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17324542 No.17324542 [Reply] [Original]

this book fucking sucks

>> No.17324551

all japanese books are shit

>> No.17324567

yeah fuckin maybe idk man i liked this book a lot but the cat shit with nakata or whatever his name was really just made me lose interest fast. also i kept picturing [nakata(?)] having this weird retarded, half-japanese, dr doofenscmirtz voice and i didn't like that. maybe i'm just racist lol

>> No.17324582

Murakami, generally, is trash. His books are not worth reading and all of his characters are forgettable ciphers.

>> No.17324590

glad i didnt fall for it



>> No.17325549


>> No.17325557

That made you disinterested? I'd say the Nakata parts were less dull and shit than the blatantly obvious self insert 15 year-old, who fucks his mom.

>> No.17325561


>> No.17325767

Stop reading Murakami and start reading Mishima you pleb

>> No.17325799

Ryunosuke Akutagawa and Mishima are genuinely great writers.

>> No.17325805

I wanna feel like a teenage girl, however.

>> No.17325824

those were the best parts, you clearly have no taste anon

>> No.17326091

the best thing Murakami wrote was his The Rat Series. Especially Dance Dance Dance.

>> No.17326694

Yeah the Nakata parts made the book imo.
Lame, not his best work but it isn't bad.
Alright taste, I prefer his short stories and Hard Boiled Wonderland.

>> No.17326764

fuck off, I like Murakami

>> No.17326821
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>> No.17326881
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>Haruki Murakami
That's what you got for reading the wrong murakami

>> No.17326899

Only his short stories are good, no idea why most people only read his novels. Here are my two favorites "Barn Burning" and "The Second Bakery Attack"

>> No.17327093

I bought sputnik sweetheart recently cos i confused it for the one people said was good. It wasn't great desu. Wind Up Bird is good though

>> No.17327106

I haven't really read that one. If you feel that his tropes are what make his work bad you might enjoy his short stories, so I'd recommend reading The Elephant Vanishes.

>> No.17327275

Am I the only one who likes all Murakami except Kafka? It reads like an overblown parody of Murakami's style; not enjoyable at all. I feel sorry for people who start with either Kafka or Norwegian Wood
I think Wind-up Bird is his best.

>> No.17327282

I understand why you feel that way, it kinda does feel like that. Mind you I like the book, unlike most of the anons I've seen talk about it. he's a better short story writer imo but some of his novels are good as well.

>> No.17327294
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His best

>> No.17327815

What do you think of Murakami's nonfiction? For example the one about long distance running.

>> No.17327858

then whys he so famous?

>> No.17327930

i liked the rainy day feel of the main story. the surrealism of both i enjoyed too but it got to a point where i just didn't care anymore.
yeah you're probably right lol

>> No.17327954

Not that guy, but lots of "token" authors are famous for filling a niche. He's the "living Jap" token.

>> No.17327985
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>> No.17327990

murakami is chick lit

>> No.17328048

I really liked what i've read of ''what I talk about when i talk about running''. I hear good things about the book he wrote about the terrorist attack in Tokyo too.

>> No.17328125

Chicks hate Murakami because he spends half his pages describing the shape, size and sometimes taste of womens areolas.

Anyway, A Wild Sheep Chase and Dance, dance, dance are fine books and I’ll stand by that.

>> No.17328135

In my experience women like Murakami.

>> No.17328183

I hate IQ84 and most of norwegian wood. I liked the mushroom part of kafka. That's about it

>> No.17328203

>Chicks hate Murakami because he spends half his pages describing the shape, size and sometimes taste of womens areolas.

You don't have any idea what you're talking about. Women love that shit.

>> No.17328219

1Q84 is probably his most embarrassing. The kind of book you half expect to be published anonymously because nobody really should want their name on it.

>> No.17328401

plebs gonna pleb

>> No.17328431

> the mushroom part of kafka
I cannot remember any part that had anything to do with mushrooms?

>> No.17328743

lmao I still need to watch this show.
I read a bit of the Underground subway bombing book. It was a thing, 99% of it is transcriptions of interviews not really something to read straight through. It was interesting enough, though I wouldn't pay for it

>> No.17329045

1q84 was peculiar, at least up until the second book. If he dumped the whole writer persona - because fucking Murakami has to always have a self insert in his stories - and just focused on cute assassin shenanigans, it would be a solid entry. The third book is fucking shit and it made me lose interest in Murakami.