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17324436 No.17324436 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/. I'm a depressed, lonely retard. I want to read some philosophy or psychology to fix myself. I've been reading The Essental Jung, but it's very long and a lot of it focuses on illnesses I don't have. People have recommended Stoic writings to me, like Meditations. What do you guys recommend?

>> No.17324449

No, anon. Get into the basics first. Intro textbook to psychology, just download anything there are plenty. Get one and whatever. There is a youtube playlist, psychology 101 yale something. I haven't watched everything but it seemed good. Watch it and read about it. I had some lectures myself, but I still have to read an intro to psychology book. So I can't recommend anything.

>> No.17324472

It's never going to get better. Just find some friends, even if they are on-line ones.

>> No.17324483

Prometheus Rising

>> No.17324484

nice mindset, nobody has ever gotten over their depression anon! if they did it wasn’t REAL depression

>> No.17324487

I feel like meditations is over recommended. It’s first and foremost a personal diary, and why it’s definitely helpful, I don’t think it’s the best out there. Also, check out “Ego and the Archetype”, it’s a Jungian psychology book that personally helped me see my life and experiences differently. Also, surprisingly “the Unique and Its Property” served as a motivation to get my shit together, this and “Atlas Shrugged”. Ultimately,’I think you’re better off focusing on your hygiene, diet, and work. A lot of the symptoms of depression and anxiety can be significantly lessened with a proper diet.

>> No.17324490

Oh! And exercise. Don’t forget to exercise. Our bodies were built to endure physical activity, we were literally designed for it. If you dont exercise you can’t really expect your body to run at it’s optimal potential.

>> No.17324500

I feel like its perhaps not a bad place to start for someone who is completely disconnected from reality and wants to get into a better mindset, which is probably why its thrown around here a lot

>> No.17324505

I have read introductory texts on psychology in general and Jungian analytical psychology, but the answers they gave were far too general, which lead me to The Essential Jung, which I figured would be more specific. Maybe I should seek books specifically about depression though.

I have a couple of online friends but interacting with other people just makes me feel empty inside.

>> No.17324543

Thanks anon, I'll check out those books. Thanks for your other advice too :)

>> No.17324560

Get a book on specifics types of treatment then, anon. But you can't diagnose yourself, so that is kinda hard. Check out CBT, out of all things that I checked out, seemed the best to take a DIY approach.

>> No.17324598

If you're going Stoic, my advice is to start with Epictetus over Marcus. They're both very concise writers, but Epictetus is funny and sassy, which Marcus definitely is not.

>> No.17324942

While I love RAW, this won't help OP.

>> No.17325248

I think you're on the right track by wanting to improve your current situation by reading, but I'd say you don't necessarily need some golden book.
Something that may help a lot more is finding something you enjoyed doing in the past and get back into it.
I used to tenpin bowl in a league in highschool but I hadn't done it in years until I went recently with some friends when I was back in my hometown over Christmas.
I absolutely loved it and I'm gonna get back into it. Personally I've always found when I have something to look forward to during the week it makes the rest of life so much easier.

>> No.17325290
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Yes, Stoicism is the solution, i was also depressive and gloomy and now i am happy with no change to my circumstances. Check these gems from the Meditations:
"The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts."

"I can control my thoughts as necessary; then how can I be troubled? What is outside my mind means nothing to it. Absorb that lesson and your feet stand firm."

"Choose not to be offended—and you won’t feel offended. Don’t feel offended—and you haven’t been."

Basically you have to start arbitrating over your thoughts instead of being hostage to them. Just because something pops into your brain doesnt mean you have to entertain the thought. As soon as something useless pops up you purge it. If you dont those brain synapses will become emboldened and you'll be stuck in self damaging though patterns. So you better start molding your brain to be at your service rather than agaisnt you. I started doing that, being aware and purging all depressive and useless thoughts and it didnt take long to become healthy minded. The amount of garbage my brain produced was incredible.. Now i have zero depressive thoughts.
Remember you arent your thoughts but the arbiter over them.
So, Meditations is great, Epictetus Enchyridion too, these two are supper short books so you can read both easily. Then you can read a modern book on Stoicism to help ingrain the maxims like this one 'Guide to the Good Life, : Irvine'

Disregard Jung, its like reading fantasy, it has no practical purpose. I also gave it a try but it just seems like brain farts of an extremely intelligent man, it wont make your mind healthier.

>> No.17325295

read, get fit, journal and get a little social. Run experiments, make a list of shit you find intresting and go with it.
Do all of that and if it still feels bad, come to me in a few years after I become a psychologist.

>> No.17325305
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>feeling lonely
I've never felt lonely a day in my life, and at this point I've spent most of it completely alone.

>> No.17325321

You certainly won`t get worse by reading Meditations, but it is really a diary that repeats the same thing over and over. I`ve had the book for something like 3 years and I still haven`t finished it, I just read a ten pages or so every once in a while when I feel I need to refresh myself when it comes to that perspective. Kinda like how religious people use their bibles.

I reccomend you START WITH THE GREEKS, but also read other stuff like Jung if you feel so inclined. Despite all the memes, watching Jordan Peterson`s lectures about Jung will give you more than straight up reading Jung, since Jung`s books are all just transcripts of letters, lectures, diaries, essays and stuff. It`s not really meant to be read as a book in the traditional sense, the only Jung book intended to be read as a straight-forward book is "Man and his Symbols" as it was written by students to make him more accessible if I remember correctly.

Fix your diet, do some weight training and go for long walks and run every once in a while and just keep reading, you will find something that helps you in time.

>> No.17325330

Excercise and eat well

>> No.17325394

Stoics are fine
Perhaps sword and steel from yukio mishima

>> No.17325395

>sword and steel
Fucking hell I mean sun and steal

>> No.17325452

Maybe I've been in a similar place as you are now. I recommend you try Senecas letters. While some may be unrelated to you I think you might find most of them very relateble. Only please don't interpret it as a suicide manual.

>> No.17325473

>hey /lit/. I'm a depressed, lonely retard. I want to read some philosophy or psychology to fix myself.
start working out, eat properly, socialize. Join martial arts or some group sports. Listen to Jordan B Peterson's lectures. Start with lecture 1 of Personality and its transformations the oldest one. Watch the whole series from 1 to 14 or however many there is. It really is the best self help shit out there.

>> No.17325717

I'm reading the courage to be disliked and I like it. It's about Adlerian psychology and how you manufacture your own suffering as an avoidant coping mechanism.

>> No.17325753

This but unironically. The only people I've met who "got over their depression" were normies who had a two-week case of the boo-hoos.