a hack

>> No.17324059
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The Turner Diaries

Scary what kind of parallels it has with our current state. 12 chapters in and I'm find it clever how he hasn't made a direct "quote" the entire book. I enjoy his style of writing, easy to read yet has substance

>> No.17324251
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finally decided on picrel instead

>> No.17324280

good stuff, enjoy.

>> No.17324335

the secret agent by conrad, its pretty good so far

>> No.17324413

Working through a commentary on Aristotle's rhetoric by George A. Kennedy.
A lot of it seems to be stating the obvious now that most of aristotles ideas are widely accepted and a lot of time is spent laying out dialectic form- but as the work is as much about rhetorical form this is important.

As a translator he's arrogant and condescending of previous translations, and he both keeps and criticizes their compilation.
It makes for a lengthy read with few highlights, and falls broadly into the category of "homework"

>> No.17324442


what's your take on it so far anon?

>> No.17324617

finally wrapping up war and peace, just hit the epilogue and decided id leave it for tomorrow to finish since its 100 pages

>> No.17324621

DFW consider the lobster and other essays

>> No.17324625

hammer's slammers volume one

>> No.17324726

First time posting here. Just posting to say I've read it three times and hated it every time. High school english teacher nearly ejaculated when discussing raindrops on her parasol and bending over to pick up the riding crop. Good fellow. I loathed the characters, which I know isn't a valid criticism. The book just made me feel sick.

>> No.17324752
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I just finished Sarajevo by Joachim Remak. It's a well written and fairly thorough account of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, I knew the basic details of the assassination from reading about WW1 but the details on the trial and the extra information on all involved (both prior to and after the event) made it worth the read.

>> No.17324761

It's a great book. I find it works better if you have read some other Maugham novels before though. The personal tone in Of Human Bondage is a significant difference to his usual detached narrator who isn't all that invested in the drama of his characters style.

>> No.17325085

Just made a thread about it


>> No.17325668

Behead All Satans
pg 168
little bitch cried and drooled so much, my hands
kept slipping off her neck. finally got it done, though. a decent job. an ok job.

>> No.17325812


>> No.17325851
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Singoalla by Rydberg. A based Swedish fairy-tale style novel on Paganism vs. Christianity, Gypsies vs. Swedes, the unconscious and so on. A light, fun read. Great illustrations too.

>> No.17325867

Just finishing Brothers Karamazov

Reading the chapter were Ivan is talking to the devil or going insane. Fuck, bros it's so good..

>> No.17325870
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I see you're starting with the Swedes.

>> No.17325887

Do you enjoy his autistic analysis of a Celan poem? At that point I was about to put the book away.

>> No.17325907

Crime & Cunnyishment

>> No.17325920
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Trying to find out why he did it

>> No.17326100
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>> No.17326443
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what am I in for? just got this

>> No.17326451


>> No.17326860
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What book would you say TBK starts to get good?
I had the same issue with Crime and Punishment, I loved the first third of the book, but struggled with the middle parts.
Notes From Underground was great throughout though, especially part two, was comedy gold IMO.

>> No.17326916
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>> No.17326926

those nails are fucking atrocious.

>> No.17326932

10 chapters into Sword of the Lictor from Book of the New Sun. Immediately one of my favs

>> No.17327015

I got shilled into Self Reliance by Emerson, and have a few of his other essays from 1841-44. I'm still digesting it, but it comes across as idealistic drivel. He seems egotistical and lost in his own world at times. Can someone give a brainlet analysis on what he means in modern english??

>> No.17327028

This scene was really powerful and compelling when I first saw it as a teenager. I saw it again recently and I was kind of embarrassed by it and my former self.

>> No.17327061

>Magic Mountain

>> No.17327095
File: 674 KB, 500x775, 1608238380640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic and The Great Gatsby.

>> No.17327097

you and me both, anon

>> No.17327123

On heroes by Thomas Carlyle
Just finished the second chapter and not impressed so far. I didn't expect much so I'm not disappointed either

>> No.17327225

The bridge on Drina

>> No.17327265

I’m two books into the Emigrants series. I really need to go back and finish it eventually.

>> No.17327291

Need to start my seventh read through soon.

>> No.17327315 [DELETED] 

Six Memos for the Next Millennium
Darkness Spoken by Ingeborg Bachmann
A River Runs Through it and Other Short Stories
The Street of Crocodiles

>> No.17327324

Six Memos for the Next Millennium
Darkness Spoken by Ingeborg Bachmann
A River Runs Through it and Other Short Stories
The Street of Crocodiles